A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 503: It turns out he has heterosexual cleanliness

Chapter 503: He Has Heterosexual Purity

Chapter 848:

The embarrassed gaze flickered left and right, and her eyes turned ... there! "I ... I ..." The seductive eyes gradually turned to Lan You: "I want to ..." Her legs were tightly pinched and rubbed, her body twisted uneasily, as if moving towards Man beckons.

"Huh?" Lan You looked coldly at Yaoyao's squinting look: "When you go to bed with Yu Aotian, do you ask him to come to you so hungry every time?"


Why did he mention Royal Sky at this time? !! !! "Don't, don't mention him at this time ..." Yao Yao looked pitifully at Lan You and held his wrist tightly: "Release first, okay?"

Lan You saw this, without any doubt, and slowly let go of the hands that tightly bound her hands ...

Here comes the opportunity, ha! !!

Seize this opportunity ...

Yaoyao was like a hungry wolf swallowing food, and Lan Yu was pressed under him. "I'm so uncomfortable, just call ... let's go on !!!" She said with a secret smile inside her eyes, and she couldn't help flashing a sly gloss, without giving Lan You any chance to react, and her little lips suddenly Pressed on his lips ...

Suddenly, Lan You's charming eyes were banned by a shock. He really didn't expect Yao Yao to come so suddenly? !! !!

Next second ...

"Get off !!!" Lan You pushed Yao Yao far away fiercely ... "Spit ..." The whole person rushed into the bathroom quickly, and vomited constantly ...

Hehe ... hehehehehehehehehehehehe ...

Looking at the look of the wolf howling when Lan You ran away, Yao Yao almost burst out of laughter.

This is the first time she has tasted a man who teases a man. I never thought it would be so interesting? ?

"Squeak ..."

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door opening, Yaoyao was afraid of losing track, and hurriedly put away the smile on his face. He touched his lips with his fingers intoxicated: "Taste ... great ..." The body arched slowly. Lan You, standing coldly beside the bed, crawled over: "Are you okay? Can you continue?"

"You **** woman !!!" Lan You violently pinched her chin: "Who allowed you to kiss me ?!" A low roar filled the room.

Despite this, the evil man was a mess of beauty after the fire.

"His ..." Yao Yao took a sigh of cold air, and her chin was hurt. Her smile on her face was instantly covered by the coldness: "Who allowed you to touch me ?! Huh ?!" ! "

"You are my woman! I touch you, do you still allow others ?!"

"That being the case ..." She opened Lan You's hand holding her chin coldly, got up, and caught her neck with both hands: "You are my man, I kiss you, what happened ?!" "Going forward to kiss him again ...

Lan You kept hiding, the disgusting nausea was self-evident, and she started ...

A slap was hit on Yao Yao's face!

At this moment, Yao Yao was snoozed ...

Damn man! !! Tigers do n’t show their authority, you treat me as a sick cat, right? ?

She stroked the hit cheek with one hand and turned back ... staring at Lan You fiercely.

The moment of ‘噌’, raise your hand ... and hit Lan You ’s face ...

"Huh?" Who knows, but Lan You steadily catches: "Want to hit me ?!" He narrowed his eyes charmingly.

Yaoyao struggled gloomily for two times, raised his other hand ... A slap of ‘pop’ hit the other side of Lan You ’s face: “What happened to you? !!!”

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Lan Youzhen stayed there, and there seemed to be an incredible expression on his face. This was the first time someone had hit him! And ... it's still hitting his face! !!

Suddenly ...

He stared blankly at Yao Yao with a sullen expression on his face.

Finding that he was staring at him, Yaoyao rolled his eyes in disdain, picked up the quilt and wrapped his naked body: "Look what ?? You hit me again and again !!"

"You ... unforgivable woman !!!" The cold words fell, and Lan You pinched her neck with her hands. Big hands are increasingly imprisoned.

Yao Yao suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe: "Let's ... let go !!!" Struggling to shake off his hand, she bit her lip corner: "You forced me!"

"Damn woman, no one has dared to hit His Highness!"

Your Highness? ? How dare he call himself His Highness in front of her? Ok! !! "While I was still in Asland, I was the only one who beat others, and no one dared to beat me !!!"

I don't know why ...

