A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 204: Climbing the Heavenly Road, Root Method

Before Ji Chongtian's blow landed, two rays of light rose from Baishi Town and disappeared across the sky.

He was stunned for a moment, then became furious.

Zhu She and Ji Xuan!

They are not locked by tomorrow's Taoist weapon. If they don't escape now, when will they escape?

Ji Chongtian's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene, and he almost wanted to curse, these beasts actually betrayed him!


The young man's long blue hair was fluttering in the storm, with a hint of gray hidden in it, and he activated his true name again.

The blue light swept across regardless of space and distance.

This time, the target of the blue light was not Ji Chongtian.

It's the sword light it casts.

The sword light was swept away without leaving any trace.

"Impossible! How can a Taoist weapon be effective against spiritual magic?"

Ji Chongtian was shocked and angry.

Only then did he realize that the other party's ability to destroy the spiritual method was not a joint effect of attacking him. Even if it could be separated independently, it was completely fine!

Even in his last attempt, he failed?

"It's really troublesome..."

Yun Ye held his sword and knelt down completely. This provoking sword made his condition decline rapidly.

Life is burning, and the blue light blooms again.

In Ji Chongtian's desperate and angry eyes.

The Ji family's Taoist artifact was once again shattered into pieces, leaving only the last fragment.

The true name of tomorrow's Taoist weapon is the concept of cutting off, which is not just for people, it is complete suppression.

"Looks like I won!"

Yun Ye fired the last sword expressionlessly, and Ji Chongtian was above Baishi Town. He was engulfed by the blue light erupted from the sword, and the Order Cauldron exploded completely, turning into a large number of echoes that poured into tomorrow.

Blue Tomorrow's cold voice sounded.

"Absorbing the White Stone Calming Device, the rules are being decomposed, a total of 1250 regional echoes..."

"Since the debt repayment rule is ten times, 12,500 regional responses were actually obtained."

"The number of responses has exceeded 10,000, and it will enter the next stage of growth tomorrow."

"The evaluation of Taoist tools has been raised to EX level. 』

"The echoes exceeded 10,000, and the scope of the Taoist weapon changed: Baishi Town → Huangzhou." 』

"Dao Ling·Tomorrow: nascent period → growth period. 』


Yun Ye raised his head and stood up reluctantly. The formation disk of the Earth Fiend Extreme Cold Formation fell into his hands. He said: "It seems that we have won most of the battle."

"Dao, isn't this a great victory? Most of the Dharma realms are dead. Now is the time to pursue the victory. Don't let those aristocratic families run away!" Yang Shu said.

"Indeed, we can't stop the Dharma Realm, but those members of the aristocratic family must die." Tong Huoyang said.

They have all seen that there are a large number of spiritual practitioners fleeing in the direction of Baishi Town.

However, they knew very well how fast the Earth Fiend Extremely Cold Formation moved, so they didn't panic.

If the Dharma realm can't stop it, how about the mortal realm or the spiritual realm?

"Master, your hair!"

Tian Jing said in shock.

Yun Ye's liberated state was lifted, his hair and pupils returned to normal, and the black Taoist robe that reversed his liberated state also disappeared. Yun Ye couldn't help but raise his hand, and the mark of the Great Tribulation on the back of his hand also disappeared.

At the end, there were two that were not used up, which was a pity.

This thought only lasted for a moment.


There seemed to be a loud bang.

Yun Ye held his chest, and for a moment, the sky and the earth faded away, and the sounds from the outside world became torn and blurred.

He saw a large number of people surrounding him, supporting him and saying something anxiously, but he couldn't hear a word clearly.

He also saw the black energy formed by the great calamity entwining and wrapping him. Among all the people, only Tian Jing and Tong Huoyang vaguely saw it. They summoned the Taoist weapon and wanted to do something.

"Boom! Boom!"

The substantial heartbeat continued to sound, and Yun Ye could feel that his soul and perspective had left his body and began to observe the world in a very wonderful way.

"This is?"

Yun Ye saw a faint light coming from his body, extending towards the sky.

As the two Great Tribulation Marks merged into the light, the light surged, and the illusory stairs emerged.

The steps are paved with white jade and surrounded by mist. Only a very small part of the steps can be seen in the cloudy night.

sky Road!

As soon as he saw this staircase, Yun Ye understood that this was the celestial staircase leading from mortal to spiritual realm!

The final gift of the great catastrophe allowed him to directly overcome the obstacles and reach the Stairway to Heaven.

But standing in front of this Heavenly Road, he naturally understood what was needed to open the Heavenly Road.

"The root method..."

Yun Ye muttered to himself and fell into a long silence.

The spiritual root method, the physical method, and the spiritual consciousness method are all broad methods that can be practiced by anyone and have universal effectiveness.

But these dharma are not root dharma, and no matter how you practice them, they cannot open the way to heaven.

Standing in front of this heavenly road, Yun Ye understood.

The method of cultivating the ascending bloodline is the "root method".

If you don't have the ascending bloodline, you must create your own root method and cultivate the ascending bloodline the day after tomorrow.

Everything has a source, and the source of every ascending family must be a hero who created his own bloodline in a mortal body and expanded his upper limit!

The Heavenly Road is not a road to block the future, but a road to heaven that makes power more universal.

After all, using one's own strength to improve one's physique and bloodline sounds like a headache. Yun Ye can't imagine how much talent it takes to do this.

If not for the fate of the Great Tribulation Seal, which allowed Yun Ye to forcibly deduce the root method, I am afraid that he would not be able to access the Heavenly Road in this life!

"Although the forcibly deduced root method is extremely crude, it is also a root method, isn't it?"

Yun Ye took a step forward and stepped on the illusory ladder. This ladder was indeed real and did not fall. Yun Ye raised his second foot and slowly fell down——


The chaos at the border of the secret realm quickly faded away, revealing large tracts of land.

The area of ​​150 square meters has been directly expanded a hundred times to reach 15,000 square meters. The aura concentration, acceleration multiplier, and the rules of burning are all growing rapidly.

These situations passed by in a flash.

"Master! Master!"

"Dao, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

When Yun Ye came back to his senses, his consciousness had returned to his body, and a large number of sounds poured into his mind, extremely clear.

Although he couldn't remember what happened, he could feel it inexplicably...

I am standing on the road to heaven!

Although it is only the first step, he is actually in the spiritual realm, as evidenced by the expansion of the secret realm.

Looking at the anxious people, Yun Ye moved his body and could feel the huge difference between his body and the past, but now was not the time to think about this. He asked: "How long did I stop just now?"

"Only for a moment! But it's scary. You don't react no matter what I call you!" Tong Huoyang said.

"Master, what's wrong? Could it be that you just used a Taoist weapon..." Tian Jing's eyes fell on Yun Ye's gray hair.

Yun Ye waved his hand to stop: "I'm fine. There are still a lot of things to do. Let's start now. If we wait any longer, those people from the spiritual family may really have to flee."

"Set up the formation!"


Everyone stopped talking and waved the formation flag to connect their spiritual power, but they still pretended to be worried in their hearts!

Military orders are like mountains!

Since the coach has given the order, they have no room to say more!

"Earth Evil Netherworld Formation!"


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