A new life in High School DXD

156 Prisoners and Punishmen



When they were all teleported together before the <Shishinrō> they were really stunned

In the air, there was some kind of evil presence and an ominous feeling was creeping through the hearts of all those present, they turned their eyes towards a nearby ravine where there were thousands of talismans and their mouths closed with panic

Down there was ... People? No, no matter how much they looked at that you were not people ... They were a cannibal! Many strange beings with some liquid on top of them were fighting or eating each other as if they were beasts.

Every person of the present-day factions had experienced many things, even seeing a group of similar humanoid beings eating each other was still disgusting to their views

Bill: "If you still have the motivation to keep going, please follow me"

At that moment Bill's natural voice caused some to come out of their daze and reflexively fixed their eyes on him

Bill took a few steps forward as he bowed respectfully before his King and Queens, then he spread his hands while he seemed to do some ritual

Bill: "sǝpɐpıpunɟoɹԀ oɹʇɐnƆ ǝp uoısıɹԀ"

But when everyone in the audience tried to listen to Bill's words, no one could understand anything, it was as if those words had been some kind of ancient language that they could not understand.

Rumble! ~

But the truly important thing happened just when Bill's words were over, the earth under everyone's feet trembled violently while before the eyes of all, a dark vortex had appeared in the distance while from there something was coming out little by little

Unreal? ... What came out of there was like a huge castle, anybody would think that there would be a King or something like it if it were not for the immense ominous sensation and besides that there was some visible barrier of dark color for all

Yukio: "Do not separate, each follows the Captains and Lieutenants, I will not be responsible for any loss until this point"

Yukio's words caused many to get nervous and were immediately placed behind the Captains and Lieutenants

Because Claudia was not very strong, not many were willing to stay close to her, which caused her some disgust and she pursed her lips

It is assumed that it did not matter if you were weak or not, <Shishinrō> was where she resided, she also knew the incantation that was used so that any of the detainees that were inside were punished by the barrier of the prison itself

Bill noticed Claudia's bad mood and chuckled, but he knew that if he said something he would suffer his anger and therefore decided to simply guide the guests inside the <Shishinrō>

When everyone entered the immense castle their hearts beat with force because of the feeling of danger, they expected to see beautiful walls and decorations due to the exterior shape of the castle, but once they entered the only thing they noticed was many cells where they could vaguely see some silhouettes

Ajuka: "This is space magic ..." He was a little surprised at the discovery

Sirzechs: "What do you mean?"

Ajuka: "Once we entered through the castle gates, we were actually entering a place separate from the space ... This place is fantastic"

Serafall and Falbium did not say anything but they were also very impressed, well they were not the only ones

Some others also noticed but did not say anything, for them Yukio was an excellent user of Space magic


It was just at that moment that they walked to the second floor that they heard loud blows

Nyx: "... There is a stench of blood in the air"

The Olympian goddesses tensed at the mention of the smell of blood, while the Olympian gods were in front of them to protect them from any incoming attack.

Athena, on the other hand, was not very hesitant, she was not the typical woman who usually gets scared, Yaeko who was in her arms smiled while saying some phrases that made Athena just smile and respond graciously

Anyone would think that these two were on a trip to some children camp

Shuri: "Honey ... Why are so many presences appearing? ..." She was next to Yukio tensed a little to feel many presences with evil auras nearby

Yukio: "You should not worry about it, they will not do anything to us, simply they must be deciding who would be the new leader of the second floor"

Just with their words, they kept walking and the sounds became closer and closer

Soon everyone could see what was really happening and it was as Yukio had said before

At the top of a rail of a cell was a man in black clothes with a number that identified him as the prisoner [5452]

He had short blonde hair and blue eyes while his ears were pointy

Instead, his opponent was a woman with long dark blue hair, thin body and had a snake-like birthmark below his left eye, plus she was dressed in the same way as the man in a dark suit and the only thing different was his identification [3456]

Both opponents looked at each other seriously and without words, they soon launched into the attack

The occasional blows made the air tremble, kicks and techniques were observed in the exchange

They were absurdly quick for the eyes of some present, at some point, the man was on the ground and then in the air, it was too much to know who was winning

Until they suddenly noticed that the man had hit the stomach of the woman sending her to crash into a cell

They thought that he had changed but a drastic change happened


A thin hand had torn the heart of the elven man, without his heart, his life was lost and his body collapsed on the ground.

