A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 582 Heaven and earth are trapped in the immortal formation

"One Imperial Way Ultimate Weapon is enough to sweep away a hundred venerables. Now there are eight Imperial Way Ultimate Weapons, and a hundred venerables are helping to control them..."

"Who in the whole Red Heaven can defeat this kind of power? Even if the Emperor is alive, he can't do it!"

"This person is definitely not just an ordinary cave heaven master!"

"Why should we be afraid? Even the cave heaven master has his limits. If we exhaust his power, the power of the ten continents can't do anything to a mere border continent?"

Seeing that many venerables were moved, the lord of the Imperial Way force spoke up to stabilize the army's morale.

Many venerables were silent.

That's what they said, but they couldn't say for sure what the reality was. This person was too weird, and he was not just a cave heaven master.

Can the power of this infinite world really be exhausted?

"This is some kind of brand new cave heaven, not the five elements or the four elements. It can evolve various methods and completely restrain our skills. If we are a little careless, we will be suppressed and die without a burial place. We need to form a formation and become one to suppress this person."

The lord of the Jintian clan from Tianzhou said.

"To form a formation, what kind of formation can control the eight great imperial weapons?"

The great masters all shook their heads. The imperial killing formation is already the ultimate, but the existing imperial killing formation only needs two imperial weapons at most.

The eight great imperial weapons forming a formation, that's really unheard of.

"It's indeed impossible for a general formation, but what if it's an immortal formation?"

This sentence moved the lords of the imperial way.

Immortal formation?

Who can hold an immortal formation?

No, it should be said, does an immortal formation really exist?

"Oh, interesting, immortal formation? Dare to use the name of immortal, I am interested in listening."

This sentence attracted the attention of Ni Xinguang. She has always been high above, watching the battlefield without actually taking action. Many cultivators don't know how strong she is.

It's just through the colorful rays of light that they vaguely know that she stands in an unattainable realm.

"The whole world is trapped in the immortal formation. This is the ultimate formation deduced by the future Taoist. The supreme killing formation is almost immortal and invincible in the mortal world."

The one who came was the Taoist Master Tianguang, who was rumored to have lost only half a move in the battle with the Emperor Qiao Ling. His time magic was the pinnacle.

He stood in the vortex of time, his figure glowing with light, and his power was really invincible, and it was actually related to time.

Even Yun Ye, the cultivator who created the world, derived the power of time from the concept of movement in the material world. The Taoist Master Tianguang had not created the world, but he could actually obtain the power of time. He was worthy of being a great cultivator who had inherited the legacy of the future Taoist.

"It's the future Taoist!"

Ni Xinguang's pupils moved slightly. She was also a figure from ten thousand years ago. She had personally witnessed the horror of the future Taoist. If this Tianli Zhenxian was really immortal, he might really be able to create a killing formation that surpassed the imperial way.

However, she was only surprised for a while, and soon regained her composure. Even so, it was just a formation, which could not be compared with the cave heaven, let alone the Taoist artifacts. It was just a minor one, not to be feared.

"Since it has such power, why not give it a try? This person is in a state of sublimation, and his power is restrained. Once the sublimation is completed, this killing formation may not be effective."

Ni Xinguang said, she did not call it an immortal formation, but a killing formation. Even if she was a family with Taoist scriptures, she had never heard of an immortal formation.

Even if there is, it is probably something that only the true immortal can arrange, and it is impossible for mortals to reproduce it.

"The world is trapped in the immortal formation. It requires two quasi-emperors to set up the formation, one man and one woman, one yin and one yang."

"Please enter the formation."

Tianguang Daozhu threw out a Qiankun Taiji diagram, and the supreme secret power affected the minds of the venerables present. As soon as it came out, it was sharp.

This Taiji diagram immediately enveloped the Red Heaven Realm, forming a siege and killing momentum for the entire realm, and the formation was formed without any signs.

