"..." So that was it. Finally, his identity was not a secret anymore. He couldn't, nor he had the intention to blame his disciple for revealing it. His anger was genuine, as well as justified.

Archer, Thutmose III, could not believe what his eyes were seeing. He never felt such a d.e.s.i.r.e to murder someone like this until now. Previously, he wanted to kill Seth with everything he had got. That didn't stem from hatred, but from wanting to relieve him from his suffering. However, now his mind was focused on ending with the existence that degraded his Teacher to such a state.

The person he respected the most has turned into a mere mortal. It was not what he wanted at all! He wanted to prove himself. To show him that he was strong enough to accomplish what Seth expected of him!

But now—Now what he saw was not his Teacher. He was not the God he admired. He was not the God he wanted to kill. A shadow of the past is what he was.

Fujimaru's Servants had a similar reaction, but for a different reason. As soon as the words "Dark God Seth" left Archer's mouth, they immediately turned hostile against him. Mash positioned herself in front of her Senpai, EMIYA pointed his bow at him, and Zhuge Liang was ready to perform any Magecraft necessary.

Seth's Servants didn't fall behind, though. Sanson pointed his sword at Caster while Altera did the same with Artemis, who just joined the other side to makes things even. She didn't honestly care for anything happening right now. Euryale, despite not being his Servant, also pointed her bow at EMIYA. Asterios was in a similar situation as Artemis, but if the Middle Sister decided to protect the black-haired man, he would do the same. Stheno just covered her mouth with a harmless smile, but her eyes focused on both Fujimaru and Mash told them that she was also going to act if they tried anything funny.

Drake's head was starting to hurt. She didn't know what side to take, nor she understood what was going on with all this. The development was just way too fast!

It seemed today was the enemy's lucky day. Without doing a single thing, the Chaldeans were going to fight among themselves.

"...Seth. A Divine Spirit of Ancient Egypt who murdered his brother, Osiris, in cold-blood and usurped his throne and reigned by terrorizing his subjects until his nephew Horus managed to put an end to it thanks to the help from the other Egyptian Gods. Some people believe his myth also inspired Christianity, often comparing him with Satan on several occasions." Romani gave some sort of summary of his story. He couldn't believe he didn't realize sooner about his identity. He had let a terrible beast into his house, one of the most dangerous at that.

"You have some explaining to do." At the slightest sign of movement, the Red Bowman would shoot, no question asked.

"Senpai, please don't leave my side. I will make sure to protect you!" Shielder's priority was Fujimaru's safety, nothing else. If former allies turned enemies, of course, she would feel bad and ask why, but that didn't change her mission of defending her Master. In the heat of the moment, she seemed to have forgotten who were the ones who started this all.

"Silence! Who do you think you are speaking to, you peasants?!" If it wasn't enough with seeing Seth in such a state, he had to stand to hear these people treat him as if he was someone they could question as they pleased.

His Magical Energy rampaged wildly, signaling the level of anger he was feeling. Without warning, he shot five arrows made of pure lightning at incredible speeds. They made an arc, avoiding the ones who were defending Seth and went straight to Fujimaru, Mash, EMIYA, Zhuge Liang, and Artemis.

The speed of those arrows was such that there was no time to react at all. Nothing surprising coming from the man who managed to overcome hundreds of kilometers in a matter of seconds.

However, before they succeeded in hitting their mark, they turned around as if attracted by a magnet and went straight at Seth, who blocked them by summoning a pair of wings from his Griffin form using his Shapeshift Skill.

Even with the additional defense boost, the wings were quick to burn and disappear. Seth, for his part, didn't utter even a single sound of pain. He just looked at Thutmose with disappointment.

"Why?! Why you defend them?! The same! They are the same! The same as those good-for-nothings that slandered your name!" He did not understand; nothing of this made sense. The God he knew would not take their words lying down!

"...Mose. In your rage, you seem to have forgotten what I once told you. Nothing good comes from a moment of rage. More so if it doesn't affect you directly." Seth spoke for the first time since this whole incident started. It was difficult for him to practice what he preached because he lived the grand part of his life differently, but the black-haired man taught Archer from a young age, so it shouldn't be that hard for him, or so he thought.

It wasn't like he didn't appreciate how worried he was for him, but there were limits to that. He didn't just teach him about war and how to wield a bow; he also taught him how to be a King. Contrary to what others might think, he was the fittest to do that. The Egyptian God knew what he did wrong, so he passed on that knowledge to his student as some sort of list of things he shouldn't do.

He would understand if the people in question were thieves because of what happened to his slumbering place. But that wasn't the case with the Chaldeans. The dark-skinned man was truly disrespecting him by attacking the ones behind him in his presence. Seth wasn't in that particular place to enjoy the view. It had a symbolic meaning, and Archer as his student should know that.

