Anuj also sees the surprises flashes in their eyes.

"Interesting," he said in his mind. His dear nephew is bossing around him, he really wanted someone who will show him what is being bossy is.

But again, as the gentleman his nephew is, he doesn't find anything. This boy is recently interested in a girl name Shubhra. But again he doesn't do much, but only helping her and that also by not taking credit for it.

Anuj doesn't know why but doesn't like that girl Shubhra, so he wanted to find a good girl for Aarav. But again as a good uncle, he can't interfere in his nephew's life. But now he can at least add some drama in his nephew's life and make it more interesting.

Thinking this a smile appears on his face.

Here Aarav also gets surprised to see Anu with children. He is very sure that these children are not Anu's. And even if they are it doesn't matter to him. It just he is quite worried that she might trick his uncle. After all girls like her can do anything for money.

Anu also sees the hate in his eyes and can't help but feel cold, if it is her boss, then she needs to be work hard. In her previous life, Mahendra remembers their memories but in this life, she doesn't even know if he can.

"First make sure that he is your boss, your face is different in this world, who knows who he is?" System interrupted her again. And Anu also realizes that she is stressing on wrong things.

"Hey Aarav what are you doing here? That Swara left shooting because you are not in the country, and now you are showing up only in five days instead of ten days"

"Shubhra needs me so I come back," Aarav said, he is half lying, but he wanted to make sure that Anu listens to this and doesn't try to pester him.

"Aarav, where are we sitting for lunch?" While they are talking a sweet voice interrupted them. Anu looks in the direction and sees a beautiful girl calling Aarav.

"Uncle you can enjoy the lunch, see you later." Aarav said and return towards the girl, Anu sneakingly looks towards them and find that girl is acting close to Aarav.

Anu somehow lost her good mood. Thankfully she finishes her food already. Anuj also sees the change in her expression but doesn't say much. While saying goodbye he asks Anu what she wanted to do next. On which Anu says she also doesn't have an idea. He tells her that he will send her the script of his new program and if she wants she can join him.

Anu is in no mood for more talking so she just says yes and leaves with the children.

While returning children can sense her bad mood. On the bus, Anu checks about Shubhra and found out that she is a famous actress, and also the girlfriend of movie star Akshay, but she is also rumored to be in a relationship with the CEO of 'Feel good' brand Mr. Aaarv. Anu sees those images and her heartbreaks.

She somehow manages to come home and tell children to play, and then she locks herself in the bathroom.

She can't help but remember her first life where her boss belongs to someone else, If in her second life she doesn't live with Mahendra then she might not expect anything, but now when he promised her that he will love her how can she don't expect anything?

"Anu he might not be your boss" System tries to console her.

"He is, I can feel that" Anu replied. She sees his smile in photos, also read his interview and she is sure that he is her boss.

System tries to console her, but Anu tells her to give her some time. While Anu is crying someone knocks on her door.

"Didi..." Anu heard the milky voice of Raj, which is like he is scared of something. Anu quickly opens the door.

"What happens, baby?" She questions him, how can she be so careless. The shadow of death is still on Raj.

"are you crying?" Sidharth asks her.

"No," Anu says while wiping her tears. Raj also helps her with his little hands. That time Sidharth finds something from his pockets and gives it to Anu.

Anu when seeing the thing can't help but smile. There is two chocolate in that, but she knows this is something Sidharth and Raj like very much. But still, they give it to her. Children are not quite complicated like adults, and they don't even have that much self-control, still, these two people are willing to share their only things with her.

How pure their heart be. Anu also realized that now she is crying for a person who already forgot about her, who might be with another woman this time, and what she is doing? crying?

And what can she change by crying, nothing, and if her boss is making false promises to her then what is the use of doing all this, but again form her heart wanted to save the children.

She also remembers the damage which happens in her first life due to their company, indeed her boss is not guilty of that time but again he also take the blame for another woman, so why is she struggling in vain for his life.

But inside she knows the answer, she is struggling to herself too and now she decided that no matter what, she will do everything and live a happy life, not in this world, but in every world, with or without her boss.

Anu asks them what they wanted to do on which children tell her they wanted to sleep. Anu also feeling sleepy, due to first eating spicy food and also due to this emotional roller coaster. So they decided to take a nap, but this nap is going too long that they wake up after three hours and also due to the noise of the doorbell.

Anu is quite irritated due to her sleep is disturbed but still opens the door, and then again realizes the meaning of a bad day, because in front of her no one else but is Reena.

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