A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 431 Evil Spirit God Form

This process is slow.

After all, Dahuang Lingze is huge and can fight.

But if the blockade cannot be broken, no matter how slowly, the outcome is doomed. --Doomed.

"It's coming with such ferocity. A total of eight Zhenjing formations have been deployed to block all directions. The power of this formation is not inferior to that of the super formation."

Zhuo Qilian stared at the sky, feeling a lot of worries in his heart.

Real-person individuals are comparable to super formations. With eight people united, even if the main member of the super formation is Ming Weiyang, they may not be able to win!

"Just do your best."

Yue Xin sighed, her eyes became cold, and she mobilized all her strength to assist Ming Weiyang to share the pressure to the greatest extent.


Zhuo Qilian closed his eyes.

the other side.

In the Yuntian Dao Palace, Yun Ye stood up silently and came to the sky, attracting the attention of all the real people.

"After so many years, your cultivation still hasn't changed at all? It seems that the sky is going to create a new way, Ming Weiyang, your road is broken!"

Pure Water Saint Son spoke.


"Is there really no change?"

Yun Ye stretched out his arms, blood spread in his eyes, and the spiritual genes buried deep in his body were activated in an instant. The vigorous power immediately extended outside the body, forming blood-colored ribbons, making Yun Ye feel like a demon, and his aura rapidly sublimated.

This is exactly the method of evolution - the evil king!

The secret to evolving your physique!

"Physique is improving rapidly? How is this possible? Without relying on heavenly sublimation, what method can forcibly rewrite the bloodline?"

Pure Water Saint Son's pupils shrank.

Although this kind of improvement is far less than that of Tianlu sublimation, it is not comparable to ordinary secret techniques!

"Please take action!"

With a thought, he used the power of the formation to condense a divine sword and slashed directly at Yun Ye to test, hoping to interrupt this sublimation of power.


The two Xuanjing shouted.

"It doesn't matter."

Yun Ye shook his head at them and expressed this.

He raised his hand, and in his blood-red pupils, a sky-reflecting virtual world suddenly opened, and the hazy power of space descended from the next day, directly engulfing the divine sword.

The next moment, the divine sword slashed directly at Holy Son of Pure Water.

He frowned and fired the spell, taking back the power that originated from himself.


The glow invaded the Divine Sword and instantly took back control of the Divine Sword.

"Recaptured so quickly? Wait, is this a simple space transfer?...It turns out to be the power of the true realm?"

"He's not just a showman, but he's really revived his true bloodline?"

Holy Son of Pure Water was stunned.

How can this be!

Only when the earth-level origin method reaches the advanced mysterious realm, can it be possible to awaken the power of the true realm and stand in the same realm as the real person.

Xindao has been a mortal for almost hundreds of generations, and their bloodline is not prominent at all. How could the power of the true realm be born?

"This is a power similar to the sublimation of Tianlu. He awakens the power of blood in an instant and completes it!"

"What kind of terrifying method can actually simulate the sublimation of the heavenly path? It seems that the harvest this time is far greater than imagined."

The woman in the black dress said that she was a real person with divine magic. She could see through the essence of Yun Ye's method at a glance. Unfortunately, she only had a hazy feeling and could not penetrate the formation, let alone the protection of the other party's divine magic. Otherwise, the mind reading would be completed. She might be able to get a glimpse of the secret of this method.

(Unlike the ascending bloodline, which can only be passed down for ten generations, genetic information will always exist no matter how many generations it is. By stimulating the spiritual genes deep in the body, the body can evolve in a short period of time and reach the strongest state ever reached by the source of the bloodline.)

(Generally, monks will focus on improving strength, but for me, the Evil King only plays a supporting role, so the evolved physique is all to adapt to the power of spiritual magic. In the Evil King state, the energy and blood connect to the sky, and the space is rapidly sublimated in a short period of time. The ability to control can even rebound the power of a real person formation.)

(But this is not enough.)

Yun Ye silently pressed his hands to his face. For a moment, his eyes became indifferent and his emotions evaporated.

The soul that had grown step by step in his body and was now clearly visible was suddenly absorbed into the palm of his hand and then forcibly shaped.

White flames emerged, and Yun Ye's life form suddenly changed.

The soul turned into a mask of burning white flames covering the left side of his face. The left eye was dark, but soon black energy emerged, and a black vortex swirled.

Yun Ye's aura further surged!

Practicing the divine method is to strengthen the spirit step by step, and when the original method is cultivated into the divine body, the soul will initially take shape.

The Dharma Realm and the Mysterious Realm further sublimate one's own soul.

At the stage of the Mysterious Realm, it doesn't matter even if the soul leaves the body independently. It can transform the energy of heaven and earth on its own, and the soul also has infinite power.

Collect souls and condense them into external forms according to the information recorded in spiritual genes, further amplifying the power of perception and divine magic.

this is……

Evolution method·Good God!

"The Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation!"

"Leverage from all directions!"

"Jiutian moves!"

"God's thunder falls!"

The Holy Master put his hands together and activated his own magic with the help of the formation. With a flash of purple thunder, he suddenly penetrated the tomorrow's super formation and fell towards Yun Ye.

Yun Ye remained motionless, looking at Zi Lei with his black hole-like left eye.

The purple thunder flashed past, directly ending the target's life, but under the light of this left eye, it froze, and moved so slowly that it could be said to have stopped.

Boom boom boom!

The purple thunder kept falling, but the last purple thunder destroyed the previous one, annihilating seven or eight of them one after another. The Holy Master frowned and controlled the purple thunder to expand its range, covering the entire sky above Yun Ye densely.

However, Zi Lei cannot move forward, and time and space are restricted.

"What a powerful time magic,"

The Holy Lord has nothing to say.

His technique was so fast that he couldn't even react. It would chop down nine rays in an instant, but this lightning speed was stopped by a flash.

It was completely ineffective. Although it was not directly destroyed, it was unable to break through. In a one-on-one battle, he was making ineffective attacks!

"A person in the mysterious realm has touched the power of the true realm through the method. It is simply a miracle."

The woman in the black dress burst out with magic, interfering with Yun Ye's time magic and making Zi Lei speed up.

"Evolution method——"

"What a spirit!"

Yun Ye doesn't care, what determines the outcome is the true spirit stage!

The spiritual root mark appeared on the forehead, and then the various spiritual roots merged and turned into a complex black color. The mark seemed to grow and cover the pale long hair.

The original chief's attire was also covered in dense black dazzling patterns. Between the flying cloaks, there was a vague life, winding and entrenching like a dragon.

This is the spiritual root evolution most suitable for ethereal magic!

At the same time, thousands of similar auras erupted throughout the Great Wilderness Lingze.

They are all monks using evolved forms!

Yun Ye can withstand the power of domestic monks before the evil spirit god form ends.

In another hundred years, the Tomorrow Society will have 200,000 magic realms and nearly a hundred profound realms. The energy stored by these individuals has surpassed the super formation.

With such great power coming to him, what should he fear?


Yun Ye clenched his fist, and with one punch, he gathered the power of the entire Kingdom of Tomorrow. The purple thunder disintegrated wherever it passed, and the divine magic retreated. The entire Eight Desolations True Formation was in constant turmoil, and broken cracks immediately burst out at one point.

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