A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 491 Meng Ji's Four Powers

"Reversal of cause and effect!"

"I will grant you a death!"

The Flesh-winged Centaur Demon once again used the Death-granting Magical Power, and the cause and effect of the world appeared in front of him.

He fabricated the "result" of Yun Ye's death, and then supplemented the "process" according to the result, and stabbed out with a spear, and the glow was very dazzling.

Since this move is called the reversal of cause and effect, it doesn't matter whether there is a process or not. Even if someone blocks this shot in the middle, the result will not change.

In other words, this is a method that will put the enemy in a state of death once it is launched.

Things like injuries will appear in an instant, without any attack process.

To offset this attack, you can only rely on the same reversal of cause and effect!

The Flesh-winged Centaur Demon launched the attack for the third time, and also put away the previous carelessness, staring at the human in front of him, trying to see through his actions.

Then, he suddenly realized that the human in front of him was completely ethereal to the extreme and could not be grasped at all.

Is the breath in the Xuan realm?

Yes, he did only feel the fluctuations of Xuantian, but this sense of oppression was not Xuan realm at all!

What is the strength of this human's Xuantian?

Heaven level?

Everything slowed down. With his top demon eyesight, the material world was no longer within his consideration. He was observing Yun Ye from multiple dimensions.

No movement at all?

Is it a fake body?

Not likely. He could clearly sense the weight, the weight without disguising it!

Then why not move?

The power of supernatural power descended.

Rewrite the cause and effect.


At this moment, a vast breath flashed by, and the power of rewriting the cause and effect was directly covered and failed to play any effect. Then the power of brilliance rushed down, but it did not splash any waves and was blocked by some force.

And this power even had a brief spontaneous expansion, but was forcibly suppressed and disappeared on the surface of this human body.

"Unable to penetrate the defense of the self Xuantian... This vast breath, the cave? In this era, this kind of monster was born again?"

The face of the meat-winged centaur demon was solemn.

As an extremely ancient demon, he had seen the power of the cave heaven several times. Under this power, even the king of the manifest world seemed extremely fragile. It was the supreme power of the cultivators, and its importance even surpassed the imperial way. The imperial way was only the strongest in the contemporary era, but the cave heaven might be the strongest in the past and present.

He realized that something was wrong. The power of the cave heaven was too strong. Even the weakest single element cave heaven, the existence that could open it up, was not something that his clone could defeat.

And the power just displayed by the monster in front of him was enough to show that it did not belong to the weakest cave heaven. Otherwise, even if it was a clone with only one billionth of the power of the original body, it would belong to the peak of the true realm of his four great powers, and it was not something that could be touched by the first entry into the mysterious realm.

What does this human want to do? Why not destroy him?

He raised his front hoof, the glow spread, and his body decomposed directly.

In any case, give up this mission and return to the original body. Fighting with such a monster for no reason would only involve a lot of trouble.

The young man in the distance raised his hand, as if he wanted to do something, but put it down the next moment.

"I want to study you - I wanted to say that."

"What a pity..."

Yun Ye watched the flesh-winged centaur demon leave.

He felt an inexplicable threat the moment before he took action, and glimpsed the terrifying background of the flesh-winged centaur demon.

For the time being, he didn't want to provoke an enemy of this level, whether it was a demon or a human.

"One of Meng Ji's four major powers, the Judgment of Heaven, only one of her subordinates has reached the realm of the king of the manifest world, and it is not an ordinary king of the manifest world. He has mastered the judgment power of reversing cause and effect... It seems that although humans do not have the emperor's way at present, demons may not have a demon king."

Yun Ye saw something through the rules and pondered for a moment.

From the known situation, humans are locked in the life limit rule, while demons are not.

One hundred years for mortals, two hundred years for the spirit realm, four hundred years for the law realm, eight hundred years for the mysterious realm, one thousand six hundred years for the true realm, and three thousand two hundred years for the honorable position.

And the last one, six thousand four hundred years for the emperor's way.

This rule is not completely fixed. Devouring vitality or being too powerful can extend life, but it cannot extend life too much.

Only the creator of the world can really break this rule. As long as the world is created, the life span can be extended according to the strength of the world.

This can be regarded as a reward from heaven and earth, or it can be understood that the creator of the world can resist some of the rules of heaven and earth, but not completely.

This is the rule of humans. Monsters do not have this problem. As long as their vitality is strong enough, they can almost live forever.

There are even some monsters whose ancestors have not died yet, but the tribe has evolved into another race, which is probably the evolution from fish to beasts.

This situation is actually very strange and terrifying. Even if the monsters evolve very fast under the advancement of spiritual power, it is not a short time scale. It is very likely that there are monsters who have lived for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Without the practice of cultivation, these monsters will not form a "sky" covering the human world. Only when they actually show their power will they be shocked. This is actually an individual comparable to the emperor.

When the human race establishes a country, there are a lot of areas that need to be avoided, otherwise the top monsters will turn over and the whole country will be destroyed.

Yun Ye still needs to practice, even if he feels that he is completely invincible, he still needs to continue practicing. His opponent is not only the emperor, but also the real immortal.

A flash of light.

Yun Ye approaches the black square and observes.

"Is it really the embodiment of the power of rules? The level is one level higher than the power of killing. It should be closer to the body of the world god. Is it a small branch?"

Yun Ye activated the time magic and tried to observe the past scenes again.

However, he still failed. He only saw endless darkness spreading from this point. This should be the starting point of the coming of the World God.

The Sword of Tomorrow is used to seal this power, not the other way around.

"Sure enough, it was the Kingdom of Tomorrow who took the initiative to start the great sacrifice, and brought in part of the World God, and then sealed it for some reason."

Having obtained the power to create the world, he is somewhat qualified to see clearly what this black square is.

But since he couldn't truly restore the whole picture, everything was just his speculation. It wouldn't be surprising if there were any deviations.

Yun Ye flew up to the black square and came to the bottom of the light pillar. A streamer of water and fire was wrapped around it. The long sword whose blade reflected the world was inserted into the black square. Tomorrow, who was dressed in a black dress, was sitting on the black throne beside her. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Imprisoned here by a large number of black chains.

"Has the seal been eroded because it has been sealed for too long? It seems that in a few hundred years at most, this thing will be broken."

Yun Ye frowned and stretched out his hand to hold the Tomorrow Sword. The moment he touched it, black threads spread from his fingers. For a while, Yun Ye could see countless messy, vast and endless information.

This is unparalleled spiritual pollution, such as a heavy hammer bombarding Yun Ye's spirit, knocking it into pieces, the heavenly stems and the universe rotate automatically, the power of creating the world rises from between the fingers, the black silk threads are directly erased, and a large number of chains are summoned Question, change the target to Yun Ye.

This was some kind of chain of rules that made Yun Ye feel indescribable pressure, far exceeding the suppression given to him by the Taoist weapon.

He had to use all his strength to create the world. For a time, chaos filled the air and the world evolved. Shadows resisted the dark chains, preventing them from getting closer to Yunye.

"Wake up, tomorrow!"

Yun Ye drew his sword.

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