A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 13 - The Appearance of The Saint
In a throne room, there was a woman in black armor. She had short blond hair, golden eyes and pale skin like that of a dead corpse. Next to her, a big man with fish-like eyes and a strange robe observed as the woman started a strange chant.
By the looks of it, it was a summoning one because after finishing, five figures appeared. The eyes of these figures seemed to shine with madness, though.
As the five people appeared in front of her, the woman in black armor spoke. "Thank you for answering my call, fellow Servants. I'm your Master. You know the purpose of your summoning, don't you? It is destruction. I want you to destroy everything in front of you."
Deep resentment oozed from the woman, the now summoned Servants just stared at her without saying a word.
Turning towards the man who was quietly seeing the events from the side, she ordered, "Gilles, please bring him here." The man now named Gilles just nodded and went out of the room, moments later he returned dragging a scared priest.
"Wh-What's going on? Who are you, people?! What do you plan to do with me?!" The priest screamed in false bravado.
As he kept screaming, Gilles gave him a kick in his stomach to silence him.
"Oh, Pierre! Bishop Pierre Cauchon! How I have missed you! A day has not gone by when your face has not crossed the mind of Jeanne d'Arc!." The woman spoke as if he was reuniting with an old friend. However, the hate in her voice said something different.
Bishop Pierre's eyes went wide. "No, no, no, no. It can't be! You can't be her!" He screamed as if to comfort himself that this was a dream, that it was not reality.
"I killed you! I thought you burned at the stake, you should be—" He hysterically said before being interrupted by the pale woman.
"—In hell? Maybe I already am." Despite saying such sad things, the woman showed no outward emotions but hate and scorn.
"This is a nightmare, a nightmare!" The Bishop trembled while his eyes started losing their light.
"He started to flee from reality, this won't do. We must snap him out of it." Gilles said with a smile forming on his lips, his tone gentle like he was trying to comfort a child. His tone and actions did not match, though. Again, he kicked the Bishop in the stomach making him recoil in pain.
"What will you do, Your Grace? The witch Jeanne D'Arc is right in front of you. Will you pray to God? Will you insult, trample or scorn me? Tell me, what will it be?" The woman asked the Bishop who was trembling on the ground.
The Bishop started muttering something in a low voice which was gradually getting higher. "Spa—"
The black woman raised an eyebrow. "Spa? Spa what? Did the fear get to you?" she spoke with disdain.
"Spare me!! Please! I will do anything, just spare me!" Tears and snot were falling from his face, making it into a disgusting sight.
"..." Silence. Absolute Silence.
"...Hahahahaha. Did you hear that Gilles?" Jeanne laughed with madness. But soon her laugh faded and was replaced by a hate-filled voice.
"He is telling me to spare him. The man who mocked me and burned me alive, that with kind eyes told me I would be killed. He is asking me to spare him! If this isn't laughable then what is?!"
"Oh...how sad." She continued, "You realize you begged for the forgiveness of a witch, don't you? Your faith is too thin. Begging a witch for their lives is a sin befitting of a Heretic! Now... Do you know the punishment of a Heretic?" She was enjoying the situation, how the little hope the Bishop had was slowly turning into despair.
The priest begged one last time but his pleas fell on deaf ears. "I'm sorry but I ran out of salvation already. Now should we start at your feet?" Jeanne asked as flames formed on her hands before throwing them away at the Bishop's feet.
As his scream filled the room, he heard the voice of Jeanne one last time. "If I was burned by 'Holy Flames' then you will burned by the flames of Hell itself!"
Once his screams receded, only ashes remained. Seeing this, Jeanne turned towards Gilles. "Sorry for taking up your time, Gilles."
Said man just smiled a kind and understanding smile. "What do you mean? This was a necessary punishment. There is nothing to apologize for."
Now, facing her servants, she spoke. "You only need to do trample and destroy this mistake that is France. No matter who you were, now you just need to kill no matter if it is a child or an a.d.u.l.t, no matter religion or gender. Everything you need to do is kill them equally, that will be my only order as your Master. To reach that end, I summoned all of you with Madness Enhancement. "
"Berserker Saber, Berserker Lancer, Berserker Archer, Berserker Rider, Berserker Assasin, Berserker Caster and him, whom I summoned instead of a Berserker and myself." (A/N: The him she is talking about is Fafnir.)
