A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 133: Born in response to the calamity·Feitianzhang

If you want to do something well, you must sacrifice something.

Health, dignity, physical strength...

At the age of five, Tian Jing understood this truth, because if he didn't understand it, he wouldn't be able to survive.

And now that he is twelve years old, he has experienced his father dying of exhaustion in the fields, his mother working hard to make money, suffering from systemic diseases, experiencing extreme poverty where he was about to starve to death several times, and...

Too many.

Adversity forces people to grow.

that's all.

Tian Jing abandoned his mother, like a wounded animal, wailing softly and rushing towards Baishi Town with his younger brothers and sisters.

Even though his younger brother and sister were extremely tired during this period, complaining of exhaustion and pain, Tian Jing was not moved at all.

Only by running to Baishi Town can you be qualified to survive. Before that, you must not stop!

This run lasted for several hours...

He almost had to run through the straw sandals on his feet. He didn't need to look at Tian Jing to know that his feet must be full of blood blisters.

Not to mention his two younger brothers and sisters... that is to say, the poor have long been in charge. Although the two younger brothers and sisters are only six years old, they all followed him to finish the whole race.

If it were those pampered young masters, they would probably have already thought that it would be better to die not long after the beginning.

The reason why he didn't die directly was probably because the death method of being eaten by zombies was too horrible, so he ran as fast as he could. If there was any poison that could lead to a safe death, he would have swallowed it without hesitation in this situation.

The weight of life is different in the eyes of different people.

"Baishi Town is just ahead! We are almost there, Xiaoyu Xiaoshi, work harder! It will be safe in front..."

Tian Jing said halfway and gradually fell silent. He stopped and stared blankly into the distance.

In the distance, a white stone-like city stood, quite conspicuous in the dark night, as if it was glowing.

Silver light!

This was originally the place of hope, the light of hope, but now Tian Jing's whole body was cold and there was only deep despair.

Under the towering city wall of Baishi Town, corpses were piled up like garbage, and blood flowed into rivers...

There was literally a river of blood. How many thousands of corpses were there? Or even tens of thousands?

Even Tian Jing was seeing people being forced out of the town and then killed directly. These people couldn't resist at all, because those who carried out these actions were a group of soldiers wearing black armor or black robes.



Among this group of black armors, Yu Wen stood out. He glanced at the mountains and forests in the distance, as if he felt some gazes.

But taking a closer look, it seems there isn't.

However, he soon stopped paying attention because the constant massacres had made him tired. These facts were too troublesome. If it weren't for the order, he wouldn't want to come at all.

The massacre continued, probably around 10,000 people.

And just one look at these massacred corpses is enough to cause a normal person to have a nervous breakdown.

It's so scary...

But the people present were all spiritual practitioners. They no longer regarded ordinary people as human beings. This massacre was just an ordinary massacre. It looked terrifying, but it was definitely not as terrifying as when they faced those monsters that could threaten them.


The death of ten thousand people, this is such an amazing gathering place of resentment, everything is just what Baishi Town needs, and terrible demons begin to be born from the corpses.

Under the attention of all spiritual practitioners.

A large amount of black energy gathered.

A huge zombie stood up, ten meters tall, made up of countless corpses.

Its astonishing evil aura made all the weaker spiritual practitioners take a few steps back, not daring to look directly at it.

Only Yu Wen and Liu Wujing looked at it indifferently without any emotion.

"Why do we create such monsters? This is already close to disaster. Isn't it going to be a big mess?"

Witnessing the birth of the monster, some spiritual practitioners were frightened and murmured.

"Why should you care? With the commander present, what kind of demon dares to cause trouble? If you say this again, be careful of military law!"

A captain immediately scolded him.

The spiritual magician immediately lowered his head in fear and did not dare to say any more.

"Closing to disaster? More than that."

Yu Wen frowned and looked at the giant zombie, but did not take action immediately. This level was far from enough!


