A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 425 Bloodline Lock and Breaking the Heavenly Road

The meeting continues.

In the end, the topic jumped back to the internal issues of the Luo Dynasty.

The Luo Lord, and the Luo Dynasty's possible increase in strength due to the Extreme Spiritual Technique, are the most crucial issues today.

"I wonder if you have ever heard of bloodline locks?"

Zhuo Qilian said suddenly.

"what is that?"

Tang Si looked up. She had a lot of knowledge and had never heard of such a thing.

Everyone felt bad from the name, and they made a gesture of listening attentively.

"Literally, it locks the bloodline and only certain people can open it."

Zhuo Qilian said.

"Lock the bloodline?"

"What do you mean by seven seats?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the bad premonition became stronger.

"This is what I read from the minds of the Luo Sheng clan in the Xuanjing. Their clan is born with a bloodline lock. Once the bloodline is activated, it will be locked and lose all resistance. If it is more severe, it can even cause the bloodline to collapse. Real people will also be severely damaged, and their strength will drop to freezing point. "

"Lord Luo can command the real person because he masters the bloodline lock and is currently the strongest bloodline member of the Luo Saint clan. Even if the Taoist weapon is not higher than the real person, the real person cannot refuse his orders. This is the way for a superior to order a subordinate. It is also a way to ensure that the blood of our clan does not leak out. "

Zhuo Qilian said.

"No leakage?"

Yun Ye was thoughtful.

"Bloodline is information written on the heavenly road. Even if you are not related by blood, you can still get the same bloodline. Only by setting up a lock from the beginning can you not be afraid of other people inheriting this bloodline. After all, it can be solved with just one spell. question."

"The Holy Sect of Huangzhou also died of bloodline for this reason. Otherwise, no matter how lucky you are, there will always be someone who inherits the bloodline of the Heavenly Road Sublimation."

Zhuo Qilian chuckled.

"Ascension to Heaven is a qualification of the Saints and cannot be inherited casually."

Yue Xin said lightly.

"Don't be too serious. Do you know that all those who had the qualifications of the Saint Race will die?"

Zhuo Qilian shook his head slightly.

"Four seats, seven seats, it sounds like you guys know a lot about the sublimation of the heavenly road. Is it possible for us to realize the sublimation of the heavenly road?"

Tian Jialun interrupted.

"It's very difficult. The first level of Tianlu can obtain the original method, the eleventh level of Tianlu can obtain the spiritual realm climbing method and record the bloodline, the twenty-first level of Tianlu can obtain the spiritual realm method and record the bloodline again, and the thirty-first level of Tianlu can obtain the mysterious method. Realm method and record all the information, even if the spiritual root is damaged, it can be repaired. "

"The sublimation of the Heavenly Path is above this. It belongs to the effect of the forty-first level of the Heavenly Path. As long as you reach the forty-first level, you will have the opportunity to obtain the possibility of the Heavenly Path sublimation... Well, it is just a possibility. It may take more Only by reaching the forty-first level can you obtain the qualifications of the Saint Clan, so that the ability of Tianlu Sublimation can be passed on. "

Yue Xin answered.

She has been studying these advanced things. She has already reached the twentieth level, but she cannot break through the twenty-first level no matter what.

In order to break through, she has been studying and wanting to know why she can't pass.

She also asked Yun Ye, but Yun Ye just told her that it requires strength, and it is impossible to pass the 21st level without strength.

This is a dead end for her, because the strength Yun Ye talks about refers to knowledge and spiritual control. She thinks that few people will be able to achieve knowledge tomorrow, but spiritual control is difficult. Over the years, she has only been in the fourth level. In the early stage, he wandered and was unable to reach a higher realm. This was because he had the power to transform his body.

What's more, relying on the spiritual realm controlled by the body, most of them were destroyed immediately after changing bodies on the road to heaven. Not everyone has the Book of Reincarnation like Yun Ye, and any body can be used.


Both Yue Xin and Zhuo Qilian came to the conclusion: "In the current Kingdom of Tomorrow, it is impossible to achieve the sublimation of the Heavenly Road. Only Wei Yang has passed the 21st level of the Heavenly Road, let alone the follow-up."

"Didn't it be mentioned in the two documents that as long as the super formation is built, it is possible to obtain the bloodline of the Heavenly Road Sublimation?" Tian Jialun asked unwillingly.


This question really stumped the two of them, and they didn't understand the reason. Although the two sects had explained the function of the super formation, they could not be applied to the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Not to mention the forty-first level, even the twenty-first level could not break through. .

The biggest problem is that Tianlu cannot bring out memories. No one knows what happened, otherwise the answer may have appeared long ago.