After Yaoyao said this sentence, Lan You's hand holding her neck was a little bit pulled, the gloomy expression also slowly and slowly disappeared, and eventually ...

‘噗嗤’ was banned by a smile that could n’t help but smile.


Looking at the exaggerated smile that Lan You hung on his face, Yaoyao froze. This guy doesn't really get sick anymore, right? Why did you suddenly laugh? ?

"Landuo, tell me, who told you that I have a heterosexual cleansing habit?" Suddenly, Lan You's expression returned to the previous charming look, and a faint smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

But Yaoyao knows ...

Once you admit it, and tell him, Fang Jingyi told herself, then Fang Jingyi will be unlucky! !! "You, you have heterosexual cleanliness? I don't know."

Lan You was silent, with her hands behind her back, silently watching her performing in that person.

"Why do you look at me like that? I really don't know." Yaoyao sat sitting on the bed in a dumb and pretentious manner. The next second, her eyes widened, and she grinned, "Hey, it's not like that That kiss was your first kiss? "

Suddenly, after hearing this question, Lan You ’s beautiful eyes almost turned out like a fire, turned around ... and slammed the door and left.


Looks like it was his first kiss? ? ? Didn't she take a big advantage? ? Hahahaha ...

Yaoyao laughed abruptly, but smiled with a smile. Although this round was a complete victory for her, but ... Lan You's reaction was really fast.

Obviously, the entire process of their tricks was so compact, and Lan You still reflected that someone told her that he had the weakness of the opposite sex. It can be seen how strong this man's insight is.

But anyway, recall the scene just now.

Although she made a show for the first time in her life, this initiative was really worth it.

At the very least, she grasped the weakness of this man. You know, the biggest difference between man and God is ...

Man has weaknesses; God has no weaknesses!

Lan You has such a weak spot of heterosexual cleanliness. It seems that she should be able to leave from here soon? ?

Chapter 849:

Early next morning.

Ample sunlight shone into this magnificent bedroom, driving away the severe cold in the night. Yaoyao stretched lazily ... "Ah ..." I couldn't help but yawned and slept comfortably.

She got up and took a long skirt from the cabinet and put it on her body. She walked slowly into the bathroom to wash.

Throughout the process, her little mouth was cracking and laughing ...

If it weren't for cutting the body, you would never understand, why do men like to tease women so much? After trying it out, it turns out that this process ... ‘wonderful’. Hahaha ...

It is estimated that in a short period of time, Lan You should not dare to mess with her?

As soon as he stepped out of the master bedroom, Yaoyao saw the elder lady, the second lady and the third lady talking in the living room from a distance.

"Yesterday, I faintly heard that the owner seemed to be angry."

"real or fake?"

"I'm not sure. However, I heard the servants say that the city owner didn't stay in the little cheap man's room yesterday." The second lady looked at the other two ladies with pride.

"Ha, I knew it would be the case. I've been here for almost a year, and I haven't seen which woman stayed beside the woman. It is estimated that the city owner told her to sleep in the master bedroom, but also for other purposes!" A veteran look.

Yaoyao really wanted to tell them, you are right, the city lord will not touch any woman, but ... she gave your city lord a strong kiss yesterday, hahahaha.

"Well, it's not long before that little **** * will be kicked out by the city owner."

The second lady yelled at a little bitch, a **** bitch, and Yaoyao who listened was very harsh. She didn't want to play tricks with these groups, but she couldn't bear the piss!

"Cough ..." Yao Yao's soft cough interrupted their conversation.

The three ladies turned their heads together ... "Ah, Sister Yao Yao, did you sleep well last night?" The three ladies still looked like smiling tigers.

The elder lady is always so proud and inaccessible.

As for the second lady ... "Hmm ..." She gave her a cold stare coldly.

"Mrs. Three, I had a good rest last night, thank you for your concern. But ..." She glanced at Mrs. Er with her eyes closed: "I heard the flies 'hum, hum, hum' in bed, really Pretty annoying !!! "

"Who are you talking about ?!" The second lady stood up angrily, staring at Yaoya with an unceremonious anger.

She held her hands in front of her, and rolled her eyes coldly: "Mrs. Second, why are you so sensitive? Who says who, who knows!"