Now everyone could see another woman who had white hair and red eyes, she had a body similar to the blue-haired girl plus she had a birthmark like a snake in her right eye

Clearly, these two women were related to each other

The blue-haired woman got up while wiping the blood from her mouth and approached the white-haired woman, both women then turned their gaze towards Yukio and his group

Noticing the two Captains present, they frowned but then escaped without any words

Claudia or Bill did not persecute them, they simply urged others to keep walking, this was normal here.

Each floor had a boss and Yukio did not care, after all, all the criminals who went to the second floor of the <Shishinrō> were destined to be forced to serve the empire or their death had already been decided.

The more they walked the more fights they could notice, they would occasionally notice the same women fighting and they seemed to have the strategy of one distracting the enemy while the other would give the death blow

They also noticed a muscular man with white hair and golden eyes who was practically destroying all his enemies as if they were made of paper

His physical strength was absurd!

Some prisoners tried to attack them and that made all the guests nervous, but Claudia just smiled and said a few sentences

Claudia: "lɐʇuǝW uoıɔɐuoʇǝ" With a few simple words all of them were immediately put in agonizing pain as they rolled on the floor

But Claudia just ignored them and continued to take firm steps while some guests who followed Bill now seemed to go after her

Yukio, as they were walking, began to explain to everyone what happened

Yukio: "This prison consists of four floors, the first is where only those who have slight sins are directed, the second were those who betrayed the empire or caused many deaths, while the third is for those who did mischief that no one can accept and their lives are destined to die here "

Azazel: "... And the fourth?"

Yukio smiled slightly "It's a place where the worst enemies go, but you should not worry after all they will not have to go there"

When he finished his words they had crossed metal doors that indicated the third floor, but contrary to the expectations of all Yukio turned to the left side

Odin: "Where are we going?"

Yukio: "On the third floor there are three sectors, first main sector, second punishment, third death pavilion"

Issei: "What are the first and third sectors?"

Yukio was not going to say anything, but notice that this was his brother who asked him the decision to at least respond "The first sector is for those prisoners on the third floor who have finished their punishment and stay alive in the main sector ... Whether they want to live there or kill to become the Floor Manager "

Everyone could understand that then, each of those who ended their punishment would be sent to the Main Sector with the intention of living his life ... But would not he die anyway?

If this floor is like the previous one where everyone fought to be the Head of the Floor it was obvious that they would die even without interfering in the affairs of others

Yukio: "As for the Pavilion of death, it is as its name indicates ... This is where the Guards execute the Prisoners"

Up to this point, some had doubts, to execute the prisoners? For what?, Everyone could notice that the prisoners themselves were killing each other, so why would the guards kill them?

But Yukio did not think about explaining anything and soon they reached the Sector of Punishment

The moment they crossed those doors they all frowned and felt some fear in their hearts as they walked slowly down the corridor that was dimly lit.

PA !!


A female scream filled the hallway as everyone now turned around to watch as Sona Sitri had fallen backward while watching a cell with a very pale face

Serafall became very tense because she had not been so distracted that she did not notice her little Sona-chan here and immediately she was helping her get up

Sona: "Ee-Onee-sama ...!" She almost spoke out loud while her eyes were glued to the cell where there was a man

Everyone also felt curious and when they looked at that place their hearts fell into a panic ...

Inside there was a man who was being chained by his four limbs, he was naked and had a couple of daggers embedded in many parts of his body, but the strange thing is that he was still alive!

The strangest thing was that ... Because that man had empty eyes and had so many strange and viscous fluids on his body?

Venelana: "...L-Lord Phoenix ...!" She quickly recognized the man while her eyes were fixed on Reiko who had been by Yukio's side without saying a word

Reiko also looked at the man, but she did not have any expression, she just stuck to her husband's body as if she wanted to be hugged, which Yukio fulfilled

Yukio: "Let's move on, then you can look at it again"

Yukio's cold words made everyone feel that this man ... He really was not a good person

Serafall picked up her younger sister and immediately urged them to go together, Seekvaira who was with Sona also had to join the group of sisters

When they passed another cell they went blank when they saw Raiser Phoenix ... Or rather what was left of him

The body of Raiser Phoenix was lying in a viscous puddle while it was impaled with different weapons on the ground

That was scary ... Yukio felt that Reiko trembled a little and he knew it was something anguishing for her to see this scene ... Besides that, he was the one who made these things happen

But Reiko did not really move away from Yukio, she already knew that her ex-husband and her son had died a long time ago ... Only that seeing them was different from imagining it, but she was not blaming Yukio

She knew that her ex-husband and her son Raiser deserved this kind of punishment for all the atrocities they had committed over the years

Besides ... How could she call 'son' a man who looked at her lasciviously every day?

With that in mind, she only took Yukio's hand without caring about the looks of others, the other wives did nothing to stop her because in a way everyone knew that this moment was necessary for her

"A-help ..."


