A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 556 Infinite Taoist Code

"Thanks to the Heavenly Palace Formation, otherwise my Xuanbao would not have played such a big role!" Tianhou roared, and the explosive power disappeared on the spot. He aimed a sword forward and swung it down, and the brilliant power of real gold was swept out immediately. This kind of light has no effect on humans, but it has a devastating blow to demons. It is not a destructive force in itself, so it naturally cannot trigger the suppression of the formation, and it hits the Fire Spirit General completely. Its demonic power surged out and turned into a vortex to protect itself, but it was visibly evaporating, and its movements were also blocked, making it difficult to move. Immediately, Long Yuan activated the formation to wrap layers of chains, sealing the Fire Spirit General and the Great Flame Spirit together. Yun Ye also used the ability of the Prince of Shenlu, without too much effort, and condensed a sword with the combined power of three methods. The sword light was devastating, directly splitting the Great Flame Spirit into two, and rapidly wiping out its vitality. Although the Great Flame Spirit possessed the power of the chaotic world, and ordinary Xuan Realm cultivators were no match for it, it was weakened by the True Gold Mystic Treasure, and was more than a little fragile. It had no resistance to this long-accumulated three-method killing move.

It killed a fourth-level fire spirit in seconds. Although the other fourth-level was much stronger, more than 30 cultivators fought desperately, and there was the True Gold Mystic Treasure to suppress it. The fire spirit was finally defeated and its body was shattered, completely cutting off the possibility of resurrection.

"Let's go!"

Tianhou and Longyuan took the lead and rushed into the Heavenly Palace.

"Five people died..."

Yun Ye fell behind half a step, looking at the charming woman beside Tianhou, revealing a hint of doubt.

Just now, everyone was fighting hard and not holding back. This was obviously not very immortal. Someone was secretly influencing everyone.

But the strange thing was that he only felt a slight sense of disobedience. This woman's magic was a bit too exquisite. Could it really be performed by a mere Dharma Realm?

"The body is just in the realm of law, not falling from the realm of mystery, which is interesting."

Yun Ye's thoughts only flashed through his mind. He noticed that something was wrong with this woman, but he had always been disguised and had not revealed his true identity. In this case, he just had to continue. If this vest was killed, it was a trap, which just allowed him to get out of it reasonably.

A group of people rushed into the interior of the Heavenly Palace, and a series of isolated auras suddenly appeared in everyone's perception.

A large number of fourth-level people were approaching rapidly!

Everyone's face changed drastically, and each showed their magical powers, completely eliminating their auras and hiding.

Tian Hou stayed where he was and stopped Long Yuan and Yun Ye.

"Two brothers, please lend a hand."

He said so.


The charming woman pressed her face and revealed her true face. Just a glance at each other, Long Yuan was captured and lost all his mind.

Yun Ye saw that Long Yuan couldn't hold on, and he didn't resist. His consciousness rose into the air and let his body be controlled by instinct.

This easily deceived the two.

Tianhou nodded with satisfaction: "All the elements are complete, go directly to the treasure house and start the inheritance!"

"Haha, let your men cover the rear and attract the attention of the demons." Jiuxiao smiled and covered her true face again to remove the charm.

Longyuan and Yunye obeyed.

The two maids received the rear order and executed it expressionlessly, and dispersed with Longyuan and Tianhou's men to delay time as much as possible.

Although it may not have much effect, Tianhou said that every second he could delay is a second.

Before the action, Jiuxiao took out a piece of transparent cloth and turned it over everyone, and the environment suddenly became transparent.

Tianhou seemed to have seen it many times, and walked directly in front and bumped into the wall.

The wall is now transparent, and it seems as if it does not exist, and Tianhou's performance of bumping into it is indeed directly penetrating the wall.

Even in the subsequent walking, the barrier was crossed together.

Tiancheng is indeed a Tiancheng. Even though it has been damaged, it still maintains some functions after thousands of years. Among them, there is naturally a barrier that isolates the power of space, but this barrier cannot block the effect of the transparent cloth. It seems that the transparent cloth is also an unusual thing.

Above the Xuanbao is the real treasure, followed by the artifact, and then the Tiandao artifact. The Tiandao artifact was once called the Huangdao Jibing, but the two are different because of the times. Before the appearance of the Zunwei, it was the Huangdao Jibing, and after the Zunwei, it was called the Tiandao artifact. It’s just that the Huangdao Jibing has been called for too long and has been habitually continued. Until now, few people can tell the difference.

