A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 136 Bloodline Engraved in Heaven and Earth

Through the perspective of the Taoist instrument, Yun Ye instantly understood how different this world was from the earth.

The original Taoist tools are indeed extraordinary, and they can directly see some of the rules of the world, but what is even more extraordinary is the world itself.

Countless rules were intertwined into a network, covering every corner of the world, and Yun Ye didn't dare to take a closer look.

Unlike inherent knowledge, extraordinary things are passed down through blood.

The truly terrifying characters in this world all have their power directly written into the rules of the world.

Although it is conditional and not something that can be inherited at will, this kind of power is really shocking.

"It's surprising that Taoist tools can temporarily change the rules, but there are monks who can permanently change the rules and let their traces spread through the ages?"

Yun Ye couldn't imagine what level of monk this was.

The Taoist tools he is currently in contact with are just temporary changes to the rules, and there are still various negative conditions.

Is there no limit to whether a monk or a demon can permanently change the rules of the world and transfer power?

"I don't know tomorrow. Tomorrow is just a new Taoist weapon. I can see some things, but I can't know the whole picture..." Tomorrow shook his head.

Tomorrow really didn't know, but Yun Ye thought of it, and he murmured: "Heavenly Road! Since the eleventh level can record the practice, it may be possible to record the bloodline in the future!"

"This world is so terrifying. Everything I have come into contact with in Baishi Town is nothing at all. Those real cultivators of the Tianmen, the Great Sect, and the Immortal Dynasty in the outside world can only guess how terrifying the power they control is!"

At this moment, Yun Ye knew that Baishi Town was just a small challenge, and the follow-up was the real despair.

Especially after he awakened the Taoist weapon, the difficulty level was probably hellish, but he was still ignorant.

We must speed up, we can’t wait any longer, we must establish tomorrow’s meeting immediately!

Yun Ye stared at the dark barrier for a long time, until the barrier disappeared and its original appearance was revealed, then he turned and left.

In front of Baishi Town...

Yu Wen and Liu Wujing were almost miserable. Half of Yu Wen's body disappeared, and Liu Wujing's heart exploded and his head was opened. They were all seriously injured, even fatally injured. However, they did kill Feitian Zhan.

Although the newly born Feitian Zhan is powerful, under the suppression of the formation, it is still far from being able to defy the sky.

That's enough.

They have contributed enough in this battle, and then it is the other commanders' business. Next, they recover from their injuries, and no one can say anything!

Yun Ye turned around and left, but he had actually seen the scene clearly.

His eyes can see further and more clearly than most spiritual practitioners.

That's why he was shocked.

Baishi Town was simply terrifying. Tens of thousands of people were massacred, and the corpses were piled up into mountains!

Is this what happens to ordinary people?

To be honest, without seeing death in person, human life is just a number, so I don’t feel much in my heart. I just think that the idea of ​​​​obliterating the top leaders of Baishi Town has become stronger.

But how do you feel after actually seeing this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood?

Nothing feels.

Now Yun Ye just wants these people to die, and this thought runs through his thoughts, almost not allowing any distracting thoughts to appear!


Thousands of people died miserably and painfully before their eyes. This feeling of empathy is no joke, it is enough to drive people crazy!

Even with just one glance, Yun Ye felt an unimaginable impact, so there was only one idea in his mind now. If he didn't do it, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night!

"These beasts must die!"

Yun Ye stepped into Hongshan Mountain, walked through the mountains and forests, and returned to the ruins of the former village.

As soon as he arrived, all kinds of roars started.

One by one, they crawled out stiffly.


Several more zombies roared wildly and rushed towards Yun Ye, knocking down trees along the way, showing an unstoppable force.

"Cang Yan!"

"My heart is on fire!"

Yun Ye disappeared instantly and turned into a stream of light that shuttled through the pile of zombies, turning dozens of zombies into ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Experience +2...Experience +8..."

"The level has been raised to level 5."

Yun Ye didn't pay attention to these zombies, walked into the village, and stopped at a small red altar to worship ancestors.

There was dust everywhere, and it was even covered with weeds and vines. Yun Ye reached out and lifted the small red altar, then touched the bottom of the small red altar. After a few seconds, he took out a small package.

The book-sized package was covered in dust, but when opened, the contents were intact.

It is the halo book and manual of "Yang Shi".

Yun Ye injects spiritual power to awaken.

This time is different from the second life, so after injecting spiritual power, it directly enters the password verification stage.

Yun Ye entered a hundred-digit secret, completed the unlocking, and then changed the ownership, automatically recording Yun Ye's current fingerprints, spiritual power fluctuations, and spiritual consciousness fluctuations.

In the past, it was impossible to record the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness, but after Yun Ye's skill in weapon refining improved, it was added.

Developing these things is much simpler than technology. Technology is artificial intelligence, but spiritual and divine methods can often be directly judged by oneself. The starting point of intelligence is very high...the upper limit is hard to say.

After waking up, Yun Ye immediately sent a message to Yang Shu, and then started looking for a place with abundant spiritual energy.

Different from before, with the Eye of Light, Yun Ye's efficiency in finding places with abundant spiritual energy has increased countless times, and he is quickly getting closer to the result.

It's just dawn.

Yang Shu stood up, moved his body, and put down his pen and paper.

Yesterday was too close to the finish line, so Yang Shu wrote hard all night and finally compiled all the knowledge.

Just when he opened the halo book and checked if there was anything missing, he was stunned.

The "manual" that was supposed to be permanently hidden has an extra message!

Yang Shu was surprised and inexplicably opened this message.

『Manual: Hello, Master, I am Dao, a disciple of Master Yang Shi. At the request of the master, I will inherit the chief position of the Tomorrow Club and continue to implement the master's ideas. If you see this news, please come to the village ruins at the foot of Red Mountain to join me. I have something to prove my identity. 』


Yang Shu was inexplicably surprised. He was silent for a long time before talking to himself, "So Xiaoshi really had a back-up plan? A back-up plan that we didn't even know about? Then why didn't you contact us until now?"

Although Yun Ye did leave a message in the Halo Book before his death to tell him that someone would come with a Taoist weapon to take his place, Yang Shu still had doubts.

This is not a trivial matter. Once the belief is wrong, everything will be lost, and the remaining people will probably die.

"However, the credibility of this is extremely high. No one except Xiao Shi knows how to activate the 'manual', and according to Xiao Shi, Taoist tools cannot be forged. You can tell the authenticity at a glance. Well... this is worth checking out. try!"

Yang Shu only hesitated for a moment, but he still decided to send someone to contact this so-called "rice".

The reason is simple. After dormant in Luoyun Town for a period of time, Yang Shu knew that without the leadership of a truly strong person, this group of people would never be able to achieve anything. The gap was really too big!

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