A new life in High School DXD

109 She will not cause problems

Yukio and Great Red were now standing in an elegant office, he had to admit that the office was quite beautiful, a chandelier on the ceiling with a wooden table as a desk, but it seemed to shine in the dim light of the place.

There was only one window covered by a thin curtain.

Great Red tilted her head with a confused look the moment they came to this site.

Great Red: "What are we doing here?"

Yukio: "I have to talk to a friend," he explained briefly, but then he looked at her. "You would not cause me any trouble, right?"

He had to make sure that this woman did not cause problems, he felt more like being a babysitter.

Great Red furrowed her pretty eyebrows: "I won´t promise anything."

Yukio felt somewhat bitter, he did not understand this strange woman, but after looking at her for a while, he pulled out a black mask that only showed the eyes, out of his inventory.

Yukio: "Use this, although I don´t think anyone can recognize you, I prefer to avoid problems."

Great Red looked at the mask but she shook her head: "No chance at all, I will not use that thing, why would I have to do it?" She immediately refused.

Yukio knew why this woman probably did that, so he just let her go, how annoying it was to try to convince someone.

The two took a walk towards some seats in front of the desk, they immediately took a seat.

Apparently, the owner of this office would not be here for a while, so Yukio took this opportunity to chat a little with this strange woman.

Yukio: "Can I take this as you accepting my offer of peace?" He asked to test the waters.

Great Red fixed her eyes on Yukio's eyes, she nodded briefly.

Great Red: "You can take it that way."

Yukio sighed in relief: "That's a good thing, I was getting tired of having to take care of your possible attacks."

He really was relieved to hear this woman's words, although Great Red could not hurt him too much, it was annoying that someone suddenly attacked you.

No doubt the situation would make him think that Great Red could attack him at any moment forcing him to be on his guard up.

Also at this time, he was in his weak state, he had approximately twenty-four hours left so that at last his 'skin' would change.

But while he was thinking these things, he noticed a very peculiar expression on the face of the woman at his side.

Great Red who had heard the words of Yukio smiled mysteriously while with her finger touched the desk in front of her.

Great Red: "Really? I'm glad to know that you will not have to take care of my attacks, but you should know that I will not let go of the humiliation that you did to me." She hissed in a threatening voice.

But a red tone appeared on her cheeks as she remembered that 'fateful' day, it was very humiliating to be treated that way.

Yukio smiled bitterly, he had not noticed Great Red's flushed cheeks because she had quickly looked away.

Yukio: "In the end ... Isn´t it the same?" He said while inside he felt quite angry with himself.

'This woman is quite vindictive! If he knew that this was going to happen, he would have let her go immediately. 'He complained to himself.

Great Red looked at the expression of bitterness on Yukio's face and for some reason felt a sense of triumph inside her.

But she also felt something wrong seeing him bitter, on the one hand, it was quite rewarding and on the other a kind of discomfort.

'Am I thinking too much? ... Why do I feel that way?' She did not understand her own feelings.

Yukio: "Well, changing the subject, can I know why you are following me? Don´t tell me ... Do you think you can attack me when I let go of all my guards?"

He asked with a surprised expression, but in reality, he knew that he could escape from this woman in an instant.

Great Red went out of her thoughts and shook with her head.

Great Red: "I have been bored ... Since the departure of the Dragon ... I mean Ophis, I have been very bored and with no one to 'play' with ... Therefore I was curious to spend some time for a while and best way to do it with someone I know."

She explained to him, it was quite sincere, but also the real reason why she came to him was hidden, she did not even understand it herself.

Yukio did not think much of it and nodded, it did not surprise him, who was not bored after all the time in the dimensional crack?

Although there were some beings there, everyone was far away from each other, a conversation was not very likely, no matter how powerful you are, loneliness is boring.

Yukio: "How about I take you to Ophis?"

Great Red: "Uh? Are you serious? And I thought that going to your mysterious dimension was very difficult."

Yukio almost laughed at her answer: "Says the girl who cheated me and entered my dimension so easily."

Great Red immediately growled: "But even so I was tied in a dirty way by that woman!"

They both looked at each other and soon they laughed, it was a strange conversation between them.

A woman who was looking for revenge for the humiliation that this man made her go through, and the man who tried to fix things calmly.

Their conversation changed between each word, in an instant, they talked about Kuroka, and in the next one, they changed to their times of battles.

Little by little, their conversation came to their friends and how much time they have spent living.

Great Red was surprised: "Are you really only eighteen?"

She could not believe it, this man who was beyond her power ... He was absurdly young.

Yukio smiled as he stretched: "What's wrong? Does my age cause you problems? ... Oh, I forgot you're a very old woman, don´t you come from the creation of the world?"

He scoffed while pointing at her while smiling.

Great Red immediately became angry, but she only snorted.

If this conversation had been an hour ago, she would have attacked him.

But she was now somewhat happy inside.

'Is this what a friend is?' She wondered with a smile on her lips.

Great Red: "I admit I'm a little older ... But I'm not that old." She said softly.

Yukio shook his head: "I don´t know how old you are, but that does not matter, it´s not an important thing now, right? After all, we can both live for millions of years, if not at least until decades."

Yukio's words were not a joke, his power was to the point of being able to live for a few thousand years.

Great Red nodded with a smile, but inside her heart, she felt an outburst of happiness at hearing those sincere words from Yukio.

Although she did not understand why, for some reason, she began to feel very calm in Yukio's presence.

It was as if only his presence made her feel weak, plus she could not help but look at Yukio's lips attentively as he spoke, her mind sank into that memory when both of them had inadvertently kissed each other.

She was starting to feel very lost in her thoughts while remembering that feeling, unknowingly touching her red lips.

But inside she felt too complicated.

'What is this? ... What is this feeling? Why do I want to do that so much?' She could not stop asking herself.

She had never felt anything like that, she was absolutely inexperienced in what to do while thinking about that, suddenly she heard the man's voice beside her.

Yukio: "Finally someone is coming, well, I'll solve this later and soon we can go to my dimension." He said while smiling and looking towards the door.

Great Red nodded while looking askance at the man next to her, she smiled as she thought to pay attention to him.

She would not cause problems at this time ...


The sound of a lock echoed as the wooden door opened, clearly, someone had passed without a key previously.

Even so it seemed that that key was actually the catalyst to remove the security of the said office.

It was a shame for the security measures but there were already two intruders inside, the moment the man opened the door his steps stopped immediately while he kept a surprised look.

Yukio looked at his expression and smiled as he waved his hand.

Yukio: "Are you so surprised to see me here? ... Brother-in-law"

Editor: maave

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