PENCHET, the fastest update on the latest chapter of Noble Marriage [Anna]!    It would have made no difference, but today he was in the midst of being watched.

There were few onlookers, and his wife was the only one, looking at him with unblinking eyes.

"Skeeva has his own shavers, and he loves them very much, sometimes even says they're his little cuties."

Karenin rubbed a hot towel over his now-glazed chin as he scrubbed the prop, "I'm used to doing this myself."

"There used to be so many business trips that it was impossible to have a servant who was good at shaving around at all times, except when it was necessary." He said carelessly, then wiped the water from his hands, then wiped his face again, very carefully and deliberately, even as if he had a little cleanliness.

Anna knew that in a position like his, intelligence was essential, as was a decent pie. She got up earlier today, so it was rare to see Karenin's early morning cleaning routine.

There was nothing special about it, but it was just a little sharper. It's just that she is probably one of the few women who only discovered what her husband looked like with a beard after so long a marriage. After all, the latter gets up too early every day.

Karenin took another look at his face in front of the mirror, making sure he had meticulously taken care of all the corners with the razor. Then he picked up his washed shirt from the next ready shirt, ready to button it up one by one. But just as he did so, he suddenly stopped. He noticed that his wife was not avoiding the matter at all.

"Do I have to avoid it?" Anna suddenly realized this too, and her face suddenly flushed. Even though they'd had more intimate contact, not during the day.

"I swear, I, I have nothing on my mind." She said a little dryly. She really wasn't lying. There was absolutely no hint of bad thoughts in her eyes before this, but after being reminded of it at this moment, she did have that little thought.

"No harm." Karenin coughed lightly.

Although being a husband said so, but Anna felt that her heart was not able to be pure to look directly at her husband's body anymore, so she quickly turned around and prepared to leave.


Karenin called out to her.

"What?" Anna asked instead of turning around immediately.

"I need your help." Karenin said after a moment.

Anna turned her head at those words.

The summer sun was pouring in through the window, but it couldn't light up the room all the way. She was standing right in the light zone, and Karenin's only cheek was stained with sunlight on the left side of his face.

The shirt is open, and the half-exposed chest is relatively white, and the color of the arms and neck is distinguished. The throat knot was high, the shoulders flat and wide, and becoming narrow and thin to the waist, a natural figure for dressing.

"Anna, I need your help."

Karenin repeated again, this time in a smooth voice.

Anna took a deep breath, then walked over to him. Although they had been married for some time, Anna had done this before.

Karenin had always been the type to not leave things to others when he could do them himself, so to hear him say something like that was simply surprising, and, well, somewhat faintly moving.

"I've never done this for you before." Anna laughed a little, the shyness having left.

"I guess it shouldn't be that hard." Karenin said, fingers resting gently on the back of Anna's hand.

"Like this."

Anna flinched, thinking at first that Karenin really thought she didn't know how, and was just about to clarify, but then gave up on the idea. Because, Kalenin, who was seriously explaining something, was very heartwarming.

Even though at the moment he was not holding a shotgun, a symbol of male power, or anything that could shake up the Russian political forum, and he was even just telling his wife a small thing carefully, it was very nice anyway.


Karenin stopped moving and called his wife's name with some surprise. For the latter was leaning into his arms.

"If I'm sad, can I talk to you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Karenin said with concern.

Anna shook her head, "I'm not upset about anything right now, I just wanted to ask you."

Kalenin sighed with relief and replied, "Naturally you can, Anna, I am your husband, and I can listen to anything you have to say if you want."

"I think that you should be because you love me, so I can spill my guts to you." Anna huffed jokingly, she just didn't want to really hold back a few sobs at such a happy time, so she chose to change the subject a bit.

The joke had been intended for that purpose, so she hadn't thought Karenin would answer, or that answer.


"What?" Anna didn't react.

For half a second, there was a sudden silence in the air, and then Karenin whispered, "Because I love you."

If time could be rewound, Anna would tell her previous self that no matter what you have to believe in your choice, that man, who is worthy of your deep love for the rest of your life, please never doubt that.

