After the talking, Aarav lead Anu to the guest room and tell her to take a rest. He tells her that he will call her after an hour for evening snacks. On Which Anu agreed. 

She wanted to go to meet the children, but she knows it there she can't disturb them so she decided to go there later. She uses this time to take a quick nap. 

Anu when wakes from her quick nap, freshen up and goes towards the children's room. When she reached there she sees children are sleeping, she tries to call them in a very low voice, on which only Sidharth wake up. 

Anu sees his red eyes, but she won't think he is unhappy. She ruffled his hair and tell him to go downstairs after Raj and Arnav wake up. 

"Okay didi," Sidharth said. 

Anu after that check the time and it is nearly 5 PM, she decided to cook fast so she can go home early. When she came downstairs she sees Anuj and Aarav are working on their laptop. 

They greeted each other, at that time the housekeeper comes with tea and some evening snacks. 

After eating them, Anu wanted to make dinner, but Aarav refuses. 

"We will come to eat dinner at your home" Anuj also tells her that she doesn't need to do that to which Anu agreed relucantly.

After that, they talk for awhile. Children also come downstairs, Anu feels like something is wrong with them, but she doesn't know what. 

Anyway, after that they all talk for sometimes, it is mostly about children though and after dinner, Anu left with the children. Raj and Arnav are quite reluctant to let go of each other but Anu somehow manages to do that. 

Anuj personally goes to send them home. He also tells Anu that tomorrow after she sends children to school they will go to the lawyer's office and she should take all the document of her father on which Anu agreed. 

Anu after returning home, listen all about Arnav's home, and his toys, and how intelligent he is. Anu can say that her two little brothers become fans of Arnav. After that, they hesitated for some time and question Anu about their father on which Anu tell them in simple language that they will hire a new lawyer, and if possible they will try to bail her father. 

Anu doesn't understand law much, but she knows that with the help of Aarav and Anuj this matter is going to solve soon. 

Here Arnav is thinking about those things which Raj and Sidharth gone through.

Flashback :

"Wow you have so many toys," Raj said while jumping. 

"Yes, my uncle bought it for me" Aarnav replied. He doesn't see any toys in there Raj's home, so he also wanted to show off. 

"You have books too," Sidharth said while looking at the big cupboard of books. 

"Thank you," Arnav said with a big smile. 

"Ummmm.... is that your mommy daddy?" Raj questions seeing a photo on the table. 

"Yes," Aranv said in low voice. 

"ohhh...." Raj doesn't know what to say. 

"Then where are your mom and dad?" Arnav questions, he got to know that Raj's father is far away from home, but what about his mom. 

"my mom run away," Raj said while shading tears. Arnav doesn't want to make him cry so he tries to console him, but again he himself is a five-year-old child. He ended up asking more. 

And this way he got to know their full story, He realizes that Raj's mom is a bad woman, she beat him and Sidharth and also doesn't give anything to Sidharth, if he found her he will beat her. 

He also realized how lucky he is to have his uncle with him. He doesn't know how Raj and Sidharth manage to sleep hungry and get beaten. 

He sometimes creates so much trouble for uncle, still, uncle never scolds him, or leave him, it is him who show tantrum. Thinking this Arnav feels guilty. 

So when Aarav comes to his room to wish him good night. He holds his hand tightly. 

"What's the matter, baby?" Aarav questioned him while sitting near him. 

"Thank you, and I love you" Arnav manages to say his feeling. 

"Why suddenly?" Aarav can't help but questions, he likes his little troublemaker very much, and he quite happy to listen to the word of love from him. 

"Today brother Sidharth and Raj tell me how badly their mom treats them, she even beat them, it is uncle Ram who helps them, but again he also not in the home very much. He is not able to earn also, it is didi who help them otherwise..., but you are very different from those parents, you are both my mom and dad" Arnav tells him in his childish language. Aarav knows that Arnav loves him. But knowing that he considers him both mom and dad surprise Aarav very much. 

He from the word of Arnav realized that Anu is really helping children, he from Anu's words just knows that the children's mom runs away, but he doesn't know that woman is so cruel. 

"You don't need to say thank you, my dear, you are everything which I Wish for, you are my happiness and you are my home. And I also love you very very very much" Aarav said while giving Arnav a kiss on the forehead. Arnav giggled and kiss him back on the cheek. 

"I also love grandpas" 

"oh, then whom you love more?" Anuj questions while standing at the door, he comes some time ago and listening there chatting. He sees them immersed in their world and doesn't dare to disturb them. But now when he is mentioned he can't stop himself asking. 

"Ummm...I love both of you equally" Arnav said while tilting his head. He is really looking so cute, that Anuj wanted to tease him. 

"No answer me whom you like most?" Anuj again questioned this time acting seriously. 

"I like Chachu the most" Arnav replied and hug Aarav. He hides his face in Aarav's chest and tells him that Anuj is teasing him. 

"Okay, now enough talking, my baby must be tired so now go to sleep," Aarav said while coaxing his little prince. 

"You too," Arnav said while patting the place near him, on which Aarav tells him that he will return after completing his work. On which Arnav nodded and go to sleep.. Aarav turn off the light and left the room with Anuj.

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