A Noblesse Story
Chapter 28 - Volume 2 14 Introductions
Taush: can I go back to Eating ????
Takeo: ya just take it elsewhere ????
Taush went over and grabbed the Elephant type creature and flew off when Takeo turned around to see the others Willow and Nikko were back by a tree with shocked looks on their faces and Ozzie was standing by M21. Takeo sighed and said " like I said before it's best to stay close to us" ????
Ozzie: Stay close???? That Dragon would have killed you if Taush didn't come back and you want us to stay close to you ????
M21: it would be more dangerous if you wondered off like we said this is a different Dimension you have no idea how crazy things are here ????
Willow and Nikko walked over to M21 and Ozzie standing right behind Ozzie
Willow: Um will that Dragon come back? ????
Takeo: probably not Taush seemed to scare it off ????
Ozzie: Probably???? How long until you can open a portal I want to bring Nikko back now ????
Takeo: ooh well Taush is almost done then we can????
About then a big crash hit right behind Takeo it took everyone by surprise as they all turned to see what had dropped there Nikko sensed a energy and hid behind Ozzie as the dust settled down a man's figure stood up as it got clear both Takeo and M21 shifted a bit nervous at the newcomer Ozzie and Willow noticed this Willow couldn't understand why and just kept staring Ozzie took this as a bad sign and started glaring at this man when he started walking towards them stopping a few feet away from Takeo looking right at him he asked " so where is that house wrecking beast of yours "
Meanwhile at Ash's Kindergarten they where all doing well as the Teacher announced that they would be doing something special today as she brought in a box with Chicken eggs in it she pointed to a corner of the room and said "see that its called a incubator does anyone know what that is ?"???? a few hands shot up including Ash and Muzaka
Teacher: hmm Jinnah what do you think the Incubator does ? ????
Jinnah: um does it Bait Ink ?????
Teacher: no sweetheart what made you come up with that ?????
Teacher: ooh i see well that is not the case anyone else want to guess ?????
Ash and Muzaka both raised their hands along with one other girl
Teacher: hmm Chelsea how about you ?????
Chelsea: um its a heater to hatch eggs or keep living things warm ????
Teacher: that is correct so now who can guess why we would need the Incubator ?????
a bunch of the kids raised their hands and both Ash and Muzaka were mixed in with them
Teacher: how about you Ash ?????
Ash: its for the eggs the Chicken eggs i think we are going to try hatching them????
Teacher: yes that is correct so now that we know what the special thing we will be doing today is who wants to pick out their Egg first ?????
Teacher: hmm how about .... ( as the Teacher looked around Muzaka started waving his hand getting excited hoping that she would pick him) hmm Muzaka ????
Muzaka: YESSS he stood up as he walked up to pick his egg ????
Teacher: what one would you like ????
Muzaka: hmm ... ( he looked at all of the Eggs and decided) that one ????
Teacher: ok so tell the class why you picked it and what you will be naming it and use one of the markers here to write the name on it ????
Muzaka: ooh so we get to name them how cool ok so I picked this one because it looks to be bigger than the rest I can tell it is going to be a strong one hmm and I think I will name it Liz after the strongest Woman I have ever met ????
Teacher: hmm that's sweet ok who's next how about Ash ????
Ash: ok ..... I want this one because it's the smallest small and Dangerous hmm and I'll name it ......
Meanwhile at Frankenstein's house Tao walked into the living room and noticed that nobody was there he looked at the note on the counter that stated where everyone had went he sighed and looked around again this time he noticed someone else walking down the stairs it was Karis
Tao: ooh um well they all seemed to have things to do so it's just you and me here ????
Karis: ooh hmm ok you seem exhausted are you sure you don't want to go rest I can watch over the house ????
Tao: no no that's ok I'll be fine ????
Karis: hmm ... alright so what do we do?????
Tao: well I guess we do whatever we want as long as we keep a eye on the house ????
Tao: .... hmm ????
Back in Takeo Forrest
Takeo:... umm well hes Eating right now ????
Takeo:..... haha um well he's well his name is Leo ????
Leo: who brought the Warlock?????
M21: is there a problem with Warlocks being here? ????
Leo: Warlocks are not allowed here unless I allow them to be or are here with someone who I trust ????... so I will ask you again who brought the Warlock ????
Takeo:... ( well I can't really blame him for not trusting us after all I don't trust him soo) I did ???? I'm sorry I didn't know
Leo: hmm fine as long as you leave and next time ask ????
Ozzie:.... what if we don't ????
Leo: .... ????
About then Taush came flying down landing a little bit away from Takeo he looked around seeing Leo glaring at him and popped into his Lizard form and ran to Takeo climbing up his back to his shoulder
Taush: what the heck is he doing here? ????
Takeo: .... ( hes here because of Nikko I guess) ????
Taush: ..... ooooh ya I forgot about that ????
Takeo: ... ( really Taush you knew about this ) ????
Taush: .... I was really hungry and didn't think about it sorry ????
Leo: ooh look its Taush the house wrecking beast ????
Taush: ooh look its Leo the Crazy overreacting Demon ????
Takeo: .... ( Taush your lucky he cant hear you ) ????
Leo: well now that he's finished Eating and I hope he didn't leave a mess ... you guys can leave but before you do tell me why did the Warlock use power? ????
Takeo: ooh we were attacked by another Dragon ????
Leo: so the Warlock used power on this other Dragon? By any chance was this Dragon a Light Dragon ?????
Willow: he didn't use any power he was about to but stopped because he's injured ????
Leo: he ??? ????
Willow: yes Nikko he's the Warlock your talking about ????