"Get me out of here!"

"N-no, please do not go away!"

There were loud cries as they took more steps, for a moment between the mixed cries all could even hear the voice of Alpheus

Aura, who was walking to Yukio next to the handcuffs suddenly started to look in another direction clearly where everyone had heard the voice of Alpheus.

Yukio: "I would not recommend going there"

Yukio's voice came from the front and everyone now looked at him with some conflict ...

Everyone was afraid, but curiosity also made them feel distresses... What would be happening with Alfeo who was screaming like that?

Was he tortured so brutally?

Unconsciously they took a step forward, Yukio stopped his wives because he did not want to let any of them observe that situation.

Aura just gave Yukio a look and knew it was better for her not to go ...

Soon all the others returned and their faces were pale, even the Goddesses and Olympian Gods seemed to sweat

The only one who did not know about the situation was Athena since she was holding Yaeko and did not want to show her something unpleasant

Artemis whispered in Athena's ears with her infused magic so that no one but her could hear her, at that moment Athena's face turned pale instantly.

Artemis: "Alfeo ... Alli, little green men ... They play 'that' ... He ... They are using ... Many weapons for 'that'"

Athena was a woman who maintained her virtue throughout her life but was not a fool not to know what Artemis was referring to and she felt really scared

Alfeo was ... Raped? ... What a cruel fate for a rapist ... But the way Artemis described it was as if those little green men used weapons to put inside that 'place' of Alpheus ... No, It was like that, or was it yes?

While she had those thoughts, they had already arrived in a cell where everyone was staring

"A-Azazel ... Help ME!" A dying scream was heard immediately when the man could see people outside the cell

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

But immediately three long needles were driven at a frightening speed in every weak part of his body and his dying screams were terrifying

But a beautiful woman dressed in a priestess's robe was sitting very comfortably and she made a casual gesture with her hand when Kokabiel healed, Kokabiel only healed physically but the mental damage was there!

Kokabiel's condition was easy for everyone to see ... He was being held to a wall by many chains and was repeatedly tortured while this beautiful woman in a priestess's gown healed him so that the punishment could be prolonged.

If that was not evil ... Then what was it?

Yukio: "So, do you still want to take him? I know you were thinking of sending him to Cocytus to spend his frozen eternity ... I really do not appreciate that kind of punishment"

Everyone was silent, it was because now everyone had an idea of ​​what kind of man this person was in front of them

Piety? ... It seemed that I did not have, Heart, possibly only for your loved ones ... Punish Kokabiel in this way just for a failed attack attempt but ... Nobody wanted to get their hands on something difficult

Serafall: "... I'll leave it in your hands ..."

Yukio: "That's what I thought, what happened to my order?"

Serafall glanced at Yaeko in Athena's arms and then at Kuisha before she replied "They're almost done ... I'll make an extra as my gift to you, thanks for punishing Kokabiel on my behalf" She bowed while ... Was it respectful?

Everyone was stunned to see the most childish woman in the whole underworld do something so respectfully

Serafall felt shy by all eyes and only smiled hollowly before returning to her group

The Olympian gods observed the place and felt somewhat relieved

Previously they were angry because Yukio had severely hit Dionysus ... But comparing the punishment that Dionysus received with the people in these behind these bars, it could be said that he was now in heaven

Aura looked at the man who was now his King with some complication, what kind of man was he?

It was good, but it also had its evil side ... For some strange reason, she felt an emotion arise from her when imagining the bad side of Yukio

Nyx: "I can say that he is suffering properly, ¿but what happened to the other Fallen Angels who were taken, prisoner?"

At that time Nyx who had been silent was the one who asked the question that Azazel was dying to do but did not have the courage to do the same

Yukio: "They ... Well, I think it would be much better if I let you see it with your own eyes"

Without any words, they all started to leave the <Shishinrō>, when they passed the second floor they noticed that the white-haired man was still fighting against a large number of enemies

And the white-haired woman had just murdered another woman who was blonde, while the dark blue-haired woman was fighting an old man of small stature

The sounds of the battle and the powerful aura emitted by each participant in it, caused the Factions to feel some weakness

These prisoners were so ferocious and had superior strength, even the Four Maou and Gods felt something scary of these people gathered here in the <Shishinrō>

When they all left the <Shishinrō>, Bill recited the same ritual and the prison was swallowed again by the dark vortices, Yukio immediately opened a white portal allowing everyone to enter

By the time they all reappeared they were speechless at what they were seeing now, it was a new world for them and they quickly knew that this place was about the dimension of the Fairy King

Just now they were standing in a great harvest which was being guarded by Fairies Guards, in the vicinity, there were women with rabbit ears collecting some vegetables

There were also men planting and some other women of different races occasionally saw each other

But Azazel and the other factions were looking at a group in common, they all had common human appearances while happily picking up some crops

At the moment when that group of ordinary humans noticed Yukio, everyone quickly they approached out with big smiles

"My respects to the Fairy King !!"

