Editor: MJAgo


All they could observe was great darkness before thousands of beings descended from the same sky armed while shouting huge roar-like screams of thousands of ferocious beasts

It was as if today was the great annihilation of the earth when the divine soldiers descended to eliminate the sin caused by all, but these supernatural beings knew that this was not so.

Shiva: "We are under attack !!" The one who had remained silent till now without standing out from the crowd let out a shout to get everyone out of their stupor

It really worked because instantly the other Factions and Clans quickly took their weapons while they could see how the enemies descended like meteorites


Fairy Guard: "ALL BACK!"

At that moment the powerful shouts of the Fairy Guards were present while several flashes appeared in the sky

There were three people who had appeared dressed in black suits and had white haori on them proving to be Captains of Gotei 13

Bill: "Don't stand there and get ready for battle! ... Arts Of Sword No. 2: Nine Flash Swing"

Along with his words, a silver sword appeared in his hands and he waved it gently when nine arcs of light shot forward, cutting off the enemies mercilessly

This was the force of a Sword Art, it wasn't just him, instantly the other two Captains got into the battle against enemy stocks

Sairaorg had not been a captainfor a long time but he was trained by Shirone (Koneko) herself, although he did not have the strength to eliminate these Transcendental existences he still had his ways

And it has a very easy way to use which was taught by Yukio himself

Sairaorg: "Arts Of Palm: Glut Of Energy" Instantly his two fists turned purple as a faint aura of <Destruccion> ran through them

He started hitting his enemies, his enemies only felt a weak blow but instantly something abnormal happened

"Argh! ... Don't touch him!"

"C-Corrosion! A damn art !!"

"May, he does not touch you!"

Only one skill caused a disturbance in the formation of the enemy, however Claudia was the weakest of the Captains but it was not necessary to underestimate her at all

Who was she? She was the researcher of Gotei 13 ... By herself, she could not defend herself, but if she used her inventions, no one would stop her then.

Claudia: "On!" She said loudly when several metal pieces began to come out from her back and her body was wrapped in silver armor while on her waist was a blood-red runic-looking sword

An enemy flew towards her terrifyingly, when everyone thought she would suffer damage ... The enemy had been cut in half and fell heavily to the floor

No one had seen anything and everyone was incredulous while Claudia had a smile on her face and held the blood-red sword in her right hand

Claudia: "Guards, formation three ... Archers stay behind the barrier, those who can't fight also go behind the barrier too!" She acted as a battalion leader instantly

Everyone listened to her, The Fairy Guards put themselves in their positions as they began the attack

Bill: "Sairaorg secures the perimeter ... Uh?" He was about to say something but now he get a purple flash in the distance

It wasn't just him, many saw the flash and what they observed later was quite memorable


A powerful boom that caused huge arcs of air to be created by pushing enemies suddenly appeared while there were many enemies torn apart

Everyone now noticed a girl with black armor while wearing a white robe over it.

What stood out from this girl was that she had two pairs of dragon wings on her back with two horns protruding from her jet-colored forehead she looked very majestic

In addition, her long hair swayed along with the wind while looking at her enemies

Yaeko: "The sky is destined to move with my desires ... Day and Night moves as I please ... I The Empress of the Moon resurface you at my will!"

Her beautiful voice was heard across the battlefield as she raised her hand to the sky and a silver-colored sphere shot skyward as she shattered many enemies

The small silver sphere floated high in the sky before stopping and then expanded abruptly and then turned into a full moon that illuminated the entire site

Artificial Moon ... Yaeko who was the descendant of a Moon Elf had become more powerful in the presence of that moon

Not only her, Bill the werewolf was the same, Claudia who was a demon-snake was also more prominent because of the moon

At that time a beautiful voice was also heard on the other side of the battlefield

Chang'er: "I who order above the sky make your call now ... Moon appearance!"

Small particles in the air began to gather while making a huge moon, this was two increases in a row

Bill: "Attack now! Squad one come with me!"

Claudia: "Squad two follow me!"

Sairaorg: "Squad three with me!"

The three Captains immediately launched into the attack while skillfully utilizing their arts without wasting time

Chang'er was breathing heavily while holding a silver-shaped cane.