Nikko: ..... (he side glanced at Willow thinking why is she standing up for him he wondered for a moment then thought she seemed very familiar but maybe it's just the Red hair)????
Leo: ..... ( he starred at Willow and Ozzie for a moment then sighed after sensing Nikko behind Ozzie) ooh I see he's hiding behind that one ????
Takeo: umm ya I thought you knew and yes the other Dragon was a Light Dragon at least that's what Taush said ????
Leo: well I hope you guys didn't hurt her as that very well could start a war with the Light Dragons and Warlock you can stop hiding ????
Ozzie: his name is Nikko alright ????
Nikko: .... ( he moved out of behind Ozzie and looked at Leo) ????
Leo: hmm hes just a child .... well I guess I will let it go this time just be sure to ask next time ok .....(he looked at Nikko) and where are your parents ? ????
Nikko: ..... ????
Ozzie: hes a mute and he doesn't know because he's been in the Union or on the run from the Union his whole life ????
Leo: hmm well then who is responsible for him?????
Ozzie: I am ????
Leo: and who's responsible for you ????
Ozzie: why you .... ????
M21: I am ...????
Ozzie: what.... ????
Leo: hmm ok I'll hold you responsible for them so if they cause problems it's you I'll come for got it ????
M21: hmm ok ????
Takeo: um ok so I have a question ????
Leo: what is it? ????
Takeo: well you said if that other Dragon got hurt it would cause a war???? What do you mean by that? Taush says its not hurt so you don't have to worry but I was just curious ????
Leo: ooh that Dragon is well you could say shes a Princess of the light Dragons see her mom has asked a few people to try and catch her as she is rebelling and causing some problems but she doesn't want her hurt of course anyways I have things to do so I must get going ????
Takeo: ooh ok we will be leaving as well sorry about this and we will be sure to let you know next time ok ????
Leo: hmm ya ya ooh and tell Tao I said hi ????
Leo took off he was fast so he looked like he just disappeared everyone just stood there for a few minutes Takeo and M21 wondered why he said to say hi to Tao maybe he was still mad about sending the Villagers to his place .....
Takeo: hmm let's head home ..... Taush open a portal to Frankenstein's house ????
At Frankenstein's house Tao and Karis decided to play some card games while they waited for everyone to get back they played several different games but at the moment they were playing Go Fish when the portal appeared and Willow, Nikko, Ozzie, M21 and Takeo with Taush came in right when Tao said "Go Fish "
Karis: awe darn you never have what I need hmm ooh hey guys ????
Tao: ooh you guys are back let's take a break Karis just for a little while ok ????
Karis: ok sure ..... ooh I'm sorry I haven't met you two yet I'm Karis Bluster it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you ooh here a Flower for a beautiful lady ????⚘
Ozzie:... umm thanks I'm Ozzie this is Nikko ????
Nikko:..... ????
Tao: ooh right forgot that you guys haven't met ????
Takeo: ooh Tao umm Leo says Hi .... ????
Tao:..... What ??? Why ???? Hahaha did he seem mad ? ????
M21: actually he didn't when he said that ????
Tao: why does that make me feel worse ????
Takeo:..... he might be still upset about before anyways I need to check on Frankenstein and Rai (Taush open a portal to Frankenstein now)????
Taush opened it and it was in the lord's castle so as soon as it appeared everyone in Frankenstein's house could hear the commotion going on they could see Central knights running around and Ludis as well he was saying "Please Sir Raizel just stop" there also was a bunch of crashes and bangs Karis walked through to see what was going on when he looked around the Castle looked like a mess he was about to say something when Frankenstein walked up
Frankenstein: ooh great maybe one of you guys can help ????
Karis: umm what is happening??? ????
Frankenstein: well this old picky man here decided to see if Raizel could walk ????
Gechutel: um well I didn't know he would do this ????
Everyone in Frankenstein's house realized what was happening and it was Willow who walked through the portal and looked around then said in a soft voice "Rai" ???? at that Rai appeared right in front of Willow holding his hands up to her as a silent plead for her to pick him up she did he hugged her and smiled then looked at Frankenstein with a smile and Frankenstein's irritation melted away ???? he couldn't be upset with his little Master looking so adorable ???????? he sighed and smiled back
Frankenstein: well that works ????
Gechutel: Frankenstein who is this ??????
Lacera: yes I would like to know that as well? ????
Frankenstein: ooh this is Willow shes the Babysitter I was telling you about shes quite good with him ????
Lacera: oh yes I recall you saying something about this hmm it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you Miss Willow you may call me Lacera .... may I ask how you did that ? ????
Willow: ooh I just called him I didn't really do anything and it's nice to meet you as well ????
Lacera: Frankenstein next time you come for a Visit you should bring this Willow with you ????
Frankenstein: haha yeah I will ???? and next time the picky old man won't be allowed to hold him ????
Gechutel: ... ????
Willow: .... ????
Lacera: well until next time you take care Sir Raizel ( she patted Rai on his head )????
Frankenstein: ok shall we get going ????
Frankenstein walked into the portal and right behind him was Willow who was holding Rai and right behind her was Karis after they came back Takeo nodded at Gechutel and Lacera as to say goodbye then told Taush to close the portal everyone was looking at Frankenstein when he sighed
Frankenstein: what is it that's on you minds? ????
Willow: umm Lacera and the old man they were Nobles right? ????
Frankenstein: yes ????
Willow: ooh ok ????
Frankenstein: hmm so anymore questions?????
Ozzie: umm I have one ????
Frankenstein: well what is it? ????
Ozzie: well I was just wondering why everyone was calling him Sir Raizel? And if my suspicions are correct how exactly did that happen?????