However, this is not complete, it is just an empty frame, and the master of the formation needs to enter the position of yin and yang.


Ni Xinguang glanced at Taoist Tianguang coldly, walked into the formation, and took over the position of Yin Formation.

She was also interested in this formation, so she didn't pursue what Taoist Tianguang meant.

"Taoist Sun, you have the Extreme Yang Immortal Body, and you are the best candidate to preside over the formation. Please enter the formation."

Taoist Tianguang led another leader of the imperial power to the position of Yang Formation.

This is a Taoist master with an Extreme Yang Immortal Body. His aura is quite fierce, like the vast sun, far surpassing the Candle Fire Venerable.

It is said that the Extreme Yang Immortal Body is the physique of the ancient Sun Emperor. Obviously, it is more suitable to preside over the Yang Formation than Taoist Tianguang. He is very generous and did not compete for this position. He only acts as a coordinator to assist many venerables to work together. This kind of person is very common, but unfortunately he often does not achieve much.

This is the world of the invincible, one is more against the sky than the other, and the representative of forbearance is more than one step behind, and it is impossible to catch up.

"The physique of the Sun Emperor..."

Yun Ye frowned.

Legend has it that the fire spirit root is the result of the degeneration of the Sun Emperor's extreme yang constitution. After many eras, a cultivator gathered all the constitutions and formed a perfect framework of the five elements spirit root, and became an immortal with it, and was called the True Immortal of Spiritual Law, the Heavenly Venerable of Dao Law, and the Universal Savior of All Living Beings.

Because of this true immortal, the original form of the five elements spirit roots has been blessed by the true immortal law, and a terrible power can be obtained naturally.

Extreme Yang Immortal Body, this is also a top-level constitution that is not inferior to the Five Elements Complete Divine Body. In this era, there is actually a master of the Imperial Way with such a constitution?

When Yun Ye took a closer look, he found that it was just an exaggeration. This master of the Imperial Way came from the Sun God Palace and did have the blood of extreme yang, but if it is said to be a complete Extreme Yang Immortal Body, it is far from it, and it cannot be compared with the Five Elements Complete Divine Body.

A divine body with all five elements does not mean that it possesses the spiritual roots of the five elements. Instead, it means that the five elements are born with the intersection to form a divine body. It can naturally evolve the spiritual power of the five elements, and various phenomena in the world can be easily grasped. In the end, it can even open a cave to the sky, making it directly invincible in the world.

"When the formation rises, heaven and earth fall!"

Ni Xinguang activated the immortal formation with huge true energy, and the formation that enveloped the entire red sky was finally activated.

The major spiritual veins in the Red Sky Realm were drained of power and gathered into a formation. The two qi of yin and yang were intertwined, rolling up the eight emperor's ultimate soldiers, and directly entering a state of full recovery.

Many monks who presided over the Imperial Army were surprised to find that the Emperor's Army was indeed affected, and its power consumption after full recovery was much lower than before entering the battle.

Theoretically, it takes hundreds of thousands of years for the Emperor's Ultimate Soldiers to regain some strength. Even the core spiritual power of a continent is not enough. Only by establishing a unified Immortal Dynasty and relying on the power of the Red Heaven Realm can the Emperor's Path be restored. Jibing entered the routine recovery stage.

Again, at least the entire continent must be unified to restore the power of the Imperial Army at a faster speed...

Although it is still measured in years, compared to hundreds or even thousands of years, it is possible to fight continuously.

The formation of the Emperor's Ultimate Weapons will not exceed two, and this is the reason why. Even if there are more than two, even if all the red sky spiritual veins are collected, it will not be possible to fight continuously.

The power of this Heaven and Earth Falling Immortal Formation to fully revive the Eight-Handed Emperor's Ultimate Weapons has been reduced. It is already a formation that seizes the creation of Heaven and Earth.

It is indeed the supreme immortal formation in the mortal world!

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