Penchant, the fastest updated noble marriage [Anna] latest chapter!    This is a burglar-proof chapter "Yes. Sir doesn't like anyone to touch his desk, no matter who it is." The butler replied calmly, with the same temperament as Karenin.

"You are a good housekeeper." Anna said, and Kolny gave her a light smile, indicating that he accepted the compliment.

The dinner prepared by the cook was delicious, but Anna continued to refrain from eating too much of it. She did not want to gain weight. She was still very uncomfortable with the dress here, but fortunately she was slim. If she had to wear a dress that strangled her waist all the time, as she did on her wedding day, she would really die.

After dinner, Anna was in her bedroom reading an English novel. It was obviously written by a woman writer, and some of the stark points made one suspect that it was also written by a crossover.

At about ten o'clock Karenin rang the bell and came in. He looked a little tired.

In this day and age, noble couples slept in separate rooms.

"Well?" Anna asked, putting down her book and walking over to her.

"It's stabilized." Karenin said, then frowned slightly when he saw Anna's appearance, "You should get ready for bed, Anna, sleeping late is extremely bad for your health."

"But as far as I know, you don't get ready for bed until 10:30 every day." Anna laughed.

Taking Anna's meaning, Karenin said, "I have to get all my paperwork done by ten o'clock and then keep up with my reading for half an hour."

Anna winked, "You can come here."

"I mean," she looked a little embarrassed, her eyelashes fluttering, but finally said it, "I'd like you to sleep next to me, always."

"I know it's not very proper, but I still think that since we're already married, why do I have to have a room with my husband?"

Because she was embarrassed, Anna's final words became rapid. She walked over to the bed and patted with one hand the large four-poster bed that could accommodate at least four people.

"You see, the bed is huge, we don't have to waste it."

She held out her hands again and patted it, and it really looked kind of silly.

"I don't snore in my sleep, I should, and probably don't grind my teeth, and Annuschka didn't say I had a habit of talking in my sleep, and the bed is big enough that it won't bother you ......"

She repeated once more that the bed was very big, so much so that her voice eventually just got quieter and quieter.

"So, what do you think?"

Anna lifted her head and looked bravely at the other woman, and to be honest, she actually jerked her head up with a real fierceness of her own. If Karenin hadn't already known his wife well, he would have more than likely been frozen in shock.

"I think," Karenin hesitated for a moment, then said, "your reason seems to have been quite sufficient."

"Don't you think it's funny." Anna asked dryly.

"Not really, probably, I'm slowly getting used to it." Karenin said, a weary look still caught between his brows. But his eyelashes were slightly lowered, and there was a light smile between his lips, making his normally cold features appear very soft at the moment.

Anna felt some voice screaming inside her heart, and then she found herself actually saying it.

"I think you're really very cute right now."

Doubt gathered in Karenin's blue eyes, then became serious and earnest as he snapped up his face.

"Anna, you can't use ......"

But he didn't finish, because his wife was putting her arms around him and kissing him on the lips.

"I won't tell anyone, you're mine." She laughed, and the laughter made the little charming thought fade away.

What emotions were rolling around in his heart, eventually all faded away with the giggle.

"About," Karenin paused, as if he had to use great fortitude to get that word out, "'lovely,' I don't want you to use it to judge me, and I can't stop you if you insist on it, but Anna, I don't want you to say that about me to the outside world."

In the end, Karenin regained his tongue, and he became serious again and slightly more serious.

"I am a government official, and words like 'cute' can diminish citizens' trust in me and even affect our image."

"I know that, of course, and even though I sometimes want the whole world to know it, I will always hold back." Anna, like a koala, seemed to hang herself on Kalenin, a tree that stood straight, and because of her height, she did have to stand on tiptoe to hang her whole body on Kalenin. The latter, in turn, seemed to acquiesce to her soft, boneless appearance.

Anna tightened her arms a little more.

She couldn't see Karenin's expression now, and the other party couldn't see hers, so she could say a little more of what she wanted to tell him, but was always a little embarrassed.

"I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He's very decent, and sometimes he's very sweet. Sometimes he's a little serious, but I know how good he is. I really, really, really like him!"

Anna closed her eyes backwards after she finished herself, and her white ears were a little red as she was waiting for a response, from her lovely husband.

But Anna didn't hear any response, except that suddenly, the hand that had been placed on her waist changed its position.

She was almost a little shocked after she saw the expression on the man's face. At that very moment, Anna was sure of one thing, sometimes there are some loves that really don't need to be promised by asking for them.

You can't ask a sky to give you the color of blue and give you the color of green grass.