That seemed to have gone down the drain, though. Archer was acting more like a kid throwing a tantrum than a King, hence his disappointment.

"..." Thutmose closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. He then spoke to his "companions" who were enjoying the show. "You do whatever you want, but the initial plan still stands. I will be the one to fight him."

"I don't like you two stealing my spotlight, but that's fine. As long as you take care of that guy, the others are easy peasy! Right, comrades?! We just have to go even further beyond!" Blackbeard had plenty of trust in Archer's abilities, and even if he lost, it wouldn't be an immediate thing, so he had enough time to bully the Chaldeans.

"Please stop making references that no one here understands, Captain." Even though Mary asked for it, she knew her words would fall on deaf ears.

"You should do the same as me and focus on your fight. That way, you would forget he even exists." Anne advised her friend with total sincerity. She wanted a rematch with EMIYA, but looking at how things were going, she didn't discard the possibility of him fighting one of his former allies instead of her.

"Try not to die, my friend. Your opponent is giving me bad vibes, and that strange voice classified him as a Divine Spirit, so the more reason to be careful, but I guess you should know that since he was your teacher, don't you?" William Kidd gave a friendly reminder to Archer.

"...The worst enemy is the one you can not see." The dark-skinned man also gave him a reminder, all while casting his gaze on a little plush toy that was sneaking into the ship. He then looked at Altera's back, who was still with her sword pointed at Artemis for a second before disappearing together with Seth.

Saber was visibly confused by what he said. In the end, he took it as some kind of everyday advice more than something for the current situation.

On the Chaldeans; side, they didn't seem to be ready to fight, at least not the real enemy. Despite Seth not being there anymore, the tension between both "teams" was still very much present.

If no one did anything, and quickly, both sides would just destroy one another without Blackbeard and his Servants having to do a single thing.

Fortunately, someone did, and it was the most unexpected person. Fujimaru looked at everyone on this ship. It certainly didn't fill him with joy to see once —And hopefully, still— comrades turning against each other that easily.

"Please, stop." It was not easy to utter those simple words, more so taking into account the tension in the air. Add to that the fact they would act if someone were even to move a muscle. It took a lot of courage.

"Senpai?" Mash turned her head back, not understanding why her Master had said that. Her confusion was shared by the others as well, even the ones on Seth's side.

"Now is not the time to act like everybody has a good side, Master!" EMIYA could see through Fujimaru's intentions. It very much reminded him of his younger self, who thought that everyone deserved salvation.

"I agree with Archer. It is not wise to judge someone based on sentimentalism alone. You have to look at facts, and sorry to say it, but they are not on his favor." Zhuge Liang backed EMIYA up without hesitation.

"I know that. That's why let me ask you this. Hasn't Kuro—Hasn't Seth helped us until now? Hasn't he always saved us when the situation got too much to handle for ourselves? Seth took on the most dangerous Servants all by himself. Even now, he took the hit that Archer threw at us" Fujimaru started calmly with his words, but eventually, he became bolder.

"To begin with, if it weren't for him warning us from that attack, we wouldn't even be here! Besides, don't we have an example of myth not being a hundred percent accurate here?! Just look at Artemis, how does she relate to her mythological version?!" The young man even included the white-haired Goddess in his example. Using her for this particular situation was an outright win in the discussion.

"Wait, what do I have to do with this?!" Was this a thing you were supposed to say to your allies?!

"What about you, Artemis? Didn't you say you admired him?" Fujimaru seemed to be in some sort of adrenaline rush, so he kept going, totally ignoring her question.

"Well, of course! He killed his brother when he discovered her wife had been unfaithful with him. I would do the same if some harlot tried to do that with my darling, that's why I admire him!" Okay, he was an idiot for even asking. The fault is all his. And what's with that expression she had right now? It's seriously scary.

"Cough...Anyway, the point is, I won't judge him by what he has done IF he had done it. I will only do so with what I see of him now." With an apparent fake cough, Fujimaru tried to convey his feelings. If Seth were here, he would have called him an idiot because his way of thinking was still the same. That said...he at least would say thanks.

This behavior from him didn't just surge out of nowhere. Because there was one thing, one thing no one, not even Seth knew. Only he and Cu Chulainn did.

In reality, Fujimaru was already aware of Seth's identity for a long time.

(A/N: I was going to post two chapters today, but I lost a bet with Salt_Empress that I would not get Skadi, and I did, so now I have to write another chapter. I should seriously stop making bets, but at least I can leave you guys with another cliff! You will have three chapters on Sunday—Hopefully :) On another note, did Fujimaru redeem himself? What do you guys think? Like, comment, and subscribe)

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