A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 616 Before Enrollment

Sangong City, the crown of Tengzhou, three of the five major universities have taken root here.

Blue ice, purple snow, red blood, dragon, immortality.

Sannomiya City is home to the Three Color Universities. Although the three major universities do not cooperate closely, the mere existence of them in one place is already a strong alliance. After all, in addition to the strength of the universities themselves, the strength of the competitors is also very important. , even if they are interested in immortality or dragon soaring, they often choose to come to the Three Palaces City because of the higher competition here.

This special situation has allowed the Three Palaces City to gather almost all the geniuses in Tengzhou. Every year, the Three Palaces Conference is a grand spectacle. The geniuses from all walks of life can be called gods to fight, which is a feast for the eyes of the people of Tengzhou.

And this kind of excitement naturally represents countless losers.

Millions of candidates compete for 3,000 places. It would be strange if there were not many talented people. It can be called a gathering of elites. The quality is not even inferior to that of thousands of years ago...

The entire Sannomiya City is built around the three major universities.

The three major universities occupy the largest area, and the periphery is composed of commercial streets and various other schools. It can be best described as Academy City.

The Wanling Group's Yuyue Garden has existed in Sannomiya City since ancient times, and it also occupies a large area of ​​land that cannot be ignored. It often attracts doubts that it is a waste of valuable land resources, and claims such as the privileges of the upper class are also spread. Very wide.

This is naturally a fact, so the Wanling Group ignores the doubts. As one of the few large groups, Sangong City extremely needs the participation of the Wanling Group to operate. It is born with various privileges such as immunity, and the doubts of ordinary people are completely absent. Wanling Group promises scope.

After hearing this, Yun Ye just sighed, "History is a cycle," and then fell into other troubles.

To be precise, it can't be considered distress. The Sacred Heart of Exalted Immortals made his state of mind stronger than ever before. The problems he faced were just troublesome and required some complaining.

On the next day, after Yun Ye walked out of Longyue Garden, excluding the sudden sudden drop in the concentration of spiritual energy in the air, the various buildings and pedestrians made him dream back to modern times. Although there were some differences, more sci-fi, there was indeed something modern about it. Urban feel.

High-rise buildings, clear blue sky, several large floating spaceships, cleaning robots walking everywhere, and passers-by wearing cool and simple clothes.

Shirts and casual trousers were everywhere, and no ancient costumes were seen at all. Yun Ye seemed to have turned into a giant panda as soon as he left the Obsidian Garden, attracting countless gazes.

"Simple and convenient wins too much..."

There were huge crowds of people.

"Is that the Long family's car?"

"It seems that the little princess Linglong is here!"

"With such a genius appearing on the first day, I wonder where Long Linglong will rank!"

A top-of-the-line Wanling anti-gravity car slowly stopped. This car was actually very rare and attracted a lot of attention.

In this apocalyptic era, spiritual energy is extremely scarce, and methods such as teleportation arrays and flying magic weapons have long been used by no one because they consume too much energy.

Therefore, various vehicles that use solar energy or other non-energy sources have emerged.

The top-end anti-gravity vehicles produced by Wanling Group are among the best, especially the top-end anti-gravity vehicles of the Wanling series, which are worth a lot, at least more than 200 million.

According to today's Tengzhou economy, ordinary people will not earn one million in their lifetime, and the value of 200 million is already terrifying.

But even so, professionals also recognize the practicality of the Wanling anti-gravity vehicle and believe that it is completely worth 200 million.

According to the practice of Wanling Group's high-end cars, each Wanling anti-gravity vehicle is different and can be freely customized, so its owner can be identified.

This car is even more special. It is engraved with the logo of Wanling Group. It is obviously the special car of the little princess of Wanling Group.

inside the car.

The driver was someone else.

Yun Ye and Linglong were sitting in the back seat, and Linglong's hand was already on the car door.

"Linglong, will you also enroll in Zixue? Which subject?"

Yun Ye asked before getting out of the car.

Linglong was wearing a school uniform, not a maid uniform, and there was some vague excitement in her mood. She was not here to visit.

"In the Divine Law Department, I am good at solving dangers before they occur, so the chairman asked me to enroll with the young master and follow the young master's instructions at any time - and I am a junior student of Zixue High School."

In other words, without the additional factor of Yun Ye, she would have enrolled in Zixue.

"I see. By the way, Linglong, just call me Liusheng in school, no need to be polite."

Yun Ye said.

"Well, thank you, Master."

Linglong nodded.

The car door opened immediately, and the two people got out of the car from the left and right and landed smoothly, showing an extremely high level of spiritual control.


Among the roaring crowd, there were still too many people looking at him.

Linglong didn't lie. She was not only a student of Zixue Elementary School, but also a famous figure. She attracted a lot of attention as soon as she appeared.

However, this kind of attention is just a normal reaction to the accumulation of ordinary reputation, but it is completely incomparable with Yun Ye's natural charm.

He just stood beside Linglong, and all the light of this beautiful lady of heaven was taken away.

"What a beautiful young man! Moreover, wearing a Taoist robe...it actually fits him so well!"

"Why is Long Linglong standing with this boy? What does it have to do with it!"

"Angry, it's an eyesore, woman!"

Both men and women couldn't take their eyes away. They instinctively felt that this boy was special.

The mood even continued to rise, and a large number of spiritual equipment began to issue warnings, thinking that the owner might be controlled by divine magic, and the scene was in chaos for a while.

"Uh..." Linglong had expected this situation, but she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. That's right. She specializes in divine arts and is a super genius among thousands. She has no resistance to this kind of charm, let alone the candidates who are far inferior to her, and even those accompanying family members who have long abandoned their practice. "..." Yun Ye silently pressed his hand on his forehead, and the divine law took shape, completing a kind of seal. He became a mysterious veiled "beauty", but it was not a veil like a swagger, but a sealing technique to suppress charm. This technique forms a tight hoop mark under the forehead, which is covered by bangs, allowing his charm to return to the range acceptable to ordinary people. He had been worrying about the conspicuousness of the Taoist robe, but he forgot that in this life, his appearance and temperament alone are also outstanding and difficult to conceal. But it doesn't make any difference. Wearing a gorgeous Taoist robe is conspicuous enough. "Wearing a Taoist robe, is he another ancient-style genius?"

"I hope he really has the ability, not just a skin."

"From the temperament alone, I'm afraid he can't be an ordinary person, and he and Long Linglong are standing together... are they super geniuses secretly cultivated by the same group?"

"It's possible. It is said that some skills require a Taoist heart. Returning to nature and triviality can calm the mind and comprehend this mysterious state of mind."

"By the way, this person is too beautiful. Is he really a man? I don't believe it!"

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