When Yun Ye followed the sound and rushed to the battlefield, the battle was already over.

The seven-person spiritual team was cleaning the battlefield.

They are all unfamiliar faces.

The seven people were cleaning and talking dissatisfiedly, but they were stopped by the captain from time to time.

Yun Ye understood the situation after listening for a while.

After the catastrophe lasted for a year, it was no longer as severe as before. If it didn't move, there would be chaos.

If there is no chaos, the level of danger outside will not be high. You can clean up the demons in advance to avoid affecting White Rock Town.

At present, Baishi Town mainly faces two threats, one is the demon born in the great catastrophe, and the other is the demon attracted by the demon aura.

The former, Baishi Town can't change.

But the latter can be changed.

As long as the demons do not die near Baishi Town, the demonic energy will not accumulate and demons from the outside will not be attracted.

In this case, in order to reduce trouble, it is logical for Baishi Town to send out various spiritual magic teams to clean up the demons.

After a year of fighting, all the damn spiritual practitioners were dead, and those who survived had their vitality overdrawn.

Under such circumstances, if someone is sent out to perform a mission, the mortality rate will be extremely high. Naturally, it is impossible not to complain...

Yun Ye retreated and quietly walked around the team's activity venue, constantly investigating.

He wanted to know if there were any other spiritual magic teams around.

As it turns out, it does.

Although the teams are separated by several miles, the speed of the spiritual magicians is enough to arrive quickly for support!

To deal with these spiritual magic teams, they must be wiped out in a short time without making any noise.

This is a difficult matter...

Okay, this joke isn't funny.

Yun Ye took action directly.


The seven people's figures froze, showing a touch of disbelief. There was a big black hole in their chests...

This fatal injury came so suddenly that they couldn't even notice it was over.

All seven people fell to the ground with their eyes wandering, and quickly lost signs of life.

The large black hole spread super high temperatures, destroying most of their cells. It was hopeless, otherwise their wood and water spirit root monks could still survive for a while.

Yun Ye, who quickly killed seven people in an instant, appeared, clenched his fist, and rolled away the condensed flames, completely turning the corpses into powder, and then quickly rushed towards the next team.

Since the people of Baishi Town dare to come out, he dares to kill them!

Even the weakest ones, which are insignificant at all, still have the role of helping these senior officials handle chores.


The captain of the second team had strong intuition and sensed the slightest danger in advance, but as soon as he shouted, he flew out and was directly burned to ashes by the blue flames.

The same was true for the other people, who were instantly killed without even seeing Yun Ye.

Yun Ye continued to the next one.

However, in a short period of time, all five teams in this area were wiped out, including several members of the Black Armored Army.

Yun Ye randomly grabbed someone for interrogation and got unexpected information.

The leader of this operation was a certain mysterious soldier commander, but as soon as he arrived in this area, he left them alone and went to nowhere.

has a problem!

There is definitely something wrong with this!

Yun Ye smelled the smell of the incident!

Because the name of this soldier commander is Chao Zizhong!

Mention the name.

Maybe Yu Wen and the others would know that this person was playing with Gu insects or something, but Yun Ye had no memory. He didn't even know what Chao Zizhong looked like. He was fighting at the time and had no chance to see Liu Wujing's deduction.

So to Yun Ye, he only felt that this person was quite mysterious.

And it is natural for mysterious people to do mysterious things.

Yun Ye didn't know what Chao Zizhong was doing after leaving the team, but that didn't stop him from doing what he wanted to do next.

The loss of one soldier commander is far more unacceptable to Baishi Town than the loss of ten teams of spiritual magicians. It is very valuable to kill!

What's more, this person has other thoughts, maybe there is a treasure hidden in the mountain?

Therefore, Yun Ye did not choose to wait and wait, but followed the instructions of Chao Zizhong's team members to search.

As a senior bandit who has collected a lot of knowledge and gathered the three heavenly paths, Yun Ye also masters the deduction of divine methods.

However, divine magic requires talent, and Yun Ye has only scratched the surface of it, so it may not be effective.

Throw out three talisman seals and freeze them in the air.

Yun Ye closed his eyes, raised his index and middle fingers together, and muttered something in his mouth. Then he pointed at the talisman and the three talismans ignited, forming inexplicable words in the air.

This is an ancient text, which is more difficult to understand than the text of the Luo Dynasty. It describes the important position of the emperor very obscurely.

"Maybe this way?"

Yun Ye sets out to search and constantly repositions himself, which can improve accuracy.

No magic weapon is like this anymore, it almost depends on luck.

All kinds of knowledge about divine magic have mentioned that divine magic with magical weapons and magic without magical weapons are two different dimensions.

For example, if the deduction of divine magic is assisted by magical instruments, the deduction can directly present the picture, which is much simpler than interpreting complex text.

Kind of like burning tortoise shell?

It's just that the turtle shell is disposable, and the magic weapon can be used multiple times.

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed.

Although he had deduced the magic method, Yun Ye still found nothing after spending a lot of time. Chao Zi was hiding too deeply!

This made Yun Ye sigh and prepare to return.

But at this moment, Yun Ye suddenly saw a large amount of black energy entwining in front of his eyes, and then the voice of tomorrow's surprise sounded in his heart: "There are so many echoes, is our road partially successful?... Um, what is this?! "

"What's going on? It can't be dispelled? Tomorrow!" Yun Ye used spiritual power to dispel it, but he was completely unable to interfere with the black energy. He immediately drew out the Dao sword, and when he drew out the Dao sword, the black energy suddenly surged. Wrap directly around the sword, forming tiny chains.

Yun Ye's expression changed, and he activated the power of his true name, trying to cut off these chains.

But it's useless. These chains move with the sword body, and the two-point cut cannot be cut at all!

Tomorrow also appeared. She looked at the chain and was a little confused: "Master. These things are tribulation energy. How strange. The tribulation energy didn't leave a mark on my body, but turned into an echo?"

"Into an echo?" Yun Ye frowned and opened the book of reincarnation.

Sure enough, he found the echo number in the Taoist column.

"30 echoes?"

"There were 30 more responses out of thin air?"

"However, why is it marked temporary? The temporary echo, the calamity of Baishi Town, could it be..."

Yun Ye's thoughts just came up.

Not far away, a mountain wall suddenly twisted, and a black-armored soldier with a man's build walked out.

This man in black armor did not show his face, nor did he carry any weapons, only a string of water drops wrapped around his arm.

However, from the breath, Yun Ye could immediately feel the difference between him and ordinary spiritual practitioners.

There is no doubt that this is a spiritual monk!


It can only be because the emperor is too heavy!

Just when he was about to leave, the calamity stopped. This was obviously not a coincidence!

"As expected, the calamity energy of Baishi Town is assisting us! If I can kill this Chao Zizhong, this echo can be completely stabilized and turned into the true power of the Taoist weapon!"

Yun Ye immediately confirmed his thoughts.

Next to him, Tomorrow floated to his shoulder and sat down: "It seems like this, but if it can't be solved, the master had better not use these echoes, otherwise the debt will need to be repaid by then."

"Indeed, my debt is already large enough. If it increases again, it will be really bad..." The moon disk was opened in front of Yun Ye, and the formation flag and jade disk appeared.

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