"Are you provoking me ?! I tell you, no matter if you are the woman of the city owner or not, you have to have a come first come first, it's too impolite!" Then, the second lady raised her hand toward Yao Yao's face was beaten ...


Yaoyao didn't even look at Mrs. Er, and grabbed her by one hand: "You listen! I don't want to fight with you for favor, but you better not mess with me, otherwise I will tell you to eat Can't carry it all !!! "

One of her words is counted one by one.

She Luo Yaoyao! No, or should I say Lando, who are you afraid of? !! When you were a kid, you had thousands of soldiers and horses. What insidious means had you never seen? In the face of several women's intrigue, would you still care? Ah……

"Miss Luo, are you saying this to me?" The elder lady who had been silent came to Yao Yao.

She smiled slightly, letting go of the hand holding Mrs. Er's wrist, and remained silent.

"Miss Luo is supposed to be from Aslam ?!"


How did this lady know? Yao Yao stared at Yao Leshan.

I saw the second lady glaring at her provocatively: "I tell you, Luo Yaoyao, the elder sister Yao Leshan's mother's family is the royal family of the Aslan kingdom, and the family of the Lan family; and my father is also the royal family of the Aslan Surname. You better be honest with us, otherwise ... I guarantee that your family will not be able to mingle in Aslam !!! ''

Lying trough ...

It turns out that the first lady and the second lady are both from Assyria? ? ?

Hurry up, you can tell my family not to mix in Aslan, and it's best to die the queen's grandmother directly. When she is happy, she can return to Aslan to inherit the throne! !!

Yaoyao thought secretly, and the expression on his face was helpless to cry and laugh. "Yes, yes, Madam, Second Lady, terrific, you are terrific. Rest assured, I will be honest."

Hehe, hehe ...

by! It's so coincidental. How could it be so coincidental? ?

Yaoyao can't believe that now, the first lady and the second lady will come from one place with her.

Uh, no!

The first lady and the second lady are from Aslam, and it doesn't make sense to think she is from Aslam.

‘叩叩 叩…’ With this curiosity, Yaoyao knocked on Fang Jingyi ’s door: “Jingyi, have you bothered you?”

"No." Fang Jingyi was reading at the desk, she closed the book slowly, and greeted Yaoya with a smile.

"Are you reading a book?" Walked slowly to the desk and glanced at the book just read by Fang Jingyi ... "How did you read this book in the record of Aslan?"

Vaguely remember that this book was written by Bing Ye at a young age, all of which recorded several battles about the kingdom of Aslan. At that time, Yaoyao also laughed at Bing Ye, and became a writer all right.

"Oh, because I miss my hometown, I think of reading a book."

"Ah ?? You are also from Aslan ????" Yao Yao opened his mouth in surprise, wouldn't he ... "Is the third lady also from Aslan?"

"Yes. Hehe, it's not just the four of us. All the women who brought the city of the sky from the city owner are all from Aslan."

"..." Emotion This guy is an avid fan of Aslan? Is n’t it for running Asan ’s country? ? "How did you get here from the city owner?"

"Bring ?? I came here with the city voluntarily." Fang Jingyi smiled lightly, hard to hide the worship of Lan You in her heart.

"Oh, that's it ... do you know why the city owner went to Asland to find a woman?"

Fang Jingyi was silent, and those pretty eyes gradually matched Yao's eyes: "Perhaps, in order to find his lover."

"Uh ..." Will there be a lover? Kill her, she doesn't believe it! !!

"I heard the elder sister said that the only thing the women who brought the city of the sky to by the city owner was that they always had a certain point that the city owner liked. For example, the city owner liked the sister's nose; The skin of the third sister; I like my eyes. Actually think about it ... "When Fang Jingyi said that, the expression on his face gradually became sad:" Putting together the place where the city owner likes us is just one person. What? "

That means ...

Which one Lan You likes is from Asland? ?

What part of himself is similar to the person he likes? "Jingyi, have you seen a picture of the person the city owner likes?"

Chapter 850:

Fang Jingyi shook her head.

"Hmm ..." Yao Yao sighed in relief.

"Oh, do you want to see how similar you are to the person the city owner likes? I tell you quietly, the city owner doesn't like girls who have been toned ..." Fang Jingyi finished jokingly.

Yaoyao is crying ...