You can't ask the wind to give you gentle care and keep it still and quiet.

He had his own way of expressing his affection, perhaps not so bright and sweet, but a heart to get a heart to respond to, is one in a million in the world is lucky, has been obtained why do you want to covet more?

Before she met Karenin, Anna had many definitions of love, both poetic and mundane, with a thousand different adjectives. Now she began to understand that if there is a language that can define the word "love", it is when you are the only one in these blue eyes.

Only you.

That's probably love.

That night, before going to sleep, Anna thought: If this is the greatest response he can give me, I'm satisfied and don't ask for more.

It takes hundreds of millions of light years for the light of a star to reach the earth. It may take more effort than a star for one heart to fall in love with another heart.

What Anna didn't know was that her lack of greed was actually the root of their subsequent happiness. Because, since the beginning, she had felt satisfied with the marriage between them from the beginning of "one", so that in the days to come, having more happiness than "one", every moment was more unexpected surprises.

That night, Karenin once again violated his routine.

He watched his wife in silence for a long time after Anna had fallen asleep.

Both of them remained in a flat position, but Karenin inclined his head and gazed longingly at his wife by the light of the moon, as if to look into her soul.

She was indeed very strange. If Anna was not his wife, if she was someone he had to watch out for in his life, then he would always find out the answer.

But Anna was his wife, so, instead of exploring the truth, questioning, distrusting, Karenin just blamed everything on his wife's uniqueness, on her character, on the fact that she was Anna.

She was, the most unique person in the world, his wife.

Swear in the name of God, the wedding vows, since he promised is for life. Suspicion, mistrust, will never happen.

Since she is his wife, she is the one he must always care for and protect, he will always trust her, his soul is open to her.

No one knew that Karenin had accidentally lost an access card to walk into the heart of Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin during the very conversation that day. And a young girl named Anna found the card and had the foresight to engrave the ownership on it forever, freely entering and leaving the settlement with her quirky and bold words, shy or open smiles. Finally, she told this king.

"I will be in the world of Karenin forever, and you cannot refuse."

The king looked at the young girl, from her willow-like eyebrows, to her gray and kind eyes, to her curved lips, and then granted her permanent access.

"Permission granted."

This girl won't know how valuable what she has is. After all, some people can't even get a temporary residence permit after a lifetime of hard work, while she has easily gotten a permanent account.

Wholehearted devotion and adoration.

A lifetime of trust and support.

Always only to your care and guardianship.

Single-mindedness and never betrayal.

He just doesn't say it easily, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love and cherish.

He just needs a little time to go from being a silent man to beginning to understand that as a husband, he can actually do more than love her from the heart. And it always takes a forgiving wife to make him better, a brave wife to make him say it, and someday it will.

The next day, Anna has a big problem, and she has to ask her husband for help.

Her face was blushing profusely, but it was the only way to make herself feel better.

"Actually, I think that's fine." Karenin whispered, a kiss imprinted on top of Anna's dark hair.

They both felt content, and indeed, Karenin thought that although the marriage was so different and it was full of unpredictability, it was indeed satisfying.

They came home and enjoyed dinner, and Anna, uncharacteristically, didn't say much, she just raised her eyes from time to time to look at her husband.

"What's wrong?" Karenin asked.

Anna said, "It's like you're glowing right now, and I can't help but see you." She sighed again, "I'm so worried that you'll be stolen, like 'dragon's gold coin."

Although Karenin had not heard much of this rare praise and possessiveness from his young wife, he still could not get completely used to it.

So he calmly pointed out the inappropriateness of the analogy once again with a stern face, while her wife giggled.

"Forgive me, you don't have an appeal either, I have a lot of strange metaphors in my stomach." Anna finished taking a bite of mushroom, then raised her eyes again to look at Karenin as if he were the better dish.

Karenin chose to ignore this gaze this time, he had to take in enough food rather than let his mood linger in that out-of-control state.

The next day, Anna decided to do something to thank Karenin.

He helped her sort through the social chaos, so of course she had to do something in return.

"Maybe a little soufflé would be better." Anna said to herself, she couldn't say she was good at cooking, but she still had a knack for making this kind of dessert.

Her previous agent was more strict with her diet, but people are so strange sometimes. You get restricted in one area and sometimes you can't help but find a way to make up for it in other areas.

Women and desserts always seem to be inseparable.

Anna borrowed the kitchen from the cook Sasha, the fat cook was very kind, she lent the kitchen to the mistress of the house, and was ready that the mistress might concoct a disaster. She even quietly with the caretaker Cabildonecki ventilation, but also prepared a few large buckets of water for preparation.

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