A new life in High School DXD

86 An unexpected visi

--- Human world

Four women were walking through the busy streets, all dressed in white kimonos and as they advanced, some observed them because of their attire and their beautiful faces, but the women did not pay attention to these things because they were very focused on something else.

The four women stopped right in front of a high school, where there were many students, they looked at the place, then a silver-haired woman looked at her three friends.

Shuri: "... Are you sure it's okay to come here?" She did not know if it was right to come and clear up that issue in this place.

Grayfia sighed "It's the best place, anyway, we could also meet Rias-san and ask for her help ..."

Shuri looked at the students who were looking at them and could not help but ask: "Is it safe that we can enter this place?"

Usually, she was not someone who would make a fuss, the other women looked at her strangely.

Shuri: "... What, why do you look at me like that?" She said frowning.

Akeno laughed: "Now ... why are you taking that attitude? Well, you see how Yukio-Kun is ... Does he not always cause riots? Who says we can´t do it too?" She said as she pointed at each of them.

Grayfia smiled dryly, looked at Akeno and shook her head. "Although I see that you want to look for disturbances, it is better that we avoid that ... I have another way to enter, but about that ... What do you think, Kuroka-sama?"

The three girls looked at the last woman who had not spoken until this moment, she was looking towards the high school and smiled.

Kuroka: "I chose what Grayfia mentioned ... Akeno and I studied here, but you did not and that would cause problems, besides our clothes are not suitable for this place", she said emphasizing that everyone wore kimonos, it was illogical to enter a school dressed like this.

The other women nodded, they were all in this place because they wanted to tell Issei and Rias of their plan to reunite Yukio's parents with him, it was something that worried them.

Therefore they chose to solve this in the easiest way possible, talking to them directly while Yukio was not here.

The four women walked in another direction, it was obvious that Grayfia had another way to enter, Kuroka could have created a portal but she knew that she could not just waste the efforts of Yukio´s other women.

She smiled when she noticed how her 'sisters' cared so much for her husband.

--- Club Room

Rias and her Peerage were talking very animatedly because they were not having classes recently, only at Club activities they always came together to chat about recent events.

Issei was sitting on a sofa while playing chess against Kiba, and next to them Asia was watching them while she was covered by a blanket.

Murayama was sitting looking at some magazines while Katase and Valerie were sitting in front of Rias's desk.

Rias had a smile on her face while listening to her friend.

Katase: "This is literally injustice!" She said as she threw some papers on the table, she could not believe what was written in there.

Valerie smiled and reassured her: "You should not worry, you know? In the end, it has nothing to do with us ... Besides ... The Phoenix had already committed many crimes."

Katase raised an eyebrow "Really? ... But still ... Isn´t it an exaggeration to eradicate a whole clan?"

Rias nodded: "Although it is exaggerated and many lives were lost, there was one half of the clan that came out alive, and could be called the seed of the harvest because they are people who were against the mandate of the ancient Lord Phoenix."

Valerie nodded, she had already heard these words, but Katase was interested in something else: "Old Lord? Did they already proclaim another Lord?"

Rias took some papers and passed them: "Well, from the information I have about my Onii-sama, the current Leader is Ruval Phoenix, that's because Lady Phoenix and Ravel Phoenix are missing."

Katase frowned immediately: "Disappeared eh? ... That smells strange, you know?"

Valerie: "What do you mean?"

Katase: "Well ... that kind of smells like Agarus ... does he not like to steal the wives of others? And what if ... Ouch!" She rubbed her forehead when Rias hit her, she looked at her friend with a confused expression: "And why the blow?"

Rias looked away and snorted, Valerie, seeing that laughed "Katase-san ... Are you not insulting the very precious husband of the president? That entails punishments, you know?"

Katase suddenly remembered and laughed while rubbing her forehead: "Uh, I forgot that the President got married ... What's it called? Ah yes! An escape with a knight !! Typical of a princess!" She said while raising her hands as a sign of respect.

Rias blushed, meanwhile Valerie had a smile on her face, she liked that her friend Rias, was so in a good mood recently and for some reason, she was very anxious because the classes started again.

Issei, who was listening, shook his head and stood up while looking at Katase: "Katase, you're being very rough with Rias-san, don´t you see that the color of her hair is going to her face?"

Katase who was laughing, looked at her friend and noticed the blush and began to laugh harder.

Rias got grumpy and looked in a bad-humored way at Issei, he just played dumb and turned his gaze away.

They were laughing until Asia raised her hand: "... U-uh ... I think someone is coming." She said pointing at the door.

Everyone was confused, they did not feel any presences that came to this place, Issei was the first to ask: "What are you talking about? ... Did you get confused?"

Asia shook her head "No ..." She touched her nose. "I can smell similar smells that are outside."

Rias was confused but remembered that Asia was a Dragon, and thought about something, she got up looking at the door.

Everyone fixed their eyes on the door, curious and soon as if it was an omen there was a sound.

Knock! Knock!

Issei looked at Rias, she nodded and smiled, trusting her intuition she gave him permission to open the door.