It is estimated that 80% of Fang Jingyi thought that he wanted to please Lan You, so he wanted to see who the person he liked was, and then cosmetically turned into that woman.

I don't deny that she really thinks so, but she wants to see how similar she is to that woman. Well, that place is different.

"Yes, Yaoyao, where is your home in Aslam?"

"North." Yao Yao blurted out.

"Oh, the north. My family is in the east. In a town. The third sister's home is also in the east. But remind you, don't mess with the older sister and the second sister. They are related to the royal family of our country."

Yaoyao already knows this. Anyway, the two goods are the relatives of the emperor? "Well, thank you, Jing Yi. I have one more thing to ask you, Jing Yi."

"what's up?"

Yaoyao's eyes turned, and he sat quickly beside the bed: "Inside ... What if you miss your homesickness?"

"I don't have a family ..." Fang Jingyi looked at her with a smile: "Should you be homesick? Just a few days here, you are homesick, little girl, just little girl. You should be young Right? "

"Uh, I'm 19 years old. Indeed ... something homesick." Yao Yao lowered his head pretending to be pitiful: "I don't dare ask the city owner how to leave here, I want to meet my family."

"Well ... 19 years old, really small. Sister Yaoyao, if you really feel homesick, just talk to the city owner."

Che, if Lan Youn told her to leave here, she wouldn't have to worry so much about leaving? "Is there no other way than the Lord's permission?"

"Well, no. There is only one plane in and out of this city in the sky. Foreign guests who want to visit here must also get the owner's hand. If people want to leave, they still need the owner."

After all, she wouldn't be able to walk without Lan You? ?

Slap yourself! Slap yourself! What kind of fun is that?

"Okay, I know, thank you, Jingyi." Yaoyao stood up in despair and turned to leave ...

The door of Fang Jingyi's room was suddenly opened from the outside ...

"The Lord of the City!" Fang Jingyi was surprised and delighted when she saw the owner of the city.


Lan You came to Yao Yao with a smile as if she hadn't seen her. "Dear, what are you doing?"

Is this too much? ? ?

Yaoyao glanced at the faint expression of Fang Jingyi hanging on her face, her brows frowning violently: "City Lord, I came to chat with Jingyi."

"Oh ..." Lan You smiled slightly, and drowned the tip of Xia Yaoyao's nose: "I must have suffocated you these days?"

"!!!" Seeing Fang Jingyi's face became more ugly, she had to draw the topic to Fang Jingyi again: "It is good to have Jingyi with me."

"Oh, dear, next time, if you are bored, call me and I will come with you."

Excessive! Lan You is simply too much! Yaoyao couldn't bear it anymore. He pushed Lan You to win the door and ran out ...

This bastard! Just not human! !! !!

Standing at the door of the sleeping hall, Yaoya kept breathing heavily. After a while, Lan You appeared expressionless beside her ...

"You mean it, right ?!"


"You know that Jingyi likes you, but treats me so well in front of her, and deliberately left her out to make her hate me, right?" Yao Yao shook her fist and asked Lan You.

She has experienced the feeling of deliberate coldness of the person she likes, and that mood can not be described in a few words. "I just want to be a friend, you have to make me. You don't even have a friend in this city of sky? How much do you hate me?"

"I can be your friend! You don't have to be friends with others!" Lan You turned his hands behind his back, facing Yao Yao.

Looking at his overbearing look, Yaoyao couldn't believe it, would he be this kind of person? ?

Even if Aotian and Feng Chenyi were overbearing, wouldn't she be allowed to make friends with women *? "That's different! Lan You, Jing Yi is your woman, okay ?! I should make friends with her, shouldn't it matter?"

"Only you are my woman, neither of them is." Said, Lan You slammed her waist with one hand.

The small body fit tightly into his strong body, and Yaoyao looked at the charming smile hanging on Lan You's face ...

I don't understand, what is this man saying? ?

Every woman in there was jealous and intriguing for him. He even said that ... those women who were not his? ? Don't understand ... don't understand ...

"I just heard you asking the woman how to get out of here?" A low voice filled her ears.

Yao Yao was so nervous ...

"Huh, I know you always want to run away from here, now ... I'll take you to meet you, the real world without you!" The gloomy words fell, Lan You took her wrist and hurried toward the other The palace went.