Whether they were men or women those voices sounded repeatedly, Yukio pulled out a smile "Did you really like this place?"

A man and a woman who seemed to be the leaders of this group quickly moved forward

Man: "It's an excellent place for us, we should thank the Fairy King for his good care"

Woman: "We really appreciate what you my King has done for us during this time, we have become very attached to this place and together we have decided to stay to help new our friends"

Yukio looked at others in the group who nodded repeatedly and smiled, also noted that the other races in the vicinity showed bright smiles at the words of this woman

Yukio: "Well, you can stay as long as you want, you should pay attention to the head of this field and try not to cause problems, if someone needs another job, you can come to talk to me" He placed his hands on the shoulder of the man and woman while he said those words with kindness

The man immediately nodded with a smile, while the woman had a slight blush but still smiled brightly

Yukio: "Oh, by the way ... Your leader Azazel has come to chat with you"

The moment they heard 'Azazel' these people showed some expressions, but they looked into each other's eyes before smiling "We will only accept a talk, something else and it will not be possible!"

They were clearly saying that they would not leave here, Azazel who heard that almost drowned but he smiled and started to have a little talk with his ex-subordinates

Yukio: "So are you satisfied with this?"

Nyx: "Uh?"

Yukio: "I say you're the one who has been complaining all this time, so are you satisfied now?"

Nyx frowned. "Bah, it's not like I complained, our world must have a balance, but you've broken it without any consent"

Yukio: "Yes, that hurts ... To the next one, I will make sure to ask your consent to destroy other equilibria"

Nyx: "..." She did not say anything because she knew that this man was making fun of her openly

Yukio: "Did the cat eat your tongue?"

Nyx: "Maybe the Dragon will do it at this rate" She shrugged as she looked towards where the wives who had come with Yukio met.

Yukio also looked at that address and noticed that Great Red was looking at him with some dangerous look in his eyes

Yukio: "Yes ... That's possible" He laughed as he winked playfully at Great Red

Great Red snorted but her face reddened a bit and she turned around to talk to the other wives

Although she was not yet Yukio's wife, she already considered herself one, after all ... Was not Yukio the one who sent her to his ... Climax ...

Artemis: "Uh, excuse me, Mr. Doragon?"

At that moment Artemis had appeared in front of Nyx and Yukio, she seemed hesitant.

Yukio: "Yes, Miss Artemisa"

Artemis: "Please do not have to use honorary ... Actually, I would like to apologize to you for everything that happened before in your mansion, we did not want to cause you any problems"

Yukio knew that this woman should be talking about what happened with Yaeko so he just sighed "You do not have to worry about it, I know it was all my daughter's fault and I have already decided to forgive them for it, I will make sure to thank you later for taking care of her at that moment "

Artemis: "Oh, but ... Actually, it was not all the fault of little Yaeko, we were also involved if we had not hit one of his Guards and escaped, then things would be different"

Yukio: "Uh? Are you defending her?"

Artemis: "It's not that I defend her ... It's just that I tell the truth and she should not take any punishment for something she did not do"

Yukio felt laughable this woman was trying to defend Yaeko from his punishment ... But in reality, Yaeko had not even been punished

Yukio: "In that case, I'll keep it in mind, please tell the others that I'll make sure I keep my promise and I'll reward them for taking care of Yaeko."

He was not going to tell her that Yaeko was not really punished, but he also felt somewhat pleased with the fact that Artemis seemed to defend Yaeko.

Besides that he also noticed something, Athena had also tried to defend Yaeko, even she was throwing all the charges on herself and offering her life just so that Yaeko was not hurt

Maybe Athena knew that Yaeko was her daughter? Impossible if she had known she would not have been so nervous when Yukio openly scolded Yaeko

Leaving those thoughts behind he went to the citizens of his dimension, maybe talking to them for a while would be good

Nyx who looked at the back of the Fairy King could not help but smile a little pleased smile on her face, she then went to Artemis "You have been very attached to that girl ... Are you trying to win something from the Fairy King?"