Issei went straight ahead and opened the door where he could see four beautiful women, they had very beautiful white kimonos with red ribbons on their waists and had their hair tied with a hairpin on their head in the shape of a dragon.

But he immediately recognized the silver-haired woman in front of him: "Grayfia-sama ... What are you doing here?"

Grayfia smiled "Well ... I would like to ask you something ... Is it possible that we can enter?"

Rias who was behind her desk spoke: "Onee-sama! You've come!" She was very excited to see her precious 'sister'.

Grayfia nodded and proceeded to enter, now everyone in the room could see the three women coming from behind.

The four women sat on the free couch while looking at the room, Rias stepped forward and sat down facing them with a table between them.

Everyone else was curious, they already knew Grayfia, but not the other women, Valerie already knew who Kuroka was and started to prepare some 'Tea'.

Rias looked at the other women and they already knew who they were, but not completely "… What brings you all here?"

She was nervous if she had to say anything, these women were her 'older sisters' and she did not know what they thought of her.

Grayfia looked at Issei and stretched her hand pointing at him "Actually we came to talk with you two ... I guess Rias-san still does not know, let alone Issei-san." She said while beckoning him to take a seat.

Issei felt strange but proceeded to take a seat, he knew that this should be important.

Rias: "Onee-sama? What exactly is happening? Why is this including Issei-san?" She was very curious, she thought they were coming to talk to her, but it turns out they were both included ... Maybe Grayfia confused something?

Grayfia shook her head and pointed at Kuroka in the center "She will explain to you, I advise you to listen so we can understand each other better."

Rias was confused but looked at Kuroka, she knew that this woman was definitely Yukio's wife, and she could feel that she was the Queen of the so-called Harem, so she behaved.

Kuroka looked at both of them and smiled: "It's a pleasure to meet you Rias-san, and as for you Issei-san I regret my previous rudeness, it was not my intention to bother you that day."

Issei got confused: "To disturb me? What are you talking about?"

Ddraig suddenly appeared on Issei's arm: "Hey idiot ... She's the girl with the tulip on her back ... Number two."

Issei looked at Kuroka again and was surprised, in his mind he thought that his brother knew how to choose women.

Kuroka who was looking at him laughed "You know, you have similar thoughts to Yukio."

Issei: "Ah ?! Can you read minds?"

Kuroka shook her head: "Not at all, you just make the same expressions ... Isn´t that so?" She said to her friends.

Shuri smiled, meanwhile Akeno nodded, staring at Rias.

She had heard from Yukio, that if he had not intervened, Rias would be her best friend and King, she shook her head and continued to pay attention to the conversation.

Rias was too confused now, she looked seriously at Kuroka: "What does Yukio have to do with Issei? ... I don´t understand."

Kuroka looked at her and sighed: "Well ... I would say a lot, after all, Agarus, or rather Yukio ... Is Issei-san's brother." She said calmly.

But in reality, the room fell into deadly silence, everyone stood petrified with their mouths open and looked at Issei.

Issei sighed, he knew this but having it verified was good for him.

Asia looked incredulously at Issei, she knew that Agarus was Yukio because she spent so much time observing him, that just by wearing a mask of inferior cloth it would not confuse her.

Meanwhile, Murayama looked at Kuroka seriously, she knew about Yukio because of her eyes, she had a special power that allowed her to see through everything ...

She wanted to talk to Kuroka in secret, she wanted to know something about Yukio...

But the most restless was Rias who had her blue eyes fixed on Issei in a stunning way "Ah?! Wait! Are you saying that Issei-san is Yukio's brother?! How is that possible?!"

She was really confused, she asked for an explanation regardless of her manners.

Grayfia sighed: "As you can see ... When he disappeared, Sirzechs made me hide any information about Yukio, so you never found out anything about him."

Rias looked at her and felt somewhat angry: "So that's why I never knew anything, not even his family!" She had tried to find his family but it was as if they did not exist.

Grayfia apologized, but Kuroka looked at Issei: "I see that you are not surprised ... Is it because of that gossiping dragon inside you?"

Ddraig felt unhappy "Gossiping?! Can you not respect me a little ?! I'm a Heavenly Dragon for God´s sake!"

Kuroka: "Dragon what? With that attitude, it´s quite unsettling that you are a dragon ... Also Heavenly? ... That's something I must respect?" She said mockingly.

Ddraig knew that even if this woman was strong, she was only behind that strange Dragon Yukio, but still, he was not going to stop "You! You're a brat that just became Dragon, are you looking for a fight?!"

Kuroka laughed: "How funny, this lizard looking for a fight with me."

Akeno sighed, this woman had that same characteristic as Yukio, to easily irritate others "Good, good, good, after all, red lizard, you could not even defend yourself from one of Kuroka´s attack, much less endure her aura."

Those words sparked the flames of Ddraig's anger, he started screaming.

Ddraig: "REALLY?! If it were not because I'm in a stupid glove you would already be beaten!"

Kuroka felt that the dragons of this world were funny, even Great Red had that grumpy attitude, she shook her head: "Leaving the nonsense aside, we want to talk to you about something."

Issei got serious, he noticed that Kuroka really was serious now, Rias too.

