A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 206 Taoist Envoy of the Luo Dynasty

Yun Ye raised his eyes and saw a large amount of calamity energy coming in, turning into echoes.

The complete annihilation of the spiritual law family is the final echo.

Including this response, the total number of responses is about 14,000, which is unbelievably huge.

The sacrifices of everyone in tomorrow’s meeting will never be in vain!

The Way of Tomorrow will continue to grow until the sword slays the Luo Dynasty, sweeping everything and establishing a new order!

He is the accelerator and witness of all this.

"Judge Zhuo, please take a look."

Yun Ye stopped talking nonsense. After throwing a book to Zhuo Qilian, he turned and walked towards the center of the town.

Before the book fell, it was swept over by invisible divine thoughts, and all the contents were engraved in my mind.

"Is this the way of tomorrow? The more you work, the more you gain... Although it is almost impossible due to human desires, it is indeed reasonable and correct. In other words, can we only rely on Taoist tools?"

Zhuo Qilian was thoughtful.

If the way of tomorrow is still possible in the mortal world, then in the extraordinary world, the way of tomorrow is completely empty talk and completely impossible to realize. The power gap between various classes is too large.

Unless a miracle happens one day and more than half of the top monks suddenly switch to the Way of Tomorrow, then it is possible for the Way of Tomorrow to replace the Way of Order and become the new world in this world.

A river of blood flowed in the center of the town, and thousands of bodies fell.

These are all members or minions of the Spiritual Law Family.

Yun Ye nodded indifferently, and walked with Yang Shu and others to the open space where a large number of books and jade slips were piled up after the house ransack. Due to the tight time, no one had time to sort it out or do other things. All the knowledge, which was regarded as a treasure by the family, was left at random. piled on the ground.

"Dao, all members of the Lingfa Family have been executed, but we have left behind children under one year old."

Yang Shi said.

"Do you have ascending bloodline? It is used for training. You can give it a try."

Yun Ye said.

"Some of them have the bloodline to ascend the ranks, and some of them have very high talents."

Yang Shu said.

"Yes, as long as you recognize the way of tomorrow, no matter your origin."

"Gather everyone and get ready to leave."

Yun Ye silently dispersed his consciousness, regardless of whether he could learn it or not, he read it first.


Yang Shu glanced at Baishi Town, where the outside world was silent, and silently left to prepare.

Their strength is insufficient, so they have to give up when they need to.

Neither Yang Shu nor Yun Ye will be soft-hearted because of this.

“A lot of knowledge doesn’t exist, is it passed down by word of mouth?”

Divine consciousness plays an extremely important role. It can scan hundreds of books in an instant, minimizing the time it takes for Yun Ye to acquire knowledge. It only takes one minute to record all the knowledge.

Although he had basically no impression after scanning it once, it would be a permanent memory in the land of reincarnation, which was enough.

With the knowledge in hand and a large amount of resources put into the space container, Yun Ye didn't waste any time and directly summoned the three main players.

Tonghuoyang, Yangshu, Tianjing.

Tong Huoyang came in a hurry, dressed in white and splattered with a lot of blood. It seemed that he had solved the Tong family with his own hands.

"I'll make a long story short. The Taoist envoy of the Luo Dynasty is coming next. I'm afraid it will arrive soon. This is not an opponent we can defeat, so we have no choice but to escape and stay far away from Baishi Town."

Yun Ye directly threw the formation disk to Tian Jing, "Tian Jing, you are the strongest. The formation disk is handed over to you, but remember, you are inexperienced. Please ask the chief and Huo Yang for advice. You and Huo Yang are the only ones. Some Taoist wielders must not have conflicts, otherwise..."

At this point, Yun Ye felt that he was talking nonsense. If something happened and a breakup happened, then what he said now would definitely be meaningless. He was always worried about this and that. If he wanted the future to go exactly as he imagined, The easiest way is for him not to die.

But is this possible?

Without him to finish off, they would not have been able to run far away, and everyone was overtaken and wiped out.

"Forget it, all this nonsense is meaningless. Live well is the real thing. I will completely open up the power of Taoist tools. In the evening, you will use the power of tomorrow's Taoist tools to develop with concentration. You will definitely be better than the current situation!"

"Master, what is our role?"

Tian Jing interrupted him and contradicted Yun Ye for the first time. He stared at Yun Ye, "Master, you died here, what is our role?"

"Your role is to pave the way for the future! Don't talk nonsense, listen to me!" Yun Ye grabbed Tian Jing's collar and roared. Tian Jing had never seen a master with such violent mood swings, and was stunned for a moment. .

"Chief, Third Seat, I will only say this once. Every Taoist weapon uses reverberation as the source of its power. However, the rules will be determined according to how many reverberations there are. They must not be exceeded! Otherwise, Baishi Town will be your end. If there is not enough reverberation, it will be the source of power. Forcibly enacting it will lead to a lot of disasters, and every sixty years of Baishi Town’s rotation is the accumulation of disasters!”

"When the catastrophe comes, it is our destiny time. As long as we kill the corresponding important figures, we can obtain the catastrophe and enter a special state of reverse liberation. Our talents and luck will be greatly improved. We This is the reason why all your dreams come true by eradicating the Dharma Realm!"

"You must increase the power of the Taoist artifacts as much as possible to find opportunities to eliminate the forces of the Luo Dynasty. I have already told you how to make the celestial phenomena. Collect ten or twenty of them and eliminate them as much as possible without harming ordinary people. The spiritual law family..."

Yun Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he looked into the distance. A dazzling beam of light fell from the sky at some point.

Space teleportation!

Before anyone arrived, the aura had swept through the entire Baishi Town area, and the terrifying pressure far beyond Ji Chongtian was revealed.

"The power of the new way? It seems that I came at the right time, hand over the tool, and then... commit suicide!"

A divine thought suddenly swept across.

The sound resounded in the hearts of everyone in Baishi Town, and countless ordinary people prostrate themselves and prayed silently.

When the members of the Lingfa Family and their minions will be executed tomorrow, almost no ordinary people will come out to watch.

This is a long-standing history that cannot be changed in a short time.

Feeling the sweep of divine thoughts, trying to forcibly control all of them, Yun Ye shouted: "Set up the formation! Earthly Evil Netherworld Formation!"

The members of the Tomorrow Club were gathering quickly. Yun Ye slapped his chest directly, and his face turned pale as a sheet. Then he spit out a ball of netherworld flames and without saying a word, Yun Ye pressed it directly into Tian Jing's chest.

"I have injected most of the power into it, which is enough for you to escape. When the time comes, you can immediately use the secret technique of turning fire to absorb the Nether Fire. With the help of the Nether Fire, the Earth Evil Nether Formation can come and go freely!"

"Get into formation!"

"Get into formation!"

Everyone yelled with red eyes.

But the divine will has arrived. In just a moment, everyone was controlled and five people died.

This is divine law!

Manipulating the air and playing with souls, the great cultivator of divine magic is the most terrifying existence, and even Ji Chongtian will not force this kind of existence.

The great cultivator of divine magic who came from the royal family of the Luo Dynasty only showed his strength for the first time, and he made Tomorrow Hui deeply understand what terror is.

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