A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 517: She was rescued

"Oh, at that time, Zeng Qing was holding a bomb. I did think that I was going to Huangquan with her, but when the bomb was about to explode, someone rescued me." She slowly explained to Hei Yanlong.

"Someone saved you? In other words, the first explosion did the one who saved you?"


"Have you been with the person you saved you for this time?" Hei Yanlong asked curiously.

She nodded with a smile. "Yes."

"You are really right. Since it's okay, you should call back and report a peace !!!" He looked at Yao Yao with a bit of complaint.

However, how should she tell Hei Yanlong that she cannot contact the outside world, and is even less likely to report peace? "Sorry, the conditions there are very difficult and I can't inform you."

"Difficult?" Hei Yanlong's dark eyes seemed to perceive what he said: "Yao Yao, who can appear in that cave, an extraordinary person, he will ... take you to a difficult place? Moreover, that If someone can save you, they should know you? Why didn't he come to inform us that you are still alive. Who saved you ... who is it? "

Oh, sure enough, a lie can't fool the delicate black Yanlong.

She smiled forcefully and pleaded slightly: "Don't ask, okay? Yan Long. Anyway, a lot of things have happened in the past few months. I can't stop talking for a while." She ... I really do n’t want to mention what happened in the past few months, I do n’t want to think about it, I do n’t want to remember, I do n’t know how to describe it to Hei Yanlong.

However, Hei Yanlong has a good point, that is, he will not ask again when he finds that the other party is unwilling to mention something. After all, everyone has a secret they don't want to tell. He has a secret in his heart. Anyway, as long as Yaoyao is back safely now. "Have you ever been home?"

"No." She lowered her head and forced a smile.

"Why not go back? Because of your death, Uncle Feng is hospitalized."

‘Sorting’, the heart tightened, and Yaoyao asked nervously, “How is your father? Are you alright now? Are you discharged?”

"Well, it's okay, it's just a heart attack."


In my heart, there was a trace of unbearable sourness. Her nervous mood gradually turned into a trace of sadness. "It's all right ... then I ... don't have to go back."

"Huh? What do you mean, don't you want to tell Uncle Feng that you are alive?"

Yaoyao shook her head: "I don't want to let them know for the time being, I'll talk about it later." She knows clearly that the message that she is still alive cannot be concealed, and the day when she attends the Royal Promise engagement ceremony, she will definitely be public. Everyone. It can only be said that the ostrich spirit is concealed day by day.

"Yao Yao ... don't tell me, the first thing you look for when you return is me?" Hei Yanlong asked tentatively.

She smiled affirmatively: "Yeah, as soon as the plane went straight, I came to see you." Lan You was going to live in the State Council. She couldn't take her with her, and she didn't want to go back to Feng's house, and she couldn't find Gong Xiaoman. After all, Xiaoman's relationship with Han Liyu, she was just afraid that when she first stepped on the entrance, everyone in Han Liyu knew the news of her return, so he could only come to Hei Yanlong.

Hei Yanlong looked at her face expressionlessly, and was a little happy in his heart, but he had speculated that Yaoyao would come to his own reasons for the first time. "Did you know the news that Yu Aotian got engaged with Qi Yueer?"

There was a trace of impatience on her white cheeks, but after a while, she immediately showed a lively smile: "I see. I already said that they are a good match."

"Yao Yao, do you follow me, do you use this ?!" Hei Yanlong said coldly.

She put away the false smile and asked, "How can you call me? I came to cry with you? I really feel that they are very suitable. This, I did not lie to you !!! You know, I There will not be any good results with Royal Sky. "

"Oh. Just whatever you want." Hei Yanlong smiled a little ironically.

Yaoyao knew what his smile represented, and he laughed at her pedantic and her persistence.


How could Hei Yanlong know that she is now a thoroughly 'addict' and how can she fight for it? What to grab?

Moreover, even if you fight and grab, will Yu Aotian choose her? !!

