A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 545: We get married

Chapter 1021:

"The people living in the south are all ordinary people. Is it interesting for you to slaughter the city? !!! What's the difference between this bandit? !!!" Born for the benefit, nowadays, their purpose is to slaughter the city, and in the end it will only be the result of being ridiculed by the whole world.

"His Royal Highness, this is what I told Your Highness K ... Those who violate their promises will pay a price. If you break a promise, Your Highness K will tolerate it, and if you break it twice, you will find your own way!" The call hangs up.

"Hello ??? Hello? Arthurs !!! Arthurs! Damn !!!" Yaoyao lost the phone in his angry hands.



k is sick! !! !!

Yes, she acknowledged that five years ago, she did give k a promise, and indeed she broke her promise. If he can complain to her if he is angry, why bother the ordinary people? !!

Small hand, clenched a fist. Yao Yao waved coldly: "Give me the car right away."

"Queen, where are you going at this time?"

"Go south!"

"No, queen, now that one third of the territory has been lost in the south. You will only hit the enemy's trap when you go there!" The guards nervously dissuaded Yaoyao from making this impulse decision.

She knew that she might have caught the enemy's trap if she had gone; but if she didn't, half of the people would have to be her funeral! !! !! "I know ... when I was young, each of you wanted me to die; now, it's my reparation for myself and a compensation for my young killings. For the people, this trip, I must go before go with!"


"Queen ..." The guards kneeled on the ground, intercepting in front of Yao Yao.

One of the guards slowly said: "The queen, my subordinate is 42 years old. When I was 20, I was actually a little sergeant in His Royal Highness."

"You? Are ... my Highness?"

"Yes. I believe that there is no one like me in your impression, but I still remember you. The outside world is a rumor that you have killed countless people and called you a demon in private. But I am with you I know better than anyone about you on both sides. "

"You are arrogant, and I admit that you have never seen anyone in your Highness House. You are smart, this is recognized by people across the country. But ... it would be a little too much to say that you killed countless people. You You kill only those who want to harm you; you only deal with people who are deliberately detrimental to the country of Aslan; somehow, the outside world slowly turns you into a demon girl. "

"You haven't explained it; you haven't proven anything. Treating ordinary people is hundreds of times better than treating those ministers. I thought, maybe, because you offend too many ministers, those ministers will wantonly Spread rumors to frame you. "

"You are not half sorry for the people of Aslan; you are not half sorry for the people of Aslan. I can guarantee this with my personality !! So, you do not have to take risks."

Yao Yao smiled lightly at this man's generous submission.


When she was young, she was really arrogant and rude, but she was only limited to those officials whose interests were overwhelming. She always treats people with courtesy.


Everyone called her a demon girl, and she was sad at that time. But she still believes that one day, everyone will understand all of this.

Wait ... wait ... wait ...

When she was in China, no one understood it.

But now, does anyone still understand her? Prove that she was right at that time. She has always believed that the world is not blind, good and evil, and some people will comment on it.

"Oh, now that you have said so, shouldn't I have better protect my people? This ... is my responsibility, just like your responsibility. Prepare the car!" She turned sharply and issued Can't deny the voice.

When several guards heard that, they had to act as she ordered.

"Listen, I'm going to the south. You are not allowed to tell Bing Ye. If Bing Ye comes to me, you can't hide it, tell him, understand?"


After explaining everything, Yaoyao dared to go to the southern part of Aslan, accompanied by several guards.

There, it was much worse than she thought.

Citizens have already carried their luggage to the north, appearing on the streets in large numbers as if fleeing. In this way, she chose to block the news that the south was invaded by foreign enemies, and when they fled to the north, the news would naturally spread. At that time ... I really don't know how to soothe people!

"Queen!" The army commander of the south came to meet Yao Yao himself.

She got out of the car: "Send soldiers immediately and block the road from the south to the north."


"Execute it immediately !!!" Yao Yao did not give the captain any chance to speak.

The captain had no choice but to suppress the fleeing people since the use of force. However, such repression will only make people feel more resistant.

