A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 252 The direction of making money

"Who are you? My son is a disciple of Qu Shuang. Aren't you afraid of being liquidated for doing this?" Xiang Baizheng roared. In front of him was a sea of ​​fire and fighting sounds. A man in a robe walked towards him with a very scary aura. This was a Dharma Realm. He smiled and said, "Go with peace of mind. The Xiang family must be destroyed. As for the liquidation... it depends on whether Xiang Ying can grow up, and how many traces of this long-ago past will remain after he grows up." "You--you will not die well!!!" Xiang Baizheng roared, but as a sword energy swept over, Xiang Baizheng's expression froze, and countless blood marks appeared on his body, and he exploded immediately. Boom! The formation of the entire Xiang clan was collapsing, and all the members and elders of the family fell into despair. They were originally in a weak position and could not see a way out. Now even the formation was broken? "Die!" The Dharma Realm attacked again, and the giant sword that covered the sky and the sun fell. With a roar. The hundreds of years of foundation of the Xiang clan was wiped out in an instant, and no one was spared. Even this attack wiped out all the friendly forces, and only a few escaped.

But no one complained. They took away all the wealth and accumulation of the Xiang clan in broad daylight, and gained a lot.

When the cleaning was over, the man in the realm of law waved his hand to remove the barrier, and disappeared with many plunderers.

Not long after.

The news that the entire Xiang clan was reduced to ruins and no one survived detonated Wenyun Town.

"This is Xiangying's relative, and someone dared to move. Aren't you afraid of revenge?"

"Maybe Xiangying is already dead. If you dare to attack his relatives, it is impossible not to get rid of Xiangying together..."

"It is very likely that if you can wipe out the entire Xiang clan silently, you will probably have no concerns about assassinating Xiangying! There is only one question, that is, success or failure!"

Although Yunwen Town is far away from Yuntian Lingzong.

But Yuntian Lingzong's spies are everywhere. As soon as the Xiang clan was destroyed, the news spread to Qinghe Lingdi.

"The Xiang tribe was attacked and surrounded, and all of them died. There are probably only four of us left in the Xiang tribe." Yun Ye informed the three of them of the news. The three of them reacted in much the same way. Xiang Yan responded, "Just this? Then I'll continue to practice." "After all, it was an attack on the prince. The Xiang tribe is too weak to survive. We had expected it." Xiang Qingrou didn't feel sad or shocked, and analyzed it normally. "Alas, it's a pity that many necessary things can't be obtained. If we had known earlier, we should have taken them in advance." Xiang Xiang said regretfully. The three of them didn't feel anything about the extermination of the Xiang tribe. In the final analysis, the Xiang tribe is just a community of interests, and there is no such thing as emotion. Now that they have found a backer, the Qinghe Spiritual Land alone is far superior to the Xiang tribe, so why should they care about the survival of the Xiang tribe? Yun Ye also expected this situation. The competition mechanism of the family will make emotions indifferent. The emperor's descendants cannot live forever, but they still fight for the throne. The aristocratic families are fighting for immortality, which is even more crazy. Xiang Xiang, Xiang Qingrou and Xiang Yan, although they are from the same family, are no different from losers.

In the entire Xiang clan, only the head of the family is qualified to pursue immortality, and only the head of the family can obtain the most resources. The so-called fairness is only fair between the descendants of the head of the family, and it cannot be generalized.

In this case, it is impossible to have a sense of belonging among the members of the clan. They just act for the sake of interests - after all, there are smaller families and even civilians who are even more miserable for comparison.

"Since the other party dares to exterminate the Xiang family, they must be extremely powerful and not afraid of the master. In the future, if it is not necessary, do not leave the territory of Yuntian Lingzong."



Xiang Qingrou put the 20-centimeter-thick information on the table and said, "Prince, the information of Qinghe County has been sorted out. Please take a look. Here is the talent information of all the young people classified after our test. There are certain tests on spiritual roots, spiritual consciousness, physique, and even comprehension."

Yun Ye immediately scanned it with his spiritual consciousness and read the information quickly.

Then he directly unfolded the book of reincarnation and memorized it in his mind instantly.

The situation of the entire Qinghe County was immediately clear.

If it is detected by spiritual instruments, it can only detect spiritual roots and physical constitution. Only divine instruments can detect divine consciousness.

Liu Quan could have been tested at the beginning, but was it necessary? Divine cultivation cannot be supported by ordinary food, and it is meaningless to have divine talent.

But here in Yunye, even if there is no special training, opening the divine method can enhance the power of spiritual law, which is worth it, so Xiang Qingrou spent a lot of time screening divine talent.

As for the talent of comprehension, this is not something that spiritual instruments and divine instruments can detect. Xiang Qingrou and others used the simplest method, that is, reciting articles. Whoever takes less time will get a higher score.

Therefore, the evaluation of comprehension is very inaccurate. It can only be said that people with strong memory ability are screened out.

But as I said, strong memory ability also has corresponding uses. Screening out is always one more choice.

"We will follow your instructions and divide the talents of the people in Qinghe County into four levels, A, B, C, and D."

"Currently, there are only 4 people in the A level, 41 people in the B level, 380 people in the C level, and the rest are all D level."

Xiang Qingrou said.

D level is the "ordinary people" with D-level talents, C level has one C-level talent, B level has two talents, and A level has three or more talents, and even has B-level talents.

"All those above B level will be invited to the cave house, and the rest do not need to be taken care of. Teach them the Qi-nourishing technique and let them practice first."

Yun Ye gave the order.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to train everyone?"

"Without the acceleration of low-grade spiritual pills, it would take at least three years for these people to awaken their spiritual roots, and they would have to consume a lot of food. Qinghe County only has a population of 70,000, and I'm afraid it won't be able to support a few thousand people to practice Qi nourishing techniques."

"If you really want to train them, you can actually do it in batches. This is how the Xiang people train masonry."

Xiang Qingrou suggested.

The so-called masons are spiritual root revivers who make spiritual stones. They don't need to master any spiritual methods. They only need to learn to compress and mobilize spiritual energy. Basically, they produce batches after death, and the cycle lasts forever.

The spiritual energy of the spiritual veins is limited, so only a fixed amount of masonry is required. Any more will increase the cost.

This cycle is just right.

"It doesn't matter... I have mastered the formula of spiritual-level superior food. With their talents, they can revive their spiritual roots in ten and a half months. By then, they will naturally enter a positive cycle."

Yun Ye replied without raising his head, and then he waved his hand to signal Xiang Qingrou to go do his own thing.

(Spirit-level premium food? Did you ask for it from Elder Shuang? But it would be troublesome to make spiritual-level premium food, right? Is the prince going to waste time on this?)

Xiang Qingrou felt helpless and exited the room.

The most important thing in Yuntian Lingzong is strength, and the sundries should be left to people like them.

But this prince is different. He has too many ideas and has to solve them himself. I am afraid that he must go through setbacks to make changes, but he doesn't know how much this will slow down the progress of their rise.

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