Maid Fairy: "Lady Chang'er should get back within the barrier, you are not fit for battle"

Chang'er nodded as she took steps back, she had made the moon appear because this Fairy woman had told her that Yaeko was getting stronger with the presence of the moon

The Jade Emperor watched the battles in the air as he frowned, Nyx was at his side while they both said to participate in the battle after all both were Transcendent now

At that moment a light breeze was present at his sides and Nyx turned around only to observe how a silver sword was about to pierce Chang'er's heart

Nyx: "watch out !!!!"

Jade Emperor: "Chang'er !!"

They both screamed but it was too late, by the time Chang'er realized she could only bite her lower lip but ... The blow never came

She watched as the Fairy Maid was holding the sword with her fingers as if the enemy's strength was nothing

Maid Fairy: "<Corrosive Eruption ...>" A few sentences were spoken before the enemy and the sword became the dust that moved away with the wind

The three were shocked at how this maid was actually so powerful, at that time Nyx and the Jade Emperor realized something

Above the head of this maid was a small flash of light from which a golden crown formed slowly and soon this woman's clothes changed to a white-colored armor while in her hands she held a long ax

Green: "... To think that I would have to use my true form here ... My name is Green"

The three were stunned, who was this woman really and why did she pretend to be a servant when she had such power?

Green shook her head where they soon noticed that the hair turned completely light green and her eyes also changed to the same color as she smiled.

Bill who cut one of his enemies looked at Green with some confusion, what was that woman doing here?

Green was not a typical woman with whom everyone could talk, she was the Magic Sovereign ...

Nyx: "You? ..."

Green: "First we should take care of these enemies and then we can solve this ... Kaliya stop hiding now you can leave"

She spoke to nothing, but instantly a shadow appeared while a beautiful woman came out of the same floor with a smile

She was the Matriarch of the Naga Clan, a woman dedicated to her Clan in addition to a super researcher of the Space element ... Why is she here?

Easy she wanted to meet Yukio since that man had promised her something that she has not yet accomplished and she is very obsessive with her things so she would never let him escape until that man meets her.

Kaliya: "Ara ... How should we solve this?"

Green: "Who knows? ... Maybe if we eliminate them all at once?"

Kaliya: "Well this attack should only be recognizable ... I don't think our enemy only has these forces but you should destroy that space ship ..."

The two began to speak ignoring others, but the enormous pressures emanated by Green and Kaliya were truly terrifying, Nyx compared herself with them and felt very discouraged

At that moment everyone noticed how another purple flash was crossing the skies while the enemies fell one by one in an unbridled manner

Kaliya: "The princess is having a good time ..."

Yaeko was using her palms to strike all her enemies terrifyingly, meanwhile behind her was a beautiful woman who was dressed in golden armor with wings of the same color while holding a halberd in her hands

They both seemed to make the best team in this place

Athena: "Down!" She spoke loudly and Yaeko obediently bent down allowing Athena's halberd to pass over her, cutting off an enemy's head

Then Yaeko grabbed Athena's leg and with her powerful force threw her upwards, allowing her to dodge the surprise attack of an enemy, Yaeko smiled and released fire from her mouth causing a great flare in the sky

While she was fighting ,Athena had also noticed that the flower Yaeko had given her before was shining mysteriously and she was very curious about it but it was not the right time for it.

Athena: "There are many enemies!"

Yaeko: "... Wait, I have a plan, cover me now!"

Athena nodded as she held her halberd tightly and turned it, hitting all her enemies

In the distance Green and Kaliya watched Yaeko's action, they both put curious expressions before they frowned. "She didn't think to do that ... Or maybe?"

Kaliya: "Should we stop her?"

Green: "The King is close so I don't think we should do it ..."

They both looked at each other and nodded, if something went wrong then they would take care of it, both of them had not meddled in battle because they realized that the enemy's strength was not very high

Possibly this was just a reconnaissance battalion, Nyx and the Jade Emperor didn't know what to say

Chang'er: "What does she do?"

Green did not intend to answer, but he realized that it was Chang'er who asked the question, therefore she bowed politely before saying "Princess Yaeko plans to use a circle of invocation ..."

Chang'er: "Summoning?"

Green: "Yes, she is planning to summon her hired beast ... Oh, look, it started"

Just then all the Fairy Guards quickly backed down behind their barriers with pale expressions

The DXD army did not know what to do but notice the faces of these Guards they instinctively decided to take refuge, it was at that moment that a huge dark pillar rose to the sky

Athena was stunned looking at that pillar but Yaeko was smiling at her, instead, the enemies frowned

"Be careful !"

"Gunners raise their weapons, it's time for the maximum attack!"

