A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 141 The silence of all things versus the eye of corruption

"Master, he is the Corruption Demon Zombie. He is the source of the blood of the Corruption Corpse. Don't let him use this power..."

Tomorrow has been floating behind Yun Ye and reminded him.

But her reminder meant nothing.

Because Yun Ye could feel that this demon zombie had actually been wandering around, and had already discovered his traces, but it only showed up now... As a thing on the same level as Ling Zombie, he is also wise!

And compared to Ling Zombie's simple and indifferent feelings, Mo Zombie has an extremely terrifying hatred for human beings.

This is another evolution!

Born from the catastrophe, an avenger similar to Feitian Zombie!

This demonic zombie has already been targeting Yun Ye for a long time. The reason why it didn't move was just because it wanted to create a suitable fighting venue...


Under the gazes of Yun Ye and Ming Ri, the bone and blood sword that was a sharp weapon in their hands shook shockingly.

The blood dragon wrapped around the bone and blood sword instantly turned into countless spikes and spread toward Yun Ye.


No, this is just a spiritual weapon. It has no sense of autonomy at all. It is controlled by the corrupt demon zombie!

"Spiritual roots revive!"

"My heart is on fire!"

"Cang Yan!"

"Follow the flow!"

Yun Ye's whole body was instantly covered with a double coat of water and fire, and the bone-blood sword in his hand was thrown out. He retreated with all his strength, using the characteristics of his twin spiritual roots to retreat in a very smooth way.

It was just one step, and he seemed to be sliding backwards quickly without using any force. Even the corrupt spikes thrust out could not keep up. Only a few spikes shot out and pierced Yun Ye's spiritual coat.

But after being hit, it is first wrapped in the outer layer of water and flows towards both sides of the body.

Although the spikes formed by the rotten corpse blood were indeed amazing, breaking through the water flow layer in an instant, they were also deflected slightly. Yun Ye had an idea and the water flow layer exploded to stop the spread of the rotten corpse blood.

The spikes pierced both sides of Yun Ye, but there was still a layer of protection inside Yun Ye. The invisible blue flame blocked everything, and it fought against the weakened corrupted corpse blood for an instant.

At this moment, Yun Ye kicked off again, and his figure instantly appeared a hundred meters away, completely neutralizing the attack.

"Master, this is too thrilling, just use me!"

Tomorrow shows a shocked face, this is almost a trick, at least half of the body will rot by then.

Without the water-wood spiritual method that is close to the spiritual realm, death is certain!

"It is indeed thrilling, but this is just a sneak attack. Even a sneak attack cannot succeed, and the follow-up is even less possible. There is no need to use your power."

Yun Ye refused.

The two-point chop can also be effective to a certain extent in normal times, and can be used as a weapon that will not be damaged.

If you use Taoist weapons to deal with the corrupt demon zombie, the battle will not be any difficult.

But he wanted to hone his fighting skills, and this opponent with good strength was just right, so he had no reason to give up the opportunity.

"If you have the power, you should use it. Tomorrow is the right time to kill him!"

I will be a little unhappy tomorrow.

But she still obeyed Yun Ye's order and disappeared into a wisp of flame.

The master can continue to be reincarnated, so there is no need to worry about safety. This battle is just nourishment on the way to growth.

"Then, let's start the second round!"

Yun Ye took a deep breath and entered a state of concentration, and his ability to observe the synchronic increase of the three major laws reached its limit.

The corrupt demon in front of us is a disaster for the lower level, but it is probably not far from the upper level!

And his current level, with the support of dual spiritual roots and third-level spirituality, is almost better than when he first entered the Yingyue Secret Realm in his second life, and he can barely kill the low-level disaster.

In terms of hard power, he must be stronger in this life than in his second life when he first entered the secret realm. In his second life, he had nether fire and spirit gathering rings, and there was more spiritual energy in the secret realm. Taking elixirs to restore vitality could forcibly stimulate stronger power.

If it were in the outside world, even if it was a low-level disaster, "Yang Shi" would be difficult to defeat, and it was incomparable to the current third life.

Since the corrupt demon zombie in front of him has the power to cause trouble, Yun Ye must use all his strength to deal with it.

Otherwise, the chance of overturning is extremely high.

"Human...you taste good..."

The figure of the Corrupt Demon Zombie standing on Mingzhu suddenly appeared on the ground, standing on the edge of Mingzhu Village.

The distance of one hundred meters shortened to twenty meters in the blink of an eye.

"Space jump?"

Yun Ye didn't see the movement trajectory of the Corrupt Demon Zombie at all. The only trace was that its shape dissipated instantly and then gathered in front of his eyes. This process was so fast that it was no different if it was teleported!

Along with the faint voice of the Corrupt Demon Zombie, black mist emerged from the large number of corpses on the ground.

Yun Ye didn't react during this period, and the black mist simply hit the water and fire spiritual energy layer.

Then Yun Ye felt an astonishing consumption of spiritual energy. Although this black mist was not as powerful as the corrupted corpse blood, it was essentially a weakened version of the corrupted corpse blood. It was much more powerful than ordinary spiritual methods, comparable to the extreme flames!

