A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 593 This phenomenon...

"Yingyue Tianxuan has fallen!!!"

Yingyue Tianxuan is the unparalleled and invincible person in contemporary Bianzhou. He is indeed powerful. He uses the power of freedom to a superb level. He once swept the same level with his true state and had no opponent.

He should be Lei Zhenyu's ancestor, and some of his physiques are similar to Lei Zhenyu's.

However, Lei Zhenyu is invincible in the name of his thunder method. It should be the power of thunder method transformed from the free Tianmen spiritual method as the main body.

The power of freedom can manifest many forms of power, including thunder method. Each Yingyue Sect leader is good at different directions.

"Complete future magic!"

As the cloudy night fell, he directly activated the future magic to the extreme this time, using all his true energy to support it.

At this level.

Tianlu can reproduce all the powers of the original body, including Dongtian.

It's a pity that the time and space reproduced by Tianlu are completely real, but it makes Yun Ye, a superfluous person, very conspicuous. After all, the Tiangan Cave is too big!

Once it is completely recreated, Tiangan Dongtian will undoubtedly overlap with the infinite world of this world, causing violent turmoil.

As far as the result is concerned, this will cause the Shenmie clan and the Tongmingqiong to go on and off, and both will take action to obliterate them, leaving no chance to observe history at all.

Therefore, when Yun Ye came to this era, he did not let Tianqian Dongtian join him, but simply used the future magic and the remaining true energy.

Compared with the energy that can be stored for three days, the real energy temporarily stored in Yun Ye's body is simply worthless. He cannot see through everything with force, so he has always only activated his power during the battle between the two emperors, resulting in It was a step too late last time.

"Crash la la la..."

There was a noise in Yun Ye's ears, and the future that could be observed by divine magic had ended, and there was basically only one route.

The same was true for his observation this time.

"Water Emperor, it's all over here. Today is the end. Even if you hold the Dao Code, you still can't go against the trend of the world!"

"It's too early to speak, God will be destroyed."

"This confrontation is finally over, and immortality is achieved in one fell swoop."

Pictures flashed by.

The emperor crushed the Tianmian Taoist artifact, and the power of the rules of the red sky world came, which was a precursor to becoming an immortal. At this point, everything became trance-like.

Noises keep appearing.

It is still difficult for Yun Ye to observe the scene after becoming an immortal. What's more, he only has the Heavenly Stem Holy Body now. Although the stored power is very powerful compared to the real state, it is still too difficult to observe the future of the real immortal. He failed. It's a matter of course.

"Who are you?"


Just when Yun Ye frowned and wanted to remove the divine magic from coming back in the future, the emperor's voice suddenly sounded.

Yun Ye's pupils shrank and he continued to let future observations develop.

The figures of the Emperor and the Water Emperor were gradually blurred.


Intermittent sounds were passed on.

"My name..."

"You... become an immortal..."

"This world is very strange!"

The female voice ended the noise, and all the images collapsed, making it impossible to continue observing.

"These voices are not like what the two emperors said, but they are like echo messages from another time and space. This is what happened..."

Yun Ye had plenty of time to find out all this. His figure suddenly disappeared and appeared in the spiritual land at the core of a certain third-level force. The Heavenly Stems and Ten Dharma unfolded, swallowing the entire spiritual land as a source of energy.

The venerable leader of this third-level force has fallen, and the strongest one is no more than a real person. Yun Ye marched straight in and took over the entire spiritual formation.

After the Ten Heavenly Stems lose the blessing of the cave, they can only add up to five more, but their power is also infinite. The entire spiritual world is evacuated in an instant and transformed into true essence.

As long as the physique is strong enough, a real monk can still use the three powers into one, even if he does not have three days.

It is the monk who first unites the three powers into one before he can break into the true realm, not the three powers that merge into one after breaking into the true realm. True essence has nothing to do with truthfulness.

Yun Ye lives in the Heavenly Stem Holy Body infused with the power that created the world. Even if he loses the Heavenly Stem Cave, he is still one of the strongest physiques. He can carry a massive amount of true energy in his body, and his strength is even far greater than that of a physical monk. With this physique alone, Yunye can reach the same realm. Invincible sweep.

"Complete future magic!"

Yun Ye mobilized his true energy and activated the future divine method again, causing massive amounts of true energy and luck to evaporate.

The Sea of ​​Immortality is a force that replaces the evaporation of luck, but to directly deduce the two emperors and even the transparent dome in the dark, the consumption is really huge.

The future landscape emerges again.

Scenes flashed by.

Yun Ye kept making adjustments. He had vaguely noticed the source of the problem and kept making corrections to get his answer.


A roar exploded from the spiritual platform, but the reality did not fluctuate. Yun Ye's body collapsed and was obliterated by the power from unknown sources.

"Transparent Dome!"

At the last moment, Yun Ye focused all his power into the future magic, burning up all his luck, but unfortunately, the gap was too huge. He didn't see anything, only an extremely blurry wisp of aura fluctuations.

This wave of aura cannot tell anything at all, it is just a normal chaotic aura between heaven and earth, but it is precisely because of this that Yun Ye knows that this must belong to the Tongming Qiong, and only the Tongming Qiong can completely suppress him in the future divine law.

"It's really troublesome. If you don't interfere in the battle between the two emperors, will it be wiped out just because it may interfere?"

In the heavenly palace, Yun Ye, who was holding his face with his right hand and sitting on the jade throne, opened his eyes. Black ripples spread in his rainbow pupils, which was the residual power of divine magic.

He also looked a little tired.

Having entered Heaven countless times, even though his soul was as strong as the world, he still inevitably accumulated fatigue.

The Pilgrim Road is extraordinary and can recreate the history of the entire world. This reality has caused a lot of burden for him, and he has committed suicide tens of thousands of times...

It is difficult for his soul to die. Every time he commits suicide, the burden on his soul cannot be small. It is really because the Lord of the Cave Heaven recovers too quickly that he can continue.

Yun Ye closed his eyes and rested his mind for a moment. The fatigue of his soul was quickly absorbed by the universe, and he started to climb to heaven again.

This is also the reason why he has been extracting the power of the Immortal Sea for a hundred years without exploring the heavenly path. The power level is not enough and there is no possibility of harvest.

"Yingyue Tianxuan has fallen!!!"

In roar.

Yun Ye activated the complete future divine method, continued his previous experience, and adjusted the direction of the divine method's observation. The originally straight line of the future gradually differentiated.

This is an extremely counter-intuitive and counter-intuitive operation. Yun Ye has the best control over the three natures, but the use of this magical method relies heavily on feeling.

He failed many times and was discovered and spied on by Tongming Qiong, who immediately started to erase him.

This made Yun Ye couldn't help but calm down for a while, and he used the Heavenly Stem Cave to deduce in reality for a long time before he started to continue his journey to heaven.

However, even so, it was not until he came back for the tenth time that he finally found the correct password and intervened in the real world.

Everything in the world collapsed and turned into pieces. Time was rushing, and the world was divided into left and right sides, heading towards completely different futures.

"this phenomenon……"

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