"Shield squad get ready to carry forward"

"Wizards your duty is to challenge ---!"

His sentence was literally cut ... Not only his sentence even his head was cut by a huge blue sword similar to the ice itself

Everyone was shocked when a black flash traveled in the sky while the enemy's heads were cut like butter and a somewhat strange laugh sounded

[Jujujuju I finally get out !!]

"Summoning Beast! It's a Summoning Beast, all prepare! Gunners fire!"

"We can't shoot you are in the middle!"

"Shit squires now!"

The enemy was involved in disasters and as if that were not enough this time a white flash was present while the enemies fell shattered without members

Everyone was left with their icy blood when these two beasts were present

A giant pigeon standing on two legs wearing dark clothes with a white tunic on his body in addition to wearing a black crown on his head was holding a blue sword similar to the same ice with his hands

This dove had no wings, but it had hands and looked like a fat man but that immense pressure and aura that emanated was really scary

Instead, the other beast was a pure white wolf with blue eyes and was on all fours looking fiercely at his enemies

At that moment the wolf raised his leg while he was on the ground and hit the ground hard causing a small rumble

No one thought anything strange about that but soon the whole situation changed when huge pillars of ice came from the ground impaling many enemies who were not prepared

The Factions and Clans were impressed with these two beasts, they didn't know what it was but they were absolutely very powerful, they all looked at Yaeko who was holding in her hands a black Scythe

Athena was by her side holding a halberd and a golden shield while watching the enemy's situation

The enemies ran out of options and quickly chose to escape, they were simply a reconnaissance battalion and it was time to leave

Without anyone being able to say anything, the ship disappeared again in the <Space Throat>, possibly Kaliya could have stopped them but did not do it because it made no sense to do so

The Factions and Clans sighed in relief and they did not understand what happened at this time ...


It was at that moment that the doors of the Gotei 13 mansion opened while two women came out and raised their voices

Great Red: "Get everyone together!"

Ophis: "You will be informed of what just happened!"

Apollo: "What the hell happened now? How is it possible that people we don't know attack us so repeatedly ?!"

Falbium: "What exactly happened here?"

Azazel: "That was not our enemy ... We don't know you but you all seem so ..."

Azazel's words quickly caused everyone to realize that these enemies really had nothing to do with them and possibly this happened because of Gotei 13

Great Red: "Shut up!" At that moment she raised her voice with her power causing everyone to hear her clearly

She then looked at them witheringly

Great Red: "I have said that everyone gets together to tell you what happened, not to talk!"

Everyone felt disgusted but could not complain much, instantly everyone was gathered right in front of the entrance of Gotei 13

Everyone here wondered where the Fairy King had not been present until now, it was just then that Saemys left from the mansion while looking at everyone

Her eyes wandered among all noticing some wounded and some minor injuries but luckily and miraculously there were no dead

Saemys: "First of all ... I must congratulate you for making a battalion retreat that way without suffering any casualties"

Her compliments caused some to simply frown with their eyebrows, but Saemys ignored their expressions "I know that many must be curious and disgusted with what they just witnessed but nothing can be done because this is your destiny ..."

Odin: "Our destiny?"

Poseidon: "What do you mean by that?"

Saemys: "Your world is at a level <7> ... Maybe you thought your resources are pretty good but let me tell you that apart from resources also attracts ambition ..."

Her words caused everyone to get tense waiting for her next words

Saemys: "And with ambition comes enmity among all ... My husband has tried to protect you but his enemies are now trying to corner you ..."

Ajuka: "So we are in this problem because he is currently in our world?"

Saemys: "You can see it that way"

Instantly everyone began to argue, they were clearly angry it was because everyone had realized that they could lose their world and lives because of King Fairy

Indra: "What do you think you're doing then? Get out of this world and don't bring us problems!"

Utgard-Loki: "He is right you should go and leave us empathy instead of bringing us a war to our homes!"

Izanagi: "We cannot let them stay in our world or it'll bring us misfortune!"

Michael: "Wait, try to calm down and let Lady Saemys explain"

Odin: "Enough! Listen first and then make your tantrums"

Serafall: "Please calm down everyone!"

Just as some immediately wanted to expel Fairy King from this world, others also wanted to hear the whole story.

Saemys: "I know you must be unhappy but tell me something ... Do you know what Fairy King has done for you all this time?"

Izanagi: "Do for us?"

Indra: "What could you do for us besides bringing us problems ?!"