Here, it is similar to the dormitory where the women live, but the difference is ... it is much quieter here, not even a waiter.

In the lobby, Lan You turned on the TV ... directly jumped to the Chinese TV station ...

In the picture, several familiar figures are reflected.

Royal Sky ...

Hei Yanlong ...

There are also wind father, Ke Xin, Xiao Man, brother Long Yu, Han Liyu, they are all there.

Each of them had a very dignified expression, and their clothes were black with clear water. What are they doing ...? ?

Yaoyao grabbed the remote control and quickly turned up the sound ...

‘Ladies and gentlemen, here is the funeral of Luo Yaoyao, the former president of Feng ’s Group. It is reported that Luo Yaoyao died unexpectedly a month and a half ago, and so far the body has been buried in a bottomless cave. It has not been recovered so far. ’

The picture suddenly switched to a close-up of Yu Aotian, and his handsome face looked a little dazed at the moment.

When he put the bunch of chrysanthemums in front of and behind a tombstone, the camera lens stretched ...

Suddenly, Yao Yao seemed to see Bing Ye at the corner of the screen. That shot was fleeting and fast, and she couldn't see Bing Ye's expression at this moment.

"See? Lando, now ... in everyone's mind, you have passed away. There will be no more of you in this world." Suddenly, the TV screen turned off.

Yaoyao seemed unwilling to take back the remote control ... "Give me !!!"

"Can't bear it?"

Chapter 851:



This funeral had long been foreseen. One and a half months have passed since her death, and normal people would think she was dead.

Just saying ...

She really wants to ... I want to watch those familiar people on TV, see Yu Aotian, look at Hei Yanlong, look at Papa Feng, look at Xiaoman, as well as Bing Ye, Long Yan ...

"Will you turn on the TV ?!" Yao Yao anxiously wanted to grab the remote control in Lan You's hand.

But Lan You smiled like that, there was nothing to give her.

"Why are you so cruel? Maybe, staying here and not seeing them, I won't be so sad; why do you want me to see such a picture ????" If you don't see me, there will be no miss; but after seeing, Will be unwilling.

At this moment, Yaoyao really wanted to know whether it was her death that hurt her a lot; or that she would never see them forever, and that it hurt her a lot! !! !!

"Because, I want you to understand! From today !!! In your world !!! There can only be me !!!" Overbearing words fell, Lan You yanked Yao Yao into his arms: "From After today, I am your friend; your family; or your lover, your mind can only be, you can only miss me! Forget your past ... Lando! "

What is he talking about?

This is simply impossible! !!

There are too many, too many people in her psychology. Even if she is imprisoned here, she cannot forget those people! !! "Dream !!!" The cold words spit out from the lips.

Lan You held her hands tightly and pushed her away, raising her hands high ...

"What? Want to hit me again ?!"

The raised hand stagnated in midair.

Yao Yao stared coldly at Lan You: "Come on, you killed me, and I have to think hard about the way to escape !!!"

"Do you want to see them that way?"

"Yes !!!" Yaoyao gave a positive answer.

"But they have forgotten you."

Looking at the cold look on Lan You's face, Yao Yao smiled disdainfully: "It was you who forced them to forget me. If you didn't bring me here, they wouldn't think I was dead. It's all up to you! "

"Really? Oh ..." Lan You raised Yao's chin with one hand: "Dear, since you said that I made them forget you, let's make a bet!"

"What bet ?!"

"Let's bet Yu Aotian." With a snake-like sharp eye, he raised his lips with a smile: "In three months, if Yu Aotian has new love, you will stay here forever; three After a few months, if Yu Aotian is still single, I will let you go back to him. How? Just three months, if you really have weight in his heart, he should not make new love so quickly? "

I have to say that Lan You has accurately and accurately hit Yao Yao's weakness and she has denied her feelings for Yu Aotian.

This bet is not only about whether she can leave here; it is also about ... whether Yu Aotian has feelings for her! !!

"Come ... pay !!"

Three months, just three months, Royal Sky, you should be able to live? ? If you can't hold it for three months, then it doesn't seem to make sense to me to leave here, does it?

