A new life in High School DXD

78 The fury of a dragon - 3

Each Phoenix guard seeing such destruction already knew who their enemy was, even though they felt not addressed by his humiliating words when they heard his words they immediately launched themselves at him.

Guards: "OOHHH!" They shouted and charged together to attack.

Yukio did not wait for them, he immediately ran towards them, when he was about to make contact with the first guard suddenly disappeared.

The guard was stunned but then heard screams from the other guards.

Guards: "AT YOUR BACK!" They shouted but it was too late.

Yukio had appeared behind the Phoenix and kicked his head flying, when he fell to the ground he was immediately attacked by several guards.

He simply dodged all attacks, and extended his hand through the chest of a Phoenix guard and sent him flying, blood flowing over the entire battlefield.

It was practically a one-sided battle in Yukio's eyes.

Ravel who was watching the battle, could not believe the strength that the person who rescued her showed, but she knew that this was not going to be so easy, she looked at everything carefully.

The Phoenix guards reorganized and they all had big smiles on their faces.

Yukio stopped and he looked at all of them "... What is so funny? Did death make all of you crazy?" He said coldly.

But the phoenixes laughed "AJAJAJA, death? ... Did you see any of us die?!" Shouted one of them pointing to the battlefield.

Yukio's gaze traveled across the battlefield and he smiled broadly. "Right ... They are immortal, aren´t they?" He said as he extended his hand to the side.

--- Nearby Area

Sirzechs: "This has to be stopped, that idiot is going to lose his life at this rate", he said while advancing but someone held him by the arm "Ajuka?"

Ajuka smiled bitterly: "... I think if you go there they will kill you by mistake, better stay here."

Serafall was stunned "Ah? Kill by mistake? What do you say Ajuka-chan?"

Sirzechs also got confused "What are you talking about?"

Ajuka shook his head "I do not know, but it's a premonition, look ..." He said pointing to the battlefield.

--- With Yukio

After extending his hand a crack formed and from there came a spear, Yukio was turning it now with a broad smile, and then became serious.

Yukio: "I'm sorry to tell you, that now you can not even reincarnate", he said as he moved slowly.

The Guards laughed "Reincarnate, do you think you're god? You can not even kill us ..."

Yukio: "Well, you said that not one of you was dead", he said while approaching them.

The same guard stepped forward with an arrogant smile. "Exactly, it does not matter what you do, we're not going to die, you just have raw power, but not the skills!" He shouted and everyone else laughed.

Yukio smiled and extended his hand back "Well, you'll be the first one." He said and suddenly launched the spear at an impressive speed.


The guard now had the spear stuck in his chest, but he still maintained his smile "S-see you could not even- ARGH!" Suddenly he started to scream and then became particles.

Everyone in the battlefield was silent, one of their friends, called immortals, died simply from a stabbing.

Yukio: "Well, today all of you will die", he said as he raised his hand and the spear returned to his right hand.

Suddenly, he turned and started running towards the Phoenix guards.

The guards tensed and picked up their arms.

Yukio ran in zigzag between them as the heads and body parts flew out, particles filling the place.

All of a sudden, he felt a frontal attack and someone else from his back.

He simply turned his spear and placed it on his back covering the back attack, while with his feet he blocked a fist.

Yukio: "Funny, Phoenix that does not use flames", he said and with a movement of his spear cut the heads of both attackers.

The guards started throwing flames but he dodged them while cutting them with the spear or absorbing them, but he abruptly stopped.

Yukio: "Look here, I´ll show you what a real fire is!" He screamed and from his mouth, a torrent of black fire was fired, carbonizing many Phoenix clansmen, he also downed some with his spear powers.

Ten of the Phoenix guards could not take it anymore and began gathering flames at one point.

Meanwhile, Yukio wreaked havoc, every movement of his spear came to life, a simple swing incurred the strength of a Dragon.

Suddenly, the spear was covered with the white aura "Arts of Spears No. 1 Imperial Oscillation". He said and turned his spear all over his body sending rays of light in all directions that ended the lives of many Phoenix.

Guards: "IT IS THE PROHIB TECHNIQUE!" One of the guards was going to say something, he had a happy face but they inserted a spear into his heart.

Yukio: "Do not let your guard down?" He said and cut it in half, to then disappear in particles, Yukio stared towards the ten Phoenix Guards

Suddenly, the ground below them became liquid and rose with the fire, then a gigantic earth Golem appeared, covered with fire.

Golem: "GROOOO!"

Yukio looked at him scornfully "Is that what you call a forbidden technique?" He said and started running while holding his spear tightly

The Fire Golem hit him with his fist, but Yukio simply jumped and started running down his arm

Yukio: "Arts of Spears No. 4 Tiranico Cut" He said in a low voice and with his hands began to move with great speed his spear while running, suddenly jumping from the arm of the giant


The Golem's arm broke into thousands of fragments of earth and fire.

