A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 116 Almost Divine Power (Additional update)

Several judges looked at Yun Ye and felt that this was something strange.

He was not even in the spiritual realm, but he could still stand firm and not be forced to his knees by Ji Xuan's aura?

Ji Xuan was very disdainful of Yun Ye's challenger. He shook his head: "Ants should be self-aware."

"Kneel down, hand over the treasure of the secret realm, and then commit suicide. I can let you and your family die without pain."

The words fell.

The astonishing aura, like the roar of a wild beast that shook the sky, amplified directly in Yun Ye's sight. This was actually a change in the spiritual world, shaking Yun Ye's will.

However, the true fire of Samadhi is always burning, suppressing all these mental chaos and quickly erasing it.

"Stop showing off these little tricks, ant? You have to remember that the reason why you can stand in the sky and look down on everyone is not because you are invincible, but because you were born in the Ji family!"

The crystal flame in Yun Ye's hand spread out, and the figure gradually blurred, but the voice spread throughout the Muling Valley, "Even if a pig was born in Ji's family, it would be more terrifying than a tiger. What kind of breed are you, when you get out of this place?" After Baishi Town, when facing those stronger forces..."

"talk later!"


The ground is streaked with white marks!

Yun Ye was the first to take action. He directly launched a challenge. Under everyone's gaze, he attacked the apex being in the entire Baishi Town!

However, it is said to be a town... In fact, in the feudal Luo Dynasty, these were independent countries!

Squeeze everyone in the entire region to obtain resources, support yourself, and live for four hundred years, or even more!

Such a character is unimaginable for spiritual monks. Therefore, facing Yun Ye's challenge, Ji Xuan was very indifferent. He stood in mid-air without moving or evading, and allowed Yun Ye to attack.

Yun Ye arrived in a blink of an eye, and the Samadhi True Fire Sword in his hand struck down in the air. The air was boiling and the entire area was trembling. This was the result of extreme speed pressure.


Yun Ye hit Ji Xuan with his sword, and a very dazzling light burst out, but it seemed to have hit an indestructible stone and could not shake Ji Xuan at all.

"Is that all?"

Ji Xuan raised his eyes.


The star ring covering the Wood Spirit Valley shrank, carrying infinite spiritual energy and converging on the human palm.

At this moment, the sky seemed to have lost its color, and the originally overcast sky was completely dark.


The fist wind penetrated a thousand meters, penetrated the Muling Valley, and directly pushed Yun Ye to a long distance.

Physique Method·Huixing Liwu Style!

"What a terrifying move!"

"do you died?"

Everyone was shaking.

In fact, it was the first time for most of them to see a judge take action. This was truly shocking and made it difficult for people to have the desire to resist.

Li Faxing looked at this scene and his expression changed completely.

This is the third time he has seen the judge take action.

But every time, I always feel powerless, absolutely powerless. Even if he burns his life, he will never be able to block a blow!

This is why, after Tong Yuan was attacked and killed, he almost went crazy and burned his lifespan to forcefully activate the secret!

He understands the strength of this level very well. If he doesn't do something, nothing will be left!

Rather than saying that he was resisting, it was better to say that he was struggling before his death and did not want to accept the fact that he would die!

He can't interfere in a battle at this level!


Yun Ye crashed through the mountain and slowly climbed out of the mountain. He spit out a mouthful of blood. His figure was blurred and he instantly returned to the top of the Muling Valley.

The black hole behind him has been steadily absorbing spiritual energy, probably some kind of backhand.

But Ji Xuan didn't care at all. The amount of spiritual energy absorbed was not even one-tenth of what he could do with any of his moves. What could he do? It's just the pathetic struggle of the weak!

"It turned out to be only a minor injury!"

Li Faxing took a few steps back. Just this punch made him fearful. This Yang Shi was too terrifying!

If it were him, he was almost 100% seriously injured and dying, how could he come back and continue to challenge the judge?

"He didn't escape, but came back... That's stupid. You should have seen the difference in strength clearly."

Ji Xuan's peaceful life for countless years made him willing to say a few more words.

Even if the other party is just an ant, it is still an ant with Taoist weapons.

There is indeed something outstanding about it.

"The gap in strength is meant to be bridged. If what we have now is not enough, we will use what we have in the future to overdraw. If we want to defeat the strong with the weak...isn't that the case all the time?"

Yun Ye's whole body burned with crystal flames.

White hair spreads across his forehead.

The vitality is burning like crazy.

"Great Spiritual Technique!"

Yun Ye closed his eyes, and endless spiritual power gathered into his body.

The true fire of Samadhi is burning.

All the crystal flames were transformed into the fire flames in the heart, increasing the power of the amplified body to the strongest level.

But this is not enough……

No gain is required for the reaction.

Physical defense does not need to be buffed.

Regeneration requires no buffs.

Give up everything.


Amplify your body!

"The only one: heart-burning mode!"

Everything is peaceful.

Only the clouds and night still have color in the sky and the earth.

An astonishing momentum then covered the valley, but unlike Ji Xuan, Yun Ye's momentum was peaceful and brilliant, and did not oppress anyone because of it.

"Is this his way? It is indeed extraordinary."

Zhuo Qilian said softly.

A person's momentum and courage are enough to express a person's soul, and Taoist tools are the embodiment of the soul and are unique.

With such a glorious momentum, it is absolutely impossible for them to be some kind of rooster and dog robber, completely different from the domineering people in Baishi Town.

However, I call it domineering, but actually...

It is pure oppression and slavery!


She has been cultivating her mind for hundreds of years in order to eliminate this overbearing influence. But this thing goes deep into the depths of the concept, and she is not aware of the core essence. How to eliminate it?

Just keep it as low as possible!

"Then let's start again."

Yun Ye completed the only fire in his heart. In his eyes, everything was silent. These words were not meant for anyone to listen to. Probably when he started to fight, the sound was already shattered before he could reach it.

Closing his eyes, Yun Ye started walking, walking towards the sky step by step. The air was crushed into stairs by him, gathering at the soles of his feet as if they gathered spontaneously.

All subsequent actions will be guided by spiritual consciousness and intuition, and since he is the only inner fire that has gone so far as to completely give up all other effects, Yun Ye has no chance of making a mistake.

This amazing speed only happens once...

Everything is silent.

Even the physical magic priest was frozen, moving extremely slowly. Yun Ye walked faster and faster, and finally turned into a ray of fire in the stagnant space from his perspective. A terrifying blow came in an instant, blasting towards Killed the head of the Tifa Priest.

Yun Ye's arm was shattering and burning, and he was the first to self-destruct under the amazing speed and power, and even his spiritual body could not be saved.

But what followed was unimaginable destructive power.

The air in the entire space turned into a ride, sweeping in all directions, cutting through the top of the mountain and blasting open the mountain.

If it were to rotate around the earth at this speed, it would be enough to set off a wind of destruction and destroy the entire ecosystem.

But what was terrifying was that Ji Xuan moved at the last moment. The emerald green spiritual lines on his forehead spread, and the five star rings converged on his body, reflecting him like an immortal. His speed was accelerating, and he caught up with Yun Ye at this moment.

"As a monk who is not even in the spiritual realm, you actually let me exert all my strength... In terms of speed alone, no one in Baishi Town can compare with you. You are indeed proud of yourself!"

"However, in front of the physical monks, using the secret method of self-destruction to increase the speed? It's too weak! It's too fragile! The physical monks - there are no shortcomings!"

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