Shiva: "He saved us, didn't he?" At that moment he who had been quietly walked slowly while looking towards Saemys

Saemys: "Then you know it?"

Shiva: "I know everyone here knows ... I can predict the future, years ago I preceded that we would all die and the world would be destroyed by natural acts ..."

Odin: "Is that true? Shiva?"

Shiva: "What do I gain from lying to you?"

At that moment everyone looked at Shiva and they knew that this man would never lie to save someone, also would not get into trouble for nonsense

Saraswati who was one of the Hindu Goddesses knew Shiva very well so she came forward in front of everyone "Could you explain your prediction to us?"

Shiva smiled before looking at everyone and then pointing at himself "I saw the death of all beings ... Human and supernatural we all die for an <infinite loop> ... I have seen this same prediction countless times and no matter how much try to change it never happened ... "

Odin: "Does that mean you have seen us die countless times?"

Shiva: "Exactly"

Shiva's response made many feel too tense instantly

Saraswati: "So what changes?"

Shiva: "It was a few years ago ... A human child was born and with just one year old a small part of the future was changed, at four years and many things began to distort and when that young man turned six I could no longer decipher the future from no one..."

Don't decipher anyone's future?

It sounded like a simple phrase but it made everyone get too impressed ...

Odin: "That boy ... Who is he?"

Shiva smiled before pointing toward the doors of the mansion of Gotei 13 "Are you not? Yukio Doragon ... Or rather Yukio Hyoudou!"

Everyone now realized that Yukio was leaning on the doors while looking at everyone

But what confused everyone is that now they couldn't feel anything of Yukio, not even a hint of aura or its existence as if it no longer belonged to the 'existential' sense

Yukio smiled and nodded "I must admit that I had never realized that you were watching me for so long ..."

Shiva: "It was quite funny to see the man who today would be called the Fairy King grow up"

Yukio: "And it was very funny to be watched by the man who calls himself the God of destruction"

They both looked at each other and nodded in acknowledgment, then Yukio placed himself next to Saemys before looking at everyone

Yukio: "You heard it ... Your problems only come because of me, we won't ask you to forgive me because that won't change anything ... My question here is ... Do I have your support for this war?"

Everyone gathered looked at Yukio who was speaking with such sincerity and they felt very upset because this man caused their world to be involved in a war ...

But they could also understand something, this man had also saved them and he had been trying to make them stronger all these years for this moment.

Odin: "My Faction is willing to help you ..."

Indra: "Odin have you lost your mind?"

Sirzechs: "My faction also wishes to collaborate in this war"

Indra: "Maou Lucifer, don't you see the nonsense you are committing?"

Sirzechs: "Nonsense? ... Nonsense would be letting us get killed without fighting first!"

Michael: "The Maou Lucifer is right, I am also willing to participate in this war either on my own or with all my faction!"

Cao Cao: "We made a mistake before and we want to correct it now, my friends and I have decided to participate"

While he said that his friends showed their support with smiles, at that time Vali Lucifer also approached "We also want to participate in this, do not leave us behind"

Law Fay nodded while Arthur simply lifted his glasses, Bikou laughed as he swung his cane

Sun Wukong: "I am willing to help you"

Hera: "We the Olympian Gods and Goddesses also want to help, this is an order from Zeus himself!"

Everyone was amazed by Hera's claim, and everyone knew that Zeus was saved by King Fairy

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Tiamat: "Count on me ..."

Tannin: "The Dragon Clan is looking forward to participating"

A blond-haired man stepped forward while bowing and was followed by a very pretty woman "My Phoenix clan is willing to help you in this war that is about to come!"

Marian: "The Bael Clan is equally willing to participate!"

Nyx: "Then since things are like this ... I will also participate"

Chang'er: "Me too! The Jade Emperor is also willing to do it!"

Jade Emperor: "When was I willing?"

Chang'er: "Shut up if I said you were willing, then you are!"

One by one he gave his support while showing that they really wanted to help in this war

Indra: "You really are crazy! He was to blame for this and yet they want to help him get a lot of crap!"

Without even speaking more he left the others behind, nobody prevented him because everyone knew that this war would decide the fate of his world

Yukio: "I thank you ..." He smiled and instantly many dark portals created the sky

Everyone tensed but soon heard huge shouts of soldiers

"For King Fairy !!"

"For our world!"

"For our freedom!"


This War was starting seriously now ...


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