About then the door bell rang M21 walked over and looked at the screen then push the buŧŧon to open the door a few moments later the door opened and Yuro walked in M21 thought he must be here to check on Willow before they could walk into the living room from the front hallway a wall of blue Flames blocked their way
M21: .....????
Yuro: ...????
Nikko was holding his hands up to hold the wall of flames in place he looked terrified everyone else was staring at him not sure what he was doing
Ozzie: Nikko what are you doing stop right now ????
Nikko: .... ????
Willow: your still injured it's ok we won't let anything happen to you ok????
Frankenstein: hmm I think I get it now ..... Nikko this is my House remove those flames NOW before something gets burned ????
Nikko: .... ( he pulled the flames away as they disappeared his hands dropped to his side as he started shaking a bit )????
As the flames disappeared Ozzie looked at M21 and glanced over to see Yuro standing next to him this all happened quite fast as Ozzie grabbed for her gun and pulled it out before she got it fully out M21 moved standing right in front of Yuro
M21: Ozzie put the gun away ????
Ozzie: move ????
M21: no ????
Frankenstein: Ozzie I'm going to say this only one time Put that gun away ????
Everyone: ...... ( they all could feel Frankenstein's evil aura)????????????????????????
Ozzie: ... ( she put the gun away ) ????
Frankenstein: now that that's done just so you understand this is not Yuri this is his Twin Brother Yuro ????
Ozzie: ....????
Nikko: ..... ( he looked at Yuro and hesitated a bit then walked over to him grabbed his left arm looking at him again then shoved his sleeve up revealing his forearm there was nothing on it ..... he then let go grabbed his notebook and wrote in it then showed it to Yuro) Sorry...????
Yuro: ... umm it's fine ????
Willow: Mr. Chairman I think we do need a explanation ????
Frankenstein looked at Willow who was standing behind him holding Rai as he did he saw Rai with a much smaller version of his blood wings out Frankenstein gasped then said " Raizel you put those away "????
Rai: mm hm ( he shook his head)????
Frankenstein: put them away now ????
Rai: mm hm ( shaking his head again) ????
Willow: Rai you should listen you could hurt someone ????
Rai: .... ( he looked at Willow then at Frankenstein then let the blood wings disappear then smiled) ????
Frankenstein: hmm I'm going to have to make him something to prevent this from happening again ????
Everyone: ....... ????????????????????????????????
Frankenstein: right well since the secret is out I will explain but just so everyone is clear if any of this information leaves this group with out me giving the ok I'll be sure to hunt you down myself GOT IT ????
Nikko: ..... ( hmm even if I was being tortured by someone I wouldn't say anything after all i was tortured for several years and didn't make a sound.....he looked at Frankenstein and nodded)????
Willow:... of course I would never say anything ( I couldn't live with my self if something would happen to Rai because of me)????
Yuro: umm I'm not sure what is going on here but could I just leave and come back later????
Frankenstein: no you need to hear this as well ????
Yuro: ... hmm ????
Frankenstein: what's wrong are you worried that you can't keep this a secret ????
Yuro: nn no I'm not saying that ????
Ozzie:... ( she looked at M21 and Whispered to him what if we were getting tortured and accidentally slipped)????
M21:...(Whisper) he still would come after you so if that happened just be sure to say anything else but that or just die it would be better to die by the Union than him????
Ozzie: .... right ????
Frankenstein: hmm ok so how should I start hmm well first Ozzie your suspicions are correct Rai here is Cadis Etrama Di Raizel the Noblesse as for why hes a baby that is because he died????
Ozzie: how does that make any sense him being a baby if he died ??????
Frankenstein: hmm well have you ever wondered how Reincarnation works?????
Willow: ooh so he was Reincarnated I think I get it now but why did he die ? ????
Frankenstein: good question hmm to answer this I'll just say he saved the world of course ????
Ozzie: umm ok but how did he die ? I mean he is the Noblesse that means hes the strongest among the world so ??? ????
Frankenstein: your right he is the strongest but see everytime Master uses his powers he uses his life span I'm not sure why or how this happens but that is why I will do anything to prevent him from using his powers and to protect him if you want to know why the others in RK decided to do the same you will have to ask them for yourselves ????
Willow: umm why did you call him Master?????
Frankenstein: hmm that's because he is ... see before he was Reincarnated as a baby I made a contract with him I wont tell you guys everything but I wont hide it either ????
Willow: ...ok ????
Nikko: .... ( he wrote out on his note book and showed it to Frankenstein) when he pulled out his wings just a moment ago did that use some of his life force? ????
Frankenstein: ... I'm afraid so I plan on making something that will suppress his powers so this doesn't happen again so you don't have to look so worried ????
Willow looked at the note that Nikko wrote along with Ozzie they both realized what Frankenstein was talking about
Willow: oh no that's why you looked so upset when he did that .... Mr. Chairman I'll try harder to make sure he doesn't do that ok ????
Frankenstein: Willow your kind but I know incidents like this are bound to happen even before Master was to generous with his powers he would not hesitate to use his powers to save anyone of you here now knowing that the cost would be his own life force ????
Ozzie: why.... why would he do something like that ????
Frankenstein: well I think you will have to ask him that when hes back to his normal self also just so everyone knows Masters Reincarnation is special he had his memories stored elsewhere so he doesn't remember ofcourse that will return to him as soon as he gets to about 18 in looks he also will be growing fast like 2 years or so in a month that's why it's crucial that I keep him safe until hes back to normal if the Union finds out about this they would not stop attacking us because Master is weak you guys understand now ????
Willow: Tao ????
Tao: huh ... what ??????