This really shocked Yun Ye. The potential and strength of the demons spawned by these calamity auras clearly far exceeded those of the aristocratic families in Baishi Town, not even the Liu family. They mastered the secret technique of the wind zodiac sign, and their non-spiritual roots were wind. sign of the Zodiac.

No wonder the family feels like facing a formidable enemy every time there is a catastrophe, and they can only survive by living in Baishi Town.

Even if it is a noble family, how many military commanders and judges are there?

Spreading strength is indeed asking for death.

"Extreme Flame·Inextinguishable Fire!"

Yun Ye canceled Cang Yan and activated the immortal fire to fight against the black mist, and there was a stalemate for a while.

However, Corrupt Demon Zombie stretched out his hand and pointed at the bone-blooded sword stuck on the ground. The sudden blood thorns on it gradually melted and returned to Corrupt Demon Zombie's hand.

Yun Ye obviously couldn't watch. Not to mention that the Corrupt Demon Zombie was regaining his power. Even without him, he wouldn't be able to exert himself.

Because the spiritual root resuscitator does not have the lasting power of the demon, even if all three major methods are awakened, this is often the case. This is the difference in racial talent, and he cannot reverse it now.

So Yun Ye didn't waste much time and immediately launched a thunder attack after analyzing the nature of some corrupted corpse blood.

The fire lotus suddenly appeared on the soles of the feet, using the fire in the air as the medium for the sword spirit method, its speed could completely surpass the half-pole flame, and the cloud night turned into a flash of red light and appeared near the Corruption Demon Zombie.

The water ring in his hand flows rapidly, and the next second the white line shoots out, turning into a water line that cuts everything!

But this blow was blocked by the gradually gathering corrupted corpse blood. The corrupted corpse blood collected by Yun Ye was completely taken away by this demon zombie, and it was much smoother than Yun Ye himself, and the flow speed was very fast.

Yun Ye is not discouraged. It is completely unrealistic for a single spiritual method to deal with two spiritual methods. Unless the realm is crushed, even if the same level has achieved the ultimate spirituality, it will be very powerless.

The power of the combined spiritual method and the silence of all things truly surpasses all of Yun Ye's ultimate spirituality.

No matter fire or water!

However, Yun Ye's silence of all things is itself composed of the ultimate spirituality, and has an effect far beyond the ordinary two-level spiritual method. If there is a chance, Yun Ye would like to try the power of this move.

"However, this move is too unstable. I have only just mastered it now. It is almost impossible to use it in battle! If there is no chance, I don't have to use it forcefully!"

"The only one who doesn't put out fires!"

Yun Ye raised his hand, and a large amount of flames rolled up, covering an area of ​​tens of meters, exploding everything in front of him.

The Corrupt Demon Zombie stared at the flames with his empty eyes, and a large amount of corrupt corpse blood rushed forward to extinguish the flames.

But unlike the expected destruction, the only inextinguishable fire and the corrupt corpse blood formed a confrontation, and it was difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

"It's different from Split Wind, because the water attribute is heavier than fire, so it can't be suppressed even if it doesn't extinguish fire?"

Yun Ye felt a little heavy, not that the corrupted corpse blood was so powerful, but that the single non-extinguishing fire was already the strongest attack method with a single spiritual root. It failed so quickly. It seemed that the limit of a single spiritual root was too shallow.

The secret of this world is the fusion of spiritual roots, two zodiac signs, three zodiac signs, and even all zodiac signs.

The blood of corrupted corpses is just a hurdle, telling Yun Ye that his limit has been reached and he needs to keep moving forward.


The Corrupt Demonic Zombie took action, roared, and suddenly opened his arms, erupting with an astonishing amount of demonic energy.

The blood of the corrupt corpse swelled visibly at this moment, and the power contained in it increased dramatically.

Obviously, the corrupt demon zombie has activated the stronger power of supernatural powers.


The corpse blood exploded like a sharp sword, piercing through the inextinguishable fire and turning the entire front into a hornet's nest.

Yun Ye noticed it in advance through his spiritual consciousness and evaded it, but the Corrupt Demonic Zombie suddenly appeared behind him, and its rotten palm claws went towards Yun Ye's heart, breaking through the obstacles of Ji Shui and Ji Yan.

This made Yun Ye a little creepy, and it was a space jump. It was much scarier than the Nether Fire. There was almost no process, and it was absolutely invincible when used in a sneak attack!

But Yun Ye is a person who has mastered ultimate spirituality after all. The power of extremely spiritual fire and extremely spiritual water allows him to deal with various emergencies. Since he cannot defend himself, then...

Speed ​​up!

"Only one is angry!"

"The only thing going smoothly!"

Part of the spiritual power is internally transformed into the fire in the heart of the only one, which greatly increases Yun Ye's speed, while part of it is spilled out and turned into the downstream flow of the only one. As the power of the extremely spiritual water, the downstream flow can control the flow rate of external materials.

Even if the ground is fixed, Yun Ye can make it move by following the current, and change its direction to make it move with it.