It ’s okay to doubt it or not to be confident. Yaoyao ca n’t say for sure that Aotian will not have any relationship with any woman within three months. After all, even the most basic male and female friends are not counted. At most, it's just the stage where the lovers are not satisfied!

A magnificent Bentley sedan is slowly moving inside the palace of this huge city of sky, and all the passersby or guards when they see the car stand on the sides respectfully.

In the car, Yaoyao and Lan You sat side by side in the co-pilot.

She looked at the respectful followers outside the window and stared blankly at Lan You: "Here, a car?"

"Oh, there are even houses here, why can't there be a car?"

This is also true. Mainly, Yaoyao really do n’t know what to do with a car, is it for a ride in this palace?

Although the palace is big, you don't need a car to travel?

Slowly ...

The car gradually parked in front of a big red door. The driver in the front seat opened the door of the back respectfully ...

"Get out of the car." Lan You took a look at Yao Yao and took the lead to get out of the car. Yaoyao followed closely.

The heavy red door slowly opened, and Lan You put her hands behind her back and smiled at Yao Yao with a smile: "Let's go."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Aren't you bored? Of course I'm taking you to play!" Stepping, Lan You stepped out of the door that was opening the door to red.

Yao Yao followed him closely and went out.

Suddenly ...

A modern city suddenly caught sight of Yaoyao.

Speeding cars; viaducts; subways; a steady stream of people; high-rise buildings, everything, just like a city.

"How could this be ?!" Yao Yao always thought that this city of sky should only have this palace. She couldn't even think about it. There would be no sky in the heaven and earth outside that palace? !!

"No different from where you live?"

"You ... How did you do that ?! Where did the people living here come from ?!" Yao Yao looked at Lan You inconceivably.

He chuckled his lips and smiled, "Many people are already tired of this world. I built a new city on the sky. Not only can I breathe the fresh air, but I can also feel the beauty of another world. Of course, they are crowded I want to come over. "

"The ones who live here are you screened ?!"

Lan You shook her head: "A capital of 100 million will be allowed to get a ticket to Sky City."

Whoa! This guy is so dark, he asked each of them for 100 million yuan? ? !! "After that?"

"Afterwards, they can work here, start their own business from scratch, and here are the laws that belong here. Everything is exactly the same as normal life." Lan You's answer was very simple.

But under this simplicity, Lan You's flaming ambition is hidden!


He obviously wanted to build a whole new world! So as to achieve the purpose of ruling the highest power! !!

"Oh, I finally know why you care about the position of the group commander!"


Yaoyao narrowed his eyes coldly: "You want to annex the whole of China to build another empire that belongs to you ?!"

"Not all." Lan You smiled subtly.

Chapter 852:

Isn't that all?

That seems all, is he trying to annex the whole world? "A sky city is asking you to manage, is it already strenuous? Manage the whole world, have you managed to come over?" Yao Yao is just a joke.

Who knows that Lan You leaned up next to her and smiled, "I don't have to work hard to satisfy your ambition?"

"My ambition? I just want to live an ordinary life. What does it matter to me?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at all, you didn't think that before." Lan You shook her head in a loss.

However, Yaoyao suddenly remembered ...

Once upon a time, I did have a dream of expanding the territory of Aslan! !! !!

This guy! !! "Lan You. Who the **** are you?" Why is she so clear about her childhood? ? ?

"Oh ..." Lan You smiled, and didn't answer her question, but pulled her hand up ... "Come and enjoy our date today."


What happened? ? She left the palace with Lan You somehow, how could it become their date? !! !! sweat……


Yu Guang glanced at Lan You's face, he must have something to hide, he must have! Otherwise, why does he always avoid this topic every time he asks who he is?

Uh ...

Damn, but she didn't really have Lan You in her memory! !! !!

Walking on the streets of the city of the sky, to be honest, the biggest emotion of Yaoyao is that the sky is very close to himself; the air is also extremely fresh. As for others, there does not seem to be much difference from living on land.

"Bang ..." A loud noise came.

Yao Yao stared blankly at the source of the sound, and two cars collided together. This is the fourth traffic accident they have seen since they left the palace.

She bet that it must not be the poor driving skills of the people in the city of the sky, but ... the big demon next to her is too hooked, who has a mind to drive?