"As this world's Ruler, I shall pass down judgment on Humanity. They have no value for they couldn't prove their love towards our Lord. They are sinners. So we shall kill them all, I won't tolerate a single one escaping!"
Gilles from the side was happy. "Oh Jeanne, you have truly been reborn! Then I too shall rise again as your general! But we need a symbol, our army must have a flag!" He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air and arching his head back a little, causing his eyes to bulge out of their sockets. If any normal people were here, they find suck a sight really creepy.
"Then let's make it a Dragon. By a twist of Fate, the summoning brought forth many Heroic Spirits with close ties to Dragons." Jeanne said after giving it some thought. "In the name of the Dragon, the symbol of catastrophe, we will burn this whole world to the ground. So laugh, laugh like you were enjoying it from the 'bottom of your heart'." She said before falling into a peal of mad laughter.
Waking up, Seth noticed they were in some kind of hill. 'It seems we got sent to the countryside.' He thought. Looking beside him, he saw Fujimaru standing with his eyes closed. It seemed he hadn't woken up yet.
Energy signatures started forming around them, it seemed that Mash and Artoria were going to appear soon.
"Hm?" Setting his gaze to Fujimaru again. He noticed that Fou, the little beast, had followed them. "You sure do love being in the midst of chaos, don't you? What would you gain following them?" He asked the beast in front of him. Different from others, he could see what hid behind that mask of a squirrel that liked to play around. 'Perks of being half-animal I guess...'
"Fou! Fou Fou Fou." (Hmph! I could ask you the same) The beast said to him.
"Fair point." He decided to end the conversation as Fujimaru was waking up just in time as Mash and Artoria materialized.
"It seems we made it safely this time, Senpai." She said before noticing the little white creature. "You are here too, Fou?" She seemed surprised.
"It must have entered one of the coffins." Fujimaru said.
"Right, don't worry. When we are sent back he will return too." Mash affirmed before taking out a device. She made some things with it before turning to the rest of the group.
"It seems the year is 1431. It should be in the middle of the Hundred Years War." She said before pausing as Saber and Seth weren't giving her any attention.
"Um...Is something wrong?" She asked a little timidly. Both just pointed at the sky.
Both Fujimaru and Mash looked at the sky just to see an enormous ring of light covering it. They opened their mouth wide in astonishment.
Dr. Roman's voice interrupted their moment of shock. "Yes, we are connected! The video feed is a bit blurry but it will do." He said before noticing the faces of Fujimaru and Mash. "Huh? What's wrong with you too? Did something happen?" He asked before facing the other Master and Servant, they too were looking at the sky, just that their expression remained the same as always.
Snaping out of it. Mash said, "Wait a minute Doctor, I will send you visuals."
Once Roman saw the ring in the sky, he was surprised. "This is..." Taking a moment to recover from his shock she spoke again. "It seems to be some sort of Magecraft cast over the atmosphere. It seems to be the size of North America. We will analyze it on our end, you guys just concentrate on finding a Leyline."
Mash and Fujimaru nodded, Saber didn't say anything and just followed them. Seth, however, was standing still. He kept his gaze in the ring of light. 'Where have I seen this before...?' He was sure that he had seen this ring in the past. He just didn't remember when or where.
Artoria, noticing he was not following them, shouted at him. "Oi bastard, what are you doing standing there like an idiot? Hurry up!" (A/N: She uses < Kisama > in this sentence.)
Coming out of his trance by Saber's shouting, he just nodded and caught up to them. He was too busy thinking about that ring to fight with her.
Artoria seemed surprised he took her insult without doing anything but she brushed it off.
After walking for twenty minutes, they came across a group of soldiers that seemed to be patrolling the area.
"What should we do? should we make contact?" Mash asked, unsure of what to do.
"Won't it be dangerous?" Fujimaru followed up with another question.
"I think it will be alright. Wait for me here, I will speak to them." Seth said before marching forward. However...
