A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 623 Actual Rank Test


There was a lot of noise.

A boy and a girl sat at the same table, but the huge dining table was empty. The candidates who had no seats would rather eat standing than get close to the two of them.

"Congratulations in advance. You already have perfect scores in four of the five major exams. You are indeed your trump card. It seems that you are the newbie king this year."

Linglong also made a judgment based on her own knowledge.

Although it is extremely difficult to defeat the genius in three subjects and become the rookie king, if you get perfect scores in all subjects, there will be no problem.

"Keep up the good work and maintain this momentum."

Linglong clenched her fists expressionlessly.


Yun Ye did not comment on Linglong's cheering behavior. If it were another person, the value might be negative.

He just smiled and continued eating.

Speaking of which, due to his physical condition, Yun Ye actually consumes a lot of resources. If he is in an environment with insufficient spiritual energy, he will be very uncomfortable.

For this reason, even if he has the seal of the immortal clan on his body, he is gradually shutting down various functions and reducing his power consumption.

Here we have to talk about "physique".

Physique and spiritual roots look similar, but they are actually two completely different things, with completely different functions and meanings.

The purpose of the birth of spiritual roots is to allow humans to control spiritual power more conveniently, reduce the consumption of magic methods, and amplify the combat effectiveness of various spiritual methods.

The strengthening of spiritual roots only increases the utilization rate, which always puts a burden on the body.

Physique is different. Since physique is extremely resource-consuming and requires an environment rich in spiritual energy from heaven and earth to support it, very few people are born with a strong physique. Most of them are only rudiments and will continue to absorb spiritual energy and various substances to complete them as they grow. Eventually it reaches the point where it can fully bear the spiritual roots.

It can be said that the main responsibility of the physique is "cultivation", and it is natural to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to quickly become stronger.

This kind of strengthening is "cultivation", which is an improvement in realm and is not the same dimension as spiritual roots.

Now that the Hongtian Realm has entered the Age of Ending Dharma, children such as Long Linglong and Chi Xueluo have no physical signs and are completely in a state of silence.

In essence, they have failed to fully utilize the power of their physiques, which is far more than what they appear on the surface. There should be even more amazing growth in the future.

The white-haired boy mentioned that it would take three years for them to catch up with Yun Ye now.

Three years.

This number is naturally not long, but too short. It only takes three years to catch up with Yun Ye?

Twenty thousand years ago, this kind of thing could only be done by those super geniuses who had revived in ancient times.

"Even if the Dharma is over, we have found a new path, which is commendable."

The actual test site is the center area of ​​a forest.

The forest is made of spiritual trees, and it is said that it has the ability to survive and repair itself without relying on spiritual energy.

The open space in the center of this spiritual tree is regarded as an ideal fighting venue, because the spiritual tree can not only repair itself, but also humans.

The students who had not left on their own after the three tests all gathered at this actual test site.

There were 300,000 students on the first day. By the last session, there were only about 5,000 students left.

The vast majority of students have passed the overall score ranking of the first four exams and already know that staying is a waste of time, so they give up and leave.

There are also some who know that they have no hope, but want to see the gap between the top talents and their own strength, and stay here purely to watch.

On this aspect, the school will not reject it. The more talents there are, the better it can reflect the level of the university, and the more talents it can attract in the future.

Candidates who retreat after being shocked are exactly the type of candidates that no college is willing to accept. No matter how talented they are, it is meaningless. It is better to leave as soon as possible to avoid trouble in subsequent teaching.

The five major universities are the core of the Immortal Dynasty's Ten Thousand Years Project and are of great significance. Any problems will be a huge loss to the Immortal Dynasty.

Not to mention that Zixue's purpose is to cultivate all-round talents, even if it is not the case, it is impossible to pretend to be just a few.

"They are all the best of the best, and this level is only the first day."

After Yun Ye and Linglong arrived at the venue, they couldn't help but sigh.

After the three-day exam is over, 3,000 people will be screened out. Except for the top 100 people present, the rest of the 5,000 people don't know whether they can stay.

There are so many people who want to enroll in Zixue!

Wealth, status, lifespan, everything can be obtained in the five major universities, which is almost the best choice for the entire Immortal Dynasty!

Amid the hubbub and discussion.

The white-haired boy and many teachers came out, and everyone made room for them to walk to the center.

"The actual combat test is the last test. This is the least important and most important test. It is personally conducted by us seniors."

The white-haired boy stretched out his arms, full of vigor, "You may or may not know me, so let me introduce you!"

"I am He Shiguang, the tenth member of the All-Professional Elite Society of Zixue University. I am twenty-five this year. I am good at physical skills. In the official rating, I am: fifth-level professional monk, rated A! Okay, the introduction is over. I believe everyone has understood As far as I know, many people are targeting ten seats, right?"

"It's not a good freshman if you don't want to be a freshman in the tenth seat. I also longed for it, and finally overcame all obstacles and made it to the end!"

"And this year, unprecedented talents have appeared, so the entire society has decided to give everyone a chance!"

"An opportunity to challenge ten seats!"

"I'm right here, not going anywhere, allowing you to challenge. Your performance will determine the actual combat score. Dao weapons will be involved in the entire battle, so I can't cheat, and neither can you!"

"How are you? Are your blood boiling?"

The words fell.

The vision is spreading.

A giant suddenly stood up, standing tall against the sky and the ground. His aura was so terrifying that the whole place was shocked.

The white-haired boy standing in front of the giant pointed his finger in the sky, and the physical star ring trembled and appeared. Nine of them overlapped and turned into a solid circle behind it.

When the magic power is condensed to the extreme, it forms an aura that resonates with the physical phenomena. All the candidates seem to be facing the giant's earth-shaking roar.

With a crash, hundreds of candidates stepped back with pale faces, even vomiting blood, but they were seriously injured at the beginning.

"Ten seats are testing our actual combat capabilities, and we actually do it for real... Isn't it a test of the same practitioners, the same scale, and the same nature?"

"This doesn't look like fellow practitioners at all!"

Even the top geniuses look gloomy. They have just entered school, and they can barely resist the momentum and still want to fight with real swords and guns?

"Don't worry, there are rules for Taoist weapons. I can only use power of the same scale, same nature, and same level of cultivation. This is just an appearance. Don't be fooled."

He Shiguang laughed.

If you are a Dao weapon user, you can indeed see that this space is shrouded in the Dao domain, and the rules are continuing to take effect.

In this case, no matter who he fights with, the three dimensions will be suppressed to the same level, and only the physical effects and physical attainments will not be affected.

This is a battle that is a fair test of actual combat performance!

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