A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 585 Great Destruction

The Yingtian Water Emperor Mirror is a divine artifact of the Heavenly Dao created by the Water Emperor ten thousand years ago. It took the least time and its power is at its peak.

And Ni Xinguang's cultivation of the Dao Classic is highly compatible with this mirror. As the true essence is injected into this water mirror, strands of colorful light overflow, and the seven-color divine light of the Imperial Dao appears again!

"My clan has banned the method of the cave heaven. If you practice this method, you will only die. Die with resentment."

Ni Xinguang said lightly.

The seven-color divine light of the Imperial Dao did not sweep alone. She knew how to increase her chances of winning. The heaven and earth were trapped in the fairy formation and operated at the maximum extent. The power of the integrated red sky was added to this Water Emperor Treasure Mirror. The Imperial Dao Heaven descended, the boundless water world rolled, and reflected all kinds of rainbow light. The seven-color divine light that seemed to have no power was swept away, and the heaven and earth became chaos and directly destroyed.

The distance calculated in light years was wiped out, and the Tiangan Universe could not resist it at all. The power of the modern emperor was well preserved and was indeed invincible in the world. Even the Tiangan Dongtian method could not achieve the reverse attack in the Xuanjing.

"With the creation of the world, there will naturally be the end of the universe." Yun Ye spoke, and finally reached the last step. He stretched out his hands, and the entire Tiangan universe burst into inexplicable fluctuations, and the expanding universe gradually stagnated. Unlike ordinary caves, the power of the Tiangan cave has been transformed into matter, and spiritual energy is rare. In other words, the power that can be exerted by normal means is limited. This is a method of opening the sky that focuses more on development. If you want to fully use the power of opening the sky, you can only shrink the entire universe and collapse the matter that has become part of the universe into spiritual energy again. This is... "Great Destruction!" In the surprised eyes of Ni Xinguang, Yun Ye burned his own cave without hesitation, and the power of universe destruction far exceeded the creation of the world. At the cost of burning the foundation of the cave, the characteristics of thousands of powers can be combined into one, forming a great destruction that treats everyone equally and destroys all concepts. The seven-colored divine light was indeed powerful. It was the invincible power created by the Water Emperor, and contained the profound meaning of the immortal clan's Dao Canon. However, the great destruction that was almost a technique of mutual destruction was equally effective. Yun Ye could not even stop this great destruction, because it was really extraordinary. At the moment of the explosion, the power of the universe was directly sublimated.

Faintly, there was a rumbling sound of destruction, and the world's sad song was playing...

This time.

It was a genuine world sad song. Even Ni Xinguang shuddered. She seemed to see the chaotic scene of doomsday. This scene was extremely distorted. Just by looking at it, she felt that her power was out of control, the nature was reversed, and indescribable signs of death were coming.

The great destruction brought about the end of the red sky!


The tenth announcement bell sounded, and the blue sky cracked. The power of the Tiangan universe finally stabilized completely in the blue sky, and there was a brilliant starry sky covering the blue sky.

"Not good! Seal!"

The venerables covered their eyes and did not perceive this change, but directly sacrificed various talismans that sealed the power of the emperor.

The power of the imperial way exploded, and together with the seven-color divine light, it wiped out the great destruction.

But even so, it was still swallowed by the great destruction. This great destruction had a power that Yun Ye could not expect, foreshadowing a kind of ending for Hongtian.

"This may be a power similar to the mystery of silence. Because it conforms to a certain rule of the Red Heaven Realm, it attracts the power of the end that only exists in the possibility."

Yun Ye could not control this power of the end, so he could only let it develop.

He was always ready to cut off the power supply and end this great destruction in the form of dividing the heavenly stem universe, otherwise the result might be that he would be completely swallowed up.

Yun Ye walked, took a step, crossed the boundary of the border continent, and descended on the four-day continent where Ni Xinguang stood. The great destruction exploded in the form of contraction. In the case of being unable to control, he could only move himself, and this power was indeed devastating. Everything returned to darkness and was completely swallowed up wherever it passed.

Some venerables were caught off guard and were swallowed up directly, disappearing without a trace, and even their authority was shattered. I don’t know if they still exist.

This scene is really terrifying.

How terrible is the vitality of the Venerable. As long as the authority is not lost, he can be resurrected and reborn continuously!

But what about today? ?

The Venerable is like an ant, and he was easily crushed to death. All kinds of preventive measures are ineffective to seize the authority!

Now it is even more terrible. It is no longer a matter of crushing the authority and swallowing it, but it is directly unknown whether it exists or not. This great destruction itself is ending everything, and the authority is naturally included. They feel that the problem is serious after a little deduction. I am afraid that there is no such authority in the world anymore, and it will take many years to recover naturally.


Who is the authority that was just swallowed, and the Venerable?

Everyone was horrified. This is a power more terrifying than the power of the creation of the world. Even existence and meaning are eliminated together!

"Heavenly God Lord! Stop! If you continue, you will die too. Do you want to die together!"

The Lord of the Imperial Way shouted angrily.

They were afraid. This power was too terrifying. Not only would they die, but their existence would be completely wiped out. This is more terrible than simple death!

"No one can be eternal. If I die now, it will only be the result. You should accept death, or... do you plan to surrender?"

Yun Ye's figure was in chaos. He tried his best to delay the destruction, but with little effect. He could only shake his head and kill many opponents. Among them, Ni Xinguang was the one he cared about the most.

This is the core. Killing her can save a lot of trouble, and the entire coalition will immediately disintegrate.

"No one can be eternal? Haha, the true immortals are looking down on the world. If you disobey the immortals, you will only die today, and no one can save you!"

The murderous intention of Ni Xinguang reached the extreme, her seven-colored Taoist body exploded with power, all kinds of rays of light circulated, and merged into the Reflecting Sky Water Emperor Mirror, and the heavenly artifact was completely revived!

Just because there is no eternity...

Our people pursue eternity!

Anyone who hinders the eternity of our clan must be killed without mercy, even if it means destroying the world. There is no emperor in this world, but you still want to hinder our immortal clan?

"not enough……"

Ni Xinguang clasped his hands together, and his mind sank into a certain ocean of consciousness. The power of prayer penetrated the world and reached the boundless water realm.

At this moment, she activated her secret technique and summoned the Nixian clan's Taoist weapon.

The colorful divine light bursts into the sky, hazy things take shape, the world becomes silent, and the order is being re-divided.

It was a flower-arranged porcelain vase. The body of the bottle was painted with various divine patterns, which was extremely gorgeous. The flower branches inserted on the body of the bottle were even more extraordinary. The colorful rays of light intertwined and formed into the shape of flowers, which was exactly the same as the symbol of the Nixian tribe.

This Dao weapon appeared in the world, but it only enveloped Shirizhou. It seemed to have the ability to control the scope of the Dao domain, and an unrivaled order was quietly established.

The venerables in the eleven continents of Hongtian are all driven by inexplicable forces in their hearts and are restless.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of continental Taoist artifacts, and even boundary realm Taoist artifacts, took off.

Many Taoist utensils surround this flower-arranged porcelain vase.

The stars are over the moon!

"Tianmian... Taoist weapon!"

Many sages murmured.

The Tianmian Dao Weapon, this is the supreme Dao Weapon that can kill even the emperor. It is one of the ultimate foundations of the Immortal Clan. They are both the ruling Dao and cannot resist.

In this era without an emperor, this represents the order of the Red Sky Realm.

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