"Wait, I'm sure I can speak with them too. Let me do it!" Mash said before dashing forward. 'Slow down, they will think you are going to attack them'
"Sigh... Do what you want, but make sure to speak in Fr—" "Hello, excuse me. We are travelers...huh?" 'And there she goes speaking English...' Sometimes the d.e.s.i.r.e of the little girl to be useful only brings them trouble.
The eyes of the soldier sharpened. "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" He shouted before unsheathing his sword, followed by the rest of the soldiers.
Just then, the voice of Romani came to make things worse. "Hm? How is it that you are surrounded by soldiers? French elites even!" He asked in surprise. Seth and Artoria looked at Mash with their ever so cold eyes. Said girl just shrunk behind her shield from embarrassment.
"What is that? I hear a strange voice from somewhere! Soldiers, ready your weapons. They are too suspicious!" What looked to be the leader of the group spoke, preparing to engage.
"It would be bad if we hurt the locals, we should just hold them back!" Mash said, gaining a little disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from both Saber and Seth. They were warriors! This was not a defensive battle so they shouldn't fight just to "hold them back"!
Seeing as the situation was going anywhere, Romani said the stupidest thing he has said to date. "Just hit them with the back of your blade, minimize the bloodshed to a minimum."
It was Saber's time to speak, "Me and that guy aside, how do you expect the strange girl to do that with a shield, Romani Archaman?"
Romani just coughed in embarrassment.
"I-I'll think of something. For now, let's fight!" Mash said. Agreeing with her words, Seth and Saber prepared their weapons.
As if reaching a mutual understanding, both sides dashed at each other at the same time. Seth was jumping from place to place, knocking the soldiers in the head with the back of his spear, occasionally hitting them with his fists on their stomach. They were normal soldiers, he didn't have to do much.
Saber was also knocking soldiers left and right with the back of her blade, using the handle from Excalibur from time to time to knock the air out of the attacking soldiers.
Mash was having it the hardest out of the three. She didn't know how to fight properly yet so she couldn't accurately measure how much strength was needed with each blow just to knock them down. Sometimes she hit them too hard they were sent flying with broken bones and sometimes she hit them with little strength making them come closer to hurting her.
Noticing an incoming soldier, Mash rammed her shield against him. What she didn't expect, however, was that the sword of the soldier rebounded back from the impact of the shield. The sword hit the soldier, creating a slash wound on his upper c.h.e.s.t, below the shoulder.
The little girl was shaken at the event. Taking advantage of this, another soldier went for a slash but before he could complete his attack Saber appeared in front of him blocking his sword. Kicking the soldier in the stomach she turned towards the girl, she spoke. "The battlefield has no place for doubts. If your resolve isn't enough you will not only get yourself killed but your Master too, remember that." After saying that, her tone became a little softer. "Just hit them with the side of your shield on their side. That would minimize the damage."
Mash gave her a thankful look before getting back to the fight.
"Oh? I didn't take you for the kind type." An annoying voice came from behind her, Seth was clutching the head of a soldier before throwing him towards another soldier who was approaching from the side.
"Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" Saber asked as she knocked another soldier.
Seth just shrugged his shoulders. "Not at the moment, the fight was pretty boring." He said before looking as Mash defeated the last soldier.
Once it was all finished, Mash couldn't help but complain. "Physical fatigue aside, mental fatigue is really something." Fujimaru nodded at her words.
"Good work, guys!" Romani's words came from the communicator, congratulating them for their job.
"Some soldiers escaped while we were fighting, though..." Mash said in a downcast tone before turning towards Saber and Seth, inquiring softly. "Why didn't you stop them? You could have done that, right?"
"And who was going to guide us to their fort?" Both replied at the same time. They hated to be in synch if the look they were giving each other was anything to go by.
Mash and Fujimaru came to a realization. "Oh! So that is how it was! Then we need to hurry or we will lose them" Mash said ready to start the chase.
"Wait a minute." Seth stopped her in her tracks before going to a soldier that was lying to the side of a tree. It was the same soldier that was wounded when Mash impacted his blade with her shield.