The good mood of the morning continued, and after Karenin left for the ministry, Annuschka reminded Anna that at ten o'clock the Duchess of Yuspov would come to visit with her only son.

Since the last kidnapping, the Duchess Yuspov had been saying that she wanted to visit Anna, and her husband had been in contact with Karenin, who needed the support of the Duchess Yuspov for his recent new policy. So, naturally, Anna had to entertain the Duchess Yuspov and the little boy.

At ten o'clock, the Duchess of Yuspov arrived on time with her only son.

"Good day, Duchess Yuspov."

Anna greeted the slim woman of medium height but still charming with enthusiasm, who returned the warm greeting.

"Good day, madam."

The Duchess of Yusupov's only son, Lennart, also greeted Anna with great courtesy. Anna kissed the little boy on the cheek.

The boy was a little older than Andrei, with slender bones and curly brown hair like his father's, but with sea-blue eyes inherited from his mother.

When Anna first saw Lennart, she almost thought he was a doll, with crystal clear skin and beautiful features that are rarely seen. Only at that time, the boy seemed a little frightened, almost did not speak, and now it seems that he has recovered. Although it can not say lively, but still with a smile on his face.

"Although such an unfortunate incident happened some time ago that forced the ball to be cancelled, I think it is still perfect for the ball to continue next month." Duchess Yuspof said with a smile.

Her pretty face still looked a little young, but in reality she was quite mature and bold in her words and actions.

"Lennart is eleven years old, it's time to expose him to some things." Duchess Yusupov said calmly.

Anna looked over at the boy who was quietly sipping his black tea, and looked past the curly hair, and surprisingly felt a sense of destiny.

After Duchess Yuspov took her son's leave, Anna sat there on the balcony while Annuschka brought her fresh strawberries.

"I bought them back from the market this morning on purpose. Yesterday Monsieur reminded me that strawberries are the best at this time of the year."

Anna looked at the small strawberries still dripping with water on the table and smiled a little.

"Annuschka, sit down." Anna said.

Annushka was used to it now, not as formal as before. When no one was in sight, she didn't stick too much to the routine regulations. As Monsieur had said, most of the time go along with Madame.

Anna asked Annuschka to eat with her, but the latter ate, but she did not dare to eat freely, and she did not force her. This is already very good.

This place is not worried about food and clothing, but want a friend who can be equal to the heart is not so easy.

Anna is also not obsessive, she always has a more amiable as well as easily satisfied attitude towards life.

"Actually, I was thinking about a problem." Anna wiped her hands and said with some embarrassment.

"What is it? Madam." Annuschka asked.

"Do you think, here, there will be a small child already?" Anna asked, gently resting her hand on the small of her back.

Although Annuschka would be very resistant and embarrassed about having contact with a strange man, Anna's question did not make her look timid or shy. She smiled a little with a look unbecoming of her age.

"Probably so."

"You and Monsieur have been married for some time, too, haven't you?"

Anna heard Annuschka's answer and then remembered that she and Karenin were not newlyweds anymore to outsiders, but it was not something she could continue to tell Annuschka. So she smiled and continued to eat the rest of the strawberries.

"Have you saved them for Monsieur?" Just put it on her lips and dabbed it with water, Anna suddenly remembered this question. Then she got a little embarrassed herself, she hadn't really thought about it at first when she was eating.

"I know, it has been saved." Anu was the card said, and she smiled a little, "Sir didn't say to save it for him, but I thought you would surely do so."

"So you know me so well!" Anna joked.

Annuschka shook her head and laughed softly, "You are not difficult to understand, madam."

Anna did not continue to ask, although people can not say that they know themselves 100%, but the general what is like always know.

Anna actually does not like to fight for anything, she does not have too high demands on life. Although she did not have parents, such a smooth character is also too rare, but perhaps some people's nature from birth is predetermined.

They do not complain about life, are content with the present, and cherish the people around them. This kind of ordinary happiness is precisely the same reason why you can experience it more deeply because you have not had parents.

Married and together, then soon, perhaps, there will be a child.