Willow: yesterday you gave me a RK Number I think it was 9 I want to properly accept it from here on out I'm going to do my best to protect Rai ????
Tao: ohh haha ok ????
Ozzie: hmm well you might as well count me in as well I'm not going anywhere and I wont let anyone hurt him after all he did save my Brother ????
Tao: ooh hmm ok you can be RK Number 10 ????
Nikko:... ( he walked over to Tao tapped him on the arm and pointed to himself)????
Tao: ok ok you can be RK Number 11 ????
Everyone looked at Yuro as to see if he was paying attention he was he looked at them sighed and said "fine I'll join to like I'm going to go anywhere else after all I have to protect my Sister and I guess that means I don't have a choice "????
Tao: ok so you can be RK Number 13????
Yuro: um why 13 what about 12?????
Tao: ooh um well it's so you can be Lucky 13 ????
Yuro: that's unlucky 13 you got it wrong ????
Tao: huh what ooh ya its getting late Muzaka and Ash should be getting back and Seira and Regis we should finish up ????
Yuro:.... your trying to ignore me ????
Tao:.... ????
Frankenstein: well now that you all are officially part of "Tao's little group" we can all talk about details later is there anything that happened while I was in Lukdonia that I should know about? ????
Takeo: um well...????
Frankenstein: what is it? ????
About then Seira and Regis walked in it was just them everyone guessed that Shinwu and the other kids had went on home as they walked up Regis noticed everyone standing around he wondered if something was wrong but decided not to ask Seira headed into the kitchen to start Dinner
Frankenstein:..... hmm go on Takeo tell me what happened ????
Takeo: ooh ok well on our hunting trip we got attacked by another Dragon ????
Regis: WHAT? ..... ( he glanced at Willow then back to the others) ????
Frankenstein: well it seems no one got hurt so what happened?????
Takeo: well Taush got there just in time the other Dragon was scared off then well Leo came saying that Warlocks were not allowed there unless he gives permission we worked things out then came back here ????
Frankenstein: hmm ok this Leo sounds interesting anyways Takeo you should head to your room and get some sleep you need it ????
Takeo: hmm alright ????
Frankenstein: Tao you look tired as well did you not sleep well last night? ????
Tao: ooh um well I slept some ????
Frankenstein:... that's not what I asked ????
Tao: .... ????
Frankenstein: hmm well maybe we should try a sedative again Although last time didn't seem to do what we wanted hmm ????
Willow: um Mr. Chairman ????
Frankenstein: yes Willow ????
Willow: just Chloroform him????
Regis: .....????
Frankenstein: hmm that actually might work ????
Tao:... wait is that what you did to me I thought I had a weird taste in my mouth when I woke up at your place ????
Willow: umm ya sorry ????
Frankenstein: hmm and you just happened to have Chloroform on hand ????
Willow: actually ya ☺️
Yuro: that's her modification ????
Frankenstein: hmm well that's interesting ????
Yuro: it's not perfect shes quite unstable so she don't use it very much because she could accidentally kill someone ????
Tao: but you used it on me????
Frankenstein: well I could take a look at her and see what I can do after all you guys are officially part of RK now so as your Boss and Doctor I will set up days for each of you to have check ups ????
Willow: ooh you don't have to?????
Ozzie: what do you mean by each of you?????
Frankenstein: well I already did a full check up on Nikko so that leaves you 3 ( he pointed at Willow, Ozzie and Yuro) you 3 are now under my care got it ????
Willow: ... um ok ????
Yuro: ..... ????
Ozzie:.... but..... I ....don't ????
Frankenstein: GOT IT ????
Ozzie: umm ya ????
Frankenstein: ok so Tao lets go to the lab I will set you up with some Chloroform so you can rest meanwhile how about we do a check up on you Willow as you are unstable with your power I'll message you two when I'm ready for you alright ????
Muzaka and Ash walked in just then Ash was smiling she ran up to Frankenstein hugging him saying "Daddy I had a great day " ????
Frankenstein: that's wonderful to hear sweet heart ????
Ash: we are going to hatch Chickens the Teacher even let Grandpa have one he picked the biggest one we even got to name them ????
Frankenstein: really what did you name yours ?????
Ash:... mine I picked the smallest one because its going to be small and Dangerous I Named her Willow ????
Willow: ooh Ash I hope I can meet it when it's hatched ????
Ash: of course and Grandpa named his after the strongest woman he ever met ????
Frankenstein: ooh and who would that be ????
Ash: um I'm not sure but her name is Liz????
Muzaka: yep anyways who are the newcomers? ????
Frankenstein: ohh this is M21'S Sister Ozzie ????
Muzaka: hmm ... ( he walked over to M21 swung his arm around his neck) So a Sister huh should I treat her like a Daughter ????
M21: no and get off ( he shook Muzaka's arm off)????
Muzaka: ohh don't be like that to your dear old Dad ????
M21: WHAT...????
Muzaka: what ???????
M21: you are not my Father don't say that ????
Muzaka: well technically no I'm not but see that dosen't mean that I won't protect you as if you were ????
M21: urg .... no one asked you to ????
Frankenstein: M21 watch your temper and Muzaka lay off ????
Ozzie: umm are you saying that this is the warewolf Muzaka?????
Muzaka: well ya it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you ????
Frankenstein: Muzaka this here is Nikko hes a Warlock ????
Muzaka:..... a Warlock huh well it's nice to meet you young man ????
Nikko: .... ????
Frankenstein: ooh and this here is Yuro ????
Muzaka: hmm wait didn't he work for Crombell you know that one one that followed me around for a bit ????
Frankenstein: twin brother now that you have met everyone I have some stuff to tend to you mind keeping a eye on stuff up here ????