He put one leg on top of the soldier's stomach to prevent the floundering that was going to come. Raising his finger, a small flame was formed at the tip. Slowly, he started to move his finger on top of the wound, being careful to not burn healthy skin tissues.
The soldier who was unconscious woke up screaming in pain, he tried to move but was held in place by Seth's foot.
Once he was finished cauterizing the wound, the soldier had fainted again because of the pain. By this point, the smell of charred meat floated in the air, making Mash and Fujimaru a little sick.
"Well, this is enough. A crude work but at least it stopped the bleeding." Seth said, removing his foot from the unconscious soldier.
"Oh? I didn't take you for the kind type." Saber repeated the same words he had said to her. Seth just gave her the middle finger.
After the events, they finally started running to where the soldiers had retreated.
Making sure they maintained a safe distance, the group kept this up for fifteen minutes before seeing a fort at the distance...no. This wasn't a fort anymore, just ruins are what was left.
As they got close to the fort, a soldier at the gates stopped them preparing to fight.
This time Mash made sure to speak in French. "Bonjour, We are travelers. Please put down your weapon, monsieur."
"You are not...the enemy?" The soldier seemed relieved and let his sword fall to the ground. Seth and Artoria frowned seeing this but made no outward comment.
"That seemed a bit easy. Maybe they became more rational? Or..." Roman whispered to avoid alerting the soldier before Saber continued his sentence, "...they don't have the will to fight."
The Shielder Servant then decided to press for more information. She asked if King Charles VII hadn't signed a peace treaty with England yet, to which the soldier responded that the King was dead, burned to death by the Evil Witch flames.
"Burned? By the Evil Witch's flames?" She asked, perplexed.
The soldier sighed, recalling the events. Fear was present in his voice. "It's Jeanne D'Arc, she has risen again from the dead as the 'Dragon Witch'." The soldier said.
"England retreated long ago, but where can we run to? This is our home and there is nothing we can do." He added with sadness.
"Jeanne D'Arc is a witch...?" Mash couldn't believe it, according to historical records, she was a Saint. Even if history wasn't always right, proven by Artoria's gender, there was no way a Saint could be a witch!
Suddenly, the soldier released a scream. "Here! They are here!" Along with his shout, skeletons soldiers started appearing from every direction.
"This time it's just undead, you can go as wild as you want!" Romani said to them.
Without waiting for a signal, all dashed to help the soldiers fight against the army of undead. As there was no reason to hold themselves back this time, the fight was over in a minute.
The soldier from before approached them, relief clear on his face. "I can't believe you took those skeletons on by yourselves. Thanks for the help"
"We are kinda used to fight them at this point. Anyway, can you explain the situation from the start? Is it true that the Saint has been resurrected?" Fujimaru asked.
The soldier nodded. "Yes, her hair and skin color are different but she is definitely Saint Jeanne. I was there when she was burned at the stake. But...she was resurrected and formed a pact with the Devil!"
"The Devil?" Mash asked, surprised.
Just then, multiple roars came from the sky.
"Here they are! Soldiers, engage them. If you don't resist, the Dragons will eat you!" The soldier shouted to the others who were resting after the battle with the skeletons.
"Those are...!!" Mash and Fujimaru were astonished.
"Wyverns..." Saber said, setting her gaze into the sky. Hundreds of Wyverns plagued the sky so much that was difficult to see its blue color.
"Master, this time we have to respond with full force. This is nothing compared to those bones earlier!" Mash said gritting her teeth.
Saber jumped to the top of a roof and then to the back of a Wyvern. Stabbing it, he jumped to the back of another repeating the same process.
Meanwhile, Seth threw his spear through the air, piercing the neck of five Wyverns in succession before it faded into sand, returning to his hand.
As Mash didn't really have a method to counter aerial enemies she stayed behind attacking the occasional Wyvern that came flying down to bite a soldier.
This was maintained for a while before a voice resounded on the battlefield.
"Soldiers, douse yourself with water, that way you can at least protect against their flames if only a little!" A blond woman in blue armor with her hair tied into a braid carrying a flag made her appearance. Turning towards another soldier, she spoke again. "You there! Please pick up your weapon and fight! Follow me!" She said as she raised her flag in the air with a valiant air around her.
