A Not So Evil God In Fate/Grand Order
Chapter 45 - An Expected Victory
As Seth watched the lightning descend on the enemy, he turned his head in a certain direction. 'It's been ten seconds, and I didn't get incinerated, or a solar beam came my way, I guess I worried for nothing.' On one side, he felt glad, and on the other, he felt lost.
Unaware to him, on an isle in the same direction he was looking to, a 'little girl' with violet-colored hair tied up in a twin-tail, a white dress, and a strange halo behind her back noticed his presence the moment he used his Authority.
"Oh~? Another Divine Spirit. Don't you find it interesting, Elizabeth, Tamamo Cat?" With a voice that was as elegant as it was graceful, she asked two other girls beside her.
"I don't care! I just want to know how do you expect me to perform a live concert if no one comes here!" Elizabeth complained while waving her microphone around.
A weird glint flashed through Tamamo Cat's eyes before she laughed. "Ahahaha. I want a carrot."
Stheno shook her head at both of their answers. "You just need to complete the cave, that's all I ask of you." She lightly laughed with her hand covering her mouth.
Elizabeth had a shiver go down her spine. "Hmph! It's effortless for an idol like me." She said no more and went to explore the isle, being with the violet-haired girl gave her goosebumps.
"Tamamo Cat, you need to wait on the cave." She said to the girl with a cat costume, but a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt could be heard on her voice.
"Ahahaha. I'm getting sleepy." As always, her words didn't make sense. However, the girl in the white dress didn't mind at all.
"Fufu...now, we just need to wait for a hero to come." For a second, a sadistic smile formed on her face. Whoever was unfortunate enough to come here, it wouldn't end up well for them.
Returning to the battlefield, The United Empire's army was losing soldiers every second. Ironically, this worked in their favor. As the loss of soldiers happened mainly on the backline, it forced them to advance more each time and, in consequence, get farther and farther from the storm.
Seeing this happening, Seth decided to stop throwing lightning on them. This time, he opted for causing a downpour. Taking advantage of it, he created a heavy fog that obscured their vision.
Just when the soldiers thought the Gods were not angry at them anymore, a heavy rain assaulted them, followed by a dense fog. This posed a great problem, especially to archers, as they couldn't see where to shoot.
"Damn it! What did we do to offend the Gods? Does Mars and Bellona¹ not favor us anymore?" One Soldier couldn't help but shout with an injustice-filled tone.
"Shut up! We don't need Gods when we have the Emperors on our side. You just need to kill those bastards and nothing more!" A Commander yelled at the soldier from before.
Similar situations were happening in every part of the battlefield where the fog was forming.
'This will be enough for now. If I use my Noble Phantasm, I will just end up destroying not only the battlefield but Rome too.' He wasn't aware of it at first because the talk with Cu Chulainn had occupied his whole mind, but now that was alone and didn't have any distractions, he noticed one more chain broke.
'If I'm correct, the chains will break the moment a knot of my past is undone, or I'm driven to overcome my limits. One less mystery, I suppose. Still, who would have thought that my first Noble Phantasm will be related to that thing? I guess you can never escape what people see you as.' The only thing Seth could do at the absurdity of the situation was to shake his head in helplessness.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, the Servants continued their destruction.
"Man, he sure is torturing their minds like there is no tomorrow." Cu Chulainn said as he bombarded the enemy with fire released from his runes.
"But wouldn't that fog cause our own archers to miss the target?" Mash asked, unsure if this was working totally in their favor.
"You don't have to worry about that, our archers only need to aim at the fog, and they will kill an enemy, while theirs can't measure the distance, meaning they can be hitting an ally if they are not careful. Of course, the option of shooting at the maximum range is possible, and while that has a higher chance to hit an enemy, they don't know if their allies are near." Caster explained the young girl. However, he didn't mention the fact that fighting an 'invisible' enemy is something that sooner or later will diminish their morale. They are watching as their allies die without knowing if the enemy is suffering the same fate.