Similarly, if this operation is performed on gas, it will greatly reduce air resistance and allow the speed to increase further.

After mastering the downstream flow, Yun Ye can basically ride on the wind. If he has some props, he can fly directly.

Of course, the water spirit root is not the wind spirit root after all, and the ability to achieve this level is already the limit. Just like the only inextinguishable fire is far inferior to the netherworld fire in burning spiritual consciousness, the water spirit root is completely incomparable with the wind spirit root in this aspect.

But it was enough, at least enough to deal with the Corrupt Demon Zombie - Yun Ye just took one step and left the place across a hundred meters in an instant, no different from flashing.


The Corruption Demonic Zombie is the same as the Spiritual Zombie. Although it hates humans very much, it does not have any questions such as confusion.

So when Yun Ye disappeared, the Corruption Demon Zombie also decomposed and followed Yun Ye instantly.

But this time, Yun Ye's speed had surpassed Shun's, and he was already prepared for his arrival. The power of the double zodiac sign covered his right leg, and he directly launched a roundhouse kick——


The corrupt demon zombie that just appeared was kicked directly, and the explosive force was transmitted to his chest, and his bones and flesh were exploding. As a demon zombie, his body was extremely hard, but this blow still made him almost explode. .

And that's not all. After the power of this blow exploded, the remaining power allowed him to fly backwards, crashing through several houses, smashing a large piece of Mingzhu, and then stopped.

This severe injury made the Corruption Demon Zombie even angrier. He roared in the sky. The blood of the corrupted corpses that had been left around Yun Ye gathered together and was continuously sucked into the eye sockets. Black and red blood lines spread from the eye sockets. His body undergoes huge changes, and his demonic aura surges.

True body and magical power!

"It seems that I really don't have any fighting ability. I can't deal with you just by relying on skills. I can only suppress you with force!"

Yun Ye's face changed slightly. He originally wanted to catch up and hit him, but now he jumped out of the battle circle and distanced himself. At the same time, the water and fire texture on his forehead gathered a lot of spiritual power and collided in his body.

"Blood, I want more blood!"

The Corruption Demonic Zombie looked up to the sky and screamed, and all the blood of the corrupted corpses gathered into two bloody eyes, illuminating the entire Mingzhu Forest.

The area watched by the Corruption Demon Zombie began to decay rapidly, extending all the way to ten meters away.

Supernatural power·Eye of corruption!

Whether it is a spiritual eye, a demon eye, or a magic eye, they all have the ability to directly exert effects through gaze.

The same is true for the Corruption Eye of the Corruption Demonic Zombie. As long as it is "seen" within ten meters, it is equivalent to direct contact with the blood of the corrupt corpse, and the whole body will begin to rot.

This is a magical power that cannot be avoided and can only be resisted through spiritual protection. The weak will be killed instantly without any room for maneuver.

As a power that can only be used when the true body is in the magical state, the Eye of Corruption is naturally powerful.

This move was already close to the level of high-level chaos, but Yun Ye found it difficult to resist.


This time, Corrupt Demon Zombie rushed towards Yun Ye step by step. Under his true body's magical power, he was unable to disintegrate his body and perform shadow escape, but it didn't matter because his speed and power were increasing dramatically.

The originally decayed body has become completely different under the blessing of the true body's magical power, gaining strength and speed in line with the chaos.

And just when the corrupt demon zombie was approaching rapidly.

Yun Ye just kept retreating, without making any attack to block it. Instead, the spiritual power of water and fire was intertwined in his hands, scattered and gathered, but could not be completely integrated.

It wasn't until the Corrupt Demonic Zombie approached within ten meters that Yun Ye felt a chilling sense of crisis, and then he roared loudly: "Fusion!"

At this moment, Yun Ye was blessed in his heart, and his spiritual consciousness was stimulated to the limit. He forcibly controlled the water and fire spiritual powers in his hands to collide fiercely, and all kinds of spirituality were intertwined and merged.

A touch of gray mist suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, like a dark cloud. Yun Ye did not hesitate and took it out directly!

"Combined spiritual techniques..."

"Everything is silent!"

The color of black and white spread with the mist as the center, quickly solidifying the world, and the power of decay that had originally spread stopped abruptly, stopping at Yun Ye's forearm!

The Corruption Demon Zombie did not feel the danger and broke into the black and white world. At first, he took a few steps, but his color quickly lost, and he became slower and slower, and he was frozen in place.

His demonic power wanted to explode, but as soon as the arrogant demonic power surged up, it was immediately dyed in black and white and solidified in this independent world, just like this...

The aura of the Corrupt Demon Zombie dropped sharply and disappeared quickly, unimaginably fast, and returned to zero in just one second.

"Experience +25,000...the level is raised to level six...the level is raised to level seven...the level is raised to level eight."

This demon who mastered the magical power of the second zodiac sign stopped there and was wiped out with one blow.

The increase in experience points is proof of this.

But Yun Ye no longer had the energy to pay attention to this, and began to fight with all his strength against the corrupt corpse blood that was eroding his arms.

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