"Yan Long, shouldn't you have a boyfriend or girlfriend in these months?"

Hei Yanlong glanced coldly at her: "You are not here, I want to manage Feng's and I want to manage Bolly, where do I go? !!!"

"Ha, that's all right." She mysteriously drew near Hei Yanlong's side, and blinked him mischievously: "Then, you shouldn't mind ... temporarily ... tell me to live with you Right? "

"Well ... you know, you come to me, there is no place to go. Anyway, there are more rooms anyway, just no bed. If you don't mind sleeping on the floor, just stay." Hei Yanlongyi Finished expressionlessly.

Yao Yao shook his hand excitedly: "Thank you, thank you. Rest assured, I will never disturb you to rest. There is one more thing ..." She let go of Hei Yanlong's hand, a little shy He lowered his head and rubbed his hands nervously: "I, I have no money. You ..."

"Will you give me 5,000 first?"

"Ah ????" Yaoyao crooked her head, and said pitifully, "You ... just have such a little money?"

"I only have 5,000 cash now. If it is not enough, I will pick it up. But ..." Hei Yanlong frowned doubtfully: "If you don't go out, just eat and buy some clothes, 5000 is at least enough God's right? "

Ha ha, if the 5,000 yuan was put in the past, she would have had living expenses for almost half a year. But the question ... where is she just eating and buying clothes now?

I'm afraid that 5,000 yuan will be enough for her to 'solve the problem twice'. "Yeah, yeah, am I not afraid to keep asking you for money? Give me the money first."

"Um." Hei Yanlong gave Yao Yao all the cash in his wallet ...

State Department.

The sudden disappearance of Lan You was temporarily kept secret by Zeng Kerry, who has always claimed that Lan You was going to Iran for business.

When he returned, Zeng Kerry was waiting in the office early.

"You're back !!!" Zeng Kerry's anger was self-evident. "Where did you go during this time?"

"It's nothing. It's just a matter of personal affairs." Lan You smiled indifferently, and sat down with a chair pulled out of his desk.

Chapter 912:

"Lan You, what kind of bones are you now ?? Did you even play a missing one ?? You know what, the magnetic disk with our military power missing?"

"Oh? Missing?" Lan You put on an unknowing look. After a moment of silence, he waved with a smile: "If you disappear, you disappear."

"What you said is easy. There are a lot of new weapons and communication records in it. This time, our efforts have been wasted!" For Zeng Kairui, it is not as simple as a piece of criminal evidence. It is also the fruit of his cooperation with the British in recent years. "I won't mention it first. How can Qi Yuer be rescued?"

"This thing ... shouldn't you ask me?"

"Then who do I ask?" Zeng Kairui lowered her voice angrily: "Qi Yier has always been in your hands! How could Yu Aotian ran to the city of the sky to rescue her ????"

"Who knows?" He shrugged his shoulders, supported his chin on the desk with one hand, and played with the taste: "If Deputy Prime Minister Zeng is so curious, why not ask Yu Aotian directly, why Qi Yier to rescue? "

"!!!!!!" From the moment Zeng Kairui and Lan You contacted 2 years ago, he found that he was particularly difficult to control. No matter what he explained to Lan You, as long as Lan You was interested, he might do it. 2. Don't even bother to pay attention if you are not interested. "Lan You! I don't know if you know the situation right now. During your absence, Yu Aotian had troubled me almost every day. Now, he is going to marry Qi Yier again. Then the position of Prime Minister, you are now There is no longer any advantage in competition !!! "

Lan You is the son of Premier Qi, who has been adopted for many years. Zeng Kairui is because of his identity, so he tried to get Lan You to become prime minister. In addition, the British vice president and royal duke k is the backing of Lan You, and he will try to insert Lan Youan into his deputy.

But now ...

Qi Yier was rescued, and he was engaged to Yu Aotian. The position of Lan You was undoubtedly at stake.