"As expected of a legendary hero!" Mash couldn't help but praise Caster and, at the same time, feel a little inferior. That was to be expected, though. She was just a normal human until recently, so she didn't have any knowledge of how a single thing, for more minuscule it may be, can affect the whole curse of war.
"I appreciate the compliment, but you should save it for yourself, I already heard too many of them in my lifetime." Cu Chulainn said with a light laugh as vines sprouted from the ground, trapping some soldiers who were later finished off by their own.
"S-Sorry... Still, this battle looks like it will take a while." After apologizing, Mash commented with Fujimaru agreeing beside her. "Right."
"That's how a battle in a war is. It can take a day or even months to finish. However, this is not a normal battle. There are Servants involved. I'm guessing if they don't retreat and we don't go out of our way to end it, it will probably be over by tomorrow afternoon." He analyzed as he looked around.
Martha was mounted on Tarasque a bit far from them, no matter how many soldiers slashed at it or how many archers shot arrows at it, no damage was done. In a sense, it was an unstoppable killing machine, although she didn't enjoy the death of the enemies before her...probably.
Kiyohime was burning her enemies with her blue flames, and she seemed to be enjoying it. For her, it was kind of ther.a.p.eutic. She was using them to relieve her frustrations.
Jeanne and Jalter, miraculously, were fighting side by side. Although Jalter was laughing with incredible happiness as she burned her enemies to a crisp, even their allies were staying away from her. Jeanne, for her part, took on a more supportive role, she was concentrating more on minimizing their losses than attacking. "Could you please don't laugh? Even if they are enemies, they are still children of God." Jeanne asked, a little perturbed by her counterpart's actions.
"God doesn't exist, you dimwit. If I had to believe in a God, then that would be Master, he can punish his enemies as your supposed God does it." Oh, that look! She couldn't get enough of that look! Denying her 'heavenly father' in front of her was so enjoyable, it could be considered her little p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.
"I know you stopped believing, but that doesn't mean he doesn't exist." Jeanne glared at Jalter, even if it didn't look menacing due to her nature.
"Hahaha! I couldn't expect less from an idiot, believing in something you cannot see." Jalter just laughed her glare off and mocked her.
Knowing that it was pointless to argue about God with her, especially being aware of her origin, she just sighed and returned her concentration to the battle before her; she would still give her a piece of her mind later, though.
While those two were having their discussions, Lancelot was slaughtering his enemies left and right. Everywhere he passed, he would leave only destruction on his wake. He had a black rod with red markings on it on his right hand and on his left, he used different weapons he took from fallen soldiers, be it swords, spears or axes.
Similar to Jalter's case, his allies stayed away from him. Not surprising, considering he had already killed soldiers on his side when they got in his way. "Grrhhhhrrrhhgg!" With a strange howl-like shout, Lancelot jumped from his position before falling on a zone repleted by enemies. However, instead of attacking, they were frozen in fear. Not minding their reaction, the Black Knight resumed his killing spree on them.
Meanwhile, Vlad was pleased with how the battle was going. He must admit, it felt refreshing to lead an army again. He looked at the overall situation from atop a mound of corpses of enemy soldiers who were daring enough to get close to him.
At the start, the soldiers were doubtful of his abilities to command them into battle. It was understandable since he was someone unknown to them, but orders were orders, so they complied. This preconception, however, changed slowly over time as the battle advanced. The tactics he used were revolutionary to them. This came to no surprise as he was from an era one thousand and four hundred years in the future.
'I can't believe not involving myself in battle to preserve my Vassal's Magical Energy worked in my favor.' Vlad thought with a small smirk on his face, having people look at you with respect and admiration instead of screaming 'Vampire!' with torches on their hands was undoubtedly preferable.
The United Empire's soldiers couldn't keep up anymore, so, reluctantly, they decided to retreat by the time the sky turned dark, and the moon made its presence known.