The enemy did not move, and the riots took the lead inside. Yaoyao contacted the southern TV station as soon as possible ...

‘Dear people of Asland, I am your Queen Landau. ’

On the streets, all the televisions broadcast live footage of Yaoyao.

‘Everyone knows about the southern occupation of the British Commonwealth. I know you must be extremely nervous right now. As your queen, I have an obligation to ensure your personal safety! !! ’

"It is our duty to keep our hearts safe, so why not ask us to leave the south? !!!" Because the roads were blocked and the people's emotions were so furious, they even contradicted Yaoyao's speech. "Just let us go !!!"

"Yeah, tell us to go !!!"

‘Everyone, saying too much comforting words seems to be of no avail at this moment. Saying that I will guarantee your personal safety is empty talk. So ... Now, where I am is Southern Television. After 5 minutes, I will personally go to the occupied site and negotiate with the commander-in-chief of the British Alliance! ’

"The queen is in the south ?!" Suddenly, the exposed emotions of the citizens who wanted to go through the checkpoint suddenly cooled down. They thought the queen was sitting back and relaxing, and said these farts without standing back, but did not expect that she would In the south?

"Everybody, listen, our queen is in the south. The queen has already arrived at the site of the disaster. What are you afraid of ?!" A senior military officer stood at the top and communicated with the people.

Chapter 1022:

‘So far, I have been in the throne for 8 days. Although I have only been your queen for 8 days, I still feel deeply. My people, maybe, I have never done anything great for you; maybe, I have never given you any benefits. It's just because time doesn't allow it, and the moment I took office, I was facing this catastrophe. But ... the only thing I can do is charge you! ’

‘I was curious when I was very young, what the Queen did? Besides power and status, what else? I believe many people know what I have flowed to China. In China, I slowly understand what a leader really wants to do. That is to ensure the rise and fall of a country. ’

‘Now, I ’m going to be the front line. If I die, you do n’t have to be afraid. Because ... there is not only a queen of Aslan, but also your general Bing Ye; there is your Prime Minister Xiao Huaishan; there is a second successor, Lan Nuo. So ... the country of Aslan is not my own land, but everyone's world. I would like to pray to heaven, and ask us to work together through this catastrophe ... 'Then, Yao Yao closed his eyes slowly with his hands folded.

The people on the street seemed to be infected by her words, and they were doing the same actions as her.



Leaving the TV station, Yaoyao dared to go to the front.

An army formed by a wall of people intercepted it into a fort. Opposite is the military strength of the British Alliance. The two rooms glared at each other.

Looking from our camp, the other side of the road was full of dead bodies, and many people had been killed by the enemy.

"Call me over."

"Queen, do you think about it?"

"Call me over! Jun has no jokes, I have promised the people, so I must go and negotiate with their people !!!" Yaoyao's tone was so firm.

The guards had to open the door to interception.

A group of people was supposed to follow Yao Yao, but was rejected by Yao Yao.

Because for a character like k, the more people who are with her, the more she is restrained.

Slowly, arrived in the opponent's camp. "I'm Landau, Queen of Aslan, and I want to see your commander, Arthurs ..."

"Please ... the commander is waiting for you ..." Obviously, the words of the enemy officer meant that they knew that she would come over?

Yao Yao narrowed his eyes and followed the leading officer along the way.

On the road, it has become a ruin. The corpses are all over the wild, but they are all warheads. The place I walked was covered with blood, like a ghost town with a gust of wind.

The lead man led Yaoyao straight to the southern western suburbs.

Yaoyao felt more and more wrong as he walked. It stands to reason that the commander's base camp should be built in a more powerful military location. ? ?

"Are you really taking me to your commander?"

"Huh? Is His Royal High doubt?"

Yaoyao was silent. She had arrived at the local camp. What else could be suspected? Do you have the power to doubt anything?

Gradually, as the person leading the way moved forward. Yaoyao's memory reminds me that this direction should be a temple? !!

Still remember ...

When she was about 4 years old, she was punished by the queen for her mistakes. She also met an older sister in the monastery.

