Penchant, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Noble Marriage [Anna]!    Seryozha is a kind-hearted child.

He loves books, but is a bit sensitive. This happens when Anna tells him some fairy tales, and if this is not a warm comedy ending, then Seryozha may be sullen all day.

At first, Anna tried to explain to Seryozha that it was just some story, but the pretty little face faced her, and his father's blue eyes looked at her with some sadness, and asked: "But I know, sometimes these things happen to us too."

Anna knew he was referring to the fact that sometimes they had to part with some people. Although they could still spend some time looking for those people if they wanted to, the separation was still undeniable.

"I know I shouldn't be sad." Seryozha sniffled, "I'm sorry, but I guess I couldn't help it."

He apologized so sincerely, as if he was burdening others because he was so compassionate, and at this point, Anna couldn't bear to say anything else. In the end, she could only try not to give him these stories with sad endings.

And when Seryozha can read on his own, this coddling protective behavior is impossible to completely avoid those sad stories.

Such is the case today.

Seryozha has the same habit of morning reading as his father.

After waking up, he would wash up, but was in no hurry to change his clothes. The white robe is very comfortable.

He likes to sit on the windowsill, where there are soft fabrics and a lot of soft embroidered pillows. For a six-year-old's room, everything is in order.

The books on the bookshelf were placed very neatly, almost without a stain. You know, these days, even if young boys like to read, but also like to eat while flipping through carelessly, books become tattered is almost parents have long recognized the fact. But Seryozha loves every book.

His still somewhat tender, but can see the future will have a pair of hands as beautiful as his mother's, always gently when stroking the pages of the book.

When flipping through, the boy's strength is always gentle and restrained.

Seryozha leaned back on the cushion, a little more lazy than in the daytime. The slightly baby-fat face was dyed a layer of gold by the morning light, long eyelashes curled, occasionally blinking a few times.

Half an hour of reading time, Xie Liao Sha finished reading that story.

Then, at breakfast, the mother was the first to notice that her son was in a somewhat depressed mood.

"What's the matter? Baby." Anna asked.

Seryozha's right hand was holding a fork, and when he heard this, he looked up, pursed his lips for a moment, and then said, "I read a very good story, but, at the end, the boy and his friend were separated. They live far away, and it may be hard to see them again."

"That's a little sad."

Seryozha finished, then repeated in a low voice, his lips trembling softly.

"It's really sad ......"

The movement of the adults dining also stopped. Anna lightly raised her eyes to look at Karenin, who looked like he was in some kind of thinking.

Anna raised her hand and placed it on the back of Karenin's hand, using her eyes to convey "tell him not to worry", who nodded slightly.

After Karenin left to go inside the Ministry, Anna took Seryozha's hand and said with a smile, "Let's go to the countryside for a picnic later, okay?"

Seryozha's eyes were wide open and somewhat puzzled, but in the end he just nodded his head in agreement.

"We can take that book you like best." Anna said as she was packing up her things.

Seryozha flashed a smile.

"You're the best mom." He said, unable to resist giving his mother a hug.

"Bring something to protect you from mosquitoes." Annuschka said.

"Ah, you decide on these, you always think very carefully." Anna said to Annushka, who smiled a little.

Sasha, the cook, had prepared a very fine meal for them, and had carefully added many of Seryozha's favorite fruits.

While Anna was still preparing it, Seryozha was already a little impatient to get to the hall and couldn't resist talking to the concierge Kabidonecki.

"Mom is taking me on a picnic, and I can bring my favorite book." He said somewhat cheerfully, as if all the unpleasantness of the morning had been forgotten.

"I told you about it, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did, and it was a very interesting story." Capitonecki replied with a smile. There was hardly anyone in this house who didn't like Seryozha.

They all liked his pretty face, and what they liked even more was his happy and sweet character. This is a good boy, he has a good upbringing possessed by the young lord of the nobility, and never despise others, but very compassionate.

A few of the servants knew that their husband was in fact a compassionate man, but he rarely showed it, and many of the young servants did not want to believe this fact. So, after seeing such a wonderful young master, they all agreed that it was from the heredity and teaching of the lady.

Seryozha touched the book, then said, with those big bright eyes, "That's a good story."

"It is." The concierge laughed once more, then couldn't resist teasing the other man.

"But you think almost all stories are good stories."

Seryozha smiled a little shyly.

"This is a particularly good story." He emphasized.

"No one is separate and everything is fine. The main character finds his pony, and he gets a good friend."

"Ah, that does sound good." Kabedonecki said with his arms in his hands, "I don't know many stories, but some people always like to make things a little sad, and that's not good."

Seryozha's eyes lit up for a moment, as if he had found a soulmate.


"Sometimes that does make for a good story, but it's too sad."

As if his emotions were stirred, Seryozha slumped a bit.

Kabedonecki noticed and scratched his hair: "But it's just a story, it doesn't need to be taken seriously."

"Ah, I know." Seryozha looked up from his emotions and smiled softly. He was always so considerate, not wanting others to feel a little bothered by him. It was like an instinct, and later on, it followed him almost all his life.

