A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 482 The Red Sky in the Present World


After Yun Ye launched this move, he directly led everyone away, while the overwhelming black tide was spontaneously attracted by the ten dolls.

"Absorbed Gu's soul power, not only used the resentment in it to deal with Gu, but even used the Celestial Path to Sublime?"

"This is……"

"I see. It is possible to gather information about wronged souls and extract the blood power of the Shui family from it?"

Dong Wang watched all this quietly, clearly sensing the restraint this spiritual method had on him.

The most mastered spiritual method that Yun Ye had used before, even at the expense of himself, could even devour all of his attacks with the blessing of the Ten Thousand Spirits Array, which was simply unbelievable.

If the spiritual power used in this spiritual method is compared to 1, his full blow is 1,000, or even 10,000. Under this gap, his incarnation can actually engulf all his attacks, and even entangle him for a period of time. There is only one possibility for this spiritual method.

The concept is extremely high quality!

Just like using an ordinary physical explosion to attack an enemy in another space, this qualitative gap makes the explosion ineffective no matter how powerful it is.

It can be said that this kill ratio is "1 to infinite". As long as the opponent uses a little force, he can offset his own infinite power.

On the contrary, if spiritual power is used, even if the physical destructive power remains unchanged, since it is omnipotent and has an effect on conceptual power, then no matter how high the conceptual nature of the opponent is, it is at least not 1 vs. infinity.

The Kuroshio possessed by Dongwang is an "ordinary explosion" at this moment, while Yun Ye's reappearance of life is an "interference of space".

To defeat the reappearance of life, King Dong must spend a lot of real energy to offset the essence of the concept.

So, as a real person, as the Eastern King who gained strength by killing countless lives, does he have the power to counteract the conceptual essence of Yun Ye?

Even if it is a reverse zodiac sign, even if it is the other zodiac sign, can you borrow your own power?

The answer is obvious.


Otherwise, how could Dong Wang catch up?

"The real person is for perfection! The real person is for the attainment of the Tao! The three dharma converge and we have achieved truth!"

"Today, we must let you know what the mysterious true method is!"

"What is...a real person!"

In Dong Wang's sight, there was no longer any form, entering the awe-inspiring blue sky.

He activated the true method for the first time.

The material world is stripped away.

Consciousness resides in the second highest heaven, and Xuantian's chaotic spatial data and causal data are gathered to one point by him, as if they are sublimating in a spiral...

The door to the blue sky opened, allowing him to step into a new world that he had never stepped into for the second time in a hundred years!

The blue sky is true!

All the powers in the realm of Qing Tianren are appearances, only truth is the essence.

These two words also have no connotation, they are just literal meanings.

Only oneself is real.

The True Dharma will give real people unreasonable reality. Translated into reality, that is, even ordinary flames can be turned into real fire that destroys everything with the blessing of the True Dharma.

This is the first step of supreme power. When one is true, even if the opponent uses the power to restrain himself, as long as he does not have the same truth...

Then in the face of reality, illusions are naturally shattered at the touch of a finger!

There were tens of thousands of people in the Kingdom of Tomorrow who were in the Ultimate Spiritual Realm, and hundreds of people who were in the Ultimate Spiritual Mysterious Realm, and many of them even mastered the evolution method and could evolve the three methods.

However, the formation of just eight real people negated all the advantages. No matter whether it was the true immortal method or the super formation, it was useless.

For hundreds of years, the country of tomorrow will not be able to overcome this difficulty.

The power of Wei Zhen was easily suppressed when he had the power of freedom, but when it was Yun Ye's turn, he realized how big the gap was.

Therefore, even if Yun Ye stepped into the mysterious realm with one foot, he did not lose his mind enough to confront the real person head-on, and turned around and ran away after the initial obstruction.

The escape only lasted for a few seconds, and everyone felt an almost suffocating momentum descending from the sky.

"Impossible...this move can't be followed!!!"

"East King, East King is going to use all his strength!"

"It's a completely different dimension of power. Even if the Heavenly Road is sublimated, it's just a mantis trying to do something!"

Everyone trembled, showing signs of despair.

Even Yun Ye slowly stopped traveling through space and turned back abruptly.

King Dong, who activated his true method, walked towards the ten puppets step by step. He used all his strength, and the puppets he killed were smashed on the spot with a single tap.

The ten dolls came one after another, but they only blocked Dong Wang for a moment. His eyes then turned to Yun Ye and others.

"This is a lonely world. It is essentially different from visions. It is the result of the projection of the Xuantian realm. Although it is not complete, it cannot reach the arrival of Xuantian."

"But if you still want to escape at this time, you are looking down on me too much. Does the two-day barrier really not exist?"

As Dong Wang spoke, a layer of hazy white covered the sky.

Next day coverage!

"It's over..."

Someone looked at the sky and murmured.

Although they have no realm and do not know what the true method is, their bloodline instinct is warning them that the monster in front of them is invincible.

Originally there was only one layer of anti-border, and they probably had to rely on Shui Changdong to tear it apart. Now it has two layers, so what if Shui Changdong can tear it open?

This spare time is enough for King Dong to kill them a hundred times!

They are rubbish!

A hundred times!

"True Dharma: No Realm of Life and Death!"

King Dong stretched out his hand as if to crush something, and fully activated his true method.

(It’s ridiculous. It’s obvious that Gu is the one with high cultivation level, and obviously Gu is the strong one, but in the end, Gu has to penetrate both heavens and use the real method to kill him... If Shui Changdong is allowed to advance to the Xuan Realm, how can it be done? Don’t you really want to fight head-on with me and use all your methods?)

"Oops, normal moves can't block it!"

Yun Ye's body was soaked in cold sweat, and he also sensed a fatal crisis. His eyes became blank for a moment, and Hong Tian's immortal magic appeared one after another in his mind.

This life is very special. Even if he, a monk of the Tomorrow Way, ascends to the Heavenly Road, it will be easy. He has now reached the thirty-first level, and is only ten steps away from the Heavenly Road.

Under this situation, he had naturally already met Hongtian again and mastered the true immortal method.

However, unlike previous lives, Yun Ye was not granted the True Immortal Technique this time. After calling Hong Tian's name, Hong Tian suddenly understood something and gave him the True Immortal Technique.

Hong Tian will give him the true immortal method in every life, but if he doesn't see it in this life, Hong Tian's judgment should be based on the Sword of Tomorrow.

In this life, he didn't have the Tomorrow Sword, so he was mediocre and didn't get Hong Tian's attention.

(Hongtian already understands that I am a reincarnated person. I wonder if she has a way to determine the location of my reincarnation...)

There is no doubt that Yun Ye has already been able to use the true immortal method.

However, Hong Tian also warned him that using the True Immortal Technique in this era would be very costly. If he could not use it, then he would not use it.

From then on, Yun Ye would feel a strong sense of crisis every time he needed to use the True Immortal Technique, and felt that there would be disaster if he used it.

So, he calmed down. This was Hongtian's reminder that he, a young monk, was not qualified to act against nature.

But this time, Dong Wang used his own unique method to replace the big world with his own world. The sense of crisis in Yun Ye's heart suddenly dropped a lot, and it didn't seem to affect anything.

In terms of power level, the true law has touched the core of the world. Only the true realm and above are real and possess all kinds of mysteries. This power may block some dangers.

In this case...

"I'm angry, God obeys my position!"

"It's fate, it's all about strength!"

"The soul is like the soul and the soul is like the four directions!"

"The red sky of the present world!"

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