But he did not expect the Golem to suddenly pull another arm out of his abdomen.

He quickly put his spear in a blocking position by instinct and was sent flying in the air.

Yukio: "Well ... you make it easier for me", he said and extended his arm backward, the tip of his spear began to shine with a black and purple tone " Abysmal Meteorite!"

He threw it into the Golem chest, the spear struck and its chest touched the ground immediately.


--- Spectators

Each one looked as a giant Golem appeared to stop the attacker, but suddenly he broke its arm as if it was paper.

And the most terrific thing happened then.


A tremendous explosion full of black flames that reached the sky and a massive torrent of air pushed them all towards the ground.

Everyone got up quickly and looked at the field.

Demon: "No ... It can not be possible!" Said a demon terrified.

What was a battlefield once, now was a desert land with black fire everywhere, the old Phoenix Mansion disappeared from the world along with its subordinates.

A hooded demon smiled "Trash, you should have listened to me", he said as he clenched his fist, he was happy to have taken his friends and family away, he took out some that were against what was happening in that place.


Serafall had bright eyes while looking at the whole destroyed field and the only man standing, this was what was called the massive destruction that would make one a demon.

Sirzechs had a bitter smile, apparently he cared about nothing, but now he had to fix this, he knew that Gotei 13 would not be taken as neutral in the demonic territory anymore, practically in the eyes of the other demons this faction was looking for war.

He looked at Serafall and smiled at seeing her so excited, he immediately had a plan.

Ajuka just sighed, he did not want to get into trouble but was curious about that spear that radiated a massive amount of energy.

He was going to escape to leave the problems to Sirzechs, but he noticed a black light shining in the crater.

Ajuka: "What is that?" He said pointing to where the man with the spear walked towards.

--- With Yukio

Yukio looked coldly at all the destruction, he really did not care about this place, since looking at Reiko's memories he knew that most tortured her and tried something more than that, therefore his fury was not yet coming down.

But he knew he had saved the best for last, smiled and started walking in one direction.

Suddenly he heard Ravel.

Ravel: "Can I get out of here?" She said sounding scared, at first she thought of Yukio as a savior, but this destruction was not something she would do. But she was recomposed, he was a Fairy King, KING!

Yukio waved his hand and the sphere fell softly to the ground before disappearing.

She touched the hot ground and felt strange, these flames made her feel better, instead of burning.

Yukio looked at her expression and stroked her head "As you and your mother have a mark of my power, everything related to me cannot hurt you."

Ravel nodded, but got confused "How?"

Yukio: "It was when I protected you from Raiser's attack ... Well, I will be doing something really bad now, do you want to go with Reiko or stay and watch?"

Ravel doubted but asked "... You will torture him right?"

Yukio simply nodded.

Ravel did not understand why Yukio seemed so upset, but she nodded "... I'll stay."

She could not believe that she was almost used by her father, and she wanted to witness everything ... She did not love him, especially now that she was almost raped.

Yukio kept walking until he reached a crater that had been created before the battle, it was the only place intact and there was a black sphere.

Inside you could see a man hitting the sphere trying to get out.


Lord Phoenix: "CURSE YOU!" He shouted while still hitting, but looked up and saw Yukio.

Lord Phoenix: "Get me out of this damned crap! Why are you meddling in my affairs? Did my clan do something to you?" He screamed with rage, he did not know why this guy came here wanting to exterminate his clan.

Yukio waved his hand and the sphere levitated until it surfaced "Your clan ... did a lot for what it deserves to be eradicated."

Lord Phoenix was going to shout at him, but he saw the destruction ...

He remained silent with his eyes wide open, he could not find his subordinates, his mansion ... His clan.

He looked at Yukio: "Y-you ... WHAT DID YOU DO?" He screamed as the rage crushed him, he suddenly noticed that Ravel was hiding behind Yukio "Don´t tell me it was all for that bitch!"

Ravel ground her teeth at hearing him call her a bitch. "You're a bastard rapist!"

Lord Phoenix: "And you, the cause of this disaster! Do you know how your friends died? You just had to open your damn legs and everyone would live!"

Ravel felt guilty ... But Yukio stroked her head with a smile.

Yukio: "Don´t listen to him, it's not really for you, this is something between Reiko and me, and I'm just here to take revenge for her?" he said with love.

Ravel nodded, although she was very curious how his mother would meet Agarus.

Yukio: "Well ... friend, it's time to pay what you did."

Lord Phoenix: "Wait, Reiko, you're talking about ... Argh!" He did not finish his words when the sphere disappeared and Yukio pulled a sword out of nowhere and nailed it to his shoulder.

Yukio: "Well, these swords are especially for you ..." He said and then put on a macabre smile "How about we see how many you can stand?"

Editor: maave

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