It seems the Saint has arrived.
By the looks of it, it was a summoning one because after finishing, five figures appeared. The eyes of these figures seemed to shine with madness, though.
As the five people appeared in front of her, the woman in black armor spoke. "Thank you for answering my call, fellow Servants. I'm your Master. You know the purpose of your summoning, don't you? It is destruction. I want you to destroy everything in front of you."
Deep resentment oozed from the woman, the now summoned Servants just stared at her without saying a word.
Turning towards the man who was quietly seeing the events from the side, she ordered, "Gilles, please bring him here." The man now named Gilles just nodded and went out of the room, moments later he returned dragging a scared priest.
"Wh-What's going on? Who are you, people?! What do you plan to do with me?!" The priest screamed in false bravado.
As he kept screaming, Gilles gave him a kick in his stomach to silence him.
"Oh, Pierre! Bishop Pierre Cauchon! How I have missed you! A day has not gone by when your face has not crossed the mind of Jeanne d'Arc!." The woman spoke as if he was reuniting with an old friend. However, the hate in her voice said something different.
Bishop Pierre's eyes went wide. "No, no, no, no. It can't be! You can't be her!" He screamed as if to comfort himself that this was a dream, that it was not reality.
"I killed you! I thought you burned at the stake, you should be—" He hysterically said before being interrupted by the pale woman.
"—In hell? Maybe I already am." Despite saying such sad things, the woman showed no outward emotions but hate and scorn.
"This is a nightmare, a nightmare!" The Bishop trembled while his eyes started losing their light.
"He started to flee from reality, this won't do. We must snap him out of it." Gilles said with a smile forming on his lips, his tone gentle like he was trying to comfort a child. His tone and actions did not match, though. Again, he kicked the Bishop in the stomach making him recoil in pain.
"What will you do, Your Grace? The witch Jeanne D'Arc is right in front of you. Will you pray to God? Will you insult, trample or scorn me? Tell me, what will it be?" The woman asked the Bishop who was trembling on the ground.
The Bishop started muttering something in a low voice which was gradually getting higher. "Spa—"
The black woman raised an eyebrow. "Spa? Spa what? Did the fear get to you?" she spoke with disdain.
"Spare me!! Please! I will do anything, just spare me!" Tears and snot were falling from his face, making it into a disgusting sight.
"..." Silence. Absolute Silence.
"...Hahahahaha. Did you hear that Gilles?" Jeanne laughed with madness. But soon her laugh faded and was replaced by a hate-filled voice.
"He is telling me to spare him. The man who mocked me and burned me alive, that with kind eyes told me I would be killed. He is asking me to spare him! If this isn't laughable then what is?!"
"Oh...how sad." She continued, "You realize you begged for the forgiveness of a witch, don't you? Your faith is too thin. Begging a witch for their lives is a sin befitting of a Heretic! Now... Do you know the punishment of a Heretic?" She was enjoying the situation, how the little hope the Bishop had was slowly turning into despair.
The priest begged one last time but his pleas fell on deaf ears. "I'm sorry but I ran out of salvation already. Now should we start at your feet?" Jeanne asked as flames formed on her hands before throwing them away at the Bishop's feet.
As his scream filled the room, he heard the voice of Jeanne one last time. "If I was burned by 'Holy Flames' then you will burned by the flames of Hell itself!"
Once his screams receded, only ashes remained. Seeing this, Jeanne turned towards Gilles. "Sorry for taking up your time, Gilles."
Said man just smiled a kind and understanding smile. "What do you mean? This was a necessary punishment. There is nothing to apologize for."
Now, facing her servants, she spoke. "You only need to do trample and destroy this mistake that is France. No matter who you were, now you just need to kill no matter if it is a child or an a.d.u.l.t, no matter religion or gender. Everything you need to do is kill them equally, that will be my only order as your Master. To reach that end, I summoned all of you with Madness Enhancement. "
"Berserker Saber, Berserker Lancer, Berserker Archer, Berserker Rider, Berserker Assasin, Berserker Caster and him, whom I summoned instead of a Berserker and myself." (A/N: The him she is talking about is Fafnir.)