Muzaka: sure ...????
Takeo: ya just take it elsewhere ????
Taush went over and grabbed the Elephant type creature and flew off when Takeo turned around to see the others Willow and Nikko were back by a tree with shocked looks on their faces and Ozzie was standing by M21. Takeo sighed and said " like I said before it's best to stay close to us" ????
Ozzie: Stay close???? That Dragon would have killed you if Taush didn't come back and you want us to stay close to you ????
M21: it would be more dangerous if you wondered off like we said this is a different Dimension you have no idea how crazy things are here ????
Willow and Nikko walked over to M21 and Ozzie standing right behind Ozzie
Willow: Um will that Dragon come back? ????
Takeo: probably not Taush seemed to scare it off ????
Ozzie: Probably???? How long until you can open a portal I want to bring Nikko back now ????
Takeo: ooh well Taush is almost done then we can????
About then a big crash hit right behind Takeo it took everyone by surprise as they all turned to see what had dropped there Nikko sensed a energy and hid behind Ozzie as the dust settled down a man's figure stood up as it got clear both Takeo and M21 shifted a bit nervous at the newcomer Ozzie and Willow noticed this Willow couldn't understand why and just kept staring Ozzie took this as a bad sign and started glaring at this man when he started walking towards them stopping a few feet away from Takeo looking right at him he asked " so where is that house wrecking beast of yours "
Meanwhile at Ash's Kindergarten they where all doing well as the Teacher announced that they would be doing something special today as she brought in a box with Chicken eggs in it she pointed to a corner of the room and said "see that its called a incubator does anyone know what that is ?"???? a few hands shot up including Ash and Muzaka
Teacher: hmm Jinnah what do you think the Incubator does ? ????
Jinnah: um does it Bait Ink ?????
Teacher: no sweetheart what made you come up with that ?????
Teacher: ooh i see well that is not the case anyone else want to guess ?????
Ash and Muzaka both raised their hands along with one other girl
Teacher: hmm Chelsea how about you ?????
Chelsea: um its a heater to hatch eggs or keep living things warm ????
Teacher: that is correct so now who can guess why we would need the Incubator ?????
a bunch of the kids raised their hands and both Ash and Muzaka were mixed in with them
Teacher: how about you Ash ?????
Ash: its for the eggs the Chicken eggs i think we are going to try hatching them????
Teacher: yes that is correct so now that we know what the special thing we will be doing today is who wants to pick out their Egg first ?????
Teacher: hmm how about .... ( as the Teacher looked around Muzaka started waving his hand getting excited hoping that she would pick him) hmm Muzaka ????
Muzaka: YESSS he stood up as he walked up to pick his egg ????
Teacher: what one would you like ????
Muzaka: hmm ... ( he looked at all of the Eggs and decided) that one ????
Teacher: ok so tell the class why you picked it and what you will be naming it and use one of the markers here to write the name on it ????
Muzaka: ooh so we get to name them how cool ok so I picked this one because it looks to be bigger than the rest I can tell it is going to be a strong one hmm and I think I will name it Liz after the strongest Woman I have ever met ????
Teacher: hmm that's sweet ok who's next how about Ash ????
Ash: ok ..... I want this one because it's the smallest small and Dangerous hmm and I'll name it ......
Meanwhile at Frankenstein's house Tao walked into the living room and noticed that nobody was there he looked at the note on the counter that stated where everyone had went he sighed and looked around again this time he noticed someone else walking down the stairs it was Karis
Tao: ooh um well they all seemed to have things to do so it's just you and me here ????
Karis: ooh hmm ok you seem exhausted are you sure you don't want to go rest I can watch over the house ????
Tao: no no that's ok I'll be fine ????
Karis: hmm ... alright so what do we do?????
Tao: well I guess we do whatever we want as long as we keep a eye on the house ????
Tao: .... hmm ????
Back in Takeo Forrest
Takeo:... umm well hes Eating right now ????
Takeo:..... haha um well he's well his name is Leo ????
Leo: who brought the Warlock?????
M21: is there a problem with Warlocks being here? ????
Leo: Warlocks are not allowed here unless I allow them to be or are here with someone who I trust ????... so I will ask you again who brought the Warlock ????
Takeo:... ( well I can't really blame him for not trusting us after all I don't trust him soo) I did ???? I'm sorry I didn't know
Leo: hmm fine as long as you leave and next time ask ????
Ozzie:.... what if we don't ????
Leo: .... ????
About then Taush came flying down landing a little bit away from Takeo he looked around seeing Leo glaring at him and popped into his Lizard form and ran to Takeo climbing up his back to his shoulder
Taush: what the heck is he doing here? ????
Takeo: .... ( hes here because of Nikko I guess) ????
Taush: ..... ooooh ya I forgot about that ????
Takeo: ... ( really Taush you knew about this ) ????
Taush: .... I was really hungry and didn't think about it sorry ????
Leo: ooh look its Taush the house wrecking beast ????
Taush: ooh look its Leo the Crazy overreacting Demon ????
Takeo: .... ( Taush your lucky he cant hear you ) ????
Leo: well now that he's finished Eating and I hope he didn't leave a mess ... you guys can leave but before you do tell me why did the Warlock use power? ????
Takeo: ooh we were attacked by another Dragon ????
Leo: so the Warlock used power on this other Dragon? By any chance was this Dragon a Light Dragon ?????
Willow: he didn't use any power he was about to but stopped because he's injured ????
Leo: he ??? ????
Willow: yes Nikko he's the Warlock your talking about ????
Nikko: ..... (he side glanced at Willow thinking why is she standing up for him he wondered for a moment then thought she seemed very familiar but maybe it's just the Red hair)????