"Okay. The Chief Commander is in there, please ..." The leader's footsteps were parked at the door of the temple in Yaoyao's memory.

Are you really here? ?

She tentatively entered the temple ...

The huge courtyard is still countless dead bodies, and the monks in it seem to have been killed by the British.

Footsteps, parked in front of a pool of water ...

Twenty years ago, the water in Wangchi was crystal clear. When she was punished, she liked to come here to play, but unfortunately ... she was a dry duck since she was a child. She can be said to be so proficient that she can neither swim nor die, and accidentally fell into the lake.

At that time, in the cold winter, she did not swim, the lake was cold, and besides the ice night, she thought she was going to see the king.

But at this time, I met her first friend in her life ...

In the vague memory, there is a figure of a girl. When she gradually sinks to the bottom of the lake, the sudden girl jumps into the lake regardless of the coldness of the lake and is rescued by her.

Meet the girl ...

The girl is beautiful.

In terms of age, the girl was at least 5 or 6 years older than her. Landau called her sister ...

Maybe it was too long to face the wall, or it might be too lonely, but Landau, who had always been arrogant, had a very good attitude towards this sister.

Who knows ...

Soon after the girl rescued Lando, a group of black men sneaked into the temple.

Landau's first reaction was that these people were the killers sent by the Queen.

The girl immediately took Yaoyao out of the temple, and headed straight for Houshan ...

Although the killers were thrown away, the two lost their way sadly. He lived in the mountains for 15 days and could only live by eating fruits. But invisible their relationship hated a lot.

After finding the way down the mountain, Yaoyao thought that those in the temple would come to find herself. Who knows ... no one had ever looked for her.

There is no doubt that the people in the monastery must be the Queen's, and they wished she had died. Maybe she should be grateful for the 15 days she lost in the mountains. Maybe she would have been poisoned if she stayed in the temple!

‘Sister, you go. Follow me, you will be in danger. ’

‘Oh… I ’ve got something to tell you… Those in black are n’t here to kill you, they ’re here to kill me! ’

'kill you? ’

'Yes. ’

‘Why are they killing you? ? ? Who the **** are you? ? ’

‘They are from my stepfather ...’

After chatting, Yao Yao found out that this sister had a stepdad who had been abusing her and wanted to kill her. Had it not been for her careful living, she would have died.

If you think about it, Landau feels that she is inexplicably similar to this sister. She is the stepfather who wants to kill her. Landau is the grandma who wants to kill her.

That same fate could not help but make Landuo's relationship with this sister a little bit more.

The two decided ...

Lan Duo protects her sister and expels those killers who intend to kill her; and this sister is responsible for accompany Lan Duo to deal with the bad monks in the temple ...

"Oh, I don't know if my sister is okay now?" The memory pulled back.

Chapter 1023:

After careful calculation, she and the elder sister spent almost one month day and night together, and they were considered to be stumbling blocks, and they had dealt with a lot of difficult obstacles.

Unfortunately, one month later, Lan Duo's face wall period was over, and that sister also said she was leaving, but she promised to come and visit her often ...

Who knows, Lan Duo was sent to China soon. "Well ... if I didn't go to China then, my sister should be my first good friend in life." She sighed slightly and went straight to the inner courtyard of the monastery.

Along the way, quietly, without a soldier guarding, the quiet is just like no one exists.

Curious, why did Arthurs choose this position as the command room? !!

"Squeak ..." Yaoyao directly opened the door of the main hall of the inner courtyard of the temple ...

The sight is full of corpses and **** scenes. And in the right position ... k! !! !!

In five years, k ’s blond hair has grown a lot, which makes it impossible to tell his gender. At first glance, she thought she was a blond beauty, but ... fortunately, she has become accustomed to the beauty of k , Just a little bit uncomfortable with his long hair.

"Did you finally mess with me ?!"


ridiculous! !! !!

If he didn't force her to come over like this, he would come to him? "Isn't this what you want ?!" Stepping into the lobby.

