A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 409 The Tao Lord who does not exist

After Yun Ye withdrew, he swallowed an elixir that shone with the true meaning of flowing water on the spot, directly washing away his own spiritual power.

The cultivation that was shattered by Liu Shui's true meaning turned into a majestic elixir, forming a new ethereal method, and entered the spiritual realm in a very short time.

His previous use of ethereal techniques was forced. This body's qualifications are far inferior to the original body, and it cannot use large-scale ethereal techniques at all.

The higher the level of the spiritual method used, the more spiritual energy is required, and a large amount of spiritual energy is needed to stabilize the spiritual structure.

The ethereal method is already a fusion of three attributes, and the requirements are much higher than the two-level spiritual method. It is okay to use on a small scale, but when used on a large scale, you will definitely encounter the dilemma of insufficient aura around you.

If you want to solve this problem, you can only advance to a higher level.

The spiritual realm can already store a large amount of spiritual energy, and you can use the great spiritual method without any burden.

The Dharma Realm is naturally stronger. After opening up the space in the body, it will have stronger and larger amounts of mana.

This is also the reason why the Dharma Realm can erupt with power that far exceeds that of the Spiritual Realm. They do not need to rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is only a means of sustaining power, not a means of bursting out power in a short period of time.

If you want to defeat the Dharma Realm with your spiritual body, you can only rely on the high-increasing step-up method and the fusion of attributes. Normal methods are meaningless under such a qualitative change in mana.

"Keep hunting."

Yun Ye extracted the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to form the wings of wind. His figure gradually became hazy, and he silently crossed the sky and approached a battlefield.

The purpose of this trial is to survive, but in fact it tests all aspects of strength.

If you don't know how to fight, if you don't practice the three major techniques to the extreme, and if you can quickly perfect them after replacing your body, then it is basically impossible to survive until the end of this battle.


A flash of thunder and lightning flashed.


A figure with extreme speed suddenly appeared, holding a lightning-fast sword and slashing down.


Yun Ye flew up suddenly, trying to avoid the first blow, and the virtual world of Yingtian spread out to wrap up the thunderous figure.

But the lightning figure was so fast that it was unimaginable, and it actually split one of Yun Ye's legs, directly smashed into the Yingtian Xujie, and disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

Yun Ye broke out in a cold sweat, even if he mastered the ethereal method, he couldn't catch up, let alone catch up.

"The Dharma Realm is peerless... The Dharma Realm is peerless far beyond modern times!"

Yun Ye exploded his life force to recover from his injuries. He shook his head and mobilized various secret techniques to hide his aura more thoroughly.

In this era, there are even divine bodies with all five elements, and it is natural that there are not many people who have three zodiac signs and four zodiac signs fused together.

The reason why Huangzhou's peerless people are fighting against the mysterious realm is because most of the mysterious realms have first-level or second-level attributes.

But in the battle between the two emperors, almost all the Xuan realms were above the second level of attributes, and the third level of attributes was not uncommon, and their strength was definitely not comparable to that of Huangzhou.

If there is a peerless person who can counterattack him, the power he can control can only be higher and stronger. Just like Lei Zhenyu's full state, his abilities are as good as the name of the dish. It is hard to imagine what kind of power will burst out when they are all gathered together.

Yun Ye continued to fly to another battlefield, and turned into a non-existent assassin, appearing and disappearing, and assassinating without revealing his traces.

In a short period of time, the ethereal method was completed.

Yun Ye simply sank into the water, entered the Emperor's Secret Palace again to exchange for necessary items, and then...

Advanced legal realm!

He came to Tianlu many times and tried the idea of ​​​​Tomorrow Society to advance to the Dharma Realm many times, which to some extent saved a lot of calculations in the professional system.

However, it was better than nothing. What he was proficient in alone was far from being comparable to thousands of research and deductions.

Otherwise, even if he does not advance, he will definitely take root here and forcibly complete the magic realm spiritual method.


In this era, there are countless treasures to assist cultivation, and they can be exchanged directly through the Emperor's Secret Palace. Yun Ye can enter the Dharma Realm much faster.

In just one day, he completed the transformation of the Dafa and officially achieved the spiritual realm!

With the ethereal method, Yun Ye relied on the experience he had gained countless times to avoid the monsters, silently hunt them to increase his strength, and exchange resources and even knowledge on a large scale.

This is what worries Yun Ye the most about the battle between the two emperors. Countless knowledge can be redeemed, and he can completely memorize it to lead the way to heaven.

If a Taoist scripture suddenly appeared now, he could theoretically write it down and bring it to the eternal world.

If people outside knew that countless knowledge was piled up on the Heavenly Road but they had no way to take it away, they would probably go crazy.

Cutting off the existence of Tianlu's memory, even ten thousand times is not enough for Ling Chi...


"So that's it?"

Yun Ye finally understood what the uneasiness he had been feeling all along was. It was no wonder that the two emperors of this era were the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Water, and there was no Emperor of Zhou!

The Emperor, the Kamimie clan, was born with a divine body with all five elements. It is said that the heart of heaven descended to earth and was born with knowledge. He is the most terrifying existence in the history of the Kamimie clan. From birth, he has completely surpassed all the strong men of the previous generation, so he directly uses the clan The name is called God's destruction.