"As this world's Ruler, I shall pass down judgment on Humanity. They have no value for they couldn't prove their love towards our Lord. They are sinners. So we shall kill them all, I won't tolerate a single one escaping!"
Gilles from the side was happy. "Oh Jeanne, you have truly been reborn! Then I too shall rise again as your general! But we need a symbol, our army must have a flag!" He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air and arching his head back a little, causing his eyes to bulge out of their sockets. If any normal people were here, they find suck a sight really creepy.
"Then let's make it a Dragon. By a twist of Fate, the summoning brought forth many Heroic Spirits with close ties to Dragons." Jeanne said after giving it some thought. "In the name of the Dragon, the symbol of catastrophe, we will burn this whole world to the ground. So laugh, laugh like you were enjoying it from the 'bottom of your heart'." She said before falling into a peal of mad laughter.
Waking up, Seth noticed they were in some kind of hill. 'It seems we got sent to the countryside.' He thought. Looking beside him, he saw Fujimaru standing with his eyes closed. It seemed he hadn't woken up yet.
Energy signatures started forming around them, it seemed that Mash and Artoria were going to appear soon.
"Hm?" Setting his gaze to Fujimaru again. He noticed that Fou, the little beast, had followed them. "You sure do love being in the midst of chaos, don't you? What would you gain following them?" He asked the beast in front of him. Different from others, he could see what hid behind that mask of a squirrel that liked to play around. 'Perks of being half-animal I guess...'
"Fou! Fou Fou Fou." (Hmph! I could ask you the same) The beast said to him.
"Fair point." He decided to end the conversation as Fujimaru was waking up just in time as Mash and Artoria materialized.
"It seems we made it safely this time, Senpai." She said before noticing the little white creature. "You are here too, Fou?" She seemed surprised.
"It must have entered one of the coffins." Fujimaru said.
"Right, don't worry. When we are sent back he will return too." Mash affirmed before taking out a device. She made some things with it before turning to the rest of the group.
"It seems the year is 1431. It should be in the middle of the Hundred Years War." She said before pausing as Saber and Seth weren't giving her any attention.
"Um...Is something wrong?" She asked a little timidly. Both just pointed at the sky.
Both Fujimaru and Mash looked at the sky just to see an enormous ring of light covering it. They opened their mouth wide in astonishment.
Dr. Roman's voice interrupted their moment of shock. "Yes, we are connected! The video feed is a bit blurry but it will do." He said before noticing the faces of Fujimaru and Mash. "Huh? What's wrong with you too? Did something happen?" He asked before facing the other Master and Servant, they too were looking at the sky, just that their expression remained the same as always.
Snaping out of it. Mash said, "Wait a minute Doctor, I will send you visuals."
Once Roman saw the ring in the sky, he was surprised. "This is..." Taking a moment to recover from his shock she spoke again. "It seems to be some sort of Magecraft cast over the atmosphere. It seems to be the size of North America. We will analyze it on our end, you guys just concentrate on finding a Leyline."
Mash and Fujimaru nodded, Saber didn't say anything and just followed them. Seth, however, was standing still. He kept his gaze in the ring of light. 'Where have I seen this before...?' He was sure that he had seen this ring in the past. He just didn't remember when or where.
Artoria, noticing he was not following them, shouted at him. "Oi bastard, what are you doing standing there like an idiot? Hurry up!" (A/N: She uses < Kisama > in this sentence.)
Coming out of his trance by Saber's shouting, he just nodded and caught up to them. He was too busy thinking about that ring to fight with her.
Artoria seemed surprised he took her insult without doing anything but she brushed it off.
After walking for twenty minutes, they came across a group of soldiers that seemed to be patrolling the area.
"What should we do? should we make contact?" Mash asked, unsure of what to do.
"Won't it be dangerous?" Fujimaru followed up with another question.
"I think it will be alright. Wait for me here, I will speak to them." Seth said before marching forward. However...