The blood on the ground had wet Yaoyao's shoes, and a sense of nausea stirred in her stomach.

"If you live up to your promise five years ago, do you think I would do this?" K's speech rate is no longer as slow as that year, but with a bit of grudge in the tone of the words. .

"K, why don't you think about me? If it wasn't for your persecution five years ago, why should I hide ?!"

"Are you just trying to avoid me?" K narrowed his blue eyes.

Yaoyao nodded coldly: "Yes! I just want to hide from you! I just don't want you to find me !!!"

"I just hate you so much ?!" k rushed to Yao Yao in emotion.

She raised her head and met his eyes with resentment: "I never hated you, five years ago, and five years later. I just hate you !!! Now ... hate you even more !!!"

‘Pah…’ K raised his hand and hit a slap on Yao Yao ’s face.

"I'm waiting for you for five years, and what I want to hear is not this sentence !!!"


It's ridiculous ...

"Then what do you want to hear?" Yaoya covered his cheeks and looked at k sarcastically: "Should I say that in the past five years, I miss you so much? In these five years, I have been waiting to meet you ?? Don't you think it's fake? !!! "

"Even if it's fake, I want to listen!"

"Sorry! You want to hear it, but I feel sick when I say it ..."

k raised his hand again.

When he was about to fall ...

Yaoyao grabbed his wrist, waved his hand, and gave him a slap in the face: "k, are you crazy enough ?? Don't you think all your behaviors are naive ???? You forcibly left me in For your side, what is it for ???? You love me ?! "

"Don't love !!! But, I just want to keep you by my side !!!" Then, k kissed Yaoya emotionally.

She was struggling hard, with a small mouth, and biting the tongue that he pushed into his lips.

But k still didn't mean to stop, like kissing Yaoyao without knowing the pain, even the blood had filled their lips ... He didn't stop.

"Well ... Enough! Enough! Enough !!!" Yaoyao pushed hard and pushed away k: "You don't love me, what are you doing to me ???? And ... you Is your clean fetish good ?! "

If it weren't for Yaoyao's mention, k wouldn't have noticed it, and he wouldn't feel any disgusting kiss.

I still remember that five years ago, the kiss from the casino lasted until he couldn't hold it. But now, I don't feel like stopping at all. "Oh ... it seems so! Very good! Then we can go to bed !!!" The big hand grabbed her arm arrogantly.

"K !!!! Don't be crazy ?!" Yaoyao struggled wildly: "If you don't love me, it's just because you can contact me that you have done so many things that are not normal, you Don't you think you are too selfish? !!! "

"No ..." K opened his mouth coldly to Yao Yao: "I don't love you, but it's definitely not because I can only contact you that I have to keep you by my side!"


really weird! !! !!

It's really weird. "K, I really don't understand what you are thinking. To be honest, being with someone like you will go crazy even if I don't die !!!"

"I don't know what love is or what it's like. Because, I never love ..." K slowly turned his head, and there was a bitter smile on that unusually beautiful face "The only thing I know is that I want to see you, and I want to see you every day and every day. Whether you are happy or unhappy, as long as I can see you, I will be happy!"


Yao Yao stared blankly at k. Is this love? At this moment, she was a bit confused. Literally, it was love. But ... it's not like love.

"But I'm not happy !!! Do you know?"

"I've said that, whether you're happy or not, as long as I can see you, it's fine!"

"You're so selfish !!!" Yao Yao was already furious and almost angry. She gritted her teeth indignantly: "So, k, what do you want, let's end it."


"Don't you love me? Why get married ?!"

"Love you or not, I will marry you !!!"

grass! !! !!

Yaoyao bit her teeth and shook her fist in anger: "We are getting married !!!"

Blue eyes expanded instantly, and there was an unmaskable smile on K's demon-like face: "Really?"

"Really !!"

"Dear, this time, will you not lie to me again ?!"

"Do I still dare to lie to you? You threatened me with my family before; now you threaten me with my people. I am lying to you. I guess you should kill everyone in the world ?!"

"Well, now you and my country, Britain, right now. We have a wedding, and I will release your people from Asland."