Shen Mie was born with knowledge, and his body naturally cultivated. He was one year old and one realm. At the age of four, he had already stepped into the realm of Xuantian. At the age of seven, he practiced earth, wind, water, and fire again. He became the first person in history to gain the power of the cave and sky. Invincible.

Unparalleled and invincible in every era, he has conquered several realms and is unrivaled in the heaven and the world. He can be called the beacon of the times.

But even unparalleled invincibles have strengths and weaknesses. As soon as the Shenmie clan came out, all the beings called unparalleled invincibles were downgraded. They no longer dared to think that they were unparalleled, let alone say that they were invincible.

This is the Shenmie Clan, and this is just the beginning. After that, countless sages joined forces to suppress him in order to block his way, but the Shenmie Clan wiped out twenty-one honorable positions in three days without relying on the power of the family. , instantly became famous all over the world and laid the foundation for invincibility.

Subsequently, he stepped into the throne at the age of only two hundred years. A thousand years passed through three days, and he became the supreme emperor. He was completely the only one in heaven and earth. Because of his power to simulate time and space and open up infinite worlds, he was called the emperor.

In addition to the Emperor Kamimie Clan, there was another equally astonishing and talented being at the same time. Soon after, the Kamimie Clan suppressed the world and attracted the help of countless monks to forcibly break through the Kamimie Clan's blockade and achieve the first achievement. Two emperors.

This second emperor is the Water Emperor, Ni Xin Zhao.

This is a queen, born in the Ni clan of the fairy clan, who was born to be in charge of the rainbow. Ni Xinzhao even obtained the Taoist canon and recognized her master since she was a child. A holy path, which controls the law of water, can open up the boundless water realm.

With this power, and with the help of many parties, he broke the suppression of the Kamimie clan and became the second Supreme Emperor.

After the Emperor reaches the top, the fourth day will be opened. On the third day alone, countless people have been stopped, and he has to break through the fourth day. It can be seen that Ni Xinzhao is also a stunningly talented person, and he does not necessarily lose to the Emperor Kamimieji.


The character Ni Xinzhao does not exist in the War of Two Emperors...

In the story sung in the Red Sky Realm, the two emperors are clearly Zhou Emperor Tongming Qiong and Tian Emperor Shen Mie Clan. When did this inexplicable water emperor's heart-to-heart photo appear again?

There are too many problems in this.

Originally, Yun Ye just thought that the Water Emperor was the loser and was not recorded in history. That was his thought until just now.

But now, Yun Ye thought of a crucial question.

Dao tools can only modify the laws of the world once.

Then, the modifier must give up on becoming an immortal.

Here comes the problem.

Since the modifier cannot become an immortal, then who is the being who cuts off the path to heaven?

Since he cannot become an immortal, cutting off the path to heaven is completely cutting off the future of the monks in the Red Heaven Realm. What benefit does it bring to the modifiers?

If you think about it this way, there is probably only one benefit.

"You can survive! The chance of becoming an immortal must be completely locked under normal circumstances. If you want to survive..."

You can only follow the orders of the True Immortal to modify the rules of the world.

Give up and become an immortal!

Therefore, the legendary battle between the two emperors is the battle between the future Tao Lord and the five-element divine body, and there is no Nixinzhao.

Today's future Dao Lord is probably still dormant, watching all this in the future.

Perhaps he was waiting for the moment when the winner would be decided and the weapon to become an immortal would be born.

Although Yun Ye didn't know the details, he knew that it must be the future Dao Lord who secretly completed an operation similar to stealing the sky...

Then he can become the winner in the end and successfully achieve enlightenment!

Naturally, this kind of history involving the secrets of true immortals cannot be left behind.

The so-called estimates of how many years it took for the Immortal Dynasty to be unified and how many years to gather together to become an Immortal are all false. As long as there is a word in it that is true, the history presented by Tianlu will not be such a big deviation.

"Is the ultimate answer to survival the future Dao Lord?"

Yun Ye decided to give it a try.

Theoretically, there is a future Dao Lord in this world.

He murmured a few words to himself: "Tongming Qiong, you are watching, right..."

The next moment, Yun Ye clearly felt that the world was different.

He can see the world line!


Luck began to plummet.

"The trial of the Pilgrim? I don't believe that I am lying, but the future tells me that only by saving you can time continue to move forward. Originally, the possibility of your survival was infinitely close to zero, but now..."

"Nothing can stop you from living."

In the future, Dao Lord lent his power to Yun Ye, allowing Yun Ye to see the future and determine the future, at the cost of rapidly burning destiny.

But Yun Ye knew when he got this ability that he would definitely be able to complete the 21st level of the Heavenly Road before his luck was completely burned out.

The result has been determined and cannot be more stable.

But Yun Ye's mood still fluctuated.

His attempt is not as simple as passing a trial...

Lei Zhenyu can break away from history and talk for a few seconds.

Yin Yue Kong can leave the power to work after ten thousand years.

Hong Tian even said that once a true immortal is mentioned, he will be noticed.

Then here comes the problem.

Will the true immortal who confronts the past in Tianlu attract attention?

the answer is……


Yun Ye waited for a long time, but he never saw a certain existence suddenly appear and break into Tianlu to talk to him.

Obviously, Hongtian is an exception. She is the creator of Tianlu and can appear on Tianlu, but the others, even true immortals, cannot.

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