"Wait, I'm sure I can speak with them too. Let me do it!" Mash said before dashing forward. 'Slow down, they will think you are going to attack them'
"Sigh... Do what you want, but make sure to speak in Fr—" "Hello, excuse me. We are travelers...huh?" 'And there she goes speaking English...' Sometimes the d.e.s.i.r.e of the little girl to be useful only brings them trouble.
The eyes of the soldier sharpened. "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" He shouted before unsheathing his sword, followed by the rest of the soldiers.
Just then, the voice of Romani came to make things worse. "Hm? How is it that you are surrounded by soldiers? French elites even!" He asked in surprise. Seth and Artoria looked at Mash with their ever so cold eyes. Said girl just shrunk behind her shield from embarrassment.
"What is that? I hear a strange voice from somewhere! Soldiers, ready your weapons. They are too suspicious!" What looked to be the leader of the group spoke, preparing to engage.
"It would be bad if we hurt the locals, we should just hold them back!" Mash said, gaining a little disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from both Saber and Seth. They were warriors! This was not a defensive battle so they shouldn't fight just to "hold them back"!
Seeing as the situation was going anywhere, Romani said the stupidest thing he has said to date. "Just hit them with the back of your blade, minimize the bloodshed to a minimum."
It was Saber's time to speak, "Me and that guy aside, how do you expect the strange girl to do that with a shield, Romani Archaman?"
Romani just coughed in embarrassment.
"I-I'll think of something. For now, let's fight!" Mash said. Agreeing with her words, Seth and Saber prepared their weapons.
As if reaching a mutual understanding, both sides dashed at each other at the same time. Seth was jumping from place to place, knocking the soldiers in the head with the back of his spear, occasionally hitting them with his fists on their stomach. They were normal soldiers, he didn't have to do much.
Saber was also knocking soldiers left and right with the back of her blade, using the handle from Excalibur from time to time to knock the air out of the attacking soldiers.
Mash was having it the hardest out of the three. She didn't know how to fight properly yet so she couldn't accurately measure how much strength was needed with each blow just to knock them down. Sometimes she hit them too hard they were sent flying with broken bones and sometimes she hit them with little strength making them come closer to hurting her.
Noticing an incoming soldier, Mash rammed her shield against him. What she didn't expect, however, was that the sword of the soldier rebounded back from the impact of the shield. The sword hit the soldier, creating a slash wound on his upper c.h.e.s.t, below the shoulder.
The little girl was shaken at the event. Taking advantage of this, another soldier went for a slash but before he could complete his attack Saber appeared in front of him blocking his sword. Kicking the soldier in the stomach she turned towards the girl, she spoke. "The battlefield has no place for doubts. If your resolve isn't enough you will not only get yourself killed but your Master too, remember that." After saying that, her tone became a little softer. "Just hit them with the side of your shield on their side. That would minimize the damage."
Mash gave her a thankful look before getting back to the fight.
"Oh? I didn't take you for the kind type." An annoying voice came from behind her, Seth was clutching the head of a soldier before throwing him towards another soldier who was approaching from the side.
"Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" Saber asked as she knocked another soldier.
Seth just shrugged his shoulders. "Not at the moment, the fight was pretty boring." He said before looking as Mash defeated the last soldier.
Once it was all finished, Mash couldn't help but complain. "Physical fatigue aside, mental fatigue is really something." Fujimaru nodded at her words.
"Good work, guys!" Romani's words came from the communicator, congratulating them for their job.
"Some soldiers escaped while we were fighting, though..." Mash said in a downcast tone before turning towards Saber and Seth, inquiring softly. "Why didn't you stop them? You could have done that, right?"
"And who was going to guide us to their fort?" Both replied at the same time. They hated to be in synch if the look they were giving each other was anything to go by.
Mash and Fujimaru came to a realization. "Oh! So that is how it was! Then we need to hurry or we will lose them" Mash said ready to start the chase.
"Wait a minute." Seth stopped her in her tracks before going to a soldier that was lying to the side of a tree. It was the same soldier that was wounded when Mash impacted his blade with her shield.
He put one leg on top of the soldier's stomach to prevent the floundering that was going to come. Raising his finger, a small flame was formed at the tip. Slowly, he started to move his finger on top of the wound, being careful to not burn healthy skin tissues.
