"Han Xu, come out for a moment."

Li Le bumped Han Xu with his shoulder and joked, "Captain, you're giving this kid a hard time again!"

"Why don't you come out for a moment too?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished taking photos yet. You guys chat, you guys chat!"

"What's the matter, Captain?" Han Xu walked to the door and took off his mask and asked.

Qin Fen raised his hand and pointed to Room 401 opposite, "Let's go meet the family of the deceased."

Han Xu then remembered that there was a mother and daughter waiting for an ambulance next door.

Li Hongwei's wife Liu Yun is indeed very beautiful, with the unique water spirit of southerners. When Han Xu saw her for the first time, he even felt amazed.

At this time, she was holding her unconscious daughter, crying and looking very unstable.

Han Xu was about to go up to ask questions, but was stopped by Qin Fen.

"Let's go, we can't ask anything now."


"Let's talk about it after we go out." Captain Qin interrupted what Han Xu wanted to say.

Coming out of the apartment building, Han Xu looked at the time. It was less than nine o'clock, but the sun had already risen. It was dry and windless, and extremely hot.

"What do you think of this case?" Qin Fen found a shady place and squatted directly.

Han Xu followed suit, and his posture became more seductive, "Captain Qin, do you suspect there is something wrong with this case?"

Qin Fen did not comment, and lit a cigarette, "Tell me what you think."

Han Xu sorted out his thoughts, "On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this case. The deceased, Li Hongwei, drank too much last night. After returning home, he was thirsty and boiled water. He fell asleep on the sofa with the fire on. As a result, the water boiled and put out the fire, causing a gas leak and death."

"That's all? Have you found anything else?" Captain Qin seemed to be guiding Han Xu.

Han Xu continued, "It's so hot, the doors and windows are closed, it's a bit suspicious that he was poisoned by gas.

The deceased Li Hongwei's cell phone is missing, and he and his wife don't have a good relationship. There are no photos of the two of them at home, not even wedding photos, but there are photos of them alone with their daughter."

"Good observation, go on."

"The couple sleeps separately, it should be for a while, there is only one pillow on the bed in the master bedroom, and it is placed in the middle, and the other is on the sofa in the living room. This Li Hongwei is weird, sleeping on the sofa for a long time."

Qin Fen nodded, quite satisfied, "Do you think this is an accidental death?"

"It's hard to say, the investigation requires evidence. But the bottled gas tank is very suspicious!"

Without waiting for Qin Fen to ask, Han Xu continued, "This old-fashioned gas tank is not common now. Although Fumin Community was built in the early years, it also has gas supply. I checked their gas meter and the remaining gas in the card is very low."

"You mean, they didn't use the gas supply, but deliberately used the old-fashioned bottled gas tank, which led to the gas leakage and poisoning."

"Yes, and this gas stove has been used for many years. The model is also old. The sealing is not good and there is no automatic flameout device."

"Okay, let's do this. I will hand this case over to you. You must get to the bottom of it. I will let my colleagues in the second group fully assist you. Do a good job. You are a good kid with a bright future!" Qin Fen has been working for more than ten years. This is the first time he has seen such an open-minded young man. In addition to being happy, he also wants to see how capable this young man is.

At this time, a burst of urgent 120 alarms came from far and near, and the ambulance finally arrived.

Qin Fen said he would let go, and he really hid in the office, and the gas poisoning case was really handed over to Han Xu, a new police officer who had just joined the company.

"It's different to have special treatment. Team leader Han's promotion is just around the corner!" Li Le's mouth was like five pounds of old vinegar, sour.

"Don't talk nonsense!" How could Han Xu bear this, especially in the office area.

"Is there really a problem with this case?" Li Le came over and put on a serious face.

Han Xu repeated what he said to the captain, and finally added, "His wife is pretty."

"Tsk tsk, is it murdering her husband? Jin Lian'er reincarnated?" Li Le couldn't help but think that way.

"There must be a Ximen official, right? Don't guess blindly, it's easy to be prejudiced. Go to Forensic Doctor Hao to get the autopsy report, and I'll ask the trace inspection department if there are any findings."

"Okay, if the forensic department hadn't been able to spare any manpower yesterday, we wouldn't have to go to the scene to perform an autopsy, but you are really good, you even know the forensic set!" When it comes to business, Li Le is still quite reliable.

Han Xu smiled slightly, didn't say much, and thought to himself, "The elementary forensic identification skills given by the system are really useful."

Soon, two materials were placed in front of Han Xu.

The trace inspection results showed that only fingerprints and hair of a family of three were collected in the room, and there was no sign of the door lock being pried, which almost ruled out the possibility of an outsider committing the crime.

The autopsy report showed that the time of death was between 3 and 4 in the morning of the 22nd, and it was gas poisoning, that is, carbon monoxide poisoning, which caused the deceased to suffocate to death.

Han Xu flipped through the two reports several times, and there was really no flaw. Could it be just an ordinary accidental death?

At this moment, the phone rang. It was Song Jiaer calling.

"Beautiful lady, what's wrong? Want to treat me to a nice meal? It happens that I'm free tonight."

"Get lost. I have a serious discovery!"

"Go ahead." Han Xu became serious and stopped joking.

"I only found one person's fingerprint on the kettle at Li Hongwei's house."

"Well, whose is it?"

"Li Hongwei's."

"Isn't that normal? The deceased boiled the water himself, so naturally he only has his fingerprints." Han Xu wondered what Song Jiaer wanted to say, "Oh, no, there are no Liu Yun's fingerprints on it?"

"Yes, that means that before Li Hongwei boiled the water, the kettle was cleaned by someone. Not only the kettle, but also the gas stove was cleaned. Only one of Liu Yun's fingerprints was extracted from it. It should be the one she returned to in the morning. A gas leak was discovered at home and it was left behind when the gas stove was turned off.”

"You mean there are no Li Hongwei's fingerprints on the gas stove switch?"

"Yes! If Li Hongwei boils the water by himself, his fingerprints will definitely be left on the gas stove switch. This old-fashioned switch must be pressed with the thumb and index finger, and then turned to open!"

Han Xu understood, "Does that mean the scene has been processed?"

"Yes." Song Jiaer replied decisively.

"So, it's possible that the person who turned on the gas stove wasn't Li Hongwei?! There was probably a third person at the crime scene last night?" Han Xu seemed to have grasped the key point.

"I can't tell, but you are quite smart! Tell me how to thank me." Song Jiaer was quite satisfied with Han Xu's IQ, which was very revealing.

"Is it okay to pledge yourself to me?"

"Get lost! My aunt doesn't care."

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