The moonlight suddenly shone down, covering the giant corpse.

The next second.

The corpse suddenly disappeared, and the terrible sense of oppression disappeared without a trace.


"what happened?"

"No, it's not gone, but... shrunk!!!"

Many spiritual practitioners made a sound of horror.

Even Yu Wen and Liu Wujing shrank their pupils and saw something extremely terrifying.

The sea of ​​corpses has disappeared without a trace.

But standing there next was a shirtless man.

He had his eyes closed and his hair was loose. His long white hair hung down on his waist. He was only wearing shorts. You could see that he had dense black patterns on his body, and these patterns were still flowing.

Soon, the patterns converged, converging on the back.


The earth is tearing apart.

The blast swept across a kilometer radius.

As the man opened his eyes, revealing a pair of empty blood pupils, a pair of black bone wings that were a hundred meters long spread out.

The terrifying momentum moved both Yu Wen and Liu Wujing.

"Exceptional chaos..."


They also didn't expect that the things they raised could reach such heights.

Feitianzhuang, this is a terrifying thing that has stepped into a catastrophe half-way through its birth.

They can forcefully kill the Thousand-Eyed Demon, but it is useless to repeat the same tricks on Feitian Zombie. Its characteristic is that it is born for fighting, is immortal, and is extremely difficult to kill.

As long as Feitian Zombie is given a little time to grow, it will definitely cause a catastrophe. Even a judge-level figure will be difficult to match!

"There's something wrong with this, Liu Wujing. How can a mere 10,000 people raise Feitian Zhan?"


As Liu Wujing spoke, the magical bronze mirror was already glowing with aura and was ready for battle.

"It seems that this catastrophe is really no small matter. It's like flying to the sky! If you want to resolve this catastrophe, I'm afraid there are at least four others of the same level, and each one is stronger than the last!"

Yu Wen and Liu Wujing had family records to check, so they naturally knew what was going on.

As the saying goes, divide and conquer.

They don't know the cause of the calamity, but they know how to resolve it.

Because the total amount of calamity energy is fixed, as long as it is detonated in advance, it can be defeated in stages.

The Feitianzhuang in front of me is the first disaster, and there will definitely be more in the future.


Feitianzhang looked up to the sky and roared, a lot of moonlight fell, and everyone suddenly discovered that the space was changing.

The blood moon has arrived.

It was like Feitianzong's bloody eyes, staring at everyone.

The magical blood moon is coming!

It forms the main field and continuously collects the magical power of the field of resentment!

Under the blood moon, Feitian Zombie can acquire a series of terrifying abilities such as teleportation, flying, resurrection from the dead, and mountain-lifting power...

What should I say? This monster is so terrifying that we must not stay!


Feitian Zombie was born with endless resentment, and started the war directly. He approached Yu Wen and the two of them with great speed, making both of them pale at his speed - but Baishi Town had been prepared for its birth.

The members of the Spiritual Technique Team and the Black Armor Army instantly activated the talismans.

The formation shroud directly competed and counteracted the Blood Moon magical power, greatly weakening Feitian Zhan's power.

Only then did Yu Wen and Liu Wujing take action, fighting Feitian Zheng with all their strength. The fight was extremely fierce. It was a true all-out battle, not paddling.

At the same time, large areas of dead and living zombies crawled out of the ground. The scattered blood gathered on the bodies of these zombies, drawing blood lines, which greatly increased the strength of these zombies.

These zombies rushed directly to Baishi Town, aiming to kill the city wall and devour tens of thousands of lives in Baishi Town.

The spiritual monks guarding the city began a difficult offensive and defensive battle.

And in the distance.

Tian Jing held his younger brother and sister tightly and lay down in the grass, not daring to show his head for a moment.

Even if the bright sun gradually rises in the sky and illuminates the world, he only feels angry, desperate, and helpless...

Is there any road that ordinary people like this can take?

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