Artemis: "Oh, no ... It's just that she's really very friendly, do not you see?" She pointed to where Athena was and the other women gathered were all laughing while Yaeko made some antics

Nyx looked at the little girl and she felt it was a funny thing to see that this girl was actually the daughter of such a powerful being

But Nyx stared at her for a few seconds and could see how from this little girl a lot of mana was overflowing it was pretty obvious that this little girl was very close or possibly at the same level of power that she

Nyx: "... In that case, in the eyes of that man, I will see myself as a little girl?" She murmured as she looked at Yukio who was talking to many of his citizens while he laughed occasionally happy.


With all the facts and resolved, each of the Factions returned to the mansion of Gotei 13, Yukio was received immediately by Ophis, who had been left behind, in addition to Ravel, who could not go because Yukio had not allowed it

Reiko hugged her daughter immediately, Yukio felt somewhat guilty but Reiko also hugged him while smiling "Do you worry about me?"

It was his words, Yukio had clearly been worrying about her throughout her trip and she had noticed

Reiko could not help feeling happy with the idea that her husband would take the time to be so considerate and tender with her, therefore, she was very happy

Reiko: "You do not have to be worried, from the beginning I knew that things would end like this ... Even though it hurts me to see a son that way, he committed similar acts in many women ... It's his punishment"

Yukio: "Then you noticed ..."

Reiko: "It's not like it's very hard to imagine what happened inside there, although it's different ... it's still the same, right?" she laughed lightly

Rather she was not the only woman who had noticed, that strange liquid viscose had a different color but everyone could know clearly ... It was semen

Yukio: "Ugh ... Then ..."

Reiko: "Then just forget ... You do not have to feel that way for me, I'm happy with what you've done ... Because if it were not for you I'd never be here laughing like now"

Yukio nodded with a smile, Reiko was the same and both gave each other a short kiss

Their romance began, their romance was not like others ... It was very childish but both seemed tender without hesitation

Ravel who was watching them blushed a bit but she also snorted "Bah, what a disgust !! Could you do that when you are alone ?, I'm here!"

Yaeko: "... My father is so unfaithful ..." Suddenly she had appeared without warning

Ravel: "Kyaah!" She was scared when Yaeko's sudden voice came from her side and when she noticed the familiar features of this little girl she watched Yukio carefully before realizing who this person was

Reiko squirmed in Yukio's embrace with embarrassment because her daughter had observed her special moment and now this little Yaeko was also watching ...

Also, she called Yukio unfaithful ... Was not she an adulteress then ?!

Yukio instead did not let go of Reiko's small waist, he smiled at his daughter "Are you looking for problems?"

Yaeko: "Possibly ..."

Yukio: "You still have not saved yourself from your old foolishness, do you want to accumulate another one to the list?"

Yaeko: "..." She was silent, but suddenly she felt as if she had an idea, she threw herself to the ground in a pitiful and exaggerated way "Ay! ~ Mom, dad, is threatening me!"

Yukio: "..."

Ravel: "..."

Reiko: "..."


After Saemys took Yaeko by his small elven ears, Yukio laughed at his shameless daughter and then went to his room to finish learning to control all his power

Yukio could already feel that many presences were approaching this dimension, he knew that Pegasus would attack this dimension just because he was here

He thought about going to another dimension so that this place was not involved, but after thinking about it, he clarified that idea ...

Pegasus was already heading here, and it was very likely that when Pegasus noticed that Yukio was no longer there, he could possibly destroy all this world and use the bodies of these people as soldiers.

Without much hesitation, he sat on his bed with his legs crossed and closed his eyes planning to concentrate

But without his knowledge actually, outside the door of his room, someone was standing

That person looked very hesitant was a woman who extended her hand to the lock, but then pulled away her hand was like an endless cycle

At the end of a few minutes of doubts, she finally sighed and with her hand turned the doorknob when she stepped softly while the door slowly closed again

"Tsk ..." Once the woman entered the room a silhouette chewed her tongue with some anger but turned around helplessly

Her plans had collapsed, but she simply sighed bitterly and gently touched a red <Mark> on her belly

If someone saw this beautiful woman everyone knew that it was really Great Red!


Just at that moment, Great Red could hear a sound of something and his senses spread thinking that something bad was happening but his beautiful face turned very red when he could hear something he did not expect!

Great Red: "E..Ekk .." She got a little nervous and escaped immediately, what she did not expect is that while she was running she would actually trip over another woman

Both women fell on their backs due to the sudden shock and felt stunned because with their strengths so high they had not even noticed one another

Great Red blinked and noticed clearly who had collided

Instead, the other woman became nervous instantly and her pretty face became somewhat pale

Great Red: "Tiamat... ?"

Tiamat: "¡¡¡Great Red!!!"

The encounter between two Dragoons without knowing it had been reaching


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