"No need!" Yao Yao shook off K's hand coldly: "We are going to get married now and get married in Asland. After getting married, you let go of my man immediately!"

Chapter 1024:

"Huh?" K narrowed his eyes ... "Are you playing tricks with me?"

"My people are in your hands, do I dare to play tricks with you? If you want to get married, just follow me. I must have a wedding with you in the Royal Palace of Aslan !!!"

k lowered his eyes ...

Thinking for a moment. "it is good."

Yaoyao really didn't expect that k promised would be so easy, you know, the royal palace of Aslan is her place, k really dare to go? ? ?

"Hello, aren't you afraid I'll trick you into killing you?"

"Don't be afraid. I'll pull you to death together at that time, and there will be funerals for the people in your south, which is fine."

madman! !! !!

Yaoyao just wanted to give this man this evaluation!

K pulled up Yao Yao's hand and walked towards the outside of the hall. As he passed the quiet lake, k stopped suddenly and stopped to watch.

"What are you looking at?" Yao Yao asked puzzled.

K turned his head and looked at her with a wicked smile: "Someone once swore in front of Lake God and will marry me in the future. Of course I told Lake God that someone finally fulfilled his promise."

Lake God? ? ? ?

‘Sister, do you say there will be a lake **** in this lake? ’

‘Maybe there is. ’

I still remember that this was a conversation that Yao Yao had with the sister who saved her life.

When she was leaving with that sister later ...

She said ... ‘Sister, will I grow up and marry you? ’

‘Okay. Don't forget your promise. ’

‘But you ’re a girl, and I ’m also a girl, we ca n’t seem to get married. ’

‘It ’s okay, you can get married. Go swear to Lake God and marry me when you grow up. Lake God will definitely fulfill your wishes. ’The older sister said coldly to Landau.

Lando knows that this is just a way for her sister to coax herself, but she still swears to Lake God ...

Just didn't expect ...

"You ... you ... sister?" Yao Yao's pupils dilated instantly n times, and the whole person almost scared to the ground and collapsed to the ground: "Did you intentionally undergo a transsexual surgery to marry me?"

"Fart! At that time, I was a man dressed as a woman in order to avoid my stepfather's pursuit !!!" K was almost angry.

Yaoyao opened her mouth slightly ...

Finally understand ...

What K said, her commitment that year turned out to be this! !! "I was so small at that time, I just talked about promises, and ... and ... I thought you were a woman, and jokingly said, why do you ..."

"That's just what you thought, but I'm a man !!"

wait wait wait! !! !! Yaoyao became a little confused. "I remember, when I was punished to face this wall, you came to my Royal Highness and said that you would kill me when I was 18 years old. Why ????"

"I did kill you then. But after getting along with you, I decided it was better to turn you into my wife!"

"!!!!!! Haven't you fulfilled your promise ?!" Yaoyao really wished that he had fulfilled the first promise directly.

Oh, mygod, she didn't expect that the sister who ate and slept with her at that time would be a man. 55555555 Feelings are no longer innocent when she is four! !! !! !!

"I said to wait for you to kill you at the age of 18. But ... you are now 25 years old and I can't kill you. Isn't it?" K laughed evilly.

Yaoyao's eyes rolled over: "Let's go, let's get married." After k left the temple together and headed for the palace ...

You know, the palaces of Aslan are all Yaoyao people. K went to Arthur with only one person. It shows how confident k is and how powerful he is.

Arrived at the Royal Palace of Aslan State, inside and outside the palace is heavily guarded. Because Yaoyao's trip to the south had already passed into Bingye's ears, his whole body was almost blown away.

"General Ice Night !!! The Queen is back."

"Come back?" Bing Ye rushed out of the palace as soon as he heard the news from his men. Meet Yaoyao far.

Seeing Yao Yao slowly approaching not far away, he angrily shook his fist: "Lando !!! You are too arbitrary, even ..." The scolding sound of covering his face was only half said.

K's figure was reflected in Bing Ye's sight. He narrowed his eyes coldly ... this man?

