A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 640 Zixue Xin came to the door

"Yes, that's the correct answer."

"You basically didn't learn any theory before, and the written test focused more on the practice side, which is purely practical technology. But after you enroll, the focus will shift to 'development technology', and you will learn a lot of knowledge to fill it in."

"The reason why the school has such high requirements for students is because it is impossible to keep up with subsequent studies without talent."

"You have been studying for half a month and are basically familiar with the courses. It is time to build your own spiritual system. In a few days, the school will open the Super Memory Library and officially enter the "foundation building" stage."

"——In the outside world, even using divine consciousness to scan and learn, it is impossible to compare with the Super Memory Library. This is a cloud network based on the Super Spirit Computer, supported by Tianmian Taoist tools, and the learning speed is as fast as divine consciousness. More than a million times, it just depends on how much you can bear. At this stage, you will also officially open your personal dashboard and clearly plan your future study courses."

"get out of class is over!"

Nanxi left the classroom with Ha Qie in her arms. She was in charge of Class 1 of the Spiritual Arts Department. She was also responsible for courses such as practical combat, but they were not common.

Most of the time, students enter the Lingzi online battle by themselves. Only on Fridays, Nanxi will conduct practical teaching.

After class, the whole class started discussing the Cave Heaven Method. During class, Nan Xi was teaching alone, and there was little interaction. After class, they could discuss it with each other, and if they had any questions, they could ask Nan Xi. Although his attitude was lazy, Nan Xi He is professional and answers all questions.

"Qing Liusheng, why don't you go have dinner together at noon?"

The figure in Taoist robes did not join the discussion. When he walked out of the classroom, many people shouted.

"If the whole society comes to me with something, you eat first."

Yun Ye shook his hand and disappeared from sight.

"Hey, it's rare that you actually go to the National Academy of Sciences at noon. Xie Jinglun, you should know something, right? Hey, where is Xie Jinglun?"

someone asked.

"He left a long time ago. Didn't you hear that the Super Memory Library is about to open? This matter must be implemented by the All Academy. He should have gone to the All Academy like Qing Liusheng."

someone said.

"Where's the magpie?"


"Hey, I still want to ask Lingzi to fight. Qing Liusheng's advice is much more useful than the teacher."

"It's a waste of people's time. Even if Qingliu lives his life all day long, with his physique, he will naturally grow faster than you."

"I have mixed feelings, and I was suddenly labeled as 'the ignorant villain A who benefits himself at the expense of others and slows down the growth of the protagonist.'"


"Everyone, calm down. Have you mastered the learning methods? Have your thinking concepts changed? The exam will be held in a few days after the Super Memory Library opens. Don't be slapped in the face by other classes then."

The literary girl with glasses walked in and patted the table. She had already left, preparing to have a good meal and prepare for the afternoon study and practice. However, she was sucked back by the conversation in the class. Even if it was just a joke, she couldn't understand it. .

"Yes, yes, I'm working hard!"

"Lord Magpie said so!"

Several of the parties involved nodded as if facing a formidable enemy.

The literary girl glanced at a few people coldly and left, but before leaving, she said: "It's Xique, not Magpie. You'd better be fully prepared for actual combat, otherwise, ha!"

Several people's expressions instantly froze.

It’s over!

Yu Hua Xique is second in the spiritual arts department after Chi Xueluo and Xie Jinglun. He is completely different from his appearance. He is extremely violent and has no idea what mercy is. He is a complete monster.

"You are destroying yourself. Be careful what you say, you three~~~"

Human beings cannot understand each other. Others just wanted to laugh and left the classroom briskly.

There are only 3,000 students in the first grade of Zixue University, with 20 classes in each subject, totaling 60 classes.

As far as theoretical classes are concerned, one teaching building is enough, but for actual practice or actual combat, one teaching building is obviously far from enough.

At this time, the huge area of ​​​​Zixue University becomes meaningful. Basically, each class has its own venue.

In addition to open battle fields, these venues also have public venues with various facilities, including barriers, spiritual formations, or other things.

Among them, the one that caught Yun Ye's attention the most was the original spiritual grass flower bed...

That's right.

Zixue University has a flower bed of primitive spiritual grass, with about a hundred primitive spiritual grass planted on it. Basically, there is such a flower bed in front of every teaching building.

The function is the same as in the past, which is to transform spiritual energy and increase the concentration of spiritual energy. The difference is that now the converted spiritual energy will be stored, and the concentration will be kept at a low level to avoid burdening the spirit locking array.

When Yun Ye went upstairs, he walked through the air passage between the two teaching buildings and accidentally saw someone taking care of the original spiritual grass flower bed.

He was an old man with no cultivation and a completely ordinary person. He eradicated some new primitive spiritual grasses, leaving only a hundred mature ones.

"The original spiritual grass is still in this form, why isn't it improved?"

Yun Ye couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"This is a job that ordinary old people can do. It does not consume any spiritual energy and can provide jobs. Is there any need for improvement?"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind Yun Ye. He looked over and saw a girl with purple hair and ice-snow hairdress looking at him with a smile.