Leo: ..... ( he starred at Willow and Ozzie for a moment then sighed after sensing Nikko behind Ozzie) ooh I see he's hiding behind that one ????
Takeo: umm ya I thought you knew and yes the other Dragon was a Light Dragon at least that's what Taush said ????
Leo: well I hope you guys didn't hurt her as that very well could start a war with the Light Dragons and Warlock you can stop hiding ????
Ozzie: his name is Nikko alright ????
Nikko: .... ( he moved out of behind Ozzie and looked at Leo) ????
Leo: hmm hes just a child .... well I guess I will let it go this time just be sure to ask next time ok .....(he looked at Nikko) and where are your parents ? ????
Nikko: ..... ????
Ozzie: hes a mute and he doesn't know because he's been in the Union or on the run from the Union his whole life ????
Leo: hmm well then who is responsible for him?????
Ozzie: I am ????
Leo: and who's responsible for you ????
Ozzie: why you .... ????
M21: I am ...????
Ozzie: what.... ????
Leo: hmm ok I'll hold you responsible for them so if they cause problems it's you I'll come for got it ????
M21: hmm ok ????
Takeo: um ok so I have a question ????
Leo: what is it? ????
Takeo: well you said if that other Dragon got hurt it would cause a war???? What do you mean by that? Taush says its not hurt so you don't have to worry but I was just curious ????
Leo: ooh that Dragon is well you could say shes a Princess of the light Dragons see her mom has asked a few people to try and catch her as she is rebelling and causing some problems but she doesn't want her hurt of course anyways I have things to do so I must get going ????
Takeo: ooh ok we will be leaving as well sorry about this and we will be sure to let you know next time ok ????
Leo: hmm ya ya ooh and tell Tao I said hi ????
Leo took off he was fast so he looked like he just disappeared everyone just stood there for a few minutes Takeo and M21 wondered why he said to say hi to Tao maybe he was still mad about sending the Villagers to his place .....
Takeo: hmm let's head home ..... Taush open a portal to Frankenstein's house ????
At Frankenstein's house Tao and Karis decided to play some card games while they waited for everyone to get back they played several different games but at the moment they were playing Go Fish when the portal appeared and Willow, Nikko, Ozzie, M21 and Takeo with Taush came in right when Tao said "Go Fish "
Karis: awe darn you never have what I need hmm ooh hey guys ????
Tao: ooh you guys are back let's take a break Karis just for a little while ok ????
Karis: ok sure ..... ooh I'm sorry I haven't met you two yet I'm Karis Bluster it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you ooh here a Flower for a beautiful lady ????⚘
Ozzie:... umm thanks I'm Ozzie this is Nikko ????
Nikko:..... ????
Tao: ooh right forgot that you guys haven't met ????
Takeo: ooh Tao umm Leo says Hi .... ????
Tao:..... What ??? Why ???? Hahaha did he seem mad ? ????
M21: actually he didn't when he said that ????
Tao: why does that make me feel worse ????
Takeo:..... he might be still upset about before anyways I need to check on Frankenstein and Rai (Taush open a portal to Frankenstein now)????
Taush opened it and it was in the lord's castle so as soon as it appeared everyone in Frankenstein's house could hear the commotion going on they could see Central knights running around and Ludis as well he was saying "Please Sir Raizel just stop" there also was a bunch of crashes and bangs Karis walked through to see what was going on when he looked around the Castle looked like a mess he was about to say something when Frankenstein walked up
Frankenstein: ooh great maybe one of you guys can help ????
Karis: umm what is happening??? ????
Frankenstein: well this old picky man here decided to see if Raizel could walk ????
Gechutel: um well I didn't know he would do this ????
Everyone in Frankenstein's house realized what was happening and it was Willow who walked through the portal and looked around then said in a soft voice "Rai" ???? at that Rai appeared right in front of Willow holding his hands up to her as a silent plead for her to pick him up she did he hugged her and smiled then looked at Frankenstein with a smile and Frankenstein's irritation melted away ???? he couldn't be upset with his little Master looking so adorable ???????? he sighed and smiled back
Frankenstein: well that works ????
Gechutel: Frankenstein who is this ??????
Lacera: yes I would like to know that as well? ????
Frankenstein: ooh this is Willow shes the Babysitter I was telling you about shes quite good with him ????
Lacera: oh yes I recall you saying something about this hmm it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you Miss Willow you may call me Lacera .... may I ask how you did that ? ????
Willow: ooh I just called him I didn't really do anything and it's nice to meet you as well ????
Lacera: Frankenstein next time you come for a Visit you should bring this Willow with you ????
Frankenstein: haha yeah I will ???? and next time the picky old man won't be allowed to hold him ????
Gechutel: ... ????
Willow: .... ????
Lacera: well until next time you take care Sir Raizel ( she patted Rai on his head )????
Frankenstein: ok shall we get going ????
Frankenstein walked into the portal and right behind him was Willow who was holding Rai and right behind her was Karis after they came back Takeo nodded at Gechutel and Lacera as to say goodbye then told Taush to close the portal everyone was looking at Frankenstein when he sighed
Frankenstein: what is it that's on you minds? ????
Willow: umm Lacera and the old man they were Nobles right? ????
Frankenstein: yes ????
Willow: ooh ok ????
Frankenstein: hmm so anymore questions?????
Ozzie: umm I have one ????
Frankenstein: well what is it? ????
Ozzie: well I was just wondering why everyone was calling him Sir Raizel? And if my suspicions are correct how exactly did that happen?????