"Bing Ye, I'm going to marry him. Could you please tell someone to arrange it. But remember ... low-key ..." After all, as her queen, she could not marry a man other than Bing Ye, this one It would be troublesome if things spread.

"Get married ?! Lando you !!!"

"Bing Ye, this is my decision. You just have to implement it."

Bing Ye's affection for Lan Duo is limited to siblings. She is good to any man, and he will not object. But ... rashly brought back a man and she said she was getting married?

Bing Ye's cold eyes once again turned to k.

K narrowed his eyes and smiled, beckoning to K ... "hi ..."

Blond hair and blue eyes.

Bing Ye also saw k as a boy.

But later ...

K keeps calling his servant Arthurs posing as himself, so not many people really know how k looks. "You are ... k?"

"long time no see."

Bing Ye narrowed her eyes coldly, and her cold cold eyes met Yao Yao's eyes again: "His Royal Highness, I'll tell someone to prepare."

"Well, trouble you."

Watching the back of Bing Ye leaving, K smiled and crooked his head: "Ah, ah, almost ten years ago, Bing Ye is still a dead face, without any change. You follow him, It's really hard for you. "


That's right. Bing Ye will always be a face that has been frozen for thousands of years, but Yao Yao knows that when he treats himself, his heart is hot. This is exactly the opposite of k ...

This person always seems to laugh, but in fact his heart is afraid that he has already died.

"Okay ... would you like to visit my palace? I can show you around and visit."

"Okay ..." K turned back: "Arthurs, go and help Bing Ye to manage my marriage with Lando. Otherwise, I always feel like I'm going backwards."

"Yes. Your Highness ..."

Throughout the afternoon, Landau was like taking his own friends to visit the entire palace of Aslan with Bing Ye; Bing Ye and Arthurs were busy preparing for the marriage between Yaoyao and K. .

Maybe this marriage was leaked, Bing Ye deliberately evacuated many of the palace's guards, leaving only a dozen confidants busy.

The wedding was set up almost before evening.

There are no gorgeous venues, no guests, no grand scenes, and the bride and groom have no wedding dresses.

Chapter 1025:

"Because of time constraints, there is only so much I can do." Waiting at the ice night of the palace and talking to K.

K glanced around the humble wedding scene and smiled unconsciously: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if nothing. But ... there must be a wedding dress! I must see Landau wearing a wedding dress!"

His tone was undeniable.

Yaoyao standing next to k frowned slightly: "Ice night, see if you can get a wedding dress right away. If you can find it, bring it right away."

"Your mother's house should be there. I'll get it."

Is mom's wedding dress? Yeah ... "Well, go."

Bing Ye left the palace in a hurry, Yao Yao glanced at him in confusion. "Why do you have to ask me to wear a wedding dress? It's just a form anyway."

"This will make you remember forever. The first time you wear a wedding dress is for me!"

"Who said it was my first time?" Yao Yao said with his hands behind his back, "I first wore it when I married Chen Yi."

"Huh? That time !? Wasn't it messed up by Royal Sky?"

"..." Why does K even know this? ? Correct! That's right, although she wore a wedding dress for the first time, she did not complete the wedding.

In the end, Yu Aotian let her go, but due to the situation, she and Feng Chenyi decided that the wedding was not going to be held. Invisibly, it is equal to that she has never once worn a wedding dress.

Unexpectedly, these k seem to know everything.

Also have to say, k this guy. Really enough for a while.

For a woman, wedding dresses and wedding rings do mean a lot to them. At least she will never forget in her life. She had a wedding with k, although it was just a wedding like a house!

"Here it is."

"Well, Bing Ye, you accompany me to change."

"OK." Bing Ye and Yao Yao went to the room behind the palace.

After confirming that nobody was there, Arthur walked to K in wonder: "His Royal Highness, why did you ask His Royal Highness Landau to marry you at this time? After all ... this is their place."