"Actually, the reason is very simple. There is only the word 'stand'."

Yun Ye shook his head, "The reason why the two sects can hope to return to the Holy Sect after obtaining a complete super formation is simply that their luck will greatly increase after unification, which will make it easier to climb the Tianlu. This move is ineffective for us. Because even if we lower the difficulty, we still can’t pass.”

"This can be seen from the number of ranks of Seven Seats. Seven Seats do not completely believe in the Way of Tomorrow. Now they have crossed the thirty-first level... and there are no monks who truly believe in the Way of Tomorrow. Except for that, they are all stuck on the 21st level. This has nothing to do with talent, it’s just a matter of position.”

"I'm afraid that the reason why Tianlu cannot bring out memories is to monopolize and to prevent latecomers from ascending to the throne. This can be seen from the nature of the ascending method. How can a family with a powerful ascending method be overthrown by latecomers? ?”

"Without the Ultimate Spiritual Art, what kind of peerless person does it take to get to where we are today? What are the possibilities?"

Yun Ye said calmly.

This sentence was like a knife inserted into the hearts of everyone present.

What are the possibilities?

Of course it's zero.

From ancient times to the present, no low-level rebels have ever succeeded, and they are not even qualified to leave their names and deeds.

They were stabbed a lot today.

It's just that they didn't pay attention before.

This time, when it came to the Heavenly Road, something was uncovered and nakedly displayed in front of them. No matter how slow they were, they should notice the difference.

Tian Jialun looked at the young man sitting in the front seat with his hands folded, who didn't know what he was thinking...

He couldn't help but sweat a little.

Ming Weiyang said this...

What means?

"Chief, what exactly does this stance mean? The new way and the old way?"

Jiang Peiyao was very calm and asked.


Yun Ye shook his head silently in his heart, so what about the new way and the old way? After all, it is a dispute on the ground. The real problem is the immortals. They overlook the world and cut out all possibilities that threaten them. But Yun Ye obviously cannot say that, he silently He nodded and said: "This is a matter of stance, and also a matter of path. The Ruling Path advocates taking all resources and rights for one's own use, while the Tomorrow Path advocates common development and shared results."

"No matter how we compare the new generation of monks, we are far superior to the monks of the two sects, but the Tianlu has only reached the 21st level, which is enough to explain the problem. This is a natural contradiction. Tianlu is obviously the predecessor of the Ruling Dao. Creation is more of a rule. If we can’t crack it, we won’t be able to go far.”

"The Seven Seats just mentioned the Bloodline Lock. To be honest, this gave me great inspiration. Perhaps the veil of the Heavenly Road should be lifted."


Everyone felt a head-on blow, and their minds were roaring for a moment. They looked at Yun Ye with dumbfounded eyes: "Chief, what are you talking about?!"

"You said you have a way to solve the mystery of the Heavenly Road?"

The Heavenly Road can be called a miracle in the world of spiritual practice.

Contains countless treasures.

Although they have no memory, judging from the power given to them at each level, they simply don't believe that there is no big secret in Tianlu!

From the first to the tenth level of the Heavenly Road, the original method is deduced, so that the spiritual body cultivated by the original method becomes more and more powerful.

The 11th to 20th level of Tianlu. The eleventh level records the spiritual realm and records the bloodline, which increases the effect of the method. The subsequent nine levels can deduce the method.

From the 21st to the 30th level of the Heavenly Road, the 21st level records the Dharma Realm and the Bloodline, and the other nine levels also have the effect of deducing the Dharma.

There will be thirty-one levels, forty-one levels, and even more to follow...

If they can crack the heavenly path, it will definitely be no less than their cracking of the original law and the spiritual realm of the whole people!

Is there any way to crack the Tianlu! ?

"It's very simple, bloodline lock."

"Since Tianlu recognizes bloodline locks and can drive hidden nails into them, it is naturally possible to write some words in the original law."

Yun Ye said.

He is a reverse derivation. He knows that Tianlu has a deductive effect, and he deduces according to his own will, so this idea is completely achievable.

Record your own memory in your bloodline, and as your practice completes its expression, you can then analyze the fixed position of the spiritual gene fragment.

To be honest, this is not a strange idea. Yun Ye doesn't think that the top forces have not cracked this secret after so many years.

As long as there is a loophole, someone must exploit it. This is the case with Tianlu's shielded memory. Yun Ye's wisdom is average, but he can figure it out through countless calculations.

As long as a person with extremely high intelligence conducts research on the Heavenly Road, it is only a matter of time before he understands the key to the problem.

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