A New Path

Chapter 249 - MAJOR Writers Block

The title tells the gist of it.

I decided to release every chapter I have in stock because I have a problem with the writing process that I need some help with. So, if you're sitting there and wondering why the author just exploded... Then please read the rest of this!

There is only one reason! I have lost all motivation/ideas for this story. The more I think about it, the surer I become that I should have ended it after One Piece. Because as it stands now, I have absolutely no idea what to write. It's like I lost it all! The more time I go without writing, the harder it becomes, and whenever I sit down to write, I get nothing...

And, this is where you people come in (hopefully). I started writing this Fairy tail volume because so many people longed for that Cana meeting, etc... But, I have no idea where to take things from here. That's why I'm gonna ask you fine folk to help me if this story is to continue... Please donate to my ******* to see this story through!!! JK

For real this time! I would very much appreciate it if you could tell me what you'd like to see in this story from now on. I know I preach a lot about never taking advice from readers because that will mess up the flow and whatnot. But, I'm at the end of my rope here. I have no idea what to write, and I suspect if I don't write something soon, I'm gonna lose all motivation I have and just end the story where it is now, which is disappointing to say the lease.

Please leave any advice/suggestions on where to take this story or I'm just gonna end it. Because I realize I will never finish this alone. It's simply impossible for me to do!

Love, Vallori

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