A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 401: Climbing the Heavenly Road and Hongtian’s Words

Zhuo Qilian's Kirin Project is just one of the vast research projects in Tomorrowland today.

There are talented people working in all fields. As the chief, Yun Ye only needs to rack his brains on how to use their talents. Creating a fairer and more efficient system and environment is his main job.

Personal desires and self-realization are the main driving forces for human progress. Yun Ye has the Taoist tool in hand and is not afraid of the path deviating, delegating a great deal of power.

At the same time, the Taoist Ceremony held every five years has also cultivated more and more Taoist envoys, and they have grown up and become the mainstay.

The original agents began to be gradually replaced by monks with Taoist tools.

Today’s Tomorrow Club is undoubtedly thriving!

"The eleventh level of the Heavenly Road..."


In the haze, a woman with an imperial crown walked out.

She looked to the side of Yun Ye, and the cold blue-clothed tomorrow forcefully appeared, looking at the red sky with a stunned expression.

As a Taoist weapon, she was forced to appear by outsiders?

There was a hint of doubt in Hong Tian's eyes: "Have you changed the Taoist weapon yet - but it doesn't seem to be damaged at all?"

"Injury?" Yun Ye and Ming Ri showed doubts at the same time.

"The original Taoist weapon, which condenses the will of the entire road, will never die, but will decay... As the Taoist tool is constantly replaced, it will decay. The faster the replacement, the faster the decay." Hong Tian said slowly.

"Senior, what will happen if the Taoist weapon decays?" Yun Ye said quickly. He learned his lesson this time and did not directly call Hongtian to reveal his identity.

"Tao tools will never be destroyed, but they will decay. When they decay, they will no longer be able to fully integrate and reverberate. From 10%, it will gradually become 90%, 80%, 30%, or even lower. The failed Tao will be abandoned by the destiny of the human race. "Hongtian said.

"What? So, the reason why we can absorb the same type of Taoist artifacts without loss is because they don't decay?" Yun Ye and Mingri looked at each other.

This is a rule that even tomorrow will not know. She has never been corrupted and has no chance of noticing.

"It's rare to change a Taoist weapon that violates the rules of the world... I want to see your future."

Hongtian commented, pointing out her finger, "The previous generation accepted my method and achieved commendable achievements. I hope it can be put to use in this generation."

The Hongtian Immortal Dharma can achieve the first and second true meanings.

After doing all this, Hongtian's figure fell into a trance and was about to disappear.

"Wait, Your Majesty Hongtian? I want to know what happened in human history and why the human world was destroyed again and again!"

Yun Ye couldn't help but his face changed and he yelled.

He didn't ask Hongtian whether mankind had been destroyed, but directly asked why it was destroyed.

This is to avoid letting Hong Tian know that he has retained the memory of Tianlu and makes judgments only because of various clues of reality.

"The destruction of the human world? Because of the Great Sacrifice, the things in your consciousness are the keys, and the reincarnations have begun again."

The red sky disappeared and the area collapsed.

"Is there a key to my consciousness?"

Yun Ye froze on the spot, feeling cold all over his body for a moment. Yingyue Tianmen really gave him something amazing. What on earth is this?

Soon, Tianlu began to settle, allowing Yun Ye to temporarily put aside his thoughts.

"The eleventh step of the Heavenly Road is completed."

"The bloodline is being recorded - the recording is completed and the bloodline is fixed."

"Please name Dengjie's bloodline - naming completed, Dengjie's surname: Mingkong."

"Should the blood factor be disclosed?"


"The blood factor changes to a public state - the state change is completed, and the validity period is one hundred years."

"Mingkong's Bloodline Factor: Born with the three attributes of water, fire, and fusion, he is the darling of the space. His eyes have a chance to awaken five-color rainbow pupils. He has the five attributes of the divine body, water, fire, and earth. Each color represents a random The ability to be born, when combined, will form the pupil technique that can see through the three magics, and can destroy the weak with the pupil technique alone. 』

Yun Ye couldn't help but show a forced smile.

The last Silent Bloodline Factor has played a great role in recent years. One in 30 newborns with water and fire spiritual roots will awaken the Silent Spiritual Roots!

Although it may not seem like much, as they grow up and reveal their bloodline factors, this ratio will continue to increase.


