A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 263 Usage of Earth Spirit Root

In the echo of history, he seems to have become Song Wan.

Not only was part of Song Wan's memory obtained, but his spiritual roots and cultivation were also replaced.

Now he only has earth spirit roots and has only a small degree of success in nourishing qi.

This kind of start is indeed extremely bad.

But for Yun Ye, who has reached the late third level of spirituality and has mastered a large number of extremely spiritual and unique spiritual methods, it is not completely insurmountable.


Yun Ye felt that his body was extremely light. With a casual jump, the surrounding scenes flashed by quickly.

This is the specialness of earth spiritual roots. As spiritual roots that control and create solids, they can change the properties of solids to a certain extent.

Yun Ye gained astonishing speed by letting his own weight drop significantly, but his strength remained unchanged.

In the same way, this operation can also be used on other people, and the effect is the extremely spiritual earth method·gravity.

Not long after Yun Ye set off, the man sleeping on the flying boat opened his eyes.

He sat up and glanced at Yun Ye lazily.

Yun Ye suddenly felt as if his brain had been hit by a hammer. It roared and almost exploded on the spot.

In fact, it did explode, but it turned into clods of soil and scattered after the explosion.

"Earth clone?"

The man named Meng Qi didn't care, and his divine magic swept out to search for Yun Ye's traces.

After a few seconds, Meng Qi was a little surprised.


"A way to hide yourself?"

Yun Ye walked underground, his body covered with earth-moving spiritual magic, integrating with the underground material.

Earth magic is the easiest spiritual magic to hide itself. The earth is everywhere. As long as the physical properties are changed to resemble soil, the detection of divine magic can be avoided.

On the contrary, it is the water method. Although it can easily hide itself in the lake, if a human-shaped water appears in the air, even a fool will not be able to deceive it.

Yun Ye appeared behind Meng Qi, and the amazing gravity was activated. Meng Qi was also unexpected and fell immediately.

But unlike Luo Nian, Meng Qi's body surface lit up with light, blocking part of the gravity, and the magic weapon automatically protected the master.

This gave Meng Qi some breathing space, and he immediately turned into a butterfly and disappeared, leaving the gravity-covered area.

At the same time, Yun Ye's clone exploded again, blasted through the air by divine magic.

Yun Ye underground frowned slightly.

The power of the magical monks is too powerful. They are almost omnipotent. They can make deductions, detect intelligence, control the human body, directly destroy the spirit, and even disappear into butterflies...

next moment.

The whole earth shook slightly, and then a voice sounded in Yun Ye's mind: "I found you!"

The power of divine magic immediately covered Yun Ye, trying to seize control of his body.

Is this using divine magic to shake the earth to sense problems?

"Extremely spiritual earth method·Absolute defense."

The moment he heard this voice, Yun Ye activated his spiritual technique, and a completely sealed layer of absolute defense covered his body.

The next second, Yun Ye broke through the interference of divine law and went straight to Meng Qi, who had transformed into a human form again.

"The divine magic cannot penetrate? What kind of spiritual magic is this!"

Although Meng Qi was almost hit, his long-term pampering still made him a little careless.

Until he found that divine intervention was ineffective.

Although there are many substances in this world that can shield divine magic, he can be sure that the mortals in front of him do not have such things and rely purely on spiritual magic to complete the shielding.

Is his consciousness just unable to penetrate a simple layer of soil?

"Extremely spiritual earth method·gravity!"

After Yun Ye stepped out of the soil, he raised his hand, and space-time distortion appeared in front of his palm. Everything in the direction of Meng Qi was pulled away and forced directly in front of Yun Ye.

"I've never heard of Earth Spirit Technique being able to do such a thing!"

This strange situation obviously made Meng Qi realize that things were not ordinary. He couldn't help but sweep away his spiritual consciousness and conduct a large-scale observation. The thinking speed of the divine magic monks was much faster than that of the spiritual magic monks. Although he was currently being pulled over, But he still had enough time to think about it.

(First of all, Luo Nian is dead. Every inch of his physical tissue seems to have been pressed hard and crushed. This mortal is obviously taking action against us supervisors. Is he a spy of a hostile force?)

(This is just a group of mortals. Lingzong has not checked it at all. The possibility of spies is not impossible.)

(But what about the purpose?)

(Why do you want to lurk in? This group of mortals has no other use. They are just thrown away because their qualifications are too low. Wait, it may not be without use. There are people of true blood among the supervisors...)

(Did this person know the purpose of the True Blood lineage, so he came to stop it?)

(Something is wrong, just stop the true blood line and kill Yuntian Qiyue. Why do you want to kill Luo Nian and me?)

(Worried about Luo Nian’s help?)

While thinking, the distance was shortened to half, Meng Qi finally responded, and a sword was drawn out in the void.

"The divine magic sharpens the edge!"

It is directly compressed by divine consciousness. It possesses terrifying interference with reality and can directly crush matter.

This trick is extremely useful against earth magic monks and gold magic monks.

Thinking and strategy are exactly how magic monks fight.

As Meng Qi slashed down with his sword, the force of gravity disappeared. The sword of divine magic did not respect physical distance.

It seems that it is not hit, but in fact, it will still be hit if the thought occurs, and the position will not be different at all.

Therefore, Yun Ye could only give up maintaining gravity and retreat.

This kind of situation where the target is sure to hit by thinking also has a limit distance. Although it can still hit if you retreat, the effect will be greatly weakened, which will not be able to break through Yun Ye's absolute defense.

As an extremely spiritual earth method that adjusts the structure of matter, anything with quality can resist it.

Divine magic just penetrates the gap between matter and attacks. If you want to defend against divine magic, you only need to block the gap.

Others rely on strong spiritual power to build up resistance, but Yun Ye currently does not have this kind of margin, and can only avoid it through extremely spiritual soil methods.

Moreover, Yun Ye's spiritual level has reached the late third level, and the increase in spiritual magic has reached thousands of times. It is not said that it is easy to fight against the spiritual realm with the mortal realm, but it is also quite easy.

And even if you step away, the distance is still close enough.

"Extreme Spiritual Earth Technique·Gravity!"

"Extremely spiritual earth method——"


"Combined Spiritual Technique·Closed Place!"

Without relying on his spiritual consciousness, Yun Ye completed the combined use of the two spiritual techniques on his own.

When Meng Qi was hit by the move, his spiritual roots revived and turned into a flying butterfly at the same time, trying to transform and leave again.

But this time, the invisible suction firmly grabbed Meng Qi, making him completely unable to move.

He reappeared, with a look of horror in his eyes. Why could a mortal suppress his divine magic?

Feeling the pressure of the body's disintegration, Meng Qi desperately activated his divine magic to fight, trying to break out of the closed place.

But he failed.


Meng Qi finally threw a jade card from his arms, and huge spiritual power surged out, turning into a spiritual beast to protect Meng Qi.

Even with the roar, the spiritual beast raised its claws to attack.

It's a pity that although this is a Dharma Realm Talisman Seal, the power contained in it is just spiritual energy, which is too rigid. As soon as the power is revived, Yun Ye has already smashed it to pieces with one punch.

"who are you!"

Meng Qi had no other choice and issued a final unwilling question.

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