"Oh. Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, don't worry about it first, who will be the prime minister in the end, don't you decide specifically?" Lan You looks like an outsider and doesn't seem to be interested in the prime minister's position at all.

But Zeng Kairui was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. "It's really troublesome! If Qi Yueer wasn't rescued; you haven't disappeared, it is estimated that I have now submitted my proposal to promote you as the Prime Minister!" He said angrily, and he stood up with a grim look: "Duke k listened Say you're back and have been looking for you. Give him a call. "

"Um ..." Lan You nodded back with a smile on Zeng Kairui.

When he heard the sound of the door closing in the office, he slowly sat in his place, took out a remote control, and directly pulled down the large video screen hanging in the office.

Reflected in the screen is a luxurious office. On the office chair is a blond blue-eyed k. When he sees Lan You, he anxiously asks, "Master, where have you been this time?" I've been looking for you. "

"City in the sky." He replied four words in a hurry.

K breathed a long sigh of relief: "You've been there all the time. Did Zeng Kairui find you?"

"Hmm ... I found it."

"Within a few months of your disappearance, Zeng Kairui has been complaining to me, asking me to find you. And I also received the news that the Chinese Prime Minister's daughter escaped from the city of the sky. Since you are in the city of the sky ... the Chinese Prime Minister How did your daughter escape there? Did you ... deliberately let the woman go? "

K suspected that Lan You might be in the city of the sky, but after receiving the news that Qi Yier was rescued, he felt it was unlikely.

It is not k-confident. The location of Sky City is coupled with Lan You's personal command. Unless he deliberately releases Qi Xier, Qi Qier cannot escape even if he has three heads and six arms.

Lan You looked at k in the big screen, and a faint grin came out from the corner of her mouth: "Who gave you the right to dare to ask me something ?!"

"Master, sorry, the subordinates are ... just curious. I'm sorry ..." K lowered his head nervously.

He narrowed his eyes coldly: "This time only. You should prepare now and come to China with a low profile."



Standing at the door of a dilapidated bar, Yaoyao looked around at the pedestrians around, and found that no one noticed herself, and hurried into the bar.

The bar was unusually cold during the day and there was no one at all. Even the clerk at the bar fell asleep on the table.

"Hello !!! Hey !!!" Yaoyao patted a clerk lying on the table.

He sat up stupidly and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth: "It's you ..." The clerk recognized Yao Yao, who has been to this bar 'patronizing' these days. "Come with me."

The clerk took Yao Yao to a mezzanine floor of the bar and opened the door of an office at the end. "Boss, this girl is here again."

"Oh, let her in."

The clerk gave Yao Yao a way. When she entered, the office door closed.

"How much‘ goods ’do you want this time?” The bar owner asked curiously.

Yaoyao smiled a little awkwardly: "Boss, I've patronized many times here with you, I don't know, can I take a credit?"

After checking into Hei Yanlong's home, she began to inquire about the place where drugs were sold, and eventually found this humble little bar.

Hei Yanlong previously gave her 5,000 yuan, and she spent it all in one day, and then asked him for 20,000. Who knows, within four days, it's gone.

Yaoyao is really embarrassed to find Hei Yanlong, but can only think of this method of credit first.

"Credit? Sister, are you kidding me? There are still credits for this thing? When will you have the money to come and buy from me?"

"Boss. You can rest assured that I will not owe you money." Yao Yao fiercely pulled out a chair: "I have money. Do you think I care about this little money? Just these two days It ’s a little tight, so you can give me a credit first. When I get the money, I double pay it back to you, ok? "

"Hehe, hehehe. Everyone who comes here tells us that he is rich. Why not, sister ..." The bar owner narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to pinch Yaoyao's chin: " You look so beautiful, you might as well sell it. I guarantee that if you sell it for one day, you can definitely buy one day's 'food'. "

Chapter 913:

"Want to die ?!" Yao Yao fiercely opened the boss's hand: "How could I fall into the role of a prostitute * girl for money?"