Seeing the retreating forces, Vlad ordered the soldiers to chase them but not too far. He was well aware that there could be a trap awaiting them, so he was satisfied with taking some more enemy lives and nothing more.
After that was done, Berseker ordered the cheering soldiers to return to the city and take a well-deserved rest. When they entered Rome, they were greeted by a happy populace that despite being night, decided to come to the streets to receive the victorious soldiers.
Different from them, the Chaldeans decided to reunite outside the walls.
"Good work, you all! That was splendid, now you can relax for the moment. I don't think the enemy will send another attack for the time being." Romani congratulated them once they were all together, including Seth.
"Thanks, Doctor. By the way, did you detect any signs of a mage hiding in the enemy lines?" Mash first thanked Dr. Roman before asking a question that was very important to them.
Releasing a sigh, he shook his head. "We didn't detect anything. If he was there then he was well hidden."
"I see..." Shielder looked at the ground with a little disappointed. Seeing her like this, Jeanne put a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Mash. There is still a chance of finding that man called Lev here, don't lose hope."
You could see the expression of disgust Jalter had at Jeanne's words from two kilometers away.
Meanwhile, Martha agreed with her words. "That's right, as long as you don't lose hope anything is possible."
"That's right, I promise we will find him and make him pay for what he did to Director Olga." Fujimaru, in a rare moment of seriousness, reassured her.
"Senpai...!" Her expression brightened upon hearing his words.
Caster and Jalter were trying hard not to laugh at her obvious favoritism. And even Seth's usually emotionless expression was at the point of breaking.
"Ahem... You should go to Emperor Nero first and inform her of the battle before going to sleep, I'm sure she will be pleased to know of your victory." Dr. Roman said to them after a fake cough to call their attention.
"As an Emperor, she should have been informed already of our victory. Still, we have to go there so she can assign a room for my Vassal to rest." Vlad interjected with a calm voice.
"I suppose you are right...ahaha." Romani laughed with a little embarrassment in his tone. "Anyways, we can discuss more things tomorrow. For now, be sure to get some sleep." And with that, he cut communication.
Complying with his words, the group went to the castle in the middle of the city. The next day will probably be more hectic than today, they needed to be prepared.
Unaware to him, on an isle in the same direction he was looking to, a 'little girl' with violet-colored hair tied up in a twin-tail, a white dress, and a strange halo behind her back noticed his presence the moment he used his Authority.
"Oh~? Another Divine Spirit. Don't you find it interesting, Elizabeth, Tamamo Cat?" With a voice that was as elegant as it was graceful, she asked two other girls beside her.
"I don't care! I just want to know how do you expect me to perform a live concert if no one comes here!" Elizabeth complained while waving her microphone around.
A weird glint flashed through Tamamo Cat's eyes before she laughed. "Ahahaha. I want a carrot."
Stheno shook her head at both of their answers. "You just need to complete the cave, that's all I ask of you." She lightly laughed with her hand covering her mouth.
Elizabeth had a shiver go down her spine. "Hmph! It's effortless for an idol like me." She said no more and went to explore the isle, being with the violet-haired girl gave her goosebumps.
"Tamamo Cat, you need to wait on the cave." She said to the girl with a cat costume, but a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt could be heard on her voice.
"Ahahaha. I'm getting sleepy." As always, her words didn't make sense. However, the girl in the white dress didn't mind at all.
"Fufu...now, we just need to wait for a hero to come." For a second, a sadistic smile formed on her face. Whoever was unfortunate enough to come here, it wouldn't end up well for them.
Returning to the battlefield, The United Empire's army was losing soldiers every second. Ironically, this worked in their favor. As the loss of soldiers happened mainly on the backline, it forced them to advance more each time and, in consequence, get farther and farther from the storm.
Seeing this happening, Seth decided to stop throwing lightning on them. This time, he opted for causing a downpour. Taking advantage of it, he created a heavy fog that obscured their vision.
