A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 138 Someone will come tomorrow

Yun Ye received the news and knew he had to leave.

But his clothes are too simple now. It didn't matter that he didn't know how to make clothes and didn't need to meet people before. But now he can't stay a savage. Yun Ye immediately took out a piece of cloth and pressed it with his hand. The whole piece of cloth quickly softened and flowed. stand up.

In this way, the cloth flowed all over the body like water, turning into a suit of clothes that were appropriately intertwined with fire and blue.

He borrowed his attire from Tomorrow. As for the color, he actually preferred the clear blue.

Although the fiery red color looks good, it is too conspicuous and does not match Yun Ye himself.

"But if you want to succeed, you have to be conspicuous... It's best to have a special sign that you can recognize at a glance."

Yun Ye said to himself that this was his main purpose in making this outfit.

With a wave of his hand, he closed the moon disk and headed straight for the ruins of the village.

Since you have a Taoist weapon, it is impossible to develop if you are timid.

He must become a beacon that gathers the attention of all members of the Tomorrow Club. It doesn’t have to be faith, trust is also acceptable!

Yun Ye was very aware of Tomorrow's current strength. It was so weak that there was no room for development.

No matter what form of organization, it is impossible to develop and grow without a base.

Tomorrow will be hiding, but it is only supported by the foundation of the Yang family, and there is not even a soldier-level figure. If it continues, it will be destroyed sooner or later.

Village ruins.

Vines and moss filled the gap, and the man in black robe pushed aside the thorns and walked into the ruins.

His eyes were very bright, but he didn't use his eyes to see. He just walked silently to the location of the small altar.

"A child's footprints."

"The smell of demons being burned."

"There was hardly any serious fighting and the fight was over in an instant."

His spiritual consciousness quickly swept out the clues.

The final conclusion made the man in black robe a little surprised: "Could it be that this obviously powerful Dao... is still a child?"

"That's right. The heir chosen by the young master cannot be ordinary. If not surpassing the young master, he must at least be equal."

"It seems that there are a lot more expectations!"

The spiritual consciousness rolled out and swept away the dust. The man in black robe sat on the ground, waiting for the target to arrive.

Yun Ye didn't let him wait any longer, as a gust of wind passed by.

The man in black robe stood up and looked not far away... a figure was quickly crossing the jungle and approaching here.

Soon, the figure arrived and landed lightly in front of it.

Just like what the man in black robe thought.

This is a child.

They are generally only about seven years old, very young.

This child is dressed in a fire-patterned water-splash outfit, with bright eyes. He looks young, but his aura is extremely stable. Even a child who has been the head of a poor family for a long time is not as stable as him. At first glance, he looks like a noble son who has seen the big world. Home.

Moreover, he is a well-educated and sensible young master, and he is by no means one of the strongest members of the spiritual family in the town.

——Those who no longer need any etiquette training.

Those people have been taught since childhood that they can control everything if they have power. If they give you the feeling of being polite, your strength must be greater than theirs. They will never give you the slightest respect after the power is reversed. .

The bonus points given to him by his temperament are already extremely high. Coupled with factors such as strength and age, he is already very satisfied. The child's outstanding appearance is not worth mentioning.

"Are you 'Dao'? I am the contact person sent by the master. If you really have a Taoist weapon, show it immediately... This is the only thing that cannot be faked!"

The man in black robe spoke first.

Yun Ye recognized this man as Ning Xiao, a young genius with A-level spiritual consciousness who followed the path of divine law.

He is indeed the man of tomorrow.

Yun Ye said: "Yes, but I also hope that you can abide by your promise and follow my command after proving your identity. I will definitely inherit the master's ideas and lead the tomorrow society to move forward."

"Show it." Ning Xiao shook his head and did not agree to anything. Although he felt that the child in front of him was extraordinary, this was just a personal feeling. His status was far from being able to make decisions for the entire tomorrow's meeting.

Yun Ye also knew this, but he was just saying polite words. This was the attitude that the heir must have.


The words fell.

The air vibrated.

Water and fire appeared out of thin air, intertwined and gathered in front of Yun Ye, forming a fierce double helix.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into water and fire streamers from bottom to top and spread out, revealing the entire Taoist artifact.

This is a sword that looks very noble, with dual bands of water and fire fluttering.

As the full picture unfolds.

Ning Xiao's heart started to beat, and a sense of recognition suddenly arose in his heart. He immediately understood why Wang Yao said that he could know the authenticity of the Taoist artifact just by seeing it!

This is the resonance of the road, how to fake it?

"The real thing, this is the real deal..."

"My subordinate Ning Xiao has met the young master!"

Ning Xiao knelt down on one knee and said: "Although the Tomorrow Society does not fully trust you now and cannot let you directly serve as chief, there is no doubt about your identity as the successor, and we will fully assist you."

"Get up, I understand... However, someone must be sent to assist me tomorrow." Yun Ye said, with a flash of worry in his eyes.

The Tomorrow Club has initially formed a hierarchy, which is necessary, but it also means that as it grows, different voices will appear in the Tomorrow Club, and it will not be as easy to unify the voices in the future as it is now.

Even if they have Dao tools, they may not be able to assist them wholeheartedly.

External pressure can maintain the vitality of the Tomorrow Society, but Yun Ye feels that this pressure may be too much and may directly destroy and split the Tomorrow Society, so he does not expect it.

"Baishi Town...young master wants revenge?" Ning Xiao asked after standing up.

"It should be said that I want to capture White Rock Town."

"Without a base, the idea of ​​the Tomorrow Society cannot spread, which means it will never develop."

"Now that Baishi Town is in a state of flux and unable to take care of the outside world, it is a good time to take advantage of this opportunity for development."

Yun Ye said.

"But it is also full of dangers. If you don't have enough strength, you will only be devoured by stronger and stronger monsters. At present, Luo Yun Town is still a little short of the moment of rotation. I think it is safer to stay in Luo Yun Town."

Ning Xiao disagreed. It was too difficult.

Yun Ye understands this very well, because not everyone has the ability to reincarnate, and they only live once.

Yun Ye explained: "I saw that Baishi Town massacred tens of thousands of people and created Feitian Zombie. Although I don't understand the principle, it was probably to weaken the power of the catastrophe."

"Luoyun Town seems to be safe now, but this is just an appearance that has not yet ushered in the turn of events. Once it arrives, it will definitely be cleared out tomorrow and become a sacrifice to weaken the catastrophe!"

"In this case, it is better to establish a base in Baishi Town as a retreat. If anything happens, we can also preserve our strength."


Ning Xiao originally wanted to say something else.

But after looking at Yun Ye's eyes, Ning Xiao stopped immediately. The child was just explaining to him.

Didn't ask for his opinion!

"I will inform the head of the family about this matter. This requires judgment from all members of the Tomorrow Meeting. It is impossible to do it just because I think it is possible."

Ning Xiao said this.

Facing this child, Ning Xiao unconsciously looked a little shorter. He felt as if he was facing another young master Yang Shi.

Although he is very kind and willing to discuss with them, his ideas are always firm. Few people can change Young Master Yang Shi's mind. At most, they can add some details. Their thinking is not on the same level.

The same is true for this child. Although he was given an explanation, his eyes showed no hesitation. This is what he was going to do next, and he was just repeating it to others.

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