"Sister, don't get angry, I'm helping you too. Since you keep saying you have money, get it."

Damn it! !!

Yaoyao bit her teeth badly and badly. She is really rich. Problem ... She can't show up in the house now, nor can she move her fixed assets.

Without continuing the nonsense, Yaoyao left the bar under his belt.

Walking on the road, she looked up and looked at the dazzling sun ...

‘Yan Long, I ’ve run out of money. You ca n’t lend me some money? ’

‘In just one day, has 5000 been spent? Ok. I just took the money and I'll give it to you right away. ’

'Thank you……'

Her mind echoed a few days ago to find Hei Yanlong asking for money. Although Hei Yanlong gave her another 20,000 lightly, but ... she knew that He Yan would doubt if she continued to do so!

What should we do now? ?

The "food" at home is enough to support it at most once. After this time, how do you live next? ? ? Don't you really want to go out and be a prostitute? ? ?

"Well." He stood beside the road with a look of shame. Her little hand clenched into a fist: "It's all Lan You that bastard! It's him !!!" He reached out and intercepted a car. Yao Yao went straight to the State Council and killed the past ...

Standing outside the security area of ​​the State Council's office building, Yaoyao sneaked into the trees.

Since she returned to China with Lan You, Lan You has not contacted her, as if she had completely forgotten her.

For Yao Yao in the past, it was a great happiness; but now ... For a desperate addict, Lan You is basically one of the people she wants to ‘rely on’.

From time to time, I will see government buses entering and leaving the State Council. She is afraid that she will meet Yu Aotian here, so she can only choose to defend her.

Suddenly, a high-grade off-road vehicle with a group military vehicle license plate slowly drove slowly.

From the perspective of this type of vehicle, it should be a bus that can only be used by the rank of commander.

I hope that the person in the car is Lan You ... I hope it is Lan You ...

Looking around nervously, when she found no one else, Yaoyao quickly took off her coat, covered her face, and rushed forward quickly, intercepting directly in front of the military vehicle ...

Suddenly, the off-road vehicle quickly applied the brakes.

A driver in military uniform walked down ferociously: "Dare to intercept military vehicles, don't you want to live ?!"

Yao Yao looked at the driver in front of her silly. She knew exactly how much the crime of intercepting a military vehicle or government bus was. In addition, she now covered her face with clothes, just like robbery. "Sorry. I want to see Captain Lan You of your army." Slowly he took off the clothes covering his cheeks.

"See Captain Blue?" The officer looked up and down Yaoyao: "Who are you ?!"

"I ... I'm your blue captain's girlfriend. I'm looking for something urgent for him! Is he in the car ?!" Yao Yao has no regard for everything. Today, she only has money and drugs in her eyes. .

The officer frowned slightly. "Wait for me." He turned around and walked towards the off-road vehicle.

Seeing this, Lan You was really in the car, and Yaoyao didn't care about thirty-seven to twenty-one. He quickly ran to the other side of the car and pulled open the door: "Lanyou! You ..." The speech stopped.

Lan You is indeed in this off-road vehicle, however, he is not alone in the car. And ... a k who impressed Yaoyao as a child.

She looked at the word sitting in the car stupidly without saying a word.

At this time, the officer who reported to Lan You quickly ran to her side: "Captain Lan, this woman claims to be your girlfriend. He also stopped the car."

"Huh?" Lan You smiled, slowly raising Erlang's legs: "I don't know her."

‘Slightly 噔’ Yaoyao ’s heart seems to have been poured out of a cold water.

She didn't expect that Lan You would turn her face and don't recognize anyone? ? ? ?

"Our military commander said, I don't know you. I didn't expect that you, a woman, could shamelessly claim to be our military commander's girlfriend ?!" The military officer insulted Yaoyao mercilessly.

She stared blankly at the man and looked at Lan You, who was smiling.


