A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 286 Not afraid of fighting


Jie Feier was screaming. She pressed her missing left arm and left abdomen and retreated, turning her whole body into a phantom.

There is no doubt that she is really injured, and to repair her body in the spiritual realm, she only needs to repair her meridians again, but to repair the legal realm, it will cost a lot of money and cannot be completed in a short time.

At the moment when the ruins were opened, she lost so many bodies, and her losses were much more severe than Yun Ye.

Yun Ye waved his hand, and the last ten swords fell down, bursting out with extremely cold power, revealing Jie Feier's figure.

She had completed the recovery of her body in an instant, but it was only a physical body and had no corresponding power at all.


She almost gritted her teeth and her whole body turned black.

What a shame, what a shame!

She was actually injured by a spiritual realm, and she was seriously injured.

The face of the Daxuan Taoist Department was almost completely lost by her!

"Promising me earlier would be a better choice, isn't it?"

Yun Ye's right arm regenerated bit by bit, much slower than usual. Xie Feier was extraordinary after all. The parts of her that were destroyed were difficult to recover. Without disorder hedging, it might even be impossible to recover at all.

In this world, people are composed of soul and body at the same time. Normal attacks cannot kill the soul, so the body can be easily restored. But if the attack is deep enough to the soul level, then even if the body is repaired, it is just a piece of meat. Can't use it at all.

In Yun Ye's second life, too much power erupted, causing permanent damage to the arm imbued with this power.

In this situation, ordinary spiritual magic and magic are powerless.

"I promised you earlier? Haha, Xiang Ying, you are very good. You have indeed reached the pinnacle of seeking death. This single blow has damaged my cultivation for twenty years. Do you really think I am incompetent?"

Jie Feier laughed angrily. She stretched out her hand, and the pendant fell from her wrist. A terrifying aura bloomed instantly.

The pitch-black figure spread out from the pendant. Its scale was in no way comparable to the 10,000-meter tide that Yun Ye had encountered before, but its intimidation was a hundred or a thousand times greater.


If a magic weapon can only be activated by magic power, and if it is used forcibly, it can only be released through damage, then the magic weapon is a man-made weapon that has completely realized the great success.

It can be revived with its own strength, and it can fight with its own will, which contains far more power than magic weapons!

The moment Xie Feier took out the treasure, everyone's expression changed drastically and they shouted: "Daxuan Daoji, do you want to destroy this place? Stop it!"

The previous scale was still manageable, but completely liberating the treasure is no joke!

The treasure weapon has the power to destroy hundreds of miles in a single blow, which is completely beyond the imagination of the legal realm.

Once completely liberated, this place will definitely be completely destroyed, and only the mysterious ancient tower will survive!

to be honest.

This is a very dreamy scene.

Even if someone liberates the treasure weapon, it should be Xiang Ying. Why is it that now Jie Fei'er is at a huge disadvantage and has even taken out the treasure weapon to kill her opponent in anger?

"Xiang Ying! You still haven't apologized and you were so rude to Dao Ji. You are only the Sixth True Successor at this time, far from being a disciple officially recognized by Elder Qishuang!"

Someone turned into a rainbow and came from afar, scolding Yun Ye.

But it was Wei Jiuqing, the chief of the Sancai branch.

One is a Dao Ji, and the other is a branch lineage true successor. The difference is too big. Even if Yun Ye has enough strength, it is not enough to offset it. This is a matter of order.

However, because of his reputation as a disciple of Shuang Shuang, no one cared about Yun Ye's current identity.

Wei Jiuqing just wanted to let the matter end, not continue to ferment, let alone help Yun Ye.

This is a responsibility that he, a mere branch chief, cannot afford, and there is no need for!

However, Yun Ye didn't even look at him.

Who is this person?

Is it familiar?

"Interesting, very interesting. Sure enough, only by fighting with strong men can you grow -"

"Come on, Xie Fei'er! Today either I will hammer you to death, or you will hammer me to death, and we will decide the outcome. I, Xiangying, have been able to reach this stage because of being fearless!"

Yun Ye stretched out his arms and told everyone that his blood was boiling and no one could stop him today.

"For a fight?"

When it comes to combat, these geniuses can immediately understand.

Faced with such a terrifying power, not only was he not afraid, but his blood was boiling?

They are familiar with this. This is the so-called Taoist heart, which is especially fanatical about fighting to the point of ignoring other things.

They silently crossed out the label of "idiot" and became "idiots who are passionate about fighting".

There are indeed people who are determined to pursue the road, but the road to immortality is not just reckless. Such people will definitely die on the road, so they think that such people are idiots, idiots with inexplicable persistence.

They couldn't understand at all why just bowing their head and stopping fighting seemed to kill such a person.

"You are too arrogant. Even if Elder Shuangshuang protects you, you will still have to take this blow today."

Jie Fei'er didn't hesitate at all. The dark figure stretched out his hand and pointed it at Yun Ye, wanting to activate the power of the treasure.

Although all her previous attacks were terrifying, she believed that Yun Ye must have a treasure given by Qishuang, and those attacks could not really kill Yun Ye.

But this time, the treasure was liberated and she, the genius, used it personally. This power could no longer be resisted by ordinary talismans and magic weapons. Even if Yun Ye was holding a treasure of the same level, he might not be able to withstand it.

There is a decisive difference between activating treasures in the Dharma Realm and activating treasures in the Spiritual Realm. Peerless can't change this fact. What's more, Xiangying is only close to her, and her combat power reaches the level of Tianjiao, which is far from Peerless.

This blow could potentially kill Xiang Ying, and she was ready to bear the punishment.


Killing such a genius for the Great Preaching and Taoism Department will inevitably turn a big deal into a trivial matter in the end!

She is the heir to the highest bloodline of the Tao system, while Xiang Ying is just a genius from a small clan, so there is a huge difference in status.

Even if you take Shuang, you can't save her life.

"Destroy liberation!"

"Spiritual roots are burning!"

Yun Ye was not afraid, he didn't care about the formation and the physical wear and tear, and directly entered the strongest state.

He threw out multiple magic weapons one after another, and also entered the state of destruction and liberation.

It is really heroic to treat magic weapons as disposable consumables. Fortunately, he has killed many magic realms and can always leave some treasures behind, which he can also use.


"The Mystery of Fire: Discord!"

At the moment when the opponent's power was activated, Yun Ye interfered, and the large amount of spiritual energy gathered by the treasure dissipated in an instant.

Yun Ye felt very sorry. Although he was not given the treasure by Qishuang, he had used the Yingyue Baohuan many times and was already familiar with the characteristics of the treasure.

Yun Ye has not yet unlocked the most important function of the treasure, but he can guess it...

No human beings are needed to convert energy close to mana.

This is an obvious evolutionary path.

So, Discord worked.

Jie Feier, who had very little power, watched helplessly as the power of silence in all things and the power of the destruction and liberation of the magic weapon continued to approach, and her way of survival was completely blocked.


"That's it, Xiangying."

"If you continue, you will trigger the Tao Master's power."

Two divine swords fell, blocking the destructive power, and a man and a woman crossed over.

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