Wearing a simple long dress, there is no decoration except for hair accessories. Only her temperament and appearance are stunning.

"Chief Zixue? Why do you say this? In today's Hongtian world, the existence of jobs does not seem to be that meaningful."

Yun Ye said.

"Haha, you can't say that. The meaning of human beings is to be needed or to do what they want. If everything is replaced by machines, wouldn't humans be very sad? Based on this concept, even unnecessary jobs will be retained , leave it to humans as much as possible.”

Zixue Xin asked back.


Yun Ye fell silent.


During the Tomorrow Meeting in Baishi Town, everyone already had enough to eat and drink, let alone after the establishment of the New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty?

In today's era, even if you don't work, the government will pay you, and it will even provide you with a free learning opportunity at every other stage. You don't have to worry about survival, and you can freely choose your future development direction.

This is a perfect system.

It has almost reached the ultimate form of Yun Ye's ideal society, but the new Tianxian Dynasty has directly surpassed the ultimate form of his imagination.

Two thousand yuan is the limit that most ordinary people can earn, so...

The reason?

Naturally, it's because the technology of the Red Sky Realm is so terrible that it has been fully automated and does not require manual labor at all.

If human abilities do not reach a certain level, hiring them is a pure loss-making business.

Even creative work, such as painting, film, television, and literature, is not a problem in the Red Sky Civilization that can directly give machines super intelligence.

Under such circumstances, how much value and significance is left for ordinary people?

If the rules of heaven were not re-established later, the work of the weapon spirit must be controlled by humans, and ordinary people in today's society would have fewer paths to take.

So Zixue Xin firmly refuted Yun Ye - that's not possible, unnecessary jobs must be set up.

"Why did the chief come to the first grade?"

Yun Ye didn't talk about this issue. He felt it was unnecessary, but he didn't deny its significance.

Some people just can't sit still and want to find something to do, but they can't do anything too complicated. Sweeping the floor and cutting flowers seem very good to them.

"I just came back and wanted to see how my junior is doing now. You are the 'strongest freshman representative in history', so it is natural that you will be noticed."

Zi Xuexin joked.

"It's too exaggerated. There are countless geniuses in Zixue's long history. How can I be called the strongest newcomer in history? Chief, what do you want from me? If you have time, you can go upstairs and discuss with me in detail. The first grade will start in a few days. Chaoyi Library, the first-grade society just needs to go through the relevant procedures.”

Yun Ye said.

"It's just a meeting. Junior brother, go and do your work. I'm looking forward to your performance in the freshman competition. If you can win the top three, you will be qualified to explore the multiverse. I'll see you then."

Zixue Xin walked gently in front of Yun Ye, carrying a wisp of fragrance, and disappeared into the stairwell.

"The top three... places are much less than expected."

Yun Ye also withdrew his gaze and continued to walk to the top floor.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, give it to me! Come down!!"

The whole society office was in chaos.

It can be said that the chicken is flying and the dog is jumping.

The pink-haired girl sat on the top of the bookcase, swaying her legs and showing a sly smile, while the literary girl folding the books in her hands below was glaring at her: "It's really unseemly. Don't jump to high places while wearing a skirt, and don't look like you're showing off at every turn. Consciousness, disturbing others’ purity!”

"Classmate Yu Hua, it's because you're too sensitive that I don't emit my consciousness. This is something I'm born with." The pink-haired girl licked her fingers, which seemed to taste like something.

Seeing this scene, Yuhua Xique's hair stood upright after being touched. He shook his hand in anger, and powerful spiritual power immediately emerged.

"You ■■!" Omitting the curse words, Yu Hua Xique scolded and started to take action, trying to catch Tian Xiaoxiao and teach him a lesson, but the result was that Tian Xiaoxiao disappeared like a phantom.

As one of the top three divine magicians, Tian Xiaoxiao is no weaker than Long Linglong in terms of divine magic attainments, so how could he be easily caught by the spiritual magic cultivator.

"Heaven! Dawn! Dawn!"

Just before the conflict escalated further, Yun Ye finally arrived and comforted him: "Yu Hua, don't worry, I'll hammer her for you..."

"Hey, why are you helping her? Aren't I cute?!" Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know when she sat on the window sill. She crossed her thin white legs and asked confusedly as she felt her own charm. road.

This... is indeed cute.

However, Yun Ye had principles. He said righteously: "Yu Hua is in the same class as me, so of course I will help her. Come down and get beaten."

"Woo~" Tian Xiaoxiao looked at everyone pitifully, hoping to get help. Everyone was used to looking at him without squinting.

Seeing that no one took action, Tian Xiaoxiao had no choice. She couldn't escape the monster, so she had to appear in front of Yun Ye, with her big watery eyes open, trying to pass the test in a cute way, but Yun Ye raised her hand and bounced him hard. After flicking his head, he immediately rolled to the side holding his head again.

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