A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 106 Nine Marrow Spirit Body

As soon as the Split Wind Spirit Tree moved its branches to block the strange light, a faint aurora flashed past.

The branches were shattered, the trunk was reduced to ashes, and the entire upper half of the spiritual tree was directly obliterated by the explosion.

The flashes of spiritual light that originally gathered from the ground due to the crisis also stopped and dissipated in the air.

"Spiritual roots revive!"

"Samadhi True Fire Mode!"

Yun Ye entered his strongest state, disappeared on the spot, and headed straight for the Nine Marrow Spirit Grass under half of the tree trunk.

The Split Wind Spirit Tree is a tree, not a human being. Even after half of its body was wiped out, it is not dead yet. It still wants to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fight back.

However, the wisps of cracking wind rolled up and dispersed, and could not form the astonishing scale before.

Yun Ye's blow still caused fatal injuries, and the Split Wind Spirit Tree had no power to resist.

In a flash, Yun Ye took away the Nine Marrow Spiritual Grass.

Unlike other spiritual herbs that were randomly thrown into the space box, this spiritual grass was stored in a jade box in Yunye and sealed with a talisman to prevent the medicinal power from weakening.

After doing all this, Yun Ye used his backhand to bring down the Samadhi True Fire, burning the Wind-Splitting Tree.

The Split Wind Spirit Tree failed to resist and turned into ashes.

But in its final strength, it protected the three crystal seeds, which looked very extraordinary.

When Yun Ye saw this scene, he was indeed a little moved. Even a tree was desperately trying to survive.

Unfortunately, this world is not a story about hello, me, and everyone.

Yun Ye put away the seeds and turned around to leave.

In the dug cave, Yun Ye took out the Nine Marrow Spirit Grass.

This is a spiritual plant that emits astonishing brilliance and illuminates the dark cave. It has nine branches and nine leaves, like coral.

This spiritual grass does have spirituality that completely surpasses that of high-end elixirs. The most important thing is that these spiritualities are very special and can directly transform the body, allowing the body to acquire a physique called the Nine Marrow Spiritual Body.

This spirit has nine times the vitality of ordinary people, as well as various supernatural powers. It is very powerful within the scope of Baishi Town.

This so-called nine times vitality is not relative to ordinary people, but to the same class.

After all, compared with ordinary people, the vitality represented by Yun Ye's current state of Qi Nourishing Technique is more than fifty times that of ordinary people.

In fact, the vitality of the Nine Marrow Spirit Body means that regardless of cultivation or vitality intensity, it is nine times that of normal conditions.

Whether practicing or using spiritual methods, the advantages are obvious.

Generally, spiritual bodies that are cultivated the day after tomorrow often only have three times the vitality. If you want to obtain six or nine times the vitality, you must either have abundant talents and resources, or the "method" of cultivation is very strong.

Such a spiritual grass can directly obtain nine times the spiritual body. It is no wonder that Tong Yuan has been preparing for thirty years to win it.

Yun Ye did not conduct any research and directly lit an inextinguishable fire to burn away the impurities in the spiritual grass, leaving behind a glowing liquid.

After combining it with several mild elixirs, a simple elixir was made, and then drank it all in one gulp.

The powerful silver-white spirituality immediately enveloped Yun Ye's entire body, transforming his body from the inside out. The blood, bones, and cells were all cracking and rebuilding, almost causing a skeleton to form inside Yun Ye's body.

The scope of this reconstruction of the body is so drastic that it is like completely changing the body.

It was unimaginable for Yun Ye that a spiritual grass could have such an effect.

Finally, Yun Ye's physical reconstruction was completed, and he obtained the nine-marrow spirit body mentioned by the members of the team.

When the spirit body was first born, Yun Ye's body was very perfect, like a work of art carved with a knife, with perfect proportions and a faint brilliance. Even his hair seemed to be fluttering, and it was very fairy-like.

However, when the spiritual agitation returned, Yun Ye also returned to normal. However, when he clenched his fist, he could feel the explosive power in his body. The spiritual body was indeed very different from the mortal body.

