A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 444: The enemy of the previous generation, Shui Suqing

"It regenerates very quickly."

Yun Ye clenched his fists with his fingers and suddenly swung out dozens of blows. Each blow seriously shattered the stiff muscles and bones, crushing them in every possible way.

The living zombie is also resisting. It bursts out huge demonic power to bless its body, making its speed exceed the speed of sound several times, but it is too slow, too slow, too slow, and there is no room for resistance in front of Yun Ye. All muscles and bones are on the spot. was crushed.


It exploded, splattering a large amount of black blood. Yun Ye deliberately carried out an all-round attack. The remaining blood was completely destroyed, leaving only a shriveled, boneless, and completely broken body.

However, the demon power shrinks, and the damage on the physical level is restored in the blink of an eye, and the regeneration speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to react.

Yun Ye did not interrupt his movements. The white air flow gathered and the life force condensed into shape. However, before Shui Mingqin could see it clearly, Yun Ye had already grasped the life force.

It was a miniature star ring, which he held in his hand without being seen by Shuimingqin.


Zombie rushed towards him, and his huge demonic power turned into giant claws and struck him down.

Yun Ye didn't even look at it.

One punch...

The living zombie disintegrated on the spot, shattering into hundreds of pieces from head to toe!

Generally speaking, if it is shattered to this extent, no matter how strong the regeneration ability is, it will be useless.

But this one is not alive!

It was resurrected again, and every piece of flesh and blood seemed to have self-awareness, spreading a large amount of demonic power to connect with each other, and forcibly pieced together the form.

At first, this patchwork was very deformed, but the living stiffness reorganized in a short period of time, and the natural place returned to nature and became human again.

"That kind of self-healing is different from resurrection. It's really... scary!"

Yun Ye's eyes flashed with flame.

As soon as the zombie pounced on me, his body was reduced to ashes inch by inch.

The red color of the rainbow pupil, I have awakened the ability to withstand low temperatures by looking directly at it. Whether there is fire or not, the target will be reorganized directly from the molecular level. Only those with stance-type abilities can resist it, such as using spiritual power. Completely covering the body and so on.

For those who are unprepared for that move, Yun Ye can completely burn their brains with one glance. It is a top-notch pupil technique that can kill at first sight.

"Physique has improved again. Speaking of which, can we only improve physical fitness?"

Yun Ye had a thought, maybe it was not the case, no matter how weak the body was, it was infinite. The water dance song also showed the sudden increase in the power of the spiritual method.

I clenched my fist and felt very bad, but it was beautiful to kill some strong people and become weak. There is nothing more joyful than that.

Shuimingqin looked at me and tapped a little harder with her long fingers, causing cracks in the armrest.

"That kind of control, the concentrated power is actually spread into a sphere!"

Your red phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. You have no spiritual consciousness. Outside your perspective, even if you die and turn to ashes, there will be no trace.

Outside of your perception, the dead freeze is burned away by the flames that erupt at one point in the body. The control is exquisite and indescribable. At most, you can do it.

Due to the presence or absence of aura, "Rishi" hunts and kills disaster beasts, and his strength is actually not that of the monks in the past. If he wants to become weaker, he can only improve his control power.

In reality, you have never seen a move that can be controlled to such a low level. If it is an abnormal flame, it will only burn from the body to the inside, but your child is the same, compressing the power to the extreme. , directly passes through the gap and explodes in a spherical shape in the body...

Relying on that move, the four-year-old child could instantly kill a monster that only a full member could hunt without using the power of his bloodline!

If I am beautiful enough to hunt and kill disaster beasts, is this okay?

That child's lower limit of strength obviously exceeds that of everyone else, and the male super genius of the Asushui Clan is also incomparably cherished!

"Pa bang bang..."

Yun Ye and Shui Mingqin looked at the trial field at the same time. A man in a red dress walked out and applauded.

That man was very unique, with a striking red line extending from the corner of his mouth to the right side of his face. The red line was like splashed ink, very thick and wild, as if he wanted to create the impression of a man with a cleft lip.

But the problem is, you only have that kind of mark on the right side of your face, which is very balanced and misaligned.

"As expected of the head of the family, even his son has that kind of talent. He passed the seventh level in just ten seconds. In the entire history of the Shui family, it has only appeared after a hundred years, right? That is to open up a new history. , you can definitely become the first female head of the family?”

The man's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Su Qing, is he full of nothing?"

Shuimingqin said lightly.

"Besides, you are just envious of your sister's assets, haha... I hope the assets he expects can reach this point!"

Shui Suqing's words fell and disappeared into water splashes all over the sky.

You define Yunye as an "asset".

It probably means that Yun Ye will be harvested before he grows up. After all, it is a world where people can kill people and upgrade. Ming Ju probably died for that reason.

What really concerned Yun Ye was the man's emotions.

(It’s totally beautiful...?)

Yun Ye possesses no ordinary innate magic, and has extremely weak insight into everything. He can vaguely feel the man's emotions.

In that man's perception, it was absolutely possible for a woman to become the head of the family, even if she crushed and defeated the living zombie.

Yun Ye also felt that kind of knowledge from Shuiming Qin. Even if he defeated the seventh demon, his attitude would not change.

We say one thing with our mouths and think another in our hearts, but we realize that our techniques have deteriorated...

Yun Ye didn't have the intention to point it out, and turned to look at Shui Mingqin: "Please pass the eighth level. Can you directly become the captain at the eighth level?"

"Indeed, as long as he can pass the eighth level, he can get the privilege of directly appointing a team to become the captain." Shui Mingqin withdrew his gaze.

"Very well, please end it now." Yun Ye said.

Special members, elite members, deputy captains, captains, and then deputy ministers, ministers.

Passing the eighth level and directly becoming the captain means starting directly from the end of the seventh level, which can save a lot of time.

That kind of path and privilege is a shortcut reserved for super geniuses.

"The eighth level is Ling Zombie. A Ling Zombie who once killed 70 elites in a group, his strength is close to the deputy captain level."

Shuimingqin waved his hand, and the space trembled violently, and a woman who still showed a faint breath even though she was locked by the seal chain appeared.

The woman's skin was pale, her eyes were tightly closed, and her body was different from that of ordinary people. It was one of the several degenerative directions of death.

Spiritual stiffness!

The first spirit zombie Yun Ye encountered was named Shi Qing. He was very strong, very strong. He was only at the level of a low-level demon, and he could not even get into trouble.

Even because he has just finished it, he has a lot of strength and experience. Only relying on the knowledge contained in his bloodline to fight, even Yun Ye, who had a powerful spiritual root at the time, can easily kill him. It can be said that he is a typical novice elite monster. Now, it's okay to bully special monks, but there is really no way to compete with time-travelers on the same stage.

But the other end is the same.

Exactly the same.

There are too few weak points, it is completely on the same level!

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