A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 275 Self-Introduction

Ocean Palace.

Many senior executives also saw this scene.

Among them, a long-haired master with an indifferent expression shook his head slightly: "Perhaps Yuntian Lingzong is still wondering why Haihao can move freely? Indeed, for the sake of the precious Nine Masters' medicine, we must stay in one place to protect it. , but this does not include the Haixin Divine Body.”

"Resonate with the sea and become the heart of the sea. With this kind of physique, Haihao can move at will with the nine main magic medicines, and plant the magic medicines in the body as an energy source. There is no need to rely on the Ocean Palace like us. Strength to defend.”

Many masters looked at the scene. In their opinion, Haihao undoubtedly had crushing strength.

But among monks, the winning rate is never absolute.

This boy is so talented, I am afraid that he will have Yuntian Lingzong's forbidden weapons, talismans and other treasures to defend himself.

Ocean King had the same idea. He said: "Without the Ocean Palace, Haihao can only briefly borrow the power of the Ocean Palace through the Haixin Divine Body. How can this be compared with the eternal overwhelming power?"

"If the opponent has a hidden peerless magic realm and takes action, Haihao will die. By then, it will take five hundred years for the next nine master magic medicines to grow. This will be Haihao's grave sin."

Many high-level officials didn't care at all. Some people said: "We can wait until Haihao returns from resurrection before conducting the trial. Haixin Divine Body should not be attributed to Haihao. This is the power of the king."


The eight great masters present all nodded, and they agreed with the meaning of "king".

In fact, they can see the entire ocean clearly through projection, precisely because of the authority of the Ocean King.

Even they themselves are extremely real projections.

It was made by the Ocean King using his own secret technique.

The true form of each great master is actually entrenched in the fixed ocean, with the assistance of extremely huge formations.

This formation, called the Ocean Palace, is arranged by activating the ocean spiritual veins with the power of the Ocean King.

The Ocean Palace Formation is close to invincible in this secret realm, comparable to or even surpassing the peerless realm.

It is this power that maintains the existence of the Ocean Empire and allows their consciousness to last for thousands of years, or even thousands of years.

It is absolutely impossible not to have an Ocean King, and all the great masters will maintain it voluntarily.

After all, the Secret Realm of the Rain World is a training ground arranged by the Disaster Source Tianzong. The rules are strict and orderly, and no outliers are allowed to exist.

This is true whether it is within the Rain World Secret Realm or outside the Rain World Secret Realm.

For example, the higher-level power of Yuntian Lingzong may be able to defeat the Great Master of Ocean Palace, but this is inconsistent with the rules of the secret realm. The secret realm will allow the nine masters to destroy the magic medicine.

Instead of losing both ways, it is better to restrain oneself. Yuntian Lingzong made a wise judgment and never sent Xuanjing into the secret realm.

Over the past millennium, despite the emergence of numerous talents, the Yuntian Ling Sect has only won the top magic medicine a few times.

This is not enough to collect the nine top magic medicines, and it is impossible to verify whether "Crown as King" is real.

Is this person too self-centered?

Yun Ye had no expression on his face, but he was confused inside.

In this secret realm, there is a fundamental conflict between the Yuntian Spirit Sect and the Ocean Empire, and they must fight bloody battles for resources. Needless to say, the correct operation is to open up when they meet.

This so-called lord actually wants to introduce himself before the battle, and also wants the enemy to state their names?

Could it be that he practiced incantation?

Thought for a moment.

Yun Ye ruled out this possibility.

The real name "Xiangying" is valid and can point to him, but unfortunately, the secret arts that humans in the Rain World Secret Realm can practice are completely fixed. As long as they are people in the Rain World Secret Realm, it is impossible to use other than the divine detection method and the water spirit method. other techniques.

Using divine magic to order Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang to take Xiang Qingrou away, Yun Ye spoke silently on the surface:

"Would you like to introduce yourself... I am Xiang Ying, a direct disciple of Elder Qishuang. I am seven years old and live in Qinghe Lingdi, a branch of Sancai. I have to pay attention to the development of Qinghe Lingdi every day and will not start practicing until I feel relieved."

After such a long and incomprehensible self-introduction, not to mention Haihao, everyone in the Yuntian Lingzong was full of question marks.

What is Xiangying doing?

Can delaying time be so perfunctory?

No, there is a fundamental problem.

For the sake of just three spiritual realms, why does Tianjiao need to delay in such a shameful manner?

It’s just a consumable, does it fit?

Just when everyone in Yuntian Lingzong thought that Lord Haihao would be furious and take action immediately.

Haihao just frowned.

There was no interruption.

He saw the black bird take off and knew that Yun Ye wanted to delay time so that the three spirit realms could escape.

But he had no intention of stopping it. As the Nine Lords, he had a very special self-restraint. He relied on this restraint to maintain himself, so he paid special attention to observing it.

And this self-restraint is what he calls "etiquette".

No matter what he thinks in his heart, on the surface, he will definitely follow the "etiquette".

A clumsy time delay?

This is useful.

And this is enough for Yun Ye.

"Since the beginning of self-cultivation, I have never slacked off. I have to master my strength every day, reflect on my own mistakes, and never forget what I have mastered because of slacking off..."

"Master said that I am a genius."

Language is a waste of time.

When Yun Ye's second life had a weak throat, he could write out what he wanted to express in an instant.

The other party can also read it at a glance and understand the information contained in the text.

But speaking is different. There is a limit to the sound. Beyond this limit, even monks will not be able to hear clearly.

What's more, Yun Ye still spoke at the speed of a normal person, and it took him at least ten seconds to finish speaking such a long paragraph.

During this time, the black bird flew far enough...

However, compared to the power of the legal realm, this distance is not insurmountable, and there is obviously a large formation surrounding it, making it impossible to escape from this world blocked by lightning.

In the final analysis, in a world where individual power is paramount, the difference between the same realm is the same as heaven and earth, let alone different realms.

Yun Ye has grown too fast for ordinary people to keep up. This battle in the secret realm has exceeded the limits of the three of them...

With the baptism of this secret realm battle, the possibility of the three of them becoming Dharma Realm will increase a lot. As trustworthy people, it is best to become Dharma Realm without death.

"Have you finished your introduction?"

Lord Haihao asked.

Yun Ye smiled, pointing his right hand to the sky, and his spiritual power spread.

He said: "If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. Lord of the Ocean, as one of the strongest combat forces in the Ocean Empire, I recognize that you will become a part of my magnificent life."

"Although I don't know why you want to break into my formation, I will not imitate you and give the enemy a chance. So, right here, right now, please die..."

"The extreme cold blockade formation, rise!"

White flags fell from all directions. This was a formation that had been arranged long ago, waiting for the enemy to come.

In Yuntian Lingzong, Yun Ye has been learning weapon refining technology and alchemy refining technology, and the formation flags he made are different from the past.

Although it is a pity that the formation flag does not contain the perfect spiritual method of silence of all things, but as a secret weapon that Yun Ye worked hard to create, it is sophisticated enough and powerful enough.

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