About then the door bell rang M21 walked over and looked at the screen then push the buŧŧon to open the door a few moments later the door opened and Yuro walked in M21 thought he must be here to check on Willow before they could walk into the living room from the front hallway a wall of blue Flames blocked their way
M21: .....????
Yuro: ...????
Nikko was holding his hands up to hold the wall of flames in place he looked terrified everyone else was staring at him not sure what he was doing
Ozzie: Nikko what are you doing stop right now ????
Nikko: .... ????
Willow: your still injured it's ok we won't let anything happen to you ok????
Frankenstein: hmm I think I get it now ..... Nikko this is my House remove those flames NOW before something gets burned ????
Nikko: .... ( he pulled the flames away as they disappeared his hands dropped to his side as he started shaking a bit )????
As the flames disappeared Ozzie looked at M21 and glanced over to see Yuro standing next to him this all happened quite fast as Ozzie grabbed for her gun and pulled it out before she got it fully out M21 moved standing right in front of Yuro
M21: Ozzie put the gun away ????
Ozzie: move ????
M21: no ????
Frankenstein: Ozzie I'm going to say this only one time Put that gun away ????
Everyone: ...... ( they all could feel Frankenstein's evil aura)????????????????????????
Ozzie: ... ( she put the gun away ) ????
Frankenstein: now that that's done just so you understand this is not Yuri this is his Twin Brother Yuro ????
Ozzie: ....????
Nikko: ..... ( he looked at Yuro and hesitated a bit then walked over to him grabbed his left arm looking at him again then shoved his sleeve up revealing his forearm there was nothing on it ..... he then let go grabbed his notebook and wrote in it then showed it to Yuro) Sorry...????
Yuro: ... umm it's fine ????
Willow: Mr. Chairman I think we do need a explanation ????
Frankenstein looked at Willow who was standing behind him holding Rai as he did he saw Rai with a much smaller version of his blood wings out Frankenstein gasped then said " Raizel you put those away "????
Rai: mm hm ( he shook his head)????
Frankenstein: put them away now ????
Rai: mm hm ( shaking his head again) ????
Willow: Rai you should listen you could hurt someone ????
Rai: .... ( he looked at Willow then at Frankenstein then let the blood wings disappear then smiled) ????
Frankenstein: hmm I'm going to have to make him something to prevent this from happening again ????
Everyone: ....... ????????????????????????????????
Frankenstein: right well since the secret is out I will explain but just so everyone is clear if any of this information leaves this group with out me giving the ok I'll be sure to hunt you down myself GOT IT ????
Nikko: ..... ( hmm even if I was being tortured by someone I wouldn't say anything after all i was tortured for several years and didn't make a sound.....he looked at Frankenstein and nodded)????
Willow:... of course I would never say anything ( I couldn't live with my self if something would happen to Rai because of me)????
Yuro: umm I'm not sure what is going on here but could I just leave and come back later????
Frankenstein: no you need to hear this as well ????
Yuro: ... hmm ????
Frankenstein: what's wrong are you worried that you can't keep this a secret ????
Yuro: nn no I'm not saying that ????
Ozzie:... ( she looked at M21 and Whispered to him what if we were getting tortured and accidentally slipped)????
M21:...(Whisper) he still would come after you so if that happened just be sure to say anything else but that or just die it would be better to die by the Union than him????
Ozzie: .... right ????
Frankenstein: hmm ok so how should I start hmm well first Ozzie your suspicions are correct Rai here is Cadis Etrama Di Raizel the Noblesse as for why hes a baby that is because he died????
Ozzie: how does that make any sense him being a baby if he died ??????
Frankenstein: hmm well have you ever wondered how Reincarnation works?????
Willow: ooh so he was Reincarnated I think I get it now but why did he die ? ????
Frankenstein: good question hmm to answer this I'll just say he saved the world of course ????
Ozzie: umm ok but how did he die ? I mean he is the Noblesse that means hes the strongest among the world so ??? ????
Frankenstein: your right he is the strongest but see everytime Master uses his powers he uses his life span I'm not sure why or how this happens but that is why I will do anything to prevent him from using his powers and to protect him if you want to know why the others in RK decided to do the same you will have to ask them for yourselves ????
Willow: umm why did you call him Master?????
Frankenstein: hmm that's because he is ... see before he was Reincarnated as a baby I made a contract with him I wont tell you guys everything but I wont hide it either ????
Willow: ...ok ????
Nikko: .... ( he wrote out on his note book and showed it to Frankenstein) when he pulled out his wings just a moment ago did that use some of his life force? ????
Frankenstein: ... I'm afraid so I plan on making something that will suppress his powers so this doesn't happen again so you don't have to look so worried ????
Willow looked at the note that Nikko wrote along with Ozzie they both realized what Frankenstein was talking about
Willow: oh no that's why you looked so upset when he did that .... Mr. Chairman I'll try harder to make sure he doesn't do that ok ????
Frankenstein: Willow your kind but I know incidents like this are bound to happen even before Master was to generous with his powers he would not hesitate to use his powers to save anyone of you here now knowing that the cost would be his own life force ????
Ozzie: why.... why would he do something like that ????
Frankenstein: well I think you will have to ask him that when hes back to his normal self also just so everyone knows Masters Reincarnation is special he had his memories stored elsewhere so he doesn't remember ofcourse that will return to him as soon as he gets to about 18 in looks he also will be growing fast like 2 years or so in a month that's why it's crucial that I keep him safe until hes back to normal if the Union finds out about this they would not stop attacking us because Master is weak you guys understand now ????
Willow: Tao ????
Tao: huh ... what ??????
Willow: yesterday you gave me a RK Number I think it was 9 I want to properly accept it from here on out I'm going to do my best to protect Rai ????