Just when the soldiers thought the Gods were not angry at them anymore, a heavy rain assaulted them, followed by a dense fog. This posed a great problem, especially to archers, as they couldn't see where to shoot.
"Damn it! What did we do to offend the Gods? Does Mars and Bellona¹ not favor us anymore?" One Soldier couldn't help but shout with an injustice-filled tone.
"Shut up! We don't need Gods when we have the Emperors on our side. You just need to kill those bastards and nothing more!" A Commander yelled at the soldier from before.
Similar situations were happening in every part of the battlefield where the fog was forming.
'This will be enough for now. If I use my Noble Phantasm, I will just end up destroying not only the battlefield but Rome too.' He wasn't aware of it at first because the talk with Cu Chulainn had occupied his whole mind, but now that was alone and didn't have any distractions, he noticed one more chain broke.
'If I'm correct, the chains will break the moment a knot of my past is undone, or I'm driven to overcome my limits. One less mystery, I suppose. Still, who would have thought that my first Noble Phantasm will be related to that thing? I guess you can never escape what people see you as.' The only thing Seth could do at the absurdity of the situation was to shake his head in helplessness.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, the Servants continued their destruction.
"Man, he sure is torturing their minds like there is no tomorrow." Cu Chulainn said as he bombarded the enemy with fire released from his runes.
"But wouldn't that fog cause our own archers to miss the target?" Mash asked, unsure if this was working totally in their favor.
"You don't have to worry about that, our archers only need to aim at the fog, and they will kill an enemy, while theirs can't measure the distance, meaning they can be hitting an ally if they are not careful. Of course, the option of shooting at the maximum range is possible, and while that has a higher chance to hit an enemy, they don't know if their allies are near." Caster explained the young girl. However, he didn't mention the fact that fighting an 'invisible' enemy is something that sooner or later will diminish their morale. They are watching as their allies die without knowing if the enemy is suffering the same fate.
"As expected of a legendary hero!" Mash couldn't help but praise Caster and, at the same time, feel a little inferior. That was to be expected, though. She was just a normal human until recently, so she didn't have any knowledge of how a single thing, for more minuscule it may be, can affect the whole curse of war.
"I appreciate the compliment, but you should save it for yourself, I already heard too many of them in my lifetime." Cu Chulainn said with a light laugh as vines sprouted from the ground, trapping some soldiers who were later finished off by their own.
"S-Sorry... Still, this battle looks like it will take a while." After apologizing, Mash commented with Fujimaru agreeing beside her. "Right."
"That's how a battle in a war is. It can take a day or even months to finish. However, this is not a normal battle. There are Servants involved. I'm guessing if they don't retreat and we don't go out of our way to end it, it will probably be over by tomorrow afternoon." He analyzed as he looked around.
Martha was mounted on Tarasque a bit far from them, no matter how many soldiers slashed at it or how many archers shot arrows at it, no damage was done. In a sense, it was an unstoppable killing machine, although she didn't enjoy the death of the enemies before her...probably.
Kiyohime was burning her enemies with her blue flames, and she seemed to be enjoying it. For her, it was kind of ther.a.p.eutic. She was using them to relieve her frustrations.
Jeanne and Jalter, miraculously, were fighting side by side. Although Jalter was laughing with incredible happiness as she burned her enemies to a crisp, even their allies were staying away from her. Jeanne, for her part, took on a more supportive role, she was concentrating more on minimizing their losses than attacking. "Could you please don't laugh? Even if they are enemies, they are still children of God." Jeanne asked, a little perturbed by her counterpart's actions.
"God doesn't exist, you dimwit. If I had to believe in a God, then that would be Master, he can punish his enemies as your supposed God does it." Oh, that look! She couldn't get enough of that look! Denying her 'heavenly father' in front of her was so enjoyable, it could be considered her little p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.
"I know you stopped believing, but that doesn't mean he doesn't exist." Jeanne glared at Jalter, even if it didn't look menacing due to her nature.
"Hahaha! I couldn't expect less from an idiot, believing in something you cannot see." Jalter just laughed her glare off and mocked her.