She is shameless now and has no idea what the word dignity is. Now, as long as she has drugs, she can do everything.

Be a prostitute?

Hmm ... maybe she'll think about it when she's dead. Anyway, she even did the case of claiming to be Lan You's girlfriend.

"Cough." Lan You coughed gently, slowly looking at the officer standing outside the car: "I was joking just now, she is indeed my girlfriend." The beautiful face gradually appeared. Gloomy expression.

The officer was suddenly scared and widened his eyes: "This ... this lady ... it really is you ..."

"Get in the car." Lan You interrupted the officer and beckoned Yao Yao with a smile.

She clenched her fists tightly, bowed her head, and sat silently in the car.

In the eyes, tears twitched in his eyes. She shed her tears of humiliation so that she would not stay.

From time to time, Yu Guang glanced at the silent k sitting there.

Faced with this man who once had confrontation, she was really scared and one day told him to know that he was Landau. The woman who once stood high and despised everything; now she doesn't know what dignity is ...

The car drove all the way into the underground parking lot of the State Council.

For convenience, the car drove directly into the elevator, all the way to Lanyou's office floor.

"Duke K, I have to deal with some private affairs now. You will come to me in a while." Lan You said with a smile.

k nodded slightly, blue eyes subconsciously glanced at Yao Yao who slowly got out of the car ...

Following Lan You, she entered the office.

"Dear, come here suddenly, what's wrong with me?"

Silent all the way, when he arrived at the office, Yaoyao simply said, "Give me money !!!"

"Huh?" Lan You pulled out the office chair and sat on it with a smile. "Did you just come over and ask me for money?"

"Yes!" She stepped forward and rushed in front of Lan You: "You brought me to China by your life and death, regardless of me, what does it mean ?? You know, I can't have the face to go back to Fengjia, also It ’s impossible to go to Royal Sky. But I do n’t have any money on me yet, how do you want me to live? !!! ”

"Then what do you mean ... I have to take responsibility for you?" Lan You hugged her hands in front of her, leaning on the back of the chair with a long body.

"I don't need you to be responsible, you just need to give me money !!!"

Chapter 914:

His sharp Mu Feng gradually dropped. "Why?" Three words of ruthlessness fell.

Yaoyao clenched his fists tightly and yelled, "Lan You, if you don't give me money, I will run to the State Council every day! Tell the world that you are the owner of the city of the sky. Sorry, don't worry about it !!! "

"Heh ... heh ..." A few gloomy laughter emanated from his nose, Lan You raised his eyes, smirked and looked at Yao Yao who looked like a crazy dog ​​in front of him: "Dear, you know what you know How ugly is he? It's like a bitch. Hey ... "He shook his head in disappointment.

"Yeah! I know, I have become a ghost or a ghost. But ..." She walked quickly to Lan You, and she pulled up his collar: "Who brought me Becomes like this ??? "

The grieving tears dripped from his eyes.

She hates herself, she hates herself. Reach out for money ...

All kinds of lies and deceiving friends ...

I went to Lan You's office to make a noise, just to ask this man for money ...

In exchange for drugs in the city of the sky, he bowed his head to make him happy.

What's all this for? Just in exchange for the dirty, poison that makes people more and more degenerate! !!

You know, she is a law student. Now she has fallen into this state. How should she face the sacred law? Perhaps one day after she stood on the court again, she might not even have the confidence to speak ...

"Lan You, I'm asking you once, can you give me money!" Yao Yao took a nasal tear and stared at him fiercely.

Lan You opened her hand around the collar of her neck: "No!" The merciless two words fell down: "If you want to go to trouble, go to trouble. But don't forget, Yu Aotian too I work in the State Council. If you let him know that you are doing such a shameful thing now, I'm afraid ... he will look down on you very much, right? "

"You ... really shameless !!!" A few words popped coldly from the lips. Yaoyao bit his lip hard.