These are all foundations that take time to develop. The moment of reincarnation is coming soon. Although the Luo Dynasty is not qualified to participate, it will inevitably be merged into the camp of the final winner. By then, the ruling Taoist system will not be able to tolerate the continued existence of the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

Not to mention, he now has Yingyue Tianmen's back-up, which is obviously something left after participating in the battle to become an immortal. I am afraid that it will attract the true immortal to personally destroy the world.

Thinking of this, Yun Ye's expression became much gloomier.

He looked at the Yingyue mark in his hand.

From the power of this mark, he understood that as long as they were willing to take action, it was possible for high-ranking monks to sink the three states with one blow, not to mention the true immortal?

"No matter what, I am a reincarnated person. Even forces like Yingyue Tianmen have their backs. If we hope to fight again, I have no reason to retreat!"

Yun Ye took a deep breath and suppressed the despair surging in his heart. He burned the spiritual pattern into a step-up method, and then exited the heavenly road filled with white mist.

Huge mental fatigue weighed on his heart, so Yun Ye took a spiritual pill to recuperate and restore his condition.

Then, continue climbing the stairs!

With Yun Ye's strength, the first thirty levels were nothing now. The twelfth level was naturally passed very easily, but the effect of the twelfth level shocked him.

The first ten steps of the Heavenly Road are the deduction of the original method.

As for the twelfth to twentieth steps of the Heavenly Road, the spiritual method is deduced.

The original method of cultivating the spiritual body does indeed increase the spiritual body greatly, but the spiritual method is not weak, and the amplification effect of powerful spiritual methods is also extremely high.

"The only problem is that the spiritual method is different from the original method, and it is not recorded in the Heavenly Road... How can I take it out without memory?"

"I always thought that after the eleventh level, the amplification effect of the eleventh level was continuously strengthened, but it turned out to be a spiritual deduction?"

"To be precise, it should be that the monk was unable to bring out the memory and had to give up the spiritual deduction, so he chose to increase the effect of the step-up method!"

The eleventh-level heavenly road can be engraved with the step-up method, so that the power of the method can be strengthened without an upper limit. One person has a fixed increase of 10%. It takes many generations to double the effect of the step-up method.

Starting from the twelfth level, passing it once can increase the 10% number. About the ninth level can increase the number by 10%. Passing all tenth levels is a 20% step-up method bonus.

To be honest, this is already an astonishing number. Five generations can double the effect of spiritual magic, save half the training time, and double the power. There are too many benefits. As long as it is not leaked, it is a huge advantage...

Perhaps for ordinary families, spiritual adjustment is far inferior to the blessing of ascending steps.

After all, as long as there is a slight change, the blessing of the ascending method will disappear. Without the mysterious realm, there is no point in optimizing the spiritual method.

According to the Nine-Life Divine Law Ceremony, three-day monks like Xuanjing have a lot of great power. They are not only able to fight, but can also interfere with the heavenly path. They can directly adjust the original climbing method and optimize the climbing method while retaining the bonus. Step method!

Monks at a higher level can even directly bypass the heavenly path and carve the power of blood into the heaven and earth.

It's just that it would be easier to use the Heavenly Road, and they have no reason to sacrifice the near for the far.

However, this also has a hidden danger, that is, once the family's Xuanjing falls, without a second Xuanjing person to take over, the whole family's climbing method will fall from Xuantian together.

When Lan Wuyuan's Taoist weapon was destroyed, he almost became corrupted due to his rage. Once it was achieved, only his Taoist system in the Xuan realm would be completely wiped out.

"Tomorrow there will be no mysterious realm, and it will be impossible to adjust the standard spiritual patterns that have been burned. My deduction direction can only be how to make better use of the standard spiritual patterns? Speaking of which, whether it is the eternal silence of the underworld or the five-color rainbow pupils, they are both Within the scope of spiritual law.”

Yun Ye chuckled.

It seems that when I go back later, I have to go through the research process of Zhuan Yin Yongji and Five Color Rainbow Pupils completely. The more information, the better the Tianlu deduction results will be!

Before I knew it, it was 400 chapters and the word count reached 950,000. I personally don’t like to delay the plot. The estimated word count for this book is actually only 2 million words, which is more than half. I hope I don’t delay writing until 3 million words. Finished~~~

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