A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 284 Dao Ji Jie Fei'er

Seeing Yun Ye chopping off the four realms of law like cutting vegetables, Xiang Qingrou, although she had been prepared, could not help but be stunned.

Before the battle began, Xiang Qingrou was worried, because the realm of the Spirit Sect was not comparable to the realm of the Ocean Empire.

But Xiang Yan and Xiang Xiang patted her shoulders, with a heavy face, and they held back for a long time before saying: "The prince is actually...very invincible!"

To be honest, they were at a loss for words, and it was difficult to describe what kind of monster their prince was.

He had just entered the spiritual realm, and his life span had not even begun to increase, but he had already attacked the realm of the Tianjiao. It was simply unheard of, and it was completely trampling on common sense. They really couldn't figure out whether they should worry about the prince or the enemy.

Yun Ye grabbed Lucky, landed back on the black bird, waved his hand, and continued to move forward.


Yun Ye passed through the flames and entered a new world.

This was a blue sky and white clouds, a calm ocean, and no harsh environment outside.

Yun Ye could feel that endless spiritual energy was gathering in one place, which was probably the direction of the Seventh Ocean Palace.

"Prince, the light column in the east is our destination!" Xiang said softly. "Finally here, I hope it's not a wasted trip... Well, with this person here, it probably won't be a wasted trip." Yun Ye raised the slightly shrunken Lucky Man in his hand and said. This is a small application of the divine law, which can reduce the size or change the form, otherwise the space of the black bird may not be enough. "You don't want to kill me, but you want compensation?" The Lucky Man couldn't believe it. "Isn't it reasonable to ask for compensation after being attacked? Dao Ji shouldn't be unable to take out even a little money, right? I come from a small family and I'm actually very short of money." Yun Ye said calmly. "..." Lucky Man was silent. Why can such a shameful and despicable thing be said so easily? As the direct disciple of Elder Qu Shuang, he was watched by countless people. If he said something that damaged Elder Qu Shuang's face, even if he just said it out loud, he would definitely be punished. Isn't it stupid to offend the Qu Shuang Taoist system for that little resource? Yun Ye could only smile. He is Lan Wuyin, who doesn't know what to do. If he can make money and accelerate his growth, he will accelerate his growth.

Lan Wuyin will cover the bottom!

"I feel that it would be better if you kill me directly. Doing so will only make Dao Ji angry."

Lucky guy gave advice to change Yun Ye's mind.

He naturally wanted to live, but even if he was replaced, he would probably not live well. It would be better to die directly.


Yun Ye smiled.

He wished it was so. It would be a great success for him if the two Taoists fought directly.

Soon, Xuanniao crossed a long distance and arrived at the location of the light column.

This is a larger island with an area similar to a valley and a large river flowing under the tower. The light column seen before was emitted by the tower.

This is an ancient building that is not magnificent and has only nine floors. It is made of unknown materials. The whole body is white, and there are also some red embellishments. Time makes the originally bright colors look a little gray.

As soon as Yun Ye arrived, a terrifying look came over.

"Xiang Ying!"

This is a woman wearing a pure black long skirt. She is always covered with a lot of black spells, which contain amazing power. Her forehead is covered with black textures, some of which have turned into eye shadow, making her look extremely cold.

This is not the revival of spiritual roots, but...

Divine law!

The only Taoist Ji in the Daxuan Taoist system in the past two hundred years, Jie Fei'er.

This is a super genius who is expected to become the third Xuan Realm in the family. It has been confirmed that she has the power close to the Tianjiao of the Fa Realm.

It is natural that Daxuan will target Yun Ye.

Because the order of the Qushuang Taoist system ranks third, and the order of the Daxuan Taoist system ranks fourth. This is a dispute over order.

"Hey, Daxuan Taoist Ji, what reason do you have to be angry? If you want me to forgive you, make an offer."

"This is your fault first."

Yun Ye jumped off the Xuanniao and shook the lucky guy in his hand, who looked ashen. He was shrouded by the seal and couldn't even commit suicide.

And Yun Ye opened his mouth.

All the cultivators present changed their faces and knew that it was bad.

Such an attitude, such arrogance, you have to know that the person in front of him is Jie Feier, representing the face of Daxuan.

Under the attention of the public, threatening Jie Feier with such an attitude, even if Jie Feier is a gentle person, she will inevitably be influenced by the power she represents, and will never give in!

Besides, Jie Feier herself is also a proud master!

"Was it wrong first? Unbelievable, did you really take the true teachings of Elder Shuang? So stupid!"

"So naive!"

Jie Feier originally had her hands on her chest, but now she loosened her arms and pointed to the sky with one hand.

During this process, she stared at Yun Ye coldly, and it seemed that she had no intention of talking nonsense at all--

Black spread.

The world seemed to enter a dark cage.

Divine Law Daxuan Dojo!

"Not good, did a conflict occur as soon as we arrived? It shouldn't be, it's abnormal, and it's completely unreasonable. Xiangying is not such an unwise person. Did he deliberately want to fight with Jie Feier? Why?"

Feng Gongxiao, the young master of the Fenggong clan, was also there. He sat on the branch of a big tree, a little puzzled.

Too unwise, Jie Feier is the real peak of the realm of law, a true genius of the realm of law.

Even if he enters the realm of law and reaches the end, he can't defeat the Taoist priest of the Great Propaganda Department.

What about Xiang Ying who is only at the beginning of the spiritual realm?

"It's really unreasonable, Dao Ji."

Facing the incoming darkness, Yun Ye said.

"The truth? I didn't pursue your offense and executed you directly because it was for the sake of Elder Tieshuang."

Jie Feier said coldly, the dark world has completely covered the ordinary world, and the rest of the people have also been involved. She said: "You deserve to be punished ten thousand times, and you will not be able to die!"

Countless swords are added to the body.

Penetrating Yunye's flesh and blood.

Exactly the same as Haihao, ignoring defense and reaching the result directly is a mysterious method that normal power cannot resist.

The great announcement comes true, this is the mysterious magic!

Yun Ye was lifted up by the invisible force, as if he were being judged and executed. A pitch-black blade appeared out of thin air, constantly piercing his body. Blood actually flowed from the wound, and it was not hindered from healing itself. It continued to recover and then penetrated again.

This is still the first step. Various black signs appear and you have to insert your fingers.

There was also a knife cutting off the meat piece by piece, it was Ling Chi.

Although there may not be 10,000 types of punishment, Yun Ye clearly felt that his perception of pain was rising sharply. This level of punishment was unbearable even for monks.

"It's just a spiritual realm. It's really troublesome to waste extra strength if you don't want to die. Just stay here and suffer the punishment until the exploration of the ruins is over. The disciples who want to come to take Elder Shuang won't be able to bear this little pain. ”

Jie Feier turned around indifferently.

Then she felt a lot of strange looks coming her way.


There was a cracking sound, and Jie Feier's movements froze, and she turned around to look.

The restrained Yun Ye frowned, and one arm had already broken free from the restraint. As he shook his body suddenly, the entire dark world collapsed, as if something had been wiped away.

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