The soldier who was unconscious woke up screaming in pain, he tried to move but was held in place by Seth's foot.
Once he was finished cauterizing the wound, the soldier had fainted again because of the pain. By this point, the smell of charred meat floated in the air, making Mash and Fujimaru a little sick.
"Well, this is enough. A crude work but at least it stopped the bleeding." Seth said, removing his foot from the unconscious soldier.
"Oh? I didn't take you for the kind type." Saber repeated the same words he had said to her. Seth just gave her the middle finger.
After the events, they finally started running to where the soldiers had retreated.
Making sure they maintained a safe distance, the group kept this up for fifteen minutes before seeing a fort at the distance...no. This wasn't a fort anymore, just ruins are what was left.
As they got close to the fort, a soldier at the gates stopped them preparing to fight.
This time Mash made sure to speak in French. "Bonjour, We are travelers. Please put down your weapon, monsieur."
"You are not...the enemy?" The soldier seemed relieved and let his sword fall to the ground. Seth and Artoria frowned seeing this but made no outward comment.
"That seemed a bit easy. Maybe they became more rational? Or..." Roman whispered to avoid alerting the soldier before Saber continued his sentence, "...they don't have the will to fight."
The Shielder Servant then decided to press for more information. She asked if King Charles VII hadn't signed a peace treaty with England yet, to which the soldier responded that the King was dead, burned to death by the Evil Witch flames.
"Burned? By the Evil Witch's flames?" She asked, perplexed.
The soldier sighed, recalling the events. Fear was present in his voice. "It's Jeanne D'Arc, she has risen again from the dead as the 'Dragon Witch'." The soldier said.
"England retreated long ago, but where can we run to? This is our home and there is nothing we can do." He added with sadness.
"Jeanne D'Arc is a witch...?" Mash couldn't believe it, according to historical records, she was a Saint. Even if history wasn't always right, proven by Artoria's gender, there was no way a Saint could be a witch!
Suddenly, the soldier released a scream. "Here! They are here!" Along with his shout, skeletons soldiers started appearing from every direction.
"This time it's just undead, you can go as wild as you want!" Romani said to them.
Without waiting for a signal, all dashed to help the soldiers fight against the army of undead. As there was no reason to hold themselves back this time, the fight was over in a minute.
The soldier from before approached them, relief clear on his face. "I can't believe you took those skeletons on by yourselves. Thanks for the help"
"We are kinda used to fight them at this point. Anyway, can you explain the situation from the start? Is it true that the Saint has been resurrected?" Fujimaru asked.
The soldier nodded. "Yes, her hair and skin color are different but she is definitely Saint Jeanne. I was there when she was burned at the stake. But...she was resurrected and formed a pact with the Devil!"
"The Devil?" Mash asked, surprised.
Just then, multiple roars came from the sky.
"Here they are! Soldiers, engage them. If you don't resist, the Dragons will eat you!" The soldier shouted to the others who were resting after the battle with the skeletons.
"Those are...!!" Mash and Fujimaru were astonished.
"Wyverns..." Saber said, setting her gaze into the sky. Hundreds of Wyverns plagued the sky so much that was difficult to see its blue color.
"Master, this time we have to respond with full force. This is nothing compared to those bones earlier!" Mash said gritting her teeth.
Saber jumped to the top of a roof and then to the back of a Wyvern. Stabbing it, he jumped to the back of another repeating the same process.
Meanwhile, Seth threw his spear through the air, piercing the neck of five Wyverns in succession before it faded into sand, returning to his hand.
As Mash didn't really have a method to counter aerial enemies she stayed behind attacking the occasional Wyvern that came flying down to bite a soldier.
This was maintained for a while before a voice resounded on the battlefield.
"Soldiers, douse yourself with water, that way you can at least protect against their flames if only a little!" A blond woman in blue armor with her hair tied into a braid carrying a flag made her appearance. Turning towards another soldier, she spoke again. "You there! Please pick up your weapon and fight! Follow me!" She said as she raised her flag in the air with a valiant air around her.
It seems the Saint has arrived.
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