This transparent cloth does not feel like a real treasure. It should be a divine weapon with power. As for the Tiandao artifact, the level is too high and it cannot be so ordinary.

For a cultivator in the realm of law, the treasure is unexpectedly high. If he didn’t have a big background, he would have died many times.

After Yun Ye was controlled, the next situation was extremely simple. Tianhou cut Longyuan’s wrist, let the blood flow and evaporate, and launched a certain divine method.

Then the four of them moved forward and entered the underground under the guidance. After many battles, they came to a gate.

This is a gate standing on an empty altar...

It is somewhat familiar.

"It is the God's Life Altar."

Tianhou did not say much, threw out the token, opened the God's Life Altar, and then pushed Long Yuan directly in. With a burst of fire, Long Yuan was burned to ashes, and the altar burst out with power and slowly opened the gate. This gate was shrouded in the power of space, and no one knew where it led.

It was just that this process was so simple that Tianhou was surprised and doubtful. He looked at Jiuxiao for a long time and said, "Is it so easy to open the Absolute Emperor's Treasury?"

"What else? His Majesty the Absolute Emperor has fallen for 70,000 years. How much power can he still retain?" Jiuxiao spread his hands.

"Are you kidding me? If the power of the emperor can be worn away in just tens of thousands of years, why hasn't the supreme emperor's treasure house been born in the Red Sky Realm? Why have countless powerful men returned without success?" Tianhou said coldly.

"Do you really think that you have returned in vain? If so, why did Huoyu Tiancheng disappear from the territory of Shirizhou? In the final analysis, this place is just a projection of history. In the real world, the things inside have long been How could it be left to us after being evacuated 70,000 years later? If we can find the key to the treasure house, those powerful people can do the same," Jiu Xiao said casually.

"...Use a clone to go in and explore the way. If something goes wrong, I will go to pay homage to you next year." Tianhou didn't care whether Jiuxiao's words were true or false. He manifested himself and strode into the Juehuang's treasure house.

In response, Jiu Xiao just shrugged and disapproved.

She really wasn't lying. The Emperor's Treasure House in the Red Sky Realm has long been opened. Unique things must not appear in the projection world, but those ordinary cultivation resources, various techniques, and even treasures, the projection world A copy will be made.

This is a resource that can be brought back to the Red Sky Realm. The exchange must be enough, but I am afraid that the weather will be full.

The two waited.

Then, Yun Ye followed him in, leaving only a physical clone to continue being the Crown Prince of Shenlu.

Just as soon as I entered, my sight immediately opened up, and a huge and boundless white world appeared in front of me, with various scenes flashing back.

Yun Ye was stunned, looked at it for a while, and suddenly understood something.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ye noticed that the center of the entire world was a jade book placed on the altar, burning with magical divine fire...

Infinite Taoist Code!

This jade book was extremely conspicuous from Yun Ye's perspective, but Tianhou's clone who came in first did not notice the altar at all. Instead, he jumped into the ocean of various resources with surprise and joy. After collecting them, he Only then did he notice the altar, and then he said in surprise: "An altar was made with such sacred jade? What was worshiped here?"

He didn't see the Infinite Dao Scripture at all.

This is of course a matter of course. Gods and gods choose their masters, and Taoist scriptures also have their own choices. What you can’t see is what you can’t see. Even if this treasury of the Supreme Emperor has been raided countless times in the past 70,000 years, no one can still take it away. One of the most important divine objects.

This is a Taoist code that was born after the immeasurable true immortal became a Taoist. It has immeasurable power and can increase his own power endlessly. Some of the past history has begun to appear in Yun Ye's eyes...

He saw an indifferent man holding a Taoist scripture, razing the Red Sky Realm with one blow and creating a new world.

Yun Ye looked at this scene and felt that this code was simply terrifying and boundless.

Because according to the current system, this man is not at the level of an emperor, let alone a true immortal. Under such circumstances, he can actually destroy the world with one blow while holding a Taoist code.

"The Dao Code, this is the Dao Code. It's a pity, it's a pity that the Dao Code only has some rules and is far from the level of a true immortal. It's still impossible to defeat a true immortal even if you have the Dao Code!"

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