K clearly heard what Arthurs wanted to express. I didn't mind smiling, and the luster contained in the blue eyes was dark and bloody: "If I told her to follow me, she would not go; anyway, I just wanted to see how she wore a wedding dress for me. So ... it's the same everywhere ... "

"His Royal Highness, you ?!" For some reason, Arthurs had a bad hunch. He clenched his fist slightly, and silently closed.

About 5 minutes later, Yao Yao had changed the wedding dress brought by Bing Ye.

Looking from a distance, although this wedding dress is a little yellow because of its age, the whole still gives a stunning feeling. The lace strapless design makes Yao Yao's temperament even more outstanding. The big tail shows attention and domineering.

The main thing is ...

This wedding dress was worn by Yao Yao's biological mother, which is also meaningful to her.

in spite of……

The impression of her natural mother in Yao Yao's heart is so weak ...

"It's beautiful." K stepped in front of her, Lan Mo kept looking at her wedding dress.

Yaoyao raised his lips ... "Thank you." The driver pulled up her skirt and made an English thank you to K.

"Come on." K grabbed Yaoyao's hand, Lanmou looked at Bingye: "What processes are needed?"

"Do you ask me?" Bing Ye asked coldly, and he never hosted the wedding.

"That's okay. Just go straight into the cave."

How does that work? !! !! Yaoyao immediately grabbed k's arm: "Hey, anyway, there must be a ring exchange, and the process of drinking a glass of wine ???? What do you think of me?"

"Huh? Exchange rings ..." As you can see, k is really not prepared for this process.

"If you don't have a ring, buy it."

"Wait, I have it!"


Where's the ring? Are you ready in advance? When Yaoyao was in doubt ...

K looked at Bing Ye with a smile: "General Bing Ye, if you are looking at the person who grows up with Lan Duo, please trouble you, be a witness, can you?"

Facing k's proposal, Bing Ye did not hesitate: "Yes." Quickly walked to the throne position: "Then please invite the groom and the bride to enter."

"Hmm ..." K raised an eyebrow, and arched his arm with a wicked smile.

Yao Yao sighed slightly, put his hand on K's arm, and walked slowly towards Bing Ye.

Obviously it was a game of playing house, but for some reason, the moment she was getting closer to the ice night, she really felt like being brought into the wedding scene.


She doesn't love this man at all!

"Then you both exchange rings."

k interviewed and stood with Yao Yao.

K pulled Yaoyao's right hand in one hand, and reached into his jacket's pocket with the other hand, and found a ring, and slowly put it on Yaoyao's ring finger.

Yaoyao has no interest in this process. but……

When k wears the ring.

She found out ...

This ring is ...

The one that Yu Aotian was going to give her, but unfortunately was taken away by k five years ago. Unexpectedly, he kept it?

The big eyes were full of wonders, and she looked at k with a wicked smile with her mouth open slightly. "you??"

Inexplicably curious.

It stands to reason that even if k doesn't love her, such a sensitive thing as a ring, she won't use the ring given to her by Royal Sky, right?

"Let's use flowers to present Buddha. I'm not prepared anyway. What about the ring you gave me?"

"..." This sentence made Yaoyao stupid. "How can I ...?"

"I know you don't!" K shook his head helplessly, and Blue Eye patrolled around the palace. Eventually his eyes fixed on the red cloth on the table.

He drew a silk thread from the red cloth and handed it to Yao Yao: "Come, put it on me."

What? Didn't she realize that k would be someone who loves this kind of thing?

With no choice, Yaoyao tied the red line to the ring finger of k. "All right……"

k lowered his blue eyes and glanced at the red thread ring on the ring finger, and the corner of his mouth evoked a charming smile ...

Is she dazzled?

Although there is a smile on his face all the time, but his smile is so hypocritical, and can even be described with grief, but his smile at this moment is so real ...

"Are there any etiquettes? It's done all at once. After that, I'll wait for the cave."


The cave house? You have to be alive! !! Yaoyao gave a look to Bingye.

Bing Ye narrowed his eyes deliberately, and said coldly, "Drink a bar." Then he turned and walked towards a bottle of red wine on the table. <

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