"Look what I do?" Lan You casually turned his eyes to Yao Yao.


evildoer! Scourge! The roots of troubles! If Lan You is a woman, she must be a fairy who confuses beings! I believe that the presidents of all countries must obediently fall under his pomegranate skirt, and even the guy from Yu Aotian is no exception! !!

"Nothing. Just look ..." Yao Yao walked in front of the road unconsciously.

After a while, I saw more and more pedestrians on both sides of the road. At a glance, they have come to the downtown area of ​​this sky city.


This is the downtown area! !! !! How can Lan You appear in the downtown area? !! !!

Leng Han dripped slowly down Yaoyao's forehead. When she was about to react and wanted to leave with Lan You ...

Behind, in front of, on the left, and on the right, there are countless women with handheld cameras surrounded by the inner three layers and the outer three layers.

"Is it a man?"

"Huh, yeah, you see, he's wearing men's clothing."

"Wow ... beautiful man ..." The woman screamed from time to time in the crowd.

Yaoyao sublimely reached up to Lan You, and whispered, "Does no one here know who you are?"

Lan You shook her head.

It was just the movement of shaking their heads that the girls boiled ... "Wow ..." screamed inadvertently.

Yaoyao covered his ears in pain: "Damn!"

"I'm so annoying!" Looking at Lan You's face, he gradually forced a look of impatience.

Question, who caused this annoyance? Doesn't he know that his looks are "alternative"? Coupled with that attractive height and perfect figure, if he is in the entertainment circle, he will become an international superstar instantly! !!

"What to do?" There are more and more people besieged, and Yaoyao now has a feeling of being unable to walk.

"Kill them!" Said, Lan You's hand stretched out of his pocket.

Yao Yao suddenly opened his mouth. Is this guy really playing? !! He held down the hand he was about to grab.

God ...

Lying trough ...

God ...

Lying trough ...

"Are you a lunatic ?!" This group of people looked around, and he was going to kill someone? Moreover, Yao Yao clearly saw a ray of murderousness in his eyes, which is enough to witness that this guy is really not kidding! Neurosis! !!

"Come, I'll help you solve it." She patted Lan Youtan's hand in her pocket comfortably.

Lan You then retracted her hand and slowly inserted it into her pocket.

Yao Yao smiled at everyone, twisted, and crossed Lan You's arm: "Sister, let's go to that mall."

Suddenly ...

Those onlookers all dropped their chins on the ground: "Women?"

"Is it a woman?"

"I'll just say, how could a man look so beautiful, huh !! Liar !!!"

There were fewer and fewer people watching, and Yaoyao seized the opportunity and pulled Lan You into a shopping mall: "Huh ..." Sure enough, it seems that Lan You is still a woman Traveling is relatively easy.

"What did you just call me?" Suddenly, Lan You gripped Yaoyao's small hand.

"Well, it hurts! It hurts!" She shook it away, blowing her hands constantly: "What are you doing so hard?"

"Who told you to call my sister? !!!"

"Crap, if I didn't call your sister, could those people go? !!!"

"Now ..." Lan You glanced around him. "What do these people do ?!"

Yaoyao found out ... I don't know when, there are many men who have seen peach blossoms behind Lan You.

oh, mygod, it really is ‘Beauty and Beauty’! !! !! Fortunately, there were security personnel in the mall, and large-scale gatherings were not allowed, and those insignificant men were only combed away.

"Hey, come with you, I'm so stressed. Will you find your wife like this in the future?" Yaoyao sat tiredly in a rest area in the mall. She bet if any woman would marry Lan You, That woman's psychological quality is also high enough.

"What?" Lan You raised her eyelids in puzzlement.

She glanced up and down at him: "If a beautiful woman comes out with you, it will be covered by your light; instead, you think about it, think about it, find a man to 'marry' in the future."

"Huh?" Lan You ghosted her lips and smiled, "Will you marry Yu Aotian?"

Yao Yao suddenly widened his eyes: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Anyway, you have heterosexual cleanliness, find a man who is quite reliable." Nodded his head. Think about it, if these two get married ...

The handsome men are messed up; the pretty women of ‘women’ are so cute. What would it look like if they got married and had a child?

Uh ... the two men don't seem to be able to have children. Forget it, leave him alone, and look forward to it!

This book first appeared in Reading

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