"Physical talent improvement: D+→A+."

The Nine Marrow Spirit Body allowed Yun Ye's physical talent to jump directly from the bottom to a level that surpassed Yu Wen.

This is exactly the result that Tong Yuan wants to pursue. Only with the Nine Marrow Spiritual Body can it be possible to go further.

Become a judge-level figure in Baishi Town. Only judges are the top leaders of Baishi Town!

Tong Yuan probably never expected that the cause he planted eighteen years ago would actually come true now.

Let an ant rise, not only kill him, but also cut off the life-changing elixir that should be in his pocket!

Yun Ye stood up, feeling the squeezing force in his body.


For a time, with the release of spirituality, the entire cave shook and cracks spread everywhere.

There is no doubt that Yun Ye's power has reached new heights.

Although he has not stepped onto the heavenly path and entered the spiritual realm, his strength is definitely considered a big shot in Baishi Town.

The physical strength alone shook the rocks, which showed that Yun Ye was no longer a mere mortal.

Now Yun Ye, even his voice contains spiritual power. This is the power that the spirit body brings to him.

Only when Yun Ye reached this state did he understand why Yu Wen could easily control him with his voice, but he could kill Huan Hou instantly, but couldn't control ordinary black-armored spiritual magic with just one word.

This is the difference between whether there is a spirit body or not.

He is a mortal, while Yu Wen is a spiritual monk, truly otherworldly, with a bonus to the Dharma.

Even if Yu Wen is not proficient in divine magic, he can still suppress lower-level monks.

"Then, let me see the secret now!"

Yun Ye walked out of the cave and walked towards the sun. As the air was distorted by the heat, ethereal red ribbons rose from all directions, like a large formation, blocking a radius of one hundred meters with Yun Ye as the center.

These ribbons maintained their shape at first, but as they rose in height, they gradually turned into a faint veil of fire.

Yun Ye waved his hand, and a ray of red cloud suddenly drew out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turned into a fire lotus.

As the fire lotus fell to the ground——


Everything within a radius of fifty meters turned into magma.

This is the complete form of the secret of fire, disorder. While banning the opponent's magic, it also explosively increases the power of all spiritual arts.

Just one word, strong!

Invincibly strong!

After Yun Ye probably knew the power of spiritual magic, he stopped using the secrets and instead used his perception ability.

If the normal perception radius of his consciousness is one hundred meters, then in the mystical state it is about one thousand meters.

This kilometer is based on vague perception of heaven and earth, without clear spiritual consciousness, but it is enough.

The entire secret realm is actually not that big.

Night falls.

Shi Baiyan, Tong Kun, and Tong Huoyang stopped hunting and entered the stone monument sanctuary to rest.

They sat in front of the campfire, grilling fish, with gloomy expressions, and no desire to speak.

Eight people from one team died!

Although Shiheng Mountain is extremely dangerous, the Black Armor Army rarely suffers such heavy casualties.

What's more, the captain of the first team was actually dead.

Tong Yuan.

The current head of the Tong family.

Tong Huoyang shuddered. She seemed to have thought about what would happen if she returned to the clan.

In this kind of scene, someone will definitely say: The master is dead, why are you, a slave, still alive?

"...Did you hear anything?"

Tong Kun suddenly said, his hand already on the hilt of the sword.


Shi Baiyan and Tong Huoyang both listened in confusion, but did not hear any sound.


"there's noise!"

Tong Kun stood up suddenly. He activated the divine method. He was completely different from the two of them. He heard the warning from his soul.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

Footsteps were approaching.

The dead leaves were picked up by the wind and crossed the gap.

Tong Kun stared at the dead leaf, watching its flight trajectory.


The leaves suddenly spontaneously ignited and turned into ashes.

"Enemy attack!"

The moment Tong Kun saw this phenomenon, he roared, suddenly drew out his sword and jumped back, the mark of the spiritual root spreading on his forehead.

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