Anna was in the lavatory, she looked carefully at her belly, gently drew a circle on it with her palm and thought: here, soon there will be a still child?

Although she wanted to imagine that scene realistically, but due to lack of experience, in the end she could not really understand that feeling, but just thought, it should be happier if there is a child.

In the evening, when Karenin returned to bed after washing up, he found his wife still awake and looking at him with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Karenin asked as he lifted the covers.

Anna automatically and habitually went to find Karenin's arm and lay on it, laying down for a moment and then looking at the other man, asking if it was okay.

"Yes." Karenin replied, adjusting his own position.

Anna then gently patted the pillow, which belonged to her, and then said a little about the events of the day.

"The child?" Karenin repeated.

"Yes, don't you remember?"

"Yes, I remember. Duke Yusupov's only son, what happened to him?"

"Don't you think the boy is very pretty?" Anna asked.

"Pretty is not a good word to describe a boy, Anna." Karenin said, then recalled, "But the boy did inherit his parents' good qualities. Although there is absolutely no basis for judging a person by his appearance, it is also true that people with good looks are more likely to do things smoothly."

"But even a beautiful child, even if he has just experienced such a terrible thing still has to gradually take his own responsibility." Anna said, with Lenart's aquamarine eyes in her mind.

"There's no shirking responsibility, Anna." Karenin patted his wife's hand.

"I know, I just think he's so young." Anna sighed as she looked over at her husband, "There's actually another reason I care so much about this."

"What's the reason?"

"The boy's hair was brown and a little curly, and his eyes were aquamarine."

"So?" Karenin wrinkled his brow, seemingly a little confused.

Anna held her breath for a moment before she began to breathe again. She straightened up and kissed her husband on the brow bone: "I was thinking, if we have a child later, maybe he'll have curly hair like this and blue eyes like yours, and he'll be very cute."

Karenin looked at his wife, and from those gray eyes he felt as if he understood the concerns, even though they were not articulated in words.

"Responsibility is unavoidable, Anna. Although my parents died young, if we had a child, at least, we would be there for him. I think as long as that's the case, then there's no need to worry too much about anything."

"No matter what happens, we will always be there for him."

Anna listened to Karenin's words and did not speak for a long time.

Karenin was right, she thought. No one is born knowing how to be a good parent, but the greatest joy of living is the courage to try. For children too, parental companionship is indispensable.

"My parents, they died very young, and I was raised by my aunt, who was a rather strict person, so I'm not sure, I mean, if we had a child now, if I would be able to do it all right."

"Of course you can, Anna." Karenin said, embracing his wife and offering her comfort.

While the chances that they will have a child now are very slim, and most husbands would even become impatient with the subject, Karenin will not.

If this were an official document, Karenin would have simply endorsed an opinion that did not require further discussion and let the document become disposed of and permanently sealed. But this was not an official document, it was the words of his wife, an annoyance, a confession.

As Karenin said before, since the commitment, since it is the other's husband, the wife's words always need to be listened to patiently, not ignored or pooh-poohed for their meaninglessness.

"I believe that if this is true, you will be a good mother."

"If there's something you're not doing well, I think we can discuss it and make adjustments. It's nothing to worry about."

"Don't forget, Anna, I'm your husband, not just a furnishing in any room. As I promised you, you can always confide in me about any problem."

After Kalenin finished, he kissed his wife's forehead, a warm gesture that caused Anna to place herself more tightly in his embrace.

"Okay." Anna responded softly, her mood softening and becoming more settled.

After confirming that his wife was asleep, Karenin loosened up a bit so that both could sleep peacefully.

He looked at his wife's sleeping face, the soft lines, and the relaxed lip line, so he kissed the former again on the lips.

He was not placating his wife, but telling the truth. Karenin was fully convinced that Anna would make a very good mother, while he, like his wife, was somewhat faintly confused as to whether he could be a very good father, but Karenin would always try.

If they had had a child by now, Karenin felt that whether he was smart or not, or pretty or not, one thing would never change, and that was that he and Anna would always love that child.

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