A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 289 Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony

The Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony!

The trophies obtained by the Disaster Source Tian Sect after annihilating a certain sect.

But this is only the source of the disaster source Tianzong's grand ceremony.

The true origin of the Grand Ceremony is a Taoist canon left by a certain ancient supreme being to future generations... It should be like this.

However, due to unknown reasons, the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony was downgraded to the Destiny Ceremony, losing its absoluteness.

Without the absolute power of Taoism, the Nine Lives Divine Law Ceremony cannot support the rise and fall of the Immortal Dynasty. Even if the rulers of the Immortal Dynasty are immortals, it will be useless, and they will all be buried in history.

Subsequently, the Nine Lives Divine Law Ceremony changed hands several times, and the last owner was the head of the Disaster Source Tian Sect.

If it weren't for the amazing origin of this ceremony, the Disaster Source Tianzong would not have specially arranged a tower of creation for it, hoping to find someone who could use this nine-life divine magic ceremony.

But it is a pity that the most talented person in the Disaster Source Tianzong only passed the sixth level and obtained about one-tenth of the divine magic.

In the next moment of reincarnation, their enemy is the future Dao Lord, and this power alone is completely meaningless.

As a result, the Disaster Source Tianzong became a stepping stone for the future Tao Lord to unify the Red Heaven Realm, and was lost in history.

Only these ruins prove the former glory of Disaster Source Tianzong.

Yun Ye stepped forward, and the Book of Reincarnation suddenly appeared, and then the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony was directly integrated into the Book of Reincarnation.

Originally it was just a description of reincarnation, creation, and infinity, but the "infinity" in it was illuminated.

"Infinite, infinite possibilities, infinite time and space, infinite destiny."

Although he didn't understand what happened, a lot of information naturally emerged in Yun Ye's mind.

The effect of the Book of Reincarnation has evolved, and he can now view anyone's attribute panel at any time.

It does not require time accumulation, it can be unlocked slowly and can be achieved in one step.

In addition, the destiny column in the reincarnation option will also have a lot of destiny power.

Reincarnation location and reincarnation family can also be selected without consuming additional talent times, but you still need to go there and understand them in advance.

These two major changes seem to be useful even if they are said to be useful, and they seem to be useless even if they are said to be useless. It depends on whether they can be used well.

And this is just a change in the Book of Reincarnation. Yun Ye also gained the power of the Nine Life Divine Law Ceremony.

As a destiny book with its own destiny, it is itself a treasure and a top-notch magical weapon.

Now Yun Ye can summon the Book of Reincarnation to act as a magical weapon to deduce destiny.

Moreover, the Book of Reincarnation still maintains the attribute that no one can observe.

Is this an enhanced version of the fate column effect?

more than.

The effect of the Nine Lives Divine Technique is far more than that simple. This Divine Technique can also change lives.

But let’s not mention changing one’s fate for now. This needs to be based on the effects of basic divine magic, which is the deduction of fate.

Unlike future magic, the so-called destiny deduction is not something that is very convenient and can completely see the future.

Since it is a deduction, there must be errors, and it is only a deduction of fate, not a deduction of the future.

There is a certain difference between destiny and future.

Destiny refers to fate, and luck refers to luck. The derivation of destiny is only a general knowledge of disaster or wealth. It can be said to be the future, but it can also be said to be a "possibility".

The future is simply what is about to happen, with a certain degree of absoluteness, that is, the only world line.

The future seen by the future divine method is what will definitely happen in the real world. It will not be mixed with any deduction elements, but will be the reality recorded in the world.

Of course, at the moment of seeing it, the future changes. The future user of divine magic will interfere with this future and make the future move in the direction they expect.

The fate deduction of the Nine Lives Divine Technique cannot be so outrageous. Even if Yun Ye practices it to perfection, there are still a lot of things that cannot be observed.

