"So slippery, there is a pair of eyes that can even interfere with space, I like it more and more!"

The spirit zombie laughed, quite like a villain, it opened its arms, and the dark blue flame spread quickly, covering the entire trial field.

This is a trial, you have to defeat it within a specific range, leaving the trial field is a word "lose".

A young child who has not yet stepped out of the city, has no weapons, and no spiritual clothes, what means can he use to fight it?

Even if its control is amazing and can temporarily fight it, but what about consumption?

Every bit of strength used is a loss of physical strength, and exhaustion of physical strength is a consumption of vitality. Its power is endless, what can a mere human use to consume it?

The trial field is densely covered with nether fire, Yun Ye really has nowhere to escape, but he has no intention of escaping, the rainbow pupils turn, and the nether fire naturally goes out wherever he looks.

"Cancel my flame? At this age, using that level of spiritual eyes, how long can you last? It's just a quick death for you!"

The spirit zombie let out a larger netherworld fire, covering Yun Ye, trying to consume Yun Ye to death.

Yun Ye's figure was completely covered by the netherworld fire, and he was in a desperate situation.

"Life force, consciousness, spiritual roots, if the base strength is 10, then the three forces combined can only reach 100 at most, and it is difficult to cross the level gap. The captains of the four divisions are almost all from the spiritual blood clan, and the inner city holy division is even more so. Without exception, they are all strong people from the spiritual blood clan."

"Without spiritual blood, it is impossible to fight these monsters... wake up Shui Shi, he should only have that little power, Shui Changdong."

Shui Mingqin said lightly.

"Haha, mother is still amazing. This is the first time you have used that kind of power. I didn't expect that mother already knew it. That is a kind of evil power buried outside your body. Although you have never used it, you know its name..."

Yun Ye's voice came from the flames, and the life force storm burst through the sky and blew out the netherworld fire.

Its aura increased by dozens of times and reached the previous realm.

"Evil King Transformation!"

Yun Ye, wrapped in blood-colored streamers, appeared before the life force storm dissipated. My eyes were full of seven colors, which spread into the air and formed a huge blood-red eye.

The spirit zombie felt a chill in an instant. It looked at Yun Ye incredulously. That form was too unfamiliar to it...

After turning into a spirit zombie, it was also a member of the spirit blood. It was with the power of that form that it could fight against the terrible disaster beast.

Is it fake?

It subconsciously jumped to the right, and in the process, half of its body was burned, turning into controllable spiritual dust, which either eroded the ground or merged into the air and turned into a deadly poison, but in any case it was related to itself.

Obviously, reality told it that everything was fake.

"It's possible... How could the evil king be so powerful that he could use it! How could his body withstand it? It's fake, all fake!"


It roared and wanted to use the netherworld fire to escape, but as far as the sight could reach, the body was annihilated, and it had no room to pull, and it turned into ashes in an instant.

This demon power was completely ignored, and it didn't play any role at all!

At the same time.

Yun Ye's spiritual consciousness weakened sharply, and I wanted to upgrade my spiritual consciousness... So, before killing the spirit zombie, my spiritual consciousness really became weaker!

One's own will can actually determine the direction of weakening?

What outrageous era was that?

Yun Ye silently dispersed the evil king transformation, and a huge sense of joy filled his body. I fell to the ground and my consciousness gradually became blurred.


"I am ashamed to be your descendant. I awakened the Shui family at the age of four! If I take a step back and awaken the holy blood! Who in Dongwang City can be your opponent?"

Shui Mingqin disappeared in the sky with a clap of hands, and your voice echoed.

"Tomorrow he will report to the inner city holy department on his own. He can replace the captain of any team!"

"But he must remember that the captain alternation competition will be held at the end of July. If he is defeated, he will be automatically demoted to vice-captain."

"In one month, can he grow to the captain level?"

Yun Ye closed his eyes and fell asleep on the trial field. My body finished repairing the damage with all its strength, and what stabilized the degeneration of the body was stability.


Day 7.

Inner city of Dongwang City, small building of the holy department.

The small building of the Holy Department has built a simple array network, which can reach all nodes of the East King City across space in an instant. It is a powerful support device.

Unlike the seven divisions, which need a long time to conquer the disaster beasts in the outer world, the smallest responsibility of the Holy Department is to manage the city and suppress all rebels. Whether they are willing to clean up the disaster beasts is their own problem, not their responsibility.

Each of the seven divisions has multiple teams, and the least is even less than ten teams, but the Holy Department has only seven teams, corresponding to the seven divisions in the southeast, northwest and northeast.

In terms of strength, each captain of the Holy Department has surpassed the heads of the seven divisions, and is basically held by members of the Spiritual Blood.

That generation of spiritual blood disciples has not yet fully grown up, and all seven captains are the next generation of scholars.

Only two seats were taken by the new generation of Ruan Ning disciples.

You are also Yun Ye's sisters.

Of course, the spiritual blood is divided into cousins, so the two are actually not born by Shui Mingqin.

There is a beautiful pavilion in the top garden of the small building of the Holy Department, which can accommodate several people to drink tea and chat.

That was a place unique to spiritual blood, and only those with holy blood could pass through the barrier and retreat into it.

At this moment, Duo Nan, who was dressed in a gorgeous red dress and looked as gorgeous as a princess, was leisurely drinking tea and reading a book, enjoying life.

If it weren't for the strong smell of blood all over your body, anyone who saw your beauty would be amazed and love you at the first sight.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

The sound of slow footsteps came from the stairs. The man in the red skirt frowned slightly, and then the footsteps stopped. A man said respectfully: "Sister Qingya, the minister has issued a notice that there will be a newcomer who has passed the eighth level and can freely replace the captain today. Please be prepared."

"The eighth level, did you hear it wrong? This difficulty, a newcomer can complete it?" Shui Qingya looked up, her eyes showing a touch of astonishment.

"The real deal, the one who passed is Shui Changdong, who awakened the power of the evil king in the battle and defeated the spirit zombie instantly with my pair of spiritual eyes." The man said through the door, you also have a bloodline without spiritual blood, but you can inherit the holy blood, even the Shui family is extremely stable, and can only be an elite member of the Holy Department.

"Can you use Shui Shi so early? That talent is really surprising. It seems that the opponent is weaker than my sister. Okay, you know, go in, you will go when the time comes." Shui Qingya shook her head slightly and continued to read with her head raised.

But you still have to wait for a few seconds, the small door on the top floor suddenly opened, and the men in white feather skirts walked out.

The captain of the eighth team, Shui Riyue.

"It's only one generation, and there are seven people who have obtained Shui Shi. That is an unprecedented situation. Sister Qingya, are you interested?"

Shui Riyue smiled.

"They are all destined to be defeated, what's the need for interest. Riyue, instead of coming to you, why don't you think about how to deal with Shui Changdong. Find the strongest one to replace him, so that he can't keep his position a month ago, right?"

Shui Qingya said lightly.

"Yeah, but you think with Shui Changdong's personality, he should be a little afraid to challenge his elder sister, right? Don't let him be stepped on by the time, that would be too embarrassing."

Shui Riyue smiled.



The two auras collided, and in an instant, the air was squeezed, and vacuum cracks visible to the naked eye appeared.

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