Han Xu did not explain too much. The case is currently in the confidentiality stage. "We are also looking for Zhang Hengyi. Don't worry, we will find him."

Master Zhang curled his lips, "I am not worried about that guy, but where is my car?"

"The taxi was towed back to the police station by us. We need to investigate for a while. We will also say hello to your company." Han Xu lied in a set of half-truths and half-false, perfectly interpreting what it means to be watertight.

Song Jiaer shook her head when she heard it. She thought that she was too straightforward to do the visiting work.

Han Xu asked Master Zhang for some other information about Zhang Hengyi with a smile on his face, and then shook hands and said goodbye, not forgetting to contact him if there was anything, and there might be trouble.

Master Zhang was flattered and patted his chest to promise, "If I see that bastard, I will contact you as soon as possible."

The police and the people are as close as a family.

Han Xu exchanged a few more pleasantries before leaving with Song Jiaer. The next destination was Huilongguan Community.

"This guy doesn't look like a suspect." Song Jiaer said impatiently before walking away.

Han Xu turned his head to look at the apparently silly little policewoman, "Who said he was a suspect?"

"Didn't you say it might be?"

"Is it?"

Song Jiaer pretended to hit him, so Han Xu had to beg for mercy, "Looking at the words, actions and expressions of this Master Zhang, he doesn't look like a murderer at all. Besides, you just saw that he has an injury on his left leg and walks with a limp. How could he climb to a height of ten meters? I think it's a stretch to lend him a leg."

"He has an injury on his leg? Why didn't I see it?"

"You," Han Xu leaned close to Song Jiaer's ear, "you're just blind."

"You're itching, aren't you?"


The two of them played along the way and rushed to Huilongguan Community without stopping.

Han Xu took the time to give Chengzi a task, asking him to adjust the surveillance and sort out the movement route of the Jetta taxi as soon as possible. Since the deceased took over at 4 pm yesterday, no details can be missed. He needs to know where Zhang Hengyi has been, what he has done, and who he has met since then.

Clues are often hidden in these trivial details.

Han Xu did not get much valuable information from the old driver, Master Zhang.

First, he and the deceased were just colleagues, and they did not spend much time together. Their working hours were different, so they did not have much intersection. Second, there was a difference of more than ten years between the two of them. They had nothing in common and it was unlikely that they would become friends.

The profile of the suspect in the old driver's mind was too different from Han Xu's, so the suspicion could be basically ruled out. It was a pity that he did not get many clues from him.

The only clue with some reference value was that Zhang Hengyi said he had taken a big order and wanted to take a customer to Yaoyang City.

Yaoyang was not close to Yancheng because it was located in the mountains. Although there was a direct train, the price was too scary, and the bus was slow, so many people chose to take a taxi, but the cost was a bit high.

Han Xu was wondering if Zhang Hengyi really got a big job or was just talking nonsense.

8:21, what happened at this time?

"Wake up, stop being dazed, we've arrived at Huilongguan Community." Song Jiaer turned off the navigation on her phone, stopped the car, and pushed someone.

Han Xufang came back to his senses from his thoughts and found himself in the underground garage.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Song Jiaer pulled out the key and motioned the other party to get out of the car.

Han Xu replied, "I'm wondering what the murderer's motive was for killing Zhang Hengyi?"

Almost every case has a motive. Unless it's a perverted murderer or a mental problem, there must be an origin, that is, why the murderer killed people!

"I want to know too." Song Jiaer pouted, "The deceased Zhang Hengyi was just a taxi driver. Logically speaking, his social relations are not complicated. Who killed him and for what reason?"

Song Jiaer's questions were still sharp, hitting the nail on the head every time.

These are the things that Han Xu can't figure out at the moment. There are too many clues to refer to. Everything is hidden in the fog, and the truth has not even revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Also, this case looks like a case of suicide, but there are too many loopholes. The murderer seems to have deliberately created some trouble for the police, such as changing the deceased into a red dress of the opposite sex and painting his nails.

In fact, this is a very unnecessary act! Even a bit superfluous.

Is the fake appearance just to let the police investigate whether the deceased has a transvestite to confirm the cause of suicide?

This seems to be too disregarding the Yancheng police?

Or is this behavior just for the suspect to satisfy his own fetish?

It seems to be more logical to think this way.

Following this line of thought, it means that the suspect is not afraid that the police will find out that the deceased did not commit suicide.

Then the suspect pretended that the deceased hanged himself, just casually, so there are so many loopholes.

This shows that the suspect is confident that the police will not find him in the first place.

The possibility of an acquaintance committing a crime becomes extremely low!

The difficulty of this case has also increased accordingly!

It is really difficult.

Although Han Xu's analysis was immature and almost confused himself, he was confident that he was 60% sure of the direction.

The suspect and the deceased did not have much intersection in life.

Could it be that the target is chosen randomly?

Then this case is really difficult to handle!

Han Xu felt that he was facing a perverted murderer who was meticulous, made plans in advance, and randomly chose the target!

The psychology of such a madman is usually difficult to guess, and there is no trace to find.

Yancheng is a city with a population of one million. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find such a man in the vast sea of ​​people!

When Han Xu thought of this, he felt that his head was about to split!

"I think we met a perverted murderer!"

This sudden word rubbed back and forth in the empty underground garage space, scaring Song Jiaer's face.

"Don't scare people, what's wrong with a perverted murderer? As long as he is a person, he will be beaten up if he meets him!"

"That's it, do him!" Han Xu followed up.


"Oh no, there is no search warrant, I can't get in." Song Jiaer remembered a big problem as soon as she entered the elevator.

Han Xu winked and pulled up a picture on his phone. It turned out that he had asked Lao Zhang to prepare it at the police station.

"You are too meticulous, aren't you?" Song Jiaer had never seen such a basic operation, and it was done without anyone noticing.

"How is it, do you like it?" Han Xu said happily.

Song Jiaer rarely responded or said anything.

Han Xu also fell silent when he saw this.

At this time, there were only two of them left in the elevator going up, and they didn't talk to each other. The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

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