Capitonecki breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm leaving." Seryozha changed the subject, "I'll bring you a present when I return."

"I look forward to it." Kabedonecki waved his hand.

Anna took Seryozha's hand to the carriage and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I was telling him that you were taking me to a picnic, and since Peter couldn't come with us, I would bring him a present when I returned." Seryozha replied cheerfully.

"I'm proud of you." Anna squeezed Seryozha's little hand, who smiled sheepishly.

"The presents are nice, I like presents."

"Peter is also very nice, I like him too."

Seryozha explained.

"But Peter has work, so he can't come with me."

"So, I can bring him a present."

"You did a good job." Anna smiled, "If we like someone, we always need to show it."

"Yes." Seryozha became even happier, because his idea was praised by his mother.

The weather in May was already getting a little hotter, and on the outskirts of the creek, Anna and Annushka placed the picnic cloths and set up the food, with Seryozha helping out. After they had eaten, Seryozha and his mother squatted together by the creek.

"I want those little rocks." Seryozha pointed to the pebbles by the shallow creek and said, "Can I take them home with me? As a gift."

"One or two would be fine."

"Well, I'm not greedy." Seryozha smiled and said, "I'll take two, one for Dad and one for Peter."

"Do you want me to take them for you?" Anna asked.

"Can I do it on my own?" Seryozha said, looking full of courage.

"Yes, you can." Anna decided to grant the boy's wish.

"But in the future, when you want to do that, you must do it in a way that we can see, otherwise that's dangerous. You know what danger can happen, right?"

"Yes." Seryozha nodded, "I could slip, or accidentally step very deep, and that would be terrible."

"You will watch me, right?"

"Ah, of course." Anna said with a smile. She watched as Seryozha took off his shoes and socks, then she helped him roll up his pant legs and proceeded to take his left hand, making sure that if anything happened she was sure to keep him safe.

Seryozha didn't seem worried at all, he always trusted his mother so much.

He walked half a meter away from the creek, which was just up to his calves, a little cool, but also fun.

He stood quietly for a while, then felt a small fish kissing his bare skin. The tickling made him giggle and wink back at his mother with a cute "shhh" gesture.

"Do you want them?" Anna asked in a whisper.

Seryozha nodded, then shook his head again and said cheerfully, "I like the little fish, but they're better here." After saying that, Seryozha moved his feet, then bent down to take advantage of the clear stream and picked out two.

"The white one for Peter and the black one for Dad." Seryozha said after going ashore.

Anna wiped Seryozha's feet and then put on her socks and shoes again.

The afternoon sun spilled down, and she and Seryozha lay together in the shade, with Annushka insisting on sitting, and she brought her needlework.

"Mama, do you see that cloud looks like a pony?" Seryozha asked, pointing to the clouds in the sky.

"Like, maybe it's really a pony that lives in the sky."

"Then what do they eat?"

"What do you think?"

Seryozha thought with a small frown, "Maybe it's the wind?"

"Maybe it is."

"That's why the birds are flying in the sky? Because there are also their good friends in the sky."

"Maybe that's true. After all, we live on the ground and can't know them completely, can we?" Anna said gently along with Seryozha childishly, who had a pleasant expression on his face.

"You see, baby. The little bird has her good friends both on the ground and in the sky, and she sometimes leaves some of them, but she always comes back, and her friends can have other good friends while they are waiting for her, so that when she comes back, there will be more friends."

"Does happiness also become more?"

"Yes, like today we came out for a picnic together, but you brought gifts for Peter and for Dad, and you told them our story of the day, so that the happy ones would be five."

Seryozha thought for a moment, then rolled over and let herself snuggle into her mother's arms.

"Will you think I am not brave?"

"I'm always proud of you, baby."

"My teacher said I had to restrain myself; he said being too emotional wouldn't make me a very useful person. He said Dad wouldn't be like that." Seryozha bared his inner concerns.

"I want to be an adult like my dad."

"It's true that being too emotional is not conducive to deciding on a matter, but," Anna kissed the boy's forehead, "it's hard to be a good person who has no compassion or empathy in his heart."

"You're not unbrave, you're just a little too kind, and we all think that's not a mistake. On the contrary, it's a very precious and wonderful quality."

Seryozha blushed a little and snuggled up more to his mother.

"You swear?"

"Yes, I swear I'm telling the truth and not favoring you just because I'm your mother."

"I love you, Mom." Seryozha said, wrapping her small hands around her mother's arms.

"I love you too, baby."

That night, Seryozha wrote in his diary.

"Today I understood something, my mother told me that I have something very precious and I should feel proud of it. If I meet a child like me in the future, I will tell him the same thing and we will become very good friends again."

After writing this paragraph, the tip of Seryozha's pen paused for a moment, then smiled in the light, and with a little blush continued to add a paragraph.

"Just now, Dad also told me that he doesn't think I'll be a bad adult in the future, and that, one day, he believes, I'll be a better person than he is."

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