Not to mention Yu Aotian is her weakness, and now ... everyone she once knew has become her weakness. Otherwise, why wouldn't she dare to return to Feng's house? ?

Because there is no face to go back! No face to go back! !! !!

‘Oh…’ Suddenly there was a knock at the office.

"Who?" Lan You asked with a smile.

"Captain Blue, it's me ..."

Outside, the low, charming voice was so familiar. When Yaoyao heard this voice, her face became pale and pale ...

It is Royal Sky!

It is Royal Sky!

How to do? How to do? Where should she hide? ?

Lan You looked at the panic-stricken Yao Yao with a wicked smile.

She frantically searched for a hiding place, and eventually pushed Lan You away and hid under the desk.

"Oh ..." Lan Youxiao looked at Yao Yao who was hiding underneath himself, and naturally said, "Chairman, please come in." He pulled down the office chair and looked at the door with a smile Office.

The door of the office opened, and Aotian's footsteps came clearly.

Through the gap in the lower part of the desk, Yaoyao can vaguely see the figure of Yu Aotian passing by.

"Chairman, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I heard Deputy Prime Minister Zeng saying that you are back for business. I happen to have contact with the President of Iran. I want to ask you, what is Iran ’s military strength?" Yu Aotian said, pulling out a chair to sit On it.

Lan You smiled and tilted her head: "I didn't go to Iran."

"Huh?" His bottomless eyes turned and inserted into his pocket with one hand, coldly: "You are sincere, Captain Blue."

"Of course. Didn't you come here to test me? Why should I lie to you?"

Looking at Lan You's false smile, Yu Aotian's eyes gradually dimmed. Recently, he has been investigating everything about Lan You.

As the information shows.

Having no father and mother, he was born in an orphanage and was adopted by Prime Minister Qi. At the age of 18, he had made achievements in military affairs. 23 years old to study in Europe. 25 years old. At the age of 26, he has become the general commander of the group army.

However, for this information, Yu Aotian always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

Counting today, he only met with Lan You for the second time. However, these two meetings have made him feel that this man may be the most unfathomable opponent of the people he met.

"During your absence, the State Council has been divided into two factions." Yu Aotian smiled and raised Erlang's legs. "According to my investigation, you seem to be a deputy prime minister on the surface, but the actual situation ... but there is not much 'merit'. "This 'merit' refers to what Lan You did for Zeng Kairui.

"Oh. Chairman, none of me is. I only like to do what I like ..."

"Things you like?" Yu Aotian hugs his hands in front of him, smiling evilly: "Including the assassination of Prime Minister Qi?"

Qi Qi was killed by Lan You?

Yao Yao, who was hiding under the table, widened his eyes inconceivably, and yes, Qi Qier was abducted to the city of the sky. It can be seen that the death of Prime Minister Qi must be related to Lan You.


Gang Yu Aotian said such a thing. It can be seen that he thinks that Lan You is not Zeng Kairui's person. During this time, she has also communicated with Lan You many times. It may be that Lan You is Zeng Kairui's person. Something felt that he was not from Kerry. What exactly is going on?

In addition to Lan You's identity ...

Can't figure it out, in short, there are too many contradictions in this person. Everyone has his own purpose in doing things, and his huge identity, serving Zeng Kerry, will not actually get too much.

Thinking about ...

Lan You's hand gradually reached under the table.

Yao Yao opened his eyes nervously, trying to avoid the hand that he stretched towards himself, but afraid to make a sound, he had to squat there.

His palm fell on her shoulder ...

"Chairman, don't make any mistakes. Prime Minister Qi died of a heart attack, it has nothing to do with me." He denied it slowly, the only hand that was making bad hands run along Yao Yao's collar Go on ...

"Alas." Between the lips, a weak moan inadvertently was heard, and she quickly covered her mouth. Trying to pull out his restless hand.

Fingertips, fiddle with wanton. Yao Yao is not his opponent at all. Can only let him unscrupulously tease and humiliate himself ...


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