Kuroka: "We want Yukio to meet his parents ... I hope you can help us with that, we ask of you to convince them to go to the country house ..."

Issei: "Country house? ... Why that place exactly?"

Rias did not know what the country house was so she listened carefully.

Valerie placed the tea in cups on the table and smiled at the guests.

Kuroka looked at her and sent a small mental message to the girl.

Valerie stopped and opened her eyes incredulously, she turned and positioned herself behind Rias while thinking of those words.

Nobody had noticed anything, Kuroka took the cup: "Well ... In that place there is one of our portals to the dimension created by Yukio, we just need you to spend a few days there, we will take care of the rest."

Issei thought about things and looked at Katase, she was listening attentively because this included her boyfriend, she was very surprised that Yukio was not dead, and he was actually Agarus.

She clearly knew who he was, they spent their childhood together and she was happy that her brother-in-law and friend was healthy, besides that he was very strong and seemed to have many women by his side.

But she was also upset because he was so cruel as to destroy two clans, she would have to talk seriously with her brother-in-law...

She also looked at her friend Murayama and smiled, Issei sighed "I think I have an idea of how to make everyone go to the country house, you can leave it to me ..."

Kuroka nodded, this was the most practical.

Issei: "But I have a question ... Are you sure my brother really wants this?"

Kuroka sighed and nodded, Shuri was listening "I can tell you with a lot of certainty that Yu-Kun wants to meet your parents, only that he is afraid of their reaction."

Issei nodded, but looked at Shuri fixedly, he wanted to know who these two girls were.

Shuri noticed his look and smiled "... If you want to, you can call me sister-in-law ..." She said shyly, after all, she was older than Yukio.

Issei smiled bitterly, looked between Akeno and Shuri "... Is it what I think it is?"

Kuroka laughed "You noticed it quickly yourself ... I can tell you that your brother is a bad boy." She said mockingly.

Everyone in the room had already noticed the kinship of Akeno and Shuri, now that she called herself sister-in-law they realized ... Mother and Daughter.

Kiba looked at everything in a funny way, meanwhile, Asia had a blush on her face.

Kuroka got up and the other girls followed her: "That would be it ... We have to leave before Yukio realizes we´re not there, I'll be back in two days to find out how things went."

Issei nodded, he had to convince his parents in any way, he knew they would be happy.

Kuroka pulled out a small box from a black portal and threw it at Rias: "This will be useful, use them wisely."

She walked while other people followed her, she suddenly started looking at Asia.

Asia: "Eh..W-what?" She was somewhat insecure with this woman.

Kuroka smiled "Nothing ... Only, Yukio will soon come to contact you ... After all, you are one of us."

Asia opened her eyes in a dazed way and had a big blush on her face as she put her hands forward "I ... I ... you, no, I'm not like that! No ... I hate him ... I just... I am not ready!"

Akeno looked at her strangely: "... Girl, they were just telling you that you are one of us as a dragon ... Not in the other way ... Aren´t you quite rushed?"

Asia, who heard the words of Akeno immediately felt the greatest embarrassment and quickly covered herself with the blanket while covering herself completely.

The women laughed at her reaction.

Grayfia: "Do you think we will have another sister?"

Kuroka laughed: "I don´t know ... But she is not a bad girl." Every word made Asia even more ashamed to cover her ears more.

The others in the room laughed at the actions of these women, Kuroka looked towards Issei. "Hey, gossiping Dragon ... Do you really not know the difference between you and me?"

Ddraig again took the shape of a glove and seemed very annoyed: "YES, I'm stronger than you! Now stop bothering me, you brat!"

Kuroka ignored his words and looked at Issei, she closed her eyes.

--- Inside the glove

Ddraig was very angry, he felt that each of these women was bothering him, that Yukio was a strange dragon and he wanted to know more about his power.

Suddenly, he felt the energy and his scales rose in the alert, there was Kuroka in front of him as if nothing was happening, he was looking at her.

Ddraig: "EH?! ... How the hell are you here?!" He had a very bad feeling about all this.

Kuroka raised her finger and sighed: "Let's see how much pride you have", she said and suddenly began to turn into a Black Scaly Dragon with golden tones on her tail.

Ddraig was stunned and when he felt that power: "... Why are they so weird?"


Kuroka and company had left the place, everyone was sitting with different expressions, Asia blushed, Rias confused, Valerie very pensive, Kiba with a smile.

Issei and Katase were further planning on how to complete the order.

Murayama was still reading her magazines, but she was a little excited when she learned that Yukio could appear in that house, she was sure to ask Rias for leave, it did not matter, even if she had to invent an excuse.

--- Underworld

In front of a huge place like a mansion were three people, two had smiles on their faces while chatting.

As for the third one, she was taken by the hand of the man at her side and was watching the interaction between the little girl and the man.

These were Yukio, Ophis and their new member Yaeko.

Yukio: "Let's take this as an adventure!" He said cheerfully as Yaeko raised her fist in a childish way on his shoulders.

Yaeko: "YES!"

Ophis at his side looked at them with a complicated expression "... Please, could you stop doing that ..."

Yukio/Yaeko "No!"

Editor: maave

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