However, as long as the Nine-Life Divine Technique exists, Yun Ye can use the Nine-Life Divine Technique without learning it. Since it is something that can be obtained immediately, Yun Ye has no objection to the strength.

Yun Ye immediately tried to deduce his actions within a few seconds, but the scene of him waiting in place appeared in his mind.

When Yun Ye extended it to ten seconds, the fragments in his mind were divided into more than a dozen types.

Some Yun Ye sat down, some Yun Ye walked to the edge of the platform, and some Yun Ye made a ball of fire.

In just ten seconds, there was a huge difference in the action. When Yun Ye extended the deduction to an hour, the images normalized again, showing him walking out of the tower and facing some vague existences.

He cleared the eight-story tower and even reached the ninth floor, attracting the big boss of Yuntian Lingzong?

What happens next?

Yun Ye spent more energy on deductions, trying to observe who these vague figures were.

As a result, a figure walked up to Yun Ye and completely blocked his power. That was...

Blue Infinity?


Lan Wuyuan looked over suddenly, as if he saw Yun Ye coming through time.


The whole picture exploded directly, Yun Ye was backlashed, and his head was roaring.

"Hmm... Good guy, the same magic... Did Su Xinshan's information come from Lan Wuyuan?"

As the orthodox successor, Yun Ye could naturally tell at a glance that the divine method used by Lan Wuyuan was an incomplete version of the Nine-Life Divine Method.

Now things suddenly connected. Lan Wuyuan was able to find him as a newborn, right?

The so-called nine lives refer to the nine interventions of fate.

Can be overwritten on existing destiny.

Normal destiny techniques can only observe the existing destiny. After being affected by other people, the results will be blurred and it is difficult not to make mistakes. Even the most exquisite divine technique of Yuntian Lingzong is only used to test the current fate. Good fortune, misfortune, or certain immutable major events cannot predict the future in the long term.

Lan Wuyuan was able to detect Yun Ye's achievements in the next few decades when his destiny was only C-level. It was precisely because the nine-life divine method was very special and could increase variables.

Lan Wuyuan's search for disciples is based on the premise of "whether he can grow into a peerless Dharma realm under his own intervention" and deduces his destiny.

The result of a reincarnated person like Yun Ye is naturally explosive.

With the protection of a big boss, Yun Ye can express himself without any scruples. There is no need to hide and tuck in. His growth rate is completely as fast as heaven and earth. It is almost 100% possible to achieve a peerless realm. This is what Lan Wuyuan has learned from Unseen terrifying certainty.

However, Yun Ye could not escape control during the deduction, so Lan Wuyuan decisively accepted him as his disciple.

And this involves a huge flaw in the Nine Lives Divine Law, that is, it is not a Taoist code. The deduction is done based on information and causal lines, which is not completely correct.

At the ninth level of the trial, only the Dao Code can complete the construction. At this level, the destiny deduced is "absolute destiny", which is a destiny that is bound to happen. Even if a true immortal appears, it can be observed.

After the downgrade of the Nine-Life Divine Law, it is far from reaching this point. Not only can the true immortals not be able to observe it, but even the Supreme Emperor cannot observe it. Even if there is the influence of Taoist artifacts or even treasures, the observation results will be huge. deviation.

The information cannot be deduced correctly, and the trial on the ninth level naturally does not exist. As long as you pass the eighth level, you can obtain the qualification to use it.

Yun Ye didn't know whether the unawakened Taoist artifact could work, but the Book of Reincarnation must be some kind of treasure. It not only allowed him to awaken his memory, but also allowed him to come back even if he died. Lan Wuyuan had no way of using him.

Even the complete Nine Life Divine Law cannot deduce these things, let alone Lan Wuyuan's incomplete version, he is almost destined to fail.

"Even so, the Nine Lives Divine Law is incredibly powerful."

Yun Ye shook his head slightly.

Didn't he know about his disaster in advance?

He had to be prepared to avoid being directly soul-searched by Lan Wuyuan when he went out.

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