Tao: ohh haha ok ????
Ozzie: hmm well you might as well count me in as well I'm not going anywhere and I wont let anyone hurt him after all he did save my Brother ????
Tao: ooh hmm ok you can be RK Number 10 ????
Nikko:... ( he walked over to Tao tapped him on the arm and pointed to himself)????
Tao: ok ok you can be RK Number 11 ????
Everyone looked at Yuro as to see if he was paying attention he was he looked at them sighed and said "fine I'll join to like I'm going to go anywhere else after all I have to protect my Sister and I guess that means I don't have a choice "????
Tao: ok so you can be RK Number 13????
Yuro: um why 13 what about 12?????
Tao: ooh um well it's so you can be Lucky 13 ????
Yuro: that's unlucky 13 you got it wrong ????
Tao: huh what ooh ya its getting late Muzaka and Ash should be getting back and Seira and Regis we should finish up ????
Yuro:.... your trying to ignore me ????
Tao:.... ????
Frankenstein: well now that you all are officially part of "Tao's little group" we can all talk about details later is there anything that happened while I was in Lukdonia that I should know about? ????
Takeo: um well...????
Frankenstein: what is it? ????
About then Seira and Regis walked in it was just them everyone guessed that Shinwu and the other kids had went on home as they walked up Regis noticed everyone standing around he wondered if something was wrong but decided not to ask Seira headed into the kitchen to start Dinner
Frankenstein:..... hmm go on Takeo tell me what happened ????
Takeo: ooh ok well on our hunting trip we got attacked by another Dragon ????
Regis: WHAT? ..... ( he glanced at Willow then back to the others) ????
Frankenstein: well it seems no one got hurt so what happened?????
Takeo: well Taush got there just in time the other Dragon was scared off then well Leo came saying that Warlocks were not allowed there unless he gives permission we worked things out then came back here ????
Frankenstein: hmm ok this Leo sounds interesting anyways Takeo you should head to your room and get some sleep you need it ????
Takeo: hmm alright ????
Frankenstein: Tao you look tired as well did you not sleep well last night? ????
Tao: ooh um well I slept some ????
Frankenstein:... that's not what I asked ????
Tao: .... ????
Frankenstein: hmm well maybe we should try a sedative again Although last time didn't seem to do what we wanted hmm ????
Willow: um Mr. Chairman ????
Frankenstein: yes Willow ????
Willow: just Chloroform him????
Regis: .....????
Frankenstein: hmm that actually might work ????
Tao:... wait is that what you did to me I thought I had a weird taste in my mouth when I woke up at your place ????
Willow: umm ya sorry ????
Frankenstein: hmm and you just happened to have Chloroform on hand ????
Willow: actually ya ☺️
Yuro: that's her modification ????
Frankenstein: hmm well that's interesting ????
Yuro: it's not perfect shes quite unstable so she don't use it very much because she could accidentally kill someone ????
Tao: but you used it on me????
Frankenstein: well I could take a look at her and see what I can do after all you guys are officially part of RK now so as your Boss and Doctor I will set up days for each of you to have check ups ????
Willow: ooh you don't have to?????
Ozzie: what do you mean by each of you?????
Frankenstein: well I already did a full check up on Nikko so that leaves you 3 ( he pointed at Willow, Ozzie and Yuro) you 3 are now under my care got it ????
Willow: ... um ok ????
Yuro: ..... ????
Ozzie:.... but..... I ....don't ????
Frankenstein: GOT IT ????
Ozzie: umm ya ????
Frankenstein: ok so Tao lets go to the lab I will set you up with some Chloroform so you can rest meanwhile how about we do a check up on you Willow as you are unstable with your power I'll message you two when I'm ready for you alright ????
Muzaka and Ash walked in just then Ash was smiling she ran up to Frankenstein hugging him saying "Daddy I had a great day " ????
Frankenstein: that's wonderful to hear sweet heart ????
Ash: we are going to hatch Chickens the Teacher even let Grandpa have one he picked the biggest one we even got to name them ????
Frankenstein: really what did you name yours ?????
Ash:... mine I picked the smallest one because its going to be small and Dangerous I Named her Willow ????
Willow: ooh Ash I hope I can meet it when it's hatched ????
Ash: of course and Grandpa named his after the strongest woman he ever met ????
Frankenstein: ooh and who would that be ????
Ash: um I'm not sure but her name is Liz????
Muzaka: yep anyways who are the newcomers? ????
Frankenstein: ohh this is M21'S Sister Ozzie ????
Muzaka: hmm ... ( he walked over to M21 swung his arm around his neck) So a Sister huh should I treat her like a Daughter ????
M21: no and get off ( he shook Muzaka's arm off)????
Muzaka: ohh don't be like that to your dear old Dad ????
M21: WHAT...????
Muzaka: what ???????
M21: you are not my Father don't say that ????
Muzaka: well technically no I'm not but see that dosen't mean that I won't protect you as if you were ????
M21: urg .... no one asked you to ????
Frankenstein: M21 watch your temper and Muzaka lay off ????
Ozzie: umm are you saying that this is the warewolf Muzaka?????
Muzaka: well ya it's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you ????
Frankenstein: Muzaka this here is Nikko hes a Warlock ????
Muzaka:..... a Warlock huh well it's nice to meet you young man ????
Nikko: .... ????
Frankenstein: ooh and this here is Yuro ????
Muzaka: hmm wait didn't he work for Crombell you know that one one that followed me around for a bit ????
Frankenstein: twin brother now that you have met everyone I have some stuff to tend to you mind keeping a eye on stuff up here ????
Muzaka: sure ...????
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