Knowing that it was pointless to argue about God with her, especially being aware of her origin, she just sighed and returned her concentration to the battle before her; she would still give her a piece of her mind later, though.
While those two were having their discussions, Lancelot was slaughtering his enemies left and right. Everywhere he passed, he would leave only destruction on his wake. He had a black rod with red markings on it on his right hand and on his left, he used different weapons he took from fallen soldiers, be it swords, spears or axes.
Similar to Jalter's case, his allies stayed away from him. Not surprising, considering he had already killed soldiers on his side when they got in his way. "Grrhhhhrrrhhgg!" With a strange howl-like shout, Lancelot jumped from his position before falling on a zone repleted by enemies. However, instead of attacking, they were frozen in fear. Not minding their reaction, the Black Knight resumed his killing spree on them.
Meanwhile, Vlad was pleased with how the battle was going. He must admit, it felt refreshing to lead an army again. He looked at the overall situation from atop a mound of corpses of enemy soldiers who were daring enough to get close to him.
At the start, the soldiers were doubtful of his abilities to command them into battle. It was understandable since he was someone unknown to them, but orders were orders, so they complied. This preconception, however, changed slowly over time as the battle advanced. The tactics he used were revolutionary to them. This came to no surprise as he was from an era one thousand and four hundred years in the future.
'I can't believe not involving myself in battle to preserve my Vassal's Magical Energy worked in my favor.' Vlad thought with a small smirk on his face, having people look at you with respect and admiration instead of screaming 'Vampire!' with torches on their hands was undoubtedly preferable.
The United Empire's soldiers couldn't keep up anymore, so, reluctantly, they decided to retreat by the time the sky turned dark, and the moon made its presence known.
Seeing the retreating forces, Vlad ordered the soldiers to chase them but not too far. He was well aware that there could be a trap awaiting them, so he was satisfied with taking some more enemy lives and nothing more.
After that was done, Berseker ordered the cheering soldiers to return to the city and take a well-deserved rest. When they entered Rome, they were greeted by a happy populace that despite being night, decided to come to the streets to receive the victorious soldiers.
Different from them, the Chaldeans decided to reunite outside the walls.
"Good work, you all! That was splendid, now you can relax for the moment. I don't think the enemy will send another attack for the time being." Romani congratulated them once they were all together, including Seth.
"Thanks, Doctor. By the way, did you detect any signs of a mage hiding in the enemy lines?" Mash first thanked Dr. Roman before asking a question that was very important to them.
Releasing a sigh, he shook his head. "We didn't detect anything. If he was there then he was well hidden."
"I see..." Shielder looked at the ground with a little disappointed. Seeing her like this, Jeanne put a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Mash. There is still a chance of finding that man called Lev here, don't lose hope."
You could see the expression of disgust Jalter had at Jeanne's words from two kilometers away.
Meanwhile, Martha agreed with her words. "That's right, as long as you don't lose hope anything is possible."
"That's right, I promise we will find him and make him pay for what he did to Director Olga." Fujimaru, in a rare moment of seriousness, reassured her.
"Senpai...!" Her expression brightened upon hearing his words.
Caster and Jalter were trying hard not to laugh at her obvious favoritism. And even Seth's usually emotionless expression was at the point of breaking.
"Ahem... You should go to Emperor Nero first and inform her of the battle before going to sleep, I'm sure she will be pleased to know of your victory." Dr. Roman said to them after a fake cough to call their attention.
"As an Emperor, she should have been informed already of our victory. Still, we have to go there so she can assign a room for my Vassal to rest." Vlad interjected with a calm voice.
"I suppose you are right...ahaha." Romani laughed with a little embarrassment in his tone. "Anyways, we can discuss more things tomorrow. For now, be sure to get some sleep." And with that, he cut communication.
Complying with his words, the group went to the castle in the middle